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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/990637-Coronavirus-Is-Destroying-My-Brain-Possibly-Literally
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1300042
All that remains: here in my afterlife as a 'mainstream' blogger, with what little I know.
#990637 added August 13, 2020 at 12:28am
Restrictions: None
Coronavirus Is Destroying My Brain (Possibly, Literally)

It does what now? To the brain? It's an old article. Not surprised I missed it, or got buried in an internet stack of thousands of articles of it's kind

I want to break the internet every time I see another Coronavirus story that make me want to become a hypochondriac. These researchers releasing results before publishing in medical journals make me want to crawl up a wall and sit atop a lampshade. Everybody repeat after me: "Covid19 gives you cooties!" Okay? Class dismissed.

We get it. We don't want to get this virus. If we do, consult a physician, not all of these unsubstantiated articles floating around. Is there a disinformation warfare going on out there in this political season? What is going on, world? We go from hydroxychloroquine as remedy to gotcha! We have the don't wear masks. No, wear masks. Now, we're not allowing masks here, we're mandating masks there. We have some hand sanitizers made with chemicals that could kill you. What's the current count on the number of symptoms associated with the virus? A screener essentially asked me today in one question, 'Do you got it?' 'Nope.' 'Okay, head on in.'

It can affect your heart, your lungs, internal organs, and probably long term or life long. We'll see. If you did get it, well you might get it again. You see, they're not positive, but maybe those immunities are not permanent. More like, they'll last about 12 weeks. Allllssssoooo, if you have the right blood type, Hey, you're less susceptible; the wrong kind, and you're more likely to succumb (sorry A types *Sad*). And, in case you've forgotten: it's airborne, people!

But that's not all...

If you bite on a bullet after an old Western doc ties a bandana around an open wound, letting you've suck down a shot of grain alcohol he used to sterilize, you're still likely to get Covid19. In fact, the last projections has 80% of our country suffering from it before next spring. And, while we're not bunkering like we did before it got this bad, because restaurants gotta make a buck and money makes the world go round, even in a pandemic, I'm sorry, where was I going with this? Yeah, we're screwed!

Gawd Wall Street, take a break! You too, NBA, MLB and NHL. Am I leaving anyone out? I know Vegas suspending betting...on college sports. Do you know if they are taking any bets on Tesla mass producing affordable cars anytime? Hmm? Seriously, we're going to ignore fuel cell tech over plug-in autos that draw energy from coal and nuclear power plants? Well, it's sort of a step in the right direction.

But seriously, to all the agoraphobics, people who got evicted for lack of rent money or street skills, hermits, 20-somethings still shacking up with ma and pa; I feel your pain. Well, not the hermits. I really can't imagine living like that, but maybe writing a really sweet manifesto!

We have western medicine at our side and they're doing the best they can; but WHO fucked up, the CDC got gagged, Donald Trump is playing some kind of disinformation game where he contradicts every position his advisor Dr. Fauci takes. Trump fires like half his cabinet every day but not White House mouth pieces (including Birx) with unquestionable medical degrees posted on every wall wherever they roam for inspection (got a sweet deal at Kinkos, no doubt). They are undeterred in their medical proclamations. What's that all about?

Oh, I'm going to add more to this rant in the morning before I link in newsfeed. Eeeeverybody is going to love me playing WDC ace news hound (yet again) with another insane bit of rambling about our current virus crisis.


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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/990637-Coronavirus-Is-Destroying-My-Brain-Possibly-Literally