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by Aradne
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1010479
Not interesting at all. Just like me.

In a text-based world, I'm beautiful.

My favorite things in life:

         *waking up from a good dream with that good feeling that comes from good dreams.
         *banana paraphernalia (chips, smoothies, ice cream....)
         *knowing that I am understood.
         *good pens/pencils
         *writing down my thoughts
         *conversations of the deep sort.
         *spending time with those that I love.
         *a cleansing bunch of noise once in a while
         *quiet the rest of the time
         *blogging my lil heart out
         *noticing the little things that generally don't matter.
         *being just a little bit different
         *pretending to be a poser

"You must do the things you think you cannot do."
-Eleanor Roosevelt.

This is straightforwardly me.
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November 27, 2006 at 9:01pm
November 27, 2006 at 9:01pm
It's not cancer. We're not exactly sure what it is, but it's not the scary 'c' word.

I've got 2 more rounds of tests scheduled and another 'informational' appointment.

They found out why I'm bleeding, but they don't know what's causing what causes the bleeding...... *Confused*

Anyone interested in a list of my symptoms?
November 15, 2006 at 5:38pm
November 15, 2006 at 5:38pm
My dearest Aubrey wants to live with me next year. *Bigsmile* And we want a sweet freshman named Angela to live with us too. And I just assume that Liz will be living with us as well. I think that I can handle it... I love the girl, really. I just can't tell her when I'm not happy with her.

Except for last Monday, when I basically stormed out of the apartment. But that doesn't count, because I never actually said anything about it. We should've talked about it. I just can't, that's all.

I'm disappointed. People always let you down, you know? Even up to recently, I'll find people whom I just assume are close to perfect, and when I find out that they are not, I really get sad. I know that I let people down too.
November 15, 2006 at 12:01pm
November 15, 2006 at 12:01pm
i really just want to go home this weekend, but try and try and try as I might, it keeps blowing up in my face.

First, I thought I wouldn't be able to travel back to school on Monday. I called the doctor, and they said that I can take the meds two hours later and therefore drive here without getting sick until later.

Then, my spanish prof said that the only weekend I could rent a camera for my spanish project was this weekend. But I borrowed a camcorder so that I could do it last weekend.

Then, I couldn't find anyone to cover my shifts this weekend. But Mary and Lindsey came to the rescue when they realized that I was stuck.

Then, before I actually started to film, she said that I still had to do it this weekend due to script editing and stuff like that. Then, she relented and offered to help me after class.

Now that I've crammed tons of stuff into this week that I'd normally do on the weekends, I might not get to go home anyway, thanks again to the awful medicines.

When they figure out what's wrong and what to do about it, I'll be a happy Knee.

By the way, I'm a redhead. *Pthb*
November 10, 2006 at 4:57pm
November 10, 2006 at 4:57pm
It doesn't feel like I have any free time anymore. Blah. I jump out of bed in the morning, I grab some portable food and I run to class. Between classes I scramble to finish homework. I then go to a meeting of somekind or another (usually planning, prayer, study or work-related), and then I rush off to work. I go straight to bed after work. Tuesdays are always that way!

Weekends are usually okay, though. My only plans this weekend are:
1. Birthday dinner with my roomies tonight. (Hannah's turning 21 *Gift3* {e:alcohol})
2. God's kitchen tomorrow,
3. a Meijer run,
4.and I'm hosting a chili-cook-off tomorrow night.
5. Church on Sunday
6. My accounting hw/studying for an exam on Monday
7. Meeting at 4
8. Work at 9

And somewhere in there I have to fit the filming of my Spanish project, or I can't go home next weekend. And I've been semi-unstable these past few weeks, and I really want to go home. (That's something that I never say, in case you don't know me very well.)

I think that I'll film after dinner tonight, if i can get someone to take me to Meijer for the tape. Gar.

I didn't even write about my counseling session today.
October 31, 2006 at 4:37pm
October 31, 2006 at 4:37pm
It sounds like I'm really cool right now, because tonight I'm going to Ferris. (Ferris is known to be the biggest party college in Michigan, by the way) But don't worry, I'm not really cool, it just sounds like it. For all the reasons to go to Ferris, the best one is....... Drumroll, please!

I'll give you a hint.

In a minute.......

My school has a particular draw to guys........

But they don't seem to get the picture........

Do you know my biggest perk to going to Ferris yet?

The guy-to-guy ratio! Ah! I'm so sick of being one of the 2s in the 2:1 ratio!!!!

Now that I've been shallow for today....
October 30, 2006 at 10:16pm
October 30, 2006 at 10:16pm
(warning, I'm going to talk about poop...)

I know the stereotypes about college kids: They'll do anything for food, money or beer. But this is ridiculous! I've had 3 meals today, all of them were in the afternoon, they were all decent meals (leftover fettucine alfredo, quesadillas and okay, I forgot, I only ate twice today....). But still, I never used to eat more than once a day, unless it was a quick bowl of cereal in the morning or something.

Normally I avoid medicine and doctors and all such things like the plague. Now that I'm interacting with them on a fairly normal basis, I'm on medicines and things, and now I'm having side-effects. (Yes, I agree that all college kids should be on laxatives, but I miss the relief of pooping a good poop. Sorry if that was too graphic....) One side-effect to laxatives is that you're always hungry!


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"Go Ahead and Ask Me
October 23, 2006 at 11:42pm
October 23, 2006 at 11:42pm
Without too many annoying/gross/boring/needless details:

*Star*Knee is VERY thankful for the upgrade.

*Star*Knee's computer is out of commision, thus limiting the amount of time she spends on WDC.

*Star*Knee is on her third doctor appointment, and sick of being tested. *Sick*

*Star*Knee is falling behind in school, because she has to keep skipping classes to go to doctor appointments.

*Star*Knee is seriously considering changing her major.

*Star*For some reason, Knee is speaking in the third person. Doh.

That's all I (Knee) can think of.
September 29, 2006 at 12:13pm
September 29, 2006 at 12:13pm
(So much for not being dramatic about counseling. That went out the window last night.)

The counselor guy said, "There will be bits of what you told me that will effect you for the rest of your life. How do you feel about that?" And I replied, "Well, that stinks. I've tried to let it go, and I think I have, and then I'll smell something or see something, or something will happen, and it will all come back again." Then Wayne, my counselor (He's got a cool name), backpedalled and said that I wouldn't have to deal with that sort of thing anymore, that that was typical of PTSD, and that could be helped. He meant that I would always remember and that it made me who I was.

It's not, "Wow, I have PTSD." though. It's, "I've got a name for what I've been experiencing for a while now."
September 26, 2006 at 12:09pm
September 26, 2006 at 12:09pm
I have the power to cheer people up.

September 23, 2006 at 12:30pm
September 23, 2006 at 12:30pm
And not even for a particular reason. Just because it was closer than my bed.

I went for a little run last night. That was enjoyable. I messed up my knee (no pun intended) a week ago, so every other step hurt a bit, but all in all it was a good run.

I went to Meijer last night with 3 really good friends; (1)Hannah, who I've lived with for 2 years and who is sorta my best friend. (We discussed last night how we are just circumstantial friends, though. We wouldn't like each other if we had never lived together)

(2)Matt was the second person. I've known him for a few years, as he is one of two people from school that I knew before I came to school. (aka, he's from my hometown.)

and (3) Mary. I met Mary one week ago, but we've really hit it off. It's weird. Last night I told her that we were on the same brave-wength, and she didn't even realize that I hadn't said exactly what I meant. (I've only been like that with Lank before. He really gets me)

So, all four of us have a desire for someone, and it's not-so-secret, so the whole way to Meijer we teased each other. About the time that I was sick of being teased about John, I would say, "Hey Hannah, how about Jeff?!?!?!" and start in on her.

It really was a good night, even though I accidentaly ended up being 30 mins late to work.

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