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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/blog/ripglaedr3/month/11-1-2023
Rated: 18+ · Book · Spiritual · #1149750
A nothing from nowhere cast his words to a world wide wind, hindered by periphery.
...white-hot coruscating genius that more than once dipped its proverbial toes in the obscure.

T̵̢̝̗̰̪̠̹͗̾̾h̵̥͉̲̠̍̽͛̌͂̆̚ě̸̗͓̱̺̮̣̽͆ Ab̴̦̄̈͐̾̑̚͝s̸͉̻̃͘ě̸̗͓̱̺̮̣̽͆n̴̝͚͎͔̘̰̅ͅcě̸̗͓̱̺̮̣̽͆ o̷͍̥̣̺͋f̶̭̱̘͇͊͋̾̋̄͆ Wa̴͙͓̓̕vě̸̗͓̱̺̮̣̽͆l̵̩̘̯̪͋͒͒̉͒̄ě̸̗͓̱̺̮̣̽͆n̴̝͚͎͔̘̅ͅg̸̫͙̻̭͐͝ț̴̵̢̝̗̰̪̠̹̈́͌͆̑͋͂̅͗̾̾h̵̥͉̲̠̍̽͛̌͂̆̚            

You get hungry as a seldom published author/poet/lyricist, so quit pedaling words and just enjoy the writing process. The bullshit ‘process’ of submitting is submission.

I hear what you’re saying, and…SMH
My *Basketball* goes through —   R S = 2 G M c 2

*StarfishY* ~~~*Fishing*~~~*FishB*~~~*Beach*~~~*Swimming*~~~*Sailing*~~~*TrophyG* *Stop* *Fork* ————————- .

How I see myself create…in the zone
Curry Flurry:


The beautiful mess made:
I had a lover's quarrel with the world - Robert Frost

I'm sorry you got caught in the middle. - me

Neurodivergent poet

"Note: Poetry: life’s little interruptions amassing int..."

Best Poetry Collection Been more than I could imagine or expect here.
Why Mail It In? In Latin

You are an icon here.*BigSmile*
You suffer, but you suffer brilliantly. Wow, what a great writer.*Heart*

And other people’s (reviewers) words…Review of "The Absence of Wavelength"
Your poetic muse is on fire! *Fire* Some great emotion, well-balance(d), lovely lyrical qualities -- even the ones that were written out of sadness or anger came through in a clever cadence…It's obvious you've put a lot of work into each entry and the totality of the blog has eye appeal. *Cool*

Published four times with one a literary journal, including… *PointRight*   "The Tender Core (Sedona)
I don’t submit—too much work with ADHD, OCD, low vision in condensate in mental prison of failing memory. I’ve seen a lot of smoldering and snow. Cynicism bred, work hard at openness and consideration.

Merit Badge in Taboo Words
[Click For More Info]


Congratulations! You won 1st Place in Taboo Words with your fantastic poem, [Link to Book Entry #1027659]. 

I absolutely loved this! *^*Heart*^*

Rachel Merit Badge in Poetry
[Click For More Info]

    Thanks you for supporting the  [Link To Item #power]  with an order to the  [Link To Item #powergifts] ! We appreciate it. *^*Heartv*^* Keep writing the beautiful poetry. [Link to Book Entry #1027659] is an awesome poem! *^*Starv*^* ~Lornda

18+ Comment: Love my process constructing and sharing visions in words collected (fuck limitations).

I'm Godzilla
August 28, 2006 this blog opened

SuperNova Afterglow  (18+)
All that remains: in afterlife as 'mainstream' blogger, with what little I know. 20k views
#1300042 by ~ Brian K Compton ~

No specific aim going forward (2014)

What I used to say: 'Maybe, I just don't get it. Watch me fumble with my version of reality, expose ignorance as truth. You don't have to get me, either. But, wish someone would explain me to myself.' Now I say: *Cool* *FacePalm* Now: I was such a whore.


What Was NEW

Who am I, you ask? My mirror knows that question, repeated daily.

Just trying to create a little buzz, not boost my ego
#amwriting #poetry #blog #contest #freeverse #award #bestpoetry #lyrics #music #video #YouTube #awardwinning

Can you believe it took this long for someone to put a quarter in me and push the button GET ANGRY?

Mud 4 My Eye: Is that you, Poo? 💩 Secret Back Door

The Best Poetry Collection on Writing.Com

Sig for nominees
November 28, 2023 at 2:30pm
November 28, 2023 at 2:30pm
November hush, colorful castoffs sleep —
their dreams fade, interlocked on a hard mattress.

Soft, pristine descent of tiny-winged angels come.

Gray time swept up into prolonged nights,
resist allure of outlasting that twelfth chime.

Memories cascade — serenading symphony comes —

Her holiday confections rise in oven, whisper
to a soft nose, as I cuddled in hand-me-downs.

Decorations ascend; presents find their shrouds.
Music wanders about a quiet truce in our home.

A temporal refuge, our family's respite.
Time to unwind, be present, and be family.
Thanksgiving's embrace, feast tradition,
revel in comfort food and kinship extended.

Trapped in snow globe of nostalgia,
Kresge Drug Store's magic orb, gazing
scenes imagined within, immersed.

Beneath the next tinsel-draped tree,
a child's haven of stick-sap and dreams mingling.

Face pressed to cardboard nativity,
wise men, cows, humble manger
and a solitary bulb, humble star,
celestial and warm guide tiny dream scenarios.

11.28.23/23 lines, free verse
12.26.23 minor edits, tighten, tweak, tastier words.

In this free-flowing verse, enjambment weaves the memories seamlessly, capturing the essence of November's nostalgia and the timeless magic of family traditions.

Prompt: “It is also November. The noons are more laconic and the sunsets sterner and Gibraltar lights make the village foreign. November always seems to me the Norway of the year.”
— Emily Dickinson
The Bard's Hall Contest  (13+)
OCTOBER! Something Horror this way Comes!
#981150 by SpookyBee

Never entered…too busy…forgot…public now…

Its post leaves down, raked to curb, before fresh snowfall. days are shorter. Night seems to go on and on that I don’t feel tempted to stay up later. And when I lie in bed, I’m transported, I recall the sweet holiday confections emanating late from her oven to my anticipant nose, sense heightened by sounds of decorations going up, presents wrapped, soft holiday music, quiet truce between parents. Family had more time to wind down, be in the moment, be family, repose, with no current distractions but free time to commune, eat comfort food, enjoy extended family at thanksgiving, timeless traditions, as if trapped in an old Kresge Drug Store snow globe, the kind I stared into for long periods of time, imagined myself inside, or would crawl under the freshly tinseled tree, risk sticky sap, face in front of a cheap nativity of fold out cardboard and glued on wise men, cows, sheep, Mary, Joseph, baby in manger and the one light bulb protruding from the hole in display serving as that star, illuminating tiny dream scenes.

How to put all that in free poem, structured, with enjambment was difficult. How to edit this?

I’ll take another run at this someday.

November 26, 2023 at 12:57pm
November 26, 2023 at 12:57pm
Hands wrest heart from soul
without physical act
Touch and all crumbles
into virtuality, nothing

Eyes penetrate a weak mind
without a second glance
View all that tumbles
into hollow reality, a void

Old patterns emerge, a defense
Knee reacts, hands hold down
Mouth strapped, I shut
Speak no more of experience

Working on

I play the SYML song and response with no preconceived notion what I’ll write.
Lay down, repeating refrain
Locked in membrane
Seeking purpose within a crowd
Loud, words forced out
Shatter the heat, mind, soul
Crumble into a sea of self-doubt
Personality un-conformed cannot reform, anymore.

Better to live in a void,
Be as unexistant as possible,
Not a sound, mutter, mumble
Restraint so tight, I fail to breathe

Find comfort of satin, in
another lover’s arms, who’ll hold
protect a giant man with plow hand
to settle the quakes that disrupt
the tranquility of candle-illumed rose room
Shuttered portals lock all out
But the mere essence of the remains
Of a graphite skin and bones dull
The galley of hull on torn sail craft
Amid a rock harbor, no sound,
edge of the earth on tattered map
given a lad who dreamed serpents would come
lay waste to a bright sailor, claimed black pirate
shackled dreams interned in purgatory
nary a clank, clasped cold in steel
never see another sunrise, sundown
in literal afterlife counting down
tether free, float, sink deep, never found
at the center of a bottomless reality
I count each moment of descent, savor
sweet death of a mouth penned words
in time bottled body, never found again,
no eyes, heart, could possible perceive.

I am him, the one you don’t wonder about
pathetic persecution, in negation,
censored so casually to sodden sea
free to just be everything and nothing
without existence personally, blight
on one who tried to bloom words, life
viewed from your above, looking down
deciding fate abd destiny not my right
if not enslaved to conformity over co-existence
could not commune without carefully
stepping about scattered shards, suddenly
Bleed, cry pain, not understanding
why a moth drawn to light. Couldn’t see
how reform, be what you want without
losing all I dream, seek, am about.

Submerge in this primordial lay down,
dream fire consumes and hardens my metal
find strength in this fight…yet brittle
break from the quiet, which is sound
surround, echo repetitively, shatter all
that epoxy in 11th hour can’t repair, stilled.
Shhhhh, heart lay down.
Shhhhh, mind lay down
Shhhhh, small boy lay down
and let some mother’s arms
collect the remainder for ever after
Lover come before the striking hour
Gifted glass returns to sea-soothing sand
never to be reformed, graveless, forgotten
but for memory loss vision as guide
Lay down, sweet soul
Lay down, tender heart,
Lay restless mind, sleep in decay.
Don’t dream again, that maybe one day?


All this, with memory of the song of defeat amid a throng
with eyes redirected to sky, great beyond.

It’s not your fault, only comfort I can add
It’s your job. Stick to those weapons. Lay

I’ll look back at this too, and wonder
Unable to remember day-to-day
where I’ve been
What I’ve shared
How this is to all go down


November 18, 2023 at 6:21am
November 18, 2023 at 6:21am
There was a time when staying up late was special.
You could hear the world wind its giant clock.
Since daylight savings time, everything digital,
we wait for sunrise eternal.
We can’t hear. We don’t see.
What’s special that we cherish —
the tradition of anticipation?

Why do we have to learn the ending of every story,
and not fear the trap of our eyes inside a snow globe?

What’s not eternal, is mother tucking me in, placing
two waxy lips tenderly upon a sweat-tired forehead.
Don’t stay up, spoil what waits at morning.

Bright, lumin colors and scents hovered in nights.
All unwrapped now: my gifts, her presence,
what I regifted my children; and what do they give
moving forward from me, her, from Father Time?

Where is that clock? Did we break midnight eternal?
Chains, gears, pulleys…a shop…bespectacled, gray assessor?

A few more grains slip the hemorrhaged container,
spill faster like counted and gobbled pastel beans.
Does the March hare come or a mad hatter?

I’m tired even of myself, questioning everyone.
No one acknowledges, but look over my shoulder at something.
I look behind for presumed ghosts, turn back
and years elapsed; all are gone. I presume

looking, echoing my name amid valleys and dense wood.
I’m alone in November, recall we held each other for warmth
with a tune harmonized from one heart.

Not even a sigh now, unless resignation December.
Its weight of mighty hammer, soon pendulous,

smashes open that gumball machine of time. Snatch up all,
as I walk through and past each of you, invisibly —
the children Wonka never wanted, but one.

The keys to the chocolate factory embedded in carbonate
chocolate time. We could write a sequel,
but not like the first screening, reclined

in tight-hinged, creaking theatre amid landmine
popcorn memory crunch. From bucket to mouth to seat,
eventual gravitational, cement floor, wasted calories.
Even as pale faces flickered, we knew our film souls

losing to the giant clock. What is time really,
without one record keeper, reminiscer and a mother
who tenderly turns pages with a wet forefinger?

The furnace kicks in one more time.
It’s late. Life in the morning.

Time exhales, as I do.

5:41 a.m. before a glim of sun spied in my shed.

Why edit to satisfy the needs of contest promoter or publisher.
Fear the giant clock, our own impatience? I will
read to you from my giant, green recliner. Space for two.

You can feel these emotions when one writes.
Not quite as much on a later read. Give it time. Then read.
Hopeful clarity. Look for the popped kernels in every crevice.

Tell me: was it fun while it lasted?
Make Some Memories.
Be glad for recollections that nourish a tired soul.

O, for the lack of a good editor.
Looks to the northern…lights.
November 17, 2023 at 6:44pm
November 17, 2023 at 6:44pm
Papa’s getting ready to hang up his hat
for good. Naps in the green recliner
with the tv on
in his boxers
when a knock at his door
alerted him.

Pants off, the blue ball cap
on the nail, hooked for good.

In black nights he sleeps
all alone. No one to comfort him.
He could wear a frown, but
blooms rose from her oven. Soon
stern tulips waited for the delicate lilies
to rise with our eternal sun.

Papa never opened his eyes in late summer;
harmonious roses being plucked,
Chrysanthemums dared frost and snow.

He had no space to move, when
he felt something underground move.
From her delicate hand
a bright, light lid for a stern head.

No pajamas needed for this bed
where he could stretch limbs as long
as the willows that tickle toes across the street.

From brown to green to blue —
delicate and stern — they still fly,
higher than any eye could spy.

And that’s why we don’t touch
the old hat that needs it’s rest
in his very old house.

30, 37 or 38 lines. Take your pick. Or, 39? *Think*

It’s surreal, some literal, but all imagined
except for dad and his tv and recliner.
His left hand ran up the trimmed wall,
locked there, while his right cradled the cocked head,
asleep. Couldn’t change his channel, with a,
“I was watching that”, after opening blood eyes.
You need the right channel to rest.

No gas stove for us.


Somewhere, a link just died. 40.
November 13, 2023 at 8:42pm
November 13, 2023 at 8:42pm
🍂Seasons Change🍁 But Not The❤️

Fall Themed Poems in 2023…

"Invalid Entry "Seasonal Layers
Note: I cannot be Quilled. Go ask Bugs. He's told it to Elmer once before it blossomed into a bosom buddy relationship. No good vibes here, yet. *Watch where ya pointin' dat thing, doc'.

"Invalid Entry "Invalid Entry "Autumn Irony "Finality In Autumn "Invalid Entry "Picturing "Invalid Entry "The Clotting Season

         *LeafBr*                                                            *LeafR*
         *LeafO*                                                  *LeafY*

                   *LeafR*                                                  *LeafBr*
                             *LeafY*                                        *LeafO*

I always looked forward to fall -- crisp air, beautifully colored landscapes, the wonder of how death promises renewal. It's somber and awe inspiring to know life will lay in its icy, white bed only to offer something more plentiful blooming with hope. It's a truth we can trust, like the sun setting and rising daily.

I found many loves in Autumn, making my heart swell with the potential of love everlasting. While the fires of a kindred few flamed out/faded away, one true love remained...poetry. An assemblance of words to evoke rememberances of the ones that got away in a backdrop of glorious promise, love's serendipitous return with each season.

End of the Season by Brian K Compton  (E)
Leaves play in dehumidifying air as autumn comes to a close.
#2102315 by ~ Brian K Compton ~

Read where my beauties display haunting misery and potential bliss for one growing too old to savor the memory of tasting vibrant painted lips, or foggily recollect tender arms entwined in a lover's dance. When the last poem drops, I will close these doors forever.

Enjoy the simplicity of nature as provided by Robert Frost, and enjoy the brief audio as you follow along:


Response to Frost with Dylan Thomas' prompt...

"Invalid Entry

Leaf-shadowed crossroads
the longer I pause
nearing an even tide
sun setting
I'm prompted to choose
when to push forward
into that good night

It won't matter
what road I travel

I feel an autumnal tide
washing me out of summer.
Humidity shudders.
Breezes brush lines of linen
where a child once played
in fading light.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2098794 by Not Available.

Last year for this Autumn collection before permanent deletion from account.
November 13, 2023 at 12:58am
November 13, 2023 at 12:58am
linen too perfect
in reverence of gentle white greetings
it would be new anguish to stain. Then,

the tub’s the thing —
though it soothes — it’s with purpose
to serve a soiled soul with stains to drain
each red moment tide-bled from eternal life clock,

ticking, ticking,
ticking off. Oh, but be a burden
to the maid that must scour? So,

with the life-nourishing water tapped,
spigot-ever-sending, purge an outpouring
until every last sap-drop drowned. And yet,

a soul
vanish in wood
except by hungry mongrels to sever
worried flesh from pale bone upon receiving ground? Maybe,

walk into a fire
so intense it disguises
all remaining hope of a life
not lived well enough to tell? What worry

to have been
a burden so small
unworthy of comfort of
bedding, a bath, a walk in wood, warm fire
that sparks the fleetest gleam in a lone moment.

entertain a soul
in this quiet undead
void of endless night meandering.

What if
I’m gone?
I seem to be
less-than-sheets-suds-roam, and
another rekindled sunrise of-no-surprise
at all?


Let’s not speak of this…too easy to entertain idle thoughts…that progress from room to room to open door, down a highway to hopeful non-existence, freedom of burden to roam as unshackled spirit wherever my mind wants to take me…since, no true home but inside my mind.

Thoughts progress, the wider the maw of existence unhinges jaw to receive a thin-thin-pale soul washed awash, never-ending…

…dashes blur like yellow highway stripes toward highway oblivion…

Do words ever…
November 11, 2023 at 9:33pm
November 11, 2023 at 9:33pm
Formerly: ‘Raised … in a memory’s dream’

I heard you say
only one metaphor at a time —
all you could follow

am I dreams —
when I don’t speak to you?

Let me keep this straight
while working on another poem in my head…
I see —
She hugs me.
I draw another and another, lifelong
to please her.

Wish I could near you,
merge with song.

Everyone is mother, because…
I chase something across a barren rug.

Oh, there you are.
I’m holding my drawing up…
I remember you say everything is poetry…yes/no?

Where there’s beauty is song?
No reception…

The purpose of these crayons?

mother raised me wrong.

she died.

Indifferent, the song plays on.
I surpassed into nothing but a void,
living in a memory’s dream,
recast into shapes like you, with

You don’t follow this cryptic form of communication
that lives in the untold —
yet, visualize this incipient space?
That’s me! That’s where I live!

But (~none~) conceive what cannot be, that
cannot bond to your atoms.

41 lines, free form

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horror_vacui_(physics) :

Can I breathe now?

Wanted to end with an added line…
I’m not living a dream?
I’m not even the memory of a dream.

a little too…
Afterthoughts: To exist is to be acknowledged?
Earth is true purgatory.

11.30.23 last edit

November 11, 2023 at 12:20pm
November 11, 2023 at 12:20pm
I’ve considered you all
So much
I forgot about me

And yet
Thank you for the distraction
Never far
From my next birth…rebirth

Amniotic waves flow away
From me

Once fertile feelings of love
Are naught
My love not to be bought
I hide

Walls of resistance crushing
Fall in
Explode a beautiful sea into

A void
Harmless blue blood washes brown
Back out
Black into light obliterated

I am
Alright in sanctity tonight
Until morn
We wait to see a sparkling babe

What a waste lost, to revision.


This…I’ve done for all and any, and yet…
still learning…and who I am?
Not to be defined by another, anymore
That’s why the reviewlution…for now…

Cleansed into one-ness.

Careful, lest stars get in your eyes.

November 11, 2023 at 9:50am
November 11, 2023 at 9:50am

Yeah, you don’t know me.

What’s that on yo neck?


How many corners of Earth you tryin’ to own?
How many more have I been in
tryin’ to whiff an essence?

You? You think I chase.
You ain’t got the cash I need.
You can’t own those mountains, that sea, the sky.
You can climb, swim but never fly,
yet you try…
buy it all, hoping I buy
something you can’t conceive,
something I ain’t sellin’. ‘Cause,

the more I buy,
the more I’m bought.
The more I’m bought,
the less I’m worth.

And you can’t have those words that I just stole.
They ain’t my birth.


Trousers back on

If you ain’t feelin’ me, ain’t been tryin’.
Maybe, you read wid dem roses on.
Roses ain’t green.
You ain’t foolin’ me;
but someone, right?
I hope they pay you good.

Me, I’m jus’ tryin’ ta be.
Now…my dick?
Yeah, now it feel good.
And sorry, it’s jus’ for me.

No need a Buffalo Stance…

I’ll try another approach another day. I know you don’t ‘respond’ SVP.

My poor mom…’where do all those words come from?’

She SHOULD have had me tested, instead of calling me ‘different’, her ‘dumb bunny’.

You know, a dumb bunny is sick in the head…soon dead from madness.
I’m no March hare, mad hatter.
She could never see what was the matter?

Me neither,
until EVERYONE told me otherwise.
Then, skinned or marshaled me to some island
where echoes of childhood float
above black plumes and below these lava boots.

I’ve stomped each bitch, one by one,
until in my Lost, saw just illusion,
someone’s delusion, as others employed
guilt and shame from that long ago
Time Machine I refuse to board.

You get in.
Bet you won’t know the date I’ll set it.

Edited versh. I wudn’t do you like dat.
Pilin’ FBoys like logs fer fire. 🔥 burn.
November 7, 2023 at 8:33pm
November 7, 2023 at 8:33pm

I’ve Strayed/When You Tire

Don’t know what normal is
         in your world
but it’s all a lie
         and you hate me
         for my charade
         wanting to belong
when we like the same song
         but I just go on

deep in the night

fighting for some right

I’m deep in this fog
         in a forest four counties long
further from you
so my voice is no good
though I sing to someone
         just like me
         each day, each night
why they fright to extend a hand
         I do not know
but if found, I’ll hold on
         make sure we’re never cold
or alone

maybe, I’ve strayed so far from you
because we walk
in opposite directions
beneath one moon, one sun,
         one song eternal —
that I wrote all the words wrong
         rearranged, so you’d know
there’s something about me
that you won’t see
in every dawn you yawn
yet, we hum away
to that very same song

I’ve noticed
I’ve strayed from you
         accept what lonely is
         accept that forests and nights
guided by one moon
         I won’t fright
and when the sun comes
I’ll help someone else be strong
         help write the lyrics wrong

I’ve strayed from your normal
yet, between us
who’s the one that fears? when the dawn?
When you tire of that song?

51 lines, hardly epic

I might have written to a different song that invaded my head
long after this video died down.

Speak right into the clown’s head. Maybe, they‘ll get the order right.
Choke on dry chicken without Sprite but seltzer to wash down this life.

I’m pretty sure the song in my head was “I’m bad news”. Did I blog that yet?

November 4, 2023 at 11:25pm
November 4, 2023 at 11:25pm

You know
this is
just another pawn I’ve played
Even no response
reveals each position —
the incipient

Tried to teach you
errors in your ways
… Silence …
absence of sound
proven to be heard.

I place another beat down
felt a heart echo pleasant sadness
that you
can no longer come around

All you deploy takes effort
to lack
All I lay on the board
emulated strategy

I don’t care if you move toward
or away —
you decide where the Queen is at
and who is pawn today

Does an absent heart regret,
lay down
or stay, move, play?
Disinterest instills foreplay
of red and black game

In my infinite space
nothingness travels
Air molecules fill
an inner ear
Another heart unraveled today…


I’m always thinking, but not acting, six moves at a time, producing six new avenues each…computation that takes time.
I learn to rest one hemisphere at a time, so there’s no lag.



Somber is one of my happiest moods.

I’ll look at this someday and wonder…

I’m not not listening.
November 3, 2023 at 9:38am
November 3, 2023 at 9:38am
I can assure you anything I do was preceded by some provocation when stripped the right to …

That went nowhere.

You don’t have to like me
Or pity
Know what…?
Just keep doing what you’re doing.
I’ll just

It’s artless
when it gets to this

unity within
unity without

Drops the knife

Not the write tool.


12 Entries · *Magnify*
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© Copyright 2024 ~ Brian K Compton ~ (UN: ripglaedr3 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
~ Brian K Compton ~ has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.

Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/blog/ripglaedr3/month/11-1-2023