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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1300042
All that remains: here in my afterlife as a 'mainstream' blogger, with what little I know.
#992986 added September 10, 2020 at 6:54pm
Restrictions: None
Mister Didn't Have A Choice (still adding/editing)
I encourage you to share this (too) if you agree or disagree, though not much for asserting opinion as much as framing factual information and other's theories...

I don't defend him. I just know how our family handled the Covid19 situation. We prepared a room where my wife could isolate if she got ill working in an environment where the virus could spread. Be damned if she didn't get it, knew instantly she was compromised and for two weeks was sequestered, going through hell with that virus alone.

We advocated all the things people could do to protect themselves: masks, hand-washing, anti-bacterials and isolate. That last one was the most important.

As a nation, we have our government, but as a world that was going through this pandemic at the same time, we had all the governments with all the doctors of the world advising. There wasn't a sound unison of voices at the outset.

It feels China was tight-lipped, but did not hide how they were responding. Information flowed from every direction and what could be used as treatment, including hydroxychloroquine until it became the lightening rod, because the most watched leader in the country and world was taking it.

So how are we to act today? Betrayed? Misled? We had the same information from multiple sources and many people have the right to decide what they should do before states decided fates.

Were people forced home? Yes, mostly, but not all at once. Repercussions like penalties might not have been enforced or were ceremonial, but stories did surface of extreme penalties for people breaking code or curfew. The best any state could do was enforcement, before that was compromised.

Did businesses shut down? Some were resourceful, some had no clue. I think where meat processing plants were concerned, health departments dropped the ball and it raises some eyes. Not all stores enforced masks in the first months until that summer wave and state governments had to step in again and really enforce health rules. There was not a lot of compliance at first until it got real.

Did we have the medical supplies to meet the needs of a country? Some would say no, maybe, but assuredly, it would be supplied eventually. Masks and respirators were big concerns. Many large businesses pledged support, but it would take up to a month to be fully stocked to protect. We were at best, off guard. I think China and other countries had first dibs. AT least, there were resources still available, but availability of N95 masks would be at the top of our weaknesses.

Was testing available? We'd like to think there was. But there is more to it than that. If you can get a test, it has to be administered (and how) and it has to be processed (how and where). And results? A week? It seemed unreasonable and incomprehensible. Tests were needed for sick patients before the public at large, until enough time had passed. This goes to lack of preparation, too.

Did hospitals have the necessary resources? Here is where we get to the meat of the matter. Would people overreact and want to be tested and treated for every little symptom, when there was a strain on hospitals that would overshadow patients who truly needed care over those that were scared. It was the 'you're on your own' statement that applies here best. States would have to figure out that part of the equation because we are so spread out with populated city centers and access by highway or byway. Strategy was best in the hands of state government, where the federal had it's hands full trying to advise and secure an economy that could go in the dumper and pandemonium would be worsen.

After the first market swoon, there was a lot at stake. Our country needed to steer clear of a recession so bad it could've equaled the most famous stock market collapse. That would be more work than a country would have to dig out of (for a decade?). Money from the government was earmarked for people to stay at home and many took good advantage of that, to the point that is could have had a boomerang effect and strap businesses that needed help.

You have to look at the big picture. It's not just about public health. It's about focused health. Testing was limited at first when it was not available. Then, it was focused in areas to trace the disease to focus resources. But, then summer came and so did the idiots who partied and couldn't stay away from holidays or events. And then, riots.

Let's point out that a lot of tests are going to pro sports leagues and more, over a nation at large. NFL, three tests per player, per day. There was a definite drop off in tests available to many hospitals recently. Some are, even now, disregarding employees concerns about spreading the disease after being infected in respective workplaces. It's basically the old military, don't ask, don't tell policy. Hospitals don't want to lose their bread and butter and go back to testing like running a MASH unit. So, those people on the front lines in the beginning who knew and were ready, are still on the front lines and still dealing but even more quietly now about all the risks they face.

If a conspiracy nut, let's put this on the table. Was some or all of this manufactured with an important election year coming? If I were an opponent of the incumbent and knew my only chance to defeat him was to stir the pot, what would you come up with? Are we so naïve to believe that politics played out on both sides of the aisle? And if not, what country or countries could plan this to weaken the United States specifically, a country with a leader who has imposed restricted trade and more? It's all important to consider that many might not have played fair, preying on the weaknesses of the US.

What you need from your parents is somebody strong and willing to act. Our parents made mistakes raising us, but hopefully, with the best intentions. Hopefully, they knew what was most important. To show strength is one thing. To show strength while holding our hands takes great character. We don't have the ability to really choose our parents. There are only two initially, if we're lucky.

We have one parent who wanted to take on the role and did what they thought was best for the family that they foster. Did they make mistakes? I think it's really too soon to tell. As with a trial, you have to get all that information out there, make it official, then decide. Even then, court of public opinion will debate ad nauseum. Get used to it. Politics will rear its ugly head and all stories (the bigger the better) will play out.

Will we ever be totally convinced? I think we have just one court of opinion that could truly weigh in. There is enough time for arguments either way. If everyone gets a chance to speak, then it will be decided. And the fate of one country, and the world, well, that's always going to be in the balance no matter who serves.

I will say this, Dr. Anthony Fauci is a clever man, quietest behind the scenes.


I will continue to check my facts against assertions and I will seek to clarify what I say and illuminate anything I've offered. It's just one person's opinion. I'm not about to sway anyone but ask people who are quick to judgment to consider every bit of evidence and try to place it in that puzzle. It's not easy. It takes some time and devotion to follow public information, events, and with experience, consider what it all means.

These thoughts could get all flipped on their head at any time. What I do know, the media is as big a culprit as anyone in the way it disseminates information for undereducated people to consume and process. We all just want our sports back, don't we? Well, you did get that. I'll leave it at that. Although, if Ayn Rand could weigh in about distracting the public, that would be helpful now. Where are all her fans?


My response to another blog flying below the radar (for preservation):

"Nicely crafted. I shared it with my wife. She gave me context so I could be sure what you alluded to.

Lot more factors than just public health at stake. I wonder how the book quotes will be framed for context. Mr. Know-It-All is not a Mr. Do-Nothing without a reason. I need to hear a good defense, or I have to buy into some conspiracy to mislead...for financial gain? To help the rich? Was he trying to avoid a market collapse? Keep our country solvent? I need a smoking gun, better than those titillating quotes. I need context.

We need another Deep Throat."

I respect all opinions on this subject. My news background prepares me to be as objective as possible. I'm not waving anyone's banner.

© Copyright 2020 Brian K Compton (UN: ripglaedr3 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Brian K Compton has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/992986-Mister-Didnt-Have-A-Choice-still-addingediting