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by Joy
Rated: E · Book · Drama · #1153056
A folder in which to store some old poems written before 2003
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Inside this book are the poems or rather relics exhibiting earlier or discarded work. Most of these pieces had their own items at one time, but now, I decided to fold them into a book for housekeeping purposes.
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September 5, 2006 at 3:52pm
September 5, 2006 at 3:52pm
Written in 1989 for my best friend who died of lung cancer before her wedding

You lived in a hurry...
cigarettes and smoke,
your laughter,
my rainy grin,
living for the moment,
ashes to the wind.

Loving without torment,
you missed the dance,
roses by the gate,
white picket fence.
Why was it too late?

When I told you this,
my muted droning
got lost in the smoke.
Hiding your mischief
in my bitterness,
I had to retreat.

At the end,
although speechless,
the completion of the ritual,
without regret or joy.

To your fibers,
and to my heart,
you set a fire

September 5, 2006 at 3:51pm
September 5, 2006 at 3:51pm
Voices suggest
a collapsing of sorts
or some lack of light for him;
he swings the door open.

Why did someone mumble
frightening things,
something about surrender
and God’s will?

He wonders with disbelief
at sunshine’s glare,
playing with the curtains,
in dismantled reflection,
a shock
wearing away,
crisscrossing the pain,
as if his thorax were removed.

High in his chest
a frigid scream clots
with the emptiness
the baby blanket
he’s staring at.

September 5, 2006 at 3:49pm
September 5, 2006 at 3:49pm
For an aunt with Alzheimer’s

The holiday for peace,
love, and joy,
flourishing in uncertainty,
as Aunt Janice sits rocking,
incomprehensive of cousin Henry’s relief
of her survival,
after walking into the waves
one late November night.

No more does she take notice
of complicated things, the oldies,
even Chad and Jeremy’s crooning,
“They say that all good things must end some day
Autumn leaves must fall
But don't you know that it hurts me so
To say goodbye to you...”

Her grasp misses quaint customs,
ours, as well as hers,
such as offering eggnog to strangers,
singing carols at midnight,
and on Christmas morning,
walking along the docks, the marina,
and old houses with dormers
while a hazy sunshine
glistens the faces
of rocks.

Nothing is sure now;
in this seaside town, only the honor exists
of subliminal whispers and long-ago feelings.
The age of ice has solidified the mind,
erasing information,
with veils of snow covering her foundation
and memory.

But, what if clouds hide the sky
and permanence is impossible to guarantee?
All Aunt Janice asks for
is a candy bar
and a glimpse of the ocean
from her window.
That simple!

September 5, 2006 at 3:47pm
September 5, 2006 at 3:47pm
To a friend diagnosed with leukemia

You laugh struck with awe
at the din
of the ultimatum,
divested of patience.
What if the vital current

The blunder of blood,
unless gratified by chemo,
as thoughts thunder through,
rattling the mind,
measuring the mettle
and the sap of lineage.

While fighting the pull,
your feats do not soothe your senses,
and temper your spirit.
Flickering out,
you tell me,
“Being useful is only a consolation,
We all just live and die.”

Here, I lost you when
doubt detonated,
and I choked on the passion
of your words;
could this misconception
be your solace
in disguise?

September 5, 2006 at 3:45pm
September 5, 2006 at 3:45pm
She got a big lift from outdoors,
whacking the silk off dandelions,
beating out the tips in play,
wishing for tall gladioli

A passionate turning point
for her day,
tempered with fragrances divine,
lavender and honeysuckle
spiraling a fervent vine.
Need not blush
the sun,
pouring its hoarded gold,
a mountain slicing the sunset
out of jealousy . . .
What dynamic vision!
Priceless stuff.

She was afraid
this beauty would be scraped off soon,
since in her little life,
when she was five,
her mother had said
she had been a mistake.
She got scared
of being erased.

Whispered secrets,
fatigued with the same refrain,
fragile feelings
in an unfolding age,
a river flowing dark
like a sliver of chocolate,
sweetness melting inside the sounds
of weeping at bedtime.

Dandelion seeds,
fleeting at dusk,
with vast possibilities,
chaste at birth,
no mistake,
as people come and go.
September 5, 2006 at 3:44pm
September 5, 2006 at 3:44pm
Through his brush,
tearing the darkness
of an empty canvas,
as if escaping out of the moon,
shimmering lines
cruise into poetry.

A search beyond form,
chorus line for colors on a trowel,
cement, and glue
pouring their way
into the surprising revelation
of collage,
under the alizarin rays
of an inverted sunset
to define intersecting planes
with persistent intensity.

How wonderful for the eyes!
The painter’s knife
has vision
to transform life
without stabbing anyone.

September 5, 2006 at 3:41pm
September 5, 2006 at 3:41pm

An atoll of dream magic
snorkeling through the lagoon
a hint of paradise, at last!
Why have they been so tragic,
our mistakes of the past?
A volcanic creation,
draped in its own explanation,
from the depths of time, a crater
has ebbed down and later
this grandeur was born.

Staghorn with table coral,
terraces of divine splendor
damselfish with angelfish
woven together, delicate and tender.
Blue planet, water planet,
where the unknown meets the known,
whirling swirling
the reefs so colorful grown!
Where the currents meet and prance,
the rays of diversity glow,
webs of life tangle and dance
inside an immense ocean show.

Man possessed it through the ages,
war and greed came in stages.
Loud and cruel, the thunder of man
darkened and obscured Heaven’s plan.
This is not a passing notion,
coral reefs aid health of the ocean,
now is the time for conservation
I plead with true emotion.
Warming waters pale the faces
of the corals in all places.
On each dive my soul hears them cry
as ecosystems wither and die.
With each misstep we pay a price,
if we tread harshly upon our paradise.

September 5, 2006 at 3:37pm
September 5, 2006 at 3:37pm
Rain swirls in a sphere of its own,
forming into rivulets on the window pane
with the sound of the heels
of a flamenco dancer,
flooding the sill
and rushing into the street
to do a fandango in a pothole,
so to fill it up
as if a tormented mirror
reflecting the gray clouds
and stone buildings
like sunken laments.

Rain is the blood of spring
with a fragrance of rebirth,
lifting up shivering moods,
weaving around stones
to sing a wake-up song to a seed
buried inside the soft soil.

Rain is as ancient as legends,
with wisdoms of old,
democratic too,
for it falls with equal intensity
on slums, suburbs,
and on any two sides at war.

Rain has a crystal soul
dripping from the gracious sky
to give the first leaves an emerald’s shine,
for it is a glaze with inner light
and tenderness of tears
washing the heart,
it dries away too quickly,
akin to a spontaneous portion of myself,
which splashes with delight
inside undulating puddles
but likes to get lost,
without an explanation.

September 5, 2006 at 3:37pm
September 5, 2006 at 3:37pm
among the rosy
with tinsel and light
on chipped wings
angel’s boundless
devotion hangs
from a gold cord
on the pine
to warm
my heart


The lack of punctuation is intentional.
September 5, 2006 at 3:34pm
September 5, 2006 at 3:34pm
If it be the grave,
lost shoes, or claustrophobia,
I’ll permeate the rock
and enter this cave,
feeling through the dark,
scaling the stones,
to submerge within,
to get to the core
of the hollow depression,
with a hopscotch skip,
just to circle in joy,
stomping on a pool
with carbonic acid.

Through my private grotto,
its tiny holes,
human remains,
absurdities without plots or structures,
I’ll maneuver and squeeze
to unseal the crags,
to witness the glowing calcite
under the seeping light.

On this intrepid quest,
though knees may ache or skin be bruised,
I’ll accept my thorny defeats,
for without this trek,
without this cave,
could anything materialize?

September 5, 2006 at 3:32pm
September 5, 2006 at 3:32pm
In front of Riverside Church
on Riverside drive,
you glanced in my direction,
your eyelashes piercing through
the frigid wind,
your lips curling in crisis,
two rattlesnakes
ready to strike;
I felt icicles in my bones,
since it was mid-January,
in white.

Your rage is poetry,
a kind of lust,
or sadness, maybe,
but I’m not troubled;
there’s solace in scars,
for you've got no one left
to dishearten now.

What was there is a clichéd blur,
a memory alien;
since the scenery’s changed,
I’m no longer the same,
no more stuck in Woodstock,
vulnerable with faded pride,
no more sagging deep
with visible pain.

After all, I had to learn
a trick or two
to survive
and I ride the changes now;
although, no place feels
far enough away
from you.

September 5, 2006 at 3:30pm
September 5, 2006 at 3:30pm
commentary in verse on 8/14/2003 Blackout and similar events

From Frankenstein factory, frightful,
the blackout, a hex carved out of carelessness,
a fleeting gust over unsheltered people
who crowded the streets, haunting the dawn,
with flesh defiled by lack of energy,
faces wrapped in slimy shock.

Once more we stood aside
to let the light slip away;
so now, in a dance of fury,
we gnash our teeth,
and growl, searching for the culprit,
like a beast running around in circles
inside its cage.

While feigned sobriety rages on,
sharpening its blades,
we cover our wounds with bandaids
and point fingers,
as dead weights of refusal to see our dark side
pin us down, we heave --spread-eagled--
under private politics, and look away from
unattended paths of premonitions.

If we only knew how to protect our dreams!

September 5, 2006 at 3:28pm
September 5, 2006 at 3:28pm
When the moon’s
soft, deceptive filter
strains the mystic night,
to delude hidden dreams,
solitude is
just a typical epic
I concoct from faint hues
of an elapsed youth,
replete with stings of mischief
and incisions in the heart,
so I can find
my slow way home
to be at sea
with myself.

September 5, 2006 at 3:26pm
September 5, 2006 at 3:26pm
On my forehead,
the gathered dust
of the years,
my face a furnace,
with shame's another outburst.
I’m late for one more appointment,
for not finding my keys,
buried somewhere in the wilderness
of my home.
Until I hear the click of my key-chain’s steel,
my nerves won’t stop thumping their feet.

My camouflage shirt,
loose over the hips,
envelopes the bumps of the body,
but does not cover up
for the mind
and the names
that play peek-a-boo
with my awareness.

I’m the feast of the memory monster,
salivating at its prey,
a demon with greedy eyes,
waits there to savor
the last morsels
of a failing brain,
until the time machine
plays its final trick.

September 5, 2006 at 3:25pm
September 5, 2006 at 3:25pm
Drought’s stiffness unravels,
and at first, just a touch
of a sprinkle.
Rain offers tiny pearls
in friendship rings,
with a pledge of adornment
in bright green to grassy blades
and sparse vegetation
peeking through the dry
earth’s crust
and yearning to be on stage.

Flying high with sighs and regret,
wishing for slighted thoughts to heal,
clouds constrict in good faith,
through repetitions of thunderous sobs,
and a show of apology begins
with several intermissions given
for umbrellas.

Twisted winds urge
the treetops to practice
their knack in whispering
rumors of seedlings' unexplored
talent of hiding,
in anonymity,
inside puddles.

In droplets’ voices, undertones hum,
promising an eternal spring,
so the curtain comes down,
hurt turns to joy,
and scars are erased,
since, in spasms of love,
all lies can be accepted.

September 5, 2006 at 3:21pm
September 5, 2006 at 3:21pm
Unsure of my purpose,
I listen
to sky and sea,
speaking in unison,
in simple faith.

“Change your mind;
slide that magnetic strip
rich with love,
so life may open.
Don’t be scared to fall.

Through the rain of tears,
a heart can unbolt
the celestial vault,
to stir a moist melody,
glistening in radiance.

All feasts are for fools
who can die and live,
many times over,
in only one life.

Leave the slush of sorrow
that distorts the thoughts;
with a bit of starlight,
plan a voyage to yourself
on destiny’s cue.

Thus, through a stellar theme,
though so far away,
the moon can leave its footprints
in your mornings,
as Heaven heaves with bliss.”

September 5, 2006 at 3:20pm
September 5, 2006 at 3:20pm
Tipsy as a champagne bubble,
Evading a mirrored double,
And metallic music, her shape soars;
She's my gift, but her talent scores.

The actress I wonder about,
A genius without a doubt,
Twirling on toes painted white,
Her hidden light within my sight.

The salmon-colored mesh tutu
Hints at a perfect billet-doux
And a love lost through the years,
As she pirouettes to my tears.

Her tiny form's in ceramic,
Knows no fear, hate, or panic,
In concert, our lives have swirled,
My music box, her tiny world.

September 5, 2006 at 3:18pm
September 5, 2006 at 3:18pm
Before the arctic chimes of winter,
beauty as precious as the last breath.
A sweeping scent of cinnamon
hot cider in a gentle farmer’s hands
toasting the elastic clouds.
Pumpkins at a log-cabin door, a turkey,
kitchens and tables set to a horn of plenty,
witches, scarecrows, and ghosts,
designs of autumn sketched
in an ominous way.

When lightning dances a jig
along the edges of clouds,
dark corners hoard haunting fiction,
collecting parched-leaf tales,
as we rake our drying thoughts
into piles of warnings.
Through the hills, rust colors awaken
in yellow, orange, and red,
while little-girl-cheeks echo
the earthy glow.

A maze of dried shrubs
drenched clean in the sudden rain.
With nervous speed and warnings of tears,
our success or failure,
readying for the disappearing act,
re-organizes the dance.
Through excess, we celebrate
our place at this time,
where destiny deems we should be
in the autumn of our years.
September 5, 2006 at 3:15pm
September 5, 2006 at 3:15pm
Buried in the dust of sighs,
A jeweled raindrop like a tear,
One loose speck of iridescent sand.

Contrary thoughts stirring,
A fidgety brook weeps over pebbles,
One timid woman cries in the movies in the dark.

At the sharpened faces of rocks,
A foaming river rages walled-off by boulders,
When stinging things are caged inside we cannot utter.

The knightly sea motionless,
Humbled at the feet of the dragon mountain,
While we writhe, heartbroken, by the so-called mighty.

Cool blue oceans mirrored in cosmos,
As drunk earth spins around in fake sophistication,
God bends down to lift the speck of sand and wipes our tears.

September 5, 2006 at 3:13pm
September 5, 2006 at 3:13pm
Punish us not!
How can you dream of this place without
pony-tailed girls with ruby rings and white lace,
farmers furrowing, builders laying the base,
men and women shaking hands in friendship’s grace?

Spare us these:
the doomsday horrors of crumbling death,
mad-eyed nightmares, ominous threats, hopeless bets,
under bridges tortuous trolls with iron grips,
those warring weapons, missiles, bombs, rockets.

Show us how
arms can only be used for embrace.
As a wise wizard grants tongues to parakeets,
dreams can nudge voice to sing, pens to write,
joy to return to men of infinite feats.

Make us grasp
the beauty of clouds, golden sunbeams,
moonlight on the brook, willows weeping with ease,
gentle waves styling their love lines in the sand,
ants, elephants, fall flowers, spring leaves, tall trees.

Give us time,
till we learn to stay where we belong,
as we chase away the darkness from our eyes,
so we can march forward healed and return to
our birthright, Your eternity’s paradise.

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