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by Joy
Rated: E · Book · Drama · #1153056
A folder in which to store some old poems written before 2003
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Inside this book are the poems or rather relics exhibiting earlier or discarded work. Most of these pieces had their own items at one time, but now, I decided to fold them into a book for housekeeping purposes.
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September 5, 2006 at 3:12pm
September 5, 2006 at 3:12pm
Yesterday’s cheering hymn,
In today’s grateful song,
Blessings, laughter, praise, dreams,
With flares to us belong.

Such bitter tears we’ve shed,
The earth appeared bleak,
Yet we restrained our force,
With kindness to the weak.

We the people who strive
For just laws, side by side,
We make peace, avoid war,
In liberty and pride.

Life is sacred, we declared,
For mankind, independence,
Respect for humanity,
Contentment in attendance.

Beams of light our treasure yields,
Majesty in days ahead,
One nation here under God,
Mantle of mercy is spread.

Tomorrow is owned by us,
United we shall stand,
With love and awe, fireworks,
For “We the people” so grand.

September 5, 2006 at 3:08pm
September 5, 2006 at 3:08pm

Guess who skips in micro steps etching
Myriad designs in the damp sand,
Laughing at human fallacies,
Flapping his wings,
Feeling superior?

When the unscrupulous surf washes away
His artwork without an apology.
No sulking under stress,
A screech, that’s all,
Open to the sun.

Dashing on the beach to re-create sketches,
Wildly singing every word of a prayer,
A fading infinity symbol,
His immortal gladness,
That wild seagull!
September 5, 2006 at 3:06pm
September 5, 2006 at 3:06pm
You smile
like irreplaceable crystal,
in multicolored hues,
your blond curls
catching the sun.

My child of joy, delicate and kind,
I need your magic to ease my mind.

I attempt to smile back,
from the opposite side of hope and calm,
with thoughts out of line;
yet, you search me with playful ambition,
weaving together my loose strands.

Shame on me to dream of only
my own useless history!

And you smile, your lips curled,
in your eyes,
a thousand birds are chirping.
Into that enchantment, I soar,
broken wings, working again,

I proceed with all my might,
into your angelic delight.

My laughter, a high wire act without a net,
I dare to forget raindrop tears,
scorching flame, a soul in solitude, bleeding,
and from my ashes, I rise to claim
a celebration held in gratitude.

September 5, 2006 at 3:04pm
September 5, 2006 at 3:04pm
Under a blurred moon,
a chaos of celebration,
as the spotted owl sings.
At night, a pillow of tears
quenching the burning inside.
She thought loving was her salvation.

Seeking the sun,
her son in her arms,
she skips on the beach,
smiling her way back to life,
adapting to the nature of the wind.
Love is not a cold stone to throw away.

No sun or moon, but the stars
twinkling in her last glass of wine,
this crimson gift given in darkness,
seven decades, a repository of truth.
She has no possessions left, no youth,
but the peace of eternity, and all so worth it!

September 5, 2006 at 3:03pm
September 5, 2006 at 3:03pm
A primitive priestess I am,
with a passion for motherhood,
on the old wavy road
hugging a river that sings a fugue
in adoration.
My tires hum along,
the engine whirrs,
and my thoughts
invade the tall grass
by the waterside.

Drumming my fingers on the steering wheel,
I drive and reflect
on the son I’ve raised for eleven years,
tailoring his thinking;
hoping he won’t be stranded
inside any darkness,
hoping, his breath
will always stay sweet,
hoping, his team bus will arrive early,
so I won’t have to wait too long,
hoping, before midnight,
he can rest his soccer-worn body,
curled-up on the sofa,
and dream starlit dreams
with his head
on my soft lap,
while I offer prayers
and rose petals
to the altar of his soul.

September 5, 2006 at 3:01pm
September 5, 2006 at 3:01pm
Right when p.m. turns to a.m.
she droops by the hotel room window,
staring at a midnight drizzle
lavish the pavement with pitter patter.

The fragile sleep has deserted her eyelids
like a vaccination that didn’t take.
So she, a crab away from her native shore,
watches the intersection,
moving sideways,
and she shrugs at the flickering lights outside,
and at the sounds of love from the next room;
weak songs of two people
faking for each other’s sake.

Staying on the margin, her favored stand,
she searches through unsorted gaps;
her mind, prowling in the dark,
is a cloud that thunders but cannot rain,
since she let her tears sink inside
to build a wall stone by stone
for a tale that didn’t end well,
or just because
he is part of
that passes.

September 5, 2006 at 12:35pm
September 5, 2006 at 12:35pm
Let us trot together up the hill,
Avoiding the spurs of a lifetime,
Love-knots thrown away with outhouses,
Old mattresses, and “nickel-and-dime”.

We’ll look down on this town one more time,
Your wet nose sniffing the frosty air,
The frumpy fur, head bent toward me,
Those pawprints on the snow with flair.

With my cane in my droning old age,
The last rocky hill I’ll dare to climb,
You, my anchor, I have dragged along,
My pet, my friend, my kindred sublime.

Struggling to release my ninety years,
Sometimes I imagine myself a ghost,
There’s no particular next-time-around,
Shadows of presence with poetry lost.

I weep, you whimper, two troubadours,
On a movie screen with future blank,
Landscape bleached white, color of nothing,
Stories shiver; life has been a prank.

September 5, 2006 at 12:32pm
September 5, 2006 at 12:32pm
Autumn comes calling again with:
moonbeams scheming through
soft sketches inside the haze,
croaking, droning, frogs,insects,
rainbows of hues on rusting leaves,
tiny branches bared in silver lace,
pine needles crackling under foot,
weed pollen in the air,
a robin’s feathers in the dust,
scattered stones, high wave forms,
hoof beats, beagle barks,
snow on the mountaintop,
first blaze in the fireplace.

And without any frustration,
on the trail to retrospect,
glistening sidewalks mirror
the steps taken through the years,
as homage to recurrence
of another change of season,
of another change of life.

September 5, 2006 at 12:30pm
September 5, 2006 at 12:30pm
For a mirage foolish,
overstepping its bounds,
when minds were phantom threats
and everyday lovers
were thrown to the lions,
over puffs of dust on an unpaved road,
over facing illusions “eyeball to eyeball,”
we boomed into the callous earth,
as if we could change the world,
to “make love, not war,”
discovering the power
of a fragile flower
and fairness in a small hand.

Since we’re the Wall inside granite,
since we’ve flown to the moon,
since we trusted the stars,
the Gemini and the Age of Aquarius,
why do we still say:
“When will they ever learn?”
“When will it ever end?”
Does happiness bite,
over and over again?

September 5, 2006 at 12:28pm
September 5, 2006 at 12:28pm
In front of a bay window,
with the clean painted stucco
around its frame,
he watches the parade,
sitting in a VA wheelchair,
his forehead wrinkled in stripes,
in his eyes stars gleaming.

To a brass band
marching, dancing, prancing,
horses, firetrucks, majorettes,
brownies, boy scouts, ladies auxiliary,
policemen, kids on bikes,
but only a row of Vets...

His gaze climbs to the sun
for another parade,
a patriots' parade:
faces of the fallen,
interrupted lives.
He hears bagpipes weeping.
Who won, who lost? So iffy,
when bugles mourn Taps...

Row by row,
“Amazing Grace”
the torch he held up high,
his pledged words:
sanctity of peace.
While some lend a hand to salute,
he has given his heart.

September 5, 2006 at 12:25pm
September 5, 2006 at 12:25pm
"I spend one whole day in the tent...while icy rain pours outside." Edward Abbey

You feel a petty delight
in trusting the gray sky,
which fumes after the eloping day.

As you untie your sleeping bag
and labor to nod off,
the manipulative wind
tries to take your tent
off its stakes.

Yet, your stake will remain,
since you were always after
the virtue in your center,
and self-appointed spiritual truths
with the fading
of the light.

Now the only way
to brave your undeniable
loneliness is
to tumble over rock slides.

September 5, 2006 at 12:22pm
September 5, 2006 at 12:22pm
Maybe it was a drastic attempt
to enter a drained bar
wearing a skirt hemmed
above the knee,
but she was never as miserable
in her life.

Maybe it was the wretched phonies,
clamoring in the corner
under a lamp dimmed and blue
like a dead sun,
or the way the bartender
unfolded the dollar bills
to make one lame drink stumble
in her throat.

Maybe it was the absence of heroes,
or she lacked a story to tell,
or she unwound
same as the threads
of her shawl…
who knows?

Suddenly, she left
through the neon door
with a wreath of holly,
and the season ended before it began,
just when she was ready
to believe in hope
without a single good luck penny.

September 5, 2006 at 12:20pm
September 5, 2006 at 12:20pm

A soldier, She,
recruit with goodwill,
a source of light,
sacrificing her calm,
for life unpredictable.

A soldier, She,
in action against hatred,
seeking peace,
inside crowded barracks,
in brave solitude.

A soldier, She,
a feminine form,
to tears and sighs
inside the gloom,
her bottled-up sunshine.

A soldier, She,
in emancipation,
to spread purpose,
and understanding,
joining a combat;

A soldier, She,
her training,
her weapon,
her ration;
yet, still knowing
all she needs lies within.

A soldier, She,
on the battlefield,
with stripes or not,
with medals or not,
the highest rank
of humanity.

September 5, 2006 at 12:19pm
September 5, 2006 at 12:19pm
As he writhes about
to read my aura,
I empty all his boxes
like Pandora.
His bow tie crooked,
nudging against
the lapel of his plaid jacket,
he kneels in front of me,
stars in his eyes,
“Forever, I’ll serve thee. . .”
whispering lies,
“Fits to a tee.”
It’s all a myth,
no true desire,
all chant and babble,
through his tongue
breathing fire,
that dollar dragon.
Still my hopes have wings,
“Yes, I can snap,
but not those glowing things!
This heel, so upsetting. . .
like a skyscraper on end. . .
curling my soles. . .
one clever twist of the ankle strip
tempered with pain.
Can’t be used in the rain.”
Inside the store,
trying on shoes again.

September 5, 2006 at 12:17pm
September 5, 2006 at 12:17pm

We watch through glasses tinted in hope,
As Sarah skates enraptured on ice,
Rhythmical stint, her triple twists,
From her flintlock a charge of surprise.

Conjuring shades of angelic spins,
Hoisting on her toes, a jump, a glide,
A silken serenade, starburst hinted,
Threading secret paths in her stride.

The whole world, a lover’s story,
Cold ice softening in her warm flow,
Slim blue feather with magic soars
To a glamourous golden glow.

To mint a spell with roses and joy,
A beginning spun inside her heart,
Long moonbeam slides, a sweet smile,
A star’s enchantment with heavenly art.

September 5, 2006 at 12:15pm
September 5, 2006 at 12:15pm
Time sculpting its surprise,
a picture frame in twilight zone:
pine cones opened by gauche gales,
the lake by the castle covered in snow,
thrashed old sails,
splintered wood chunks,
underneath the ice.

Image of beauty sunk low,
drowned on the path of destruction.
This fierce façade
breaking brittle glass slippers
in an empty world of repeating patterns.

Into the midnight mist,
one mortal architect
bitten by the faithful mice,
The Prince, shivering, wails:
"I still have many joys in my castle!"

With wild gestures
he stumbles drunk in the darkness
to the howling woods.
The ogre has taken over
and the carriage broken.

Love shattered, turned to ice
hopes in rags,
dreams reversed
to ashes,
Cinderella slips away,
running from fate,
tearing through gloom,
freed from weight,
in a single stride.

Then, she gapes
at herself, amazed,
for she sees her strength,
her consciousness,
abiding spirit,
and instantaneous courage.
She is a
true princess,
fairy-tale tough.

September 5, 2006 at 12:13pm
September 5, 2006 at 12:13pm
They rummage for secrets
and trade
intimate confessions,
while jaded stories
clatter inside
the gloom’s nursery.

Souls’ dragged up roots
from the soft compost
of rotting weeds,
blown to bits,
as slimy reflections
pry into Cyclops’s eye,
to tickle the sight,
to strip through layers
for sprouting seeds,
to lift the loss,
to find solace.

One sad freedom,
not for poetry,
thumbs up,
with distinction,
TRUTH has no regrets.

September 5, 2006 at 12:11pm
September 5, 2006 at 12:11pm
An outlaw bushranger's declaration from the other side

Roused from my slumber,
I still rumble, “Such is LIFE!”
my rage spawned with warnings,
through beastly passions,
wrapped inside my Irish heart.

Repression’s counterpart,
hiding in the bush,
against ill-treatment and neglect,
is free-man’s battle;
yet, I digress.

The struggle for survival,
all it took to fight
with the Chinese Ah Fook,
to be marked by pigs,
those Australian prigs.

For three times the earth
orbited the sun,
hard labor; though noted by none,
the robbery of a horse
set me on an endurance course.

Indecent behavior, my foot!
Tiny trespass, yes, I confess,
but against whose laws?
Divine order is just, for we must
share, if we cannot spare.

My presence silenced the Constable,
as two banks got cleaned out,
Euroa, Jerilderie. On the news,
simple folks along the bush
made merry in dance and booze.

To me this was such a hoot,
to this day Australian Brinks
is still looking for the loot.
But, when on my head big money was post,
Ned Kelly got double-crossed.

My family dressed in steel, alone,
ambushed in Hotel Glenrowan;
an inferno’s breach of humanity
set inside hearts of stone;
I still roil for I hear them broil.

Twenty-eight bullets in my body,
I stared at the Old Melbourne Goal,
on the gallows, as I hanged,
my mama’s words all came back
“Mind you die like a Kelly, Ned.”

Given my last rites at twenty-five,
a Robin Hood of the bush,
I still object from online sites,
against deeds unconscionable,
to people of my breed.

I daresay, came the day
in the highest court of all,
I’ve met finally that forgotten Judge Barry;
so to boast, I said, "My effects,
in perfect state, are in the Tate Gallery.

Ned Kelly was an outlaw, an anti-authoritarian Australian icon. After his death by hanging at twenty-five, he was made into an idol by the oppressed carefree bush-survivors. His last words were "Such is life!"

September 5, 2006 at 12:09pm
September 5, 2006 at 12:09pm

A trembling streetlight,
at the corner of Elm and Main
one fallen of the night
on the offensive,
reason omitted.

Her smiling mask
over a sour storm,
the sinking saga
of the howling wolves,
seeing limited.

Marginal demands,
gold mine drained,
designs strained,
clumsy pagan hands
a play never ending...

Through the dark I call her to say:
”Do not remain lingering
in between two empties:
an empty, which is not there,
and an empty that exists.”

This quenchless rain,
looting her mind,
she shrugs, a ruin charred,
her ashes

What if she finds her way
where the swing-bridge is?
If only I could manage to escape
without mourning
her life!

September 5, 2006 at 12:07pm
September 5, 2006 at 12:07pm
A crew of one hundred eighteen
Trapped in a war machine...
In hours of exigency,
The aids of emergency,
The six billion’s plea
A united operation...
But the powers that be
Refused a possible salvation.
To a stone one cannot teach,
Neither can heavens preach.
Nature here is not to blame.
Honor is tarnished. Shame!

Who are the living, who are the dead?
You conceal and drown in oceans
What cannot be said
For threadbare reasons...
Maneuver of the mighty,
Twisting men slowly,
Out of their breath...
In agony, to death...
Nature here is not to blame,
To those tainted ones, Shame!

Pressure as oppressive as the water
Men were caged, mastered over.
Matters of lives, the liquid grave...
That raging indifference in the plan...
The mysteries of war
Worthier than the dying men.
Now this madness hides with them,
Cheap secrets lie with them.
Don’t tell me nature is to blame,
But murderous indifference. Shame!

Evil has grown not gone
The dragon we’ll never tame
This torment will live on
As long as war is a game.
Kursk was the nightmare,
Kursk was the hell...
Inside it humanity’s pain
Will dwell.
Don’t tell me nature is to blame.
An offense to us all! Shame!

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