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Rated: E · Book · Personal · #1074967
A glimpse into my unconventional mind.
A journal is a discovery.

To tell you in this paragraph, details and topics of this blog would be difficult.

So, come by once in a while, kick off your shoes, have 'a cup a', and converse with me. I sure would love to have you.(e:delight}
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March 3, 2006 at 6:12pm
March 3, 2006 at 6:12pm
I love how this website encourages writing! I am off the blog for 1 day, 7 hours and 22 minutes *Laugh* and an email comes in for me to submit an entry.

I'm truly hoping it's because I have such valuable information to share. No seriously, I think it's very cool to be invited to continue no matter what the reason. THANKS*Exclaim*
March 1, 2006 at 4:43pm
March 1, 2006 at 4:43pm
I know, I know! I said the next entry was going to be lighter but I cannot help it. I just started a #7 month (that's numerology). It's all about study, research, contemplation etc etc etc. You know, DEEP *Reading*

I just have to get things out of my head, you see? If my head stays full, things in my mind are bigger than life *Exclaim* Writing or talking with someone is like emptying the recycle bin on your computer. If you didn't do this now and then your computer works slower. Same with me.*Delight*

I am buying a house. Very exciting for sure. But, keeping everything straight, making sure everything is done, even anticipating the enormity of the committment all by myself is very scary. For years I've questioned myself and my ability. Don't get me wrong, I am very social, outgoing, and willing to take chances. It's the times I say, OMG, can I achieve this? Having children has made me more self-assured but, there are major moments, like now.

I've never been terribly organized. In fact, I'd rather play my guitar, write, sing, or play in some way. It isn't that I am incapable, I actually prefer an orgaNIzed environment. It's never been my priority. I usually do what I have to for getting by. My favorite waty to get the whole house clean was to plan a party *Laugh* But I want to be organized in this house, MY HOUSE...

So, being in a 7 month is good. I'll do less socializing, (that's the 3 influence) and more examination of the wording on all the paperwork. Attention to detail is easier in a 7 influence. I guess this is all very good timing after all.

You see? I knew writing it down would work *Exclaim* I feel better already.


February 27, 2006 at 8:39am
February 27, 2006 at 8:39am

I feel very contemplative today. Though, I am usually thoughtful {meaning full of thought) (oh, yeah, I'm nice at times too{e:laugh) there's more intensity. I'm trying a "go with the flow" attitude. Plus, writing it down and getting the garbage out of the brain helps too.

I was taking my daughter to school this AM, noticing other drivers and the expressions on their faces. As mind ramblings do, I started to think about the forces that shaped these people into who they are now. ( Can you believe I think this way let alone at 7:30 in the AM} As this thought went through my mind, I realized it's immensity. If everyone of us has been through various influential experiences to shape (think about that!)} our very nature,why aren't we able to understand, accept and respect each other? I mean, sometimes I just don't get it.

I read in You Can Change Your Life by Louise Hay a quote I won't forget and I think applies to this thought process. "We are all victims of victims" Oh, how true is this statement?! Think about the effect this clarity might have on the world, at large and your own. You couldn't help but be blessed and bless others.

I suppose some of this thinking can be morose. You know, when you start to think about all the different crimes committed against people and why a single person became that way. What happened in their lives to shape their nature in such a warped fashion? How can it be released so they are no longer affected? It seems to often happen that when a person is abused, they abuse. My wish for world peace is that we would all take a moment and remember that the jerk who just cut you off on the highway might have grown up in an angry household. Truthfully, he/she was not given the childhood experience to show them the difference.

Maybe you or I can be the person who doesn't react but thoughtfully responds. You never know, it could make the difference.

But then again, I've always had this problem with a bleeding heart.

I promise to do something light next time. Just needed to get the deep part cleared.


Have a terrific day*baloon2*


February 26, 2006 at 8:54pm
February 26, 2006 at 8:54pm
The show was terrific. Of course my girl wasn't in it enough but she will be eventually. Ego plays such a big part in being an actor (as she now calls herself) and she sure has a large one! *Laugh*

These kids did such a great job! I am amazed at the creativity and tenacity even though I did the same thing at her age. It seems different for some reason. I wonder why? I guess they are kids but, it goes to show you kids deserve way more respect than many people offer them. I knew she was capable but had not seen an effort such as this from her.

She is a remarkable student but this effort comes easily. The process to the end result of putting on a show is strenuous, repetative, lengthy and tiring. The gift upon completion is pride, endurance, wider experience, and most important self-confidence.

Jillian is still on the cloud of accomplishment. She's made new friends, stepped over boundaries and began the development of experience to take her positivly forward in life.

My own experience as the lead in Oliver at 14 changed my perspective forever. I know hers has changed and I look forward to the flower blooming within.

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#1058785 by Not Available.
February 25, 2006 at 4:54pm
February 25, 2006 at 4:54pm
OMG, this has been one hectic day. Work from 12-4 which was so-o busy. I think we're hitting that Criticakl mass time. I better stay on my toes!

Tonight is my 12 year old daughter's play, Annie Get Your Gun. I am so excited for her and proud of this self confident wonder child! Her name is Jillian and though she tests my limits, (which are endless, I think)I believe in her and admire her very much. Not to mention love huh? LOL

Anyway, the whole family will be there with all functioning disfunctions. Which doesn't really make us different from anyone does it? I'll post an update tomorrow and until then...Break A Leg!!!!(Just kidding, you know, that's drama talk for good luck)

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#1058785 by Not Available.
February 24, 2006 at 7:55pm
February 24, 2006 at 7:55pm
What a day *Exclaim*(/c}

I work in an antique shop. This building used to be a lumber yard and hardware store. It's huge! 50,000 sq ft. If you live anywhere near Philadelphia PA it's worth coming out to see us. Otherwise, check out the website! www.thetradingpostdepot.com

Anyway, this is the best job I have ever had.*Thumbsup* Really, *Delight*It gives me plenty of opportunity for creativity, management, sales, and most of all, interacting with people.

It's just my boss and me right now. He's Italian, been in America for 39 years and still has a thick accent. I often ask people if they understand Italian accent. Otherwise, you really would need an interpreter.

Lately, the business is really picking up momentum and it's been very busy. Because it's just Ed and me, I work alot of hours. I keep the website going, take pictures, sell 'stuff' send emails, set up vignettes (you know, little "set up" scenes) and price new items. Sometimes, ok often, I research to get an idea of value and fair pricing. *Reading* The funny thing is, that's what I like about this job.

I like change and this job sure offers plenty! I never get bored. If I get tired of one task there is always something else to get involved with. I do feel very lucky.*Cool*

Background: I quit my corporate position in April of 2005. What a leap of faith! I really didn't know what I was going to do I just knew the corporate thing was not for me. *Yawn* I was a hairstylist for 20 yrs and got into sales corporately for benefits and something new after my divorce. Three yrs was more than enough. I'm thankful for the computer knowledge and advanced sales technique but not sorry I left.

This job came along two months later and now I manage the place. Ed calls me his 'right hand person' Pretty funny with an Italian accent! *Laugh* LOL

Now, I am trying to buy a house by myself. How brave do I feel!!! *Exclaim* Finally, after all of this time,(what time are you talking about Lori?) I feel strong enough in myself. I know I am on the right path and it feels good.

I'll back track later. Fill in the blanks for you. Oh, it's a good life *Delight*

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#1058785 by Not Available.

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