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Rated: 18+ · Book · Family · #1201314
Who am I, Where am I Going, and Where have I been? The story of my life!
Jan 11, 2007

Today, I start attempting to keep one of my goals this year. To write daily. A little about me. I'm a 35 year old mother of 2, married for almost 15 years. I live in urban Indiana and currently stay at home and am a full time student. What makes me different from anyone else? Not much. lol...I have a strange sense of humor. I love to read. I love to sing. I like to play online. I lost both of my parents 6 years ago. Each year things get easier, except in a way they also get harder. Only somone who has been there will have any clue what I mean.

Why am I here? I feel compelled to write. A few years ago my husband and I took a bible study course at church called Disciple 1. Awesome Awesome study. 34 weeks, 80% of the bible. At the begining we had to discuss why we were there...my pat answer was to learn more abou the bible. Funny thing was, in the end, I'd learned a whole lot more. I learned I could have a personal relationship with God. I learned alot of things. I learned about spiritual gifts....and in the end of that study, we had to get up and give a testimony about our time in disciple and what we had learned....my first entry will be that testimony I shared with our congregation that day...the only changes I've made are to remove names.

My plan for this journal/blog is to just talk about me, my daily life, my kids, and whatever God puts on my heart. Pray for me that I may be obedient in this.

Check out these links! Pleeeease :)

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1054725 by Not Available.
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I look forward to touching base with whomever stops in....

God's blessing on you

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May 7, 2007 at 5:40pm
May 7, 2007 at 5:40pm
May 7, 2007

So why do I want to strangle someone??? OH yeah..the kids are home and fighting..I knew there was a good reason. Sheesh. You'd think, especially the older ones, who are 10and 12, would be able to go outside and play and get along with the littler ones. Fight, then tattle, fight, then tattle.but let's not tattle over the bigger things..we'll just tell them not too, then when mom says "you know you aren't supposed to do that" they can say..well we told them not to but they didn't listen...grrrrr...and if my big one doens't drop the tude soon her softball team will be enjoying her presence on the bench only tomorrow night. GRRRRR

Ok, I feel better...sort of...lol

Today I've done some reviewing, helped a friend put her first item in her port

 Holding On To Me  (ASR)
This a poem about a hard time in my life.
#1259087 by robylew1991
If you've got the time to spare and like poetry I'd love it if you'd check it out for her. This is my friend Robyn, who came to visit me..and also believes in me enough to pay for my upgraded membership for a year...Thanks in advance.

No ball games tonight, no practices, no church functions..it seems weird to be staying home..lol...no such luck tomorrow night though when we have 2 games on 2 different fields in 2 different towns...lol...45 minutes apart. Guess it's a good thing God blessed my kids with 2 parents, who have 2 vehicles, and a good friend to get one of them to a game while we are all in transit...

I need to get my butt in gear and get some writing done tomorrow. I have a couple of outside contests coming to a close soon and havn'et gotten my items finished...ok..truly even started...beat me now...lol

Have a great evening, I'm going to go finish supper

hugs and blessings,

May 6, 2007 at 9:31pm
May 6, 2007 at 9:31pm
May 6, 2007

We have run pretty much non stop since Friday evening. Cassy's team had a game (10 and under fastpitch softball) Friday night at 6:30 pm-we lost 9-3....partially because our pitcher was not in top form but the coach let her pitch 2 1/2 innings anyway...partially because the girls messed around in the outfield..and partially because the other team had a really good pitcher and we were having trouble hitting off of her. The coach is not happy...so I bet they will hear a thing or two on Tuesday before the next game. We got rained out in the 7th inning with 20 minutes to go..and while it's possible the could have come back...it's not probable..and they have to learn to quit messing around in the first couple of innings and then remembering how to play....they are now 2 wins/2 losses. It's only a game...and I understand that..but frustrating none the less..because at least to me, part of it is a life lesson that you always go out and give it your all...not wait and see how little effort you have to put forth..and that's what it seems like. Not to mention, we all like to win...lol

We went to dinner at a Mexican restaurant-it's a small town and it's a new place-in an old Burger King..the owner is very sweet-and most of his staff is too..there is one waitress I can't stand..and she would've have had us that night if she hadn't been so darn slow...I was getting irritated only another waiter came up and took our order...food was good as always..then when we got ready to leave they sent us out the door with cake from a birthday party that had just left..and balloons...and taught Jamie his name in Spanish...I taught him how to say good bye to them also...

Saturday morning saw us up bright and early for a 9am game for Jamie...loved the game, hate the early time...lol..we spent most of the day there as we had a friend whose grandsons played after Jamie...let me tell you..watching the boys coach pitch team play...was awesome..they had such energy..and the rules are different from what we are used to....I like some of their rules better...lol..the boys also have a better concession stand AND better bathrooms...AND water fountains in the dug out...little biased around here if you ask me!!!

We got home about 4:30, my beloved made Loaded Baked Potato Soup for dinner..yummm..put the kids to bed and the rest of the evening is noneya...

Sunday morning..church-and major embarressment...lol..we have a music/choir director, who is also in charge of the Praise Team(which I sing on-There are 3 singers, a drummer, a keyboard player, and a guitarist) The music director, his wife (one of the singers) and the drummer(unrelated) were all not there..now we knew this...and teh guitarist was in charge of picking music..that was on cd..for us to lead...and while we knew the songs the tempo was different, different parts repeated..and the words on screen were in a different order (for the congregation) than on the cd...good thing we are an easy going church...but it won't be done that way again...lol..or I"M not leading it..lol

This afternoon after church we went to lunch with a friend and then came home, picked up the yard and my beloved mowed. Cassy and I did some work in the house, Jamie played...we helped my beloved outside some and now he and Cassy have gone to town to the store and to dump some trash. Master James has been fed, bathed and is in bed....and here I am, if only for a moment.

All in all a decent weekend...

I have 2 prayer requests...
1. My beloved's back is hurting him from all the work he did outside..he has degenerative disk disease and calcium deposits on the inside of his spine...the lifting and such makes him hurt badly...but to him, life goes on and such things must be done. Prayers that his pain will go away soon.

2.One of my best friends-an internet sister who has been there for me for the last 5 + years -her husband has a suspicious growth on his shoulder..and it will need to be removed and biopsied. They are self employed and have no insurance..so on top of the cancer worries looming in their heads..they also have to figure out how to pay for it all. Please Please Please keep them in your prayers. They live in West Virginia.

Well, I need to do a few things before they get home and so I'm gonna go.

blessings to you all
May 4, 2007 at 4:41pm
May 4, 2007 at 4:41pm
May 4, 2007

Today has been a decent day. Kids have played fairly well...not so well that I got much housework done...but I have managed to play here a bit and even entered a piece at
The Writer's Cramp  (13+)
Write the best story or poem in 24 hours or less and win 10K GPs!
#333655 by Sophy
and won today. First time ever :} and it was even poetry-in a form I'd never heard of...lol..."Invalid Item is truly an amateur piece...but I had fun writing it.

Now that the big kids are home (read oldest child with attitude) it's gotten a bit tenser...she'd best watch it though..she has a ball game in 2 hours. We may rain out..we shall see.

I'd rather it didn't get cancelled..we already have one game to make up...and it's something to do this evening...even though I wouldn't mind being at home.

This weekend should be kind of calm -only one game..and it's tball...1 hour and is local.

I apologize if I offended someone with yesterday's entry...was just looking for opinions and guidance..didn't mean to put anyone on the spot.

May 3, 2007 at 12:42pm
May 3, 2007 at 12:42pm
May 3, 2007

Happy Thursday! It's actually a pretty nice thing for me because Jamie doesn't have preschool tomorrow...and I'll be short a child...so I will only have the 3 boys...and don't have to do any running until tomorrow night's game!!! Yeah! Well...Cassy has practice tonight..but I mean through the day.

Yesterday I told you I had a question for you..First a bit of an explanation.

When I joined WDC the first piece I ever entered into my port was
 Encounters with Christ  [18+]
An essay on healing and surviving
by hoosiermomma2
It is a religious experience piece...given to me by God late one night..it is a piece I used to release my worries, my grief, my fear, to my heavenly Father. It's a piece filled with my own emotion, my faith, and the grace and peace God has granted me. I sat and waited with great nervousness after posting it...waiting for someone to tell me that I couldn't write to save my soul...let alone anyone else's. Instead I was given wonderful encouragement and some sound editing advice. Some of it from those of you I now call friends..some from those I have never met.

(I can hear y'all now, saying get to the point Vicky)

I want the truth in all reviews...This particular piece is very special to me because it was the first piece I posted..it was also one that I had an extreme spiritual connection that I was knowledgeable of during it's creation. For the most part I've not changed anything because of that. I have made a few grammatical and spelling edits where appropriate.

The other day it was given 2 reviews...which surprised me since it's not really been edited recently or anything...one of them gave me a 5 ...the other gave me a 1.5.

Now, thankfully, I'm not easily knocked down..and it doesnt' really bother me that the person didn't like what I wrote...There are pieces that I've written that it might hurt me more to get such a low rating...but I am an amateur and I post what I write to get opinions and help. Sure, I'd love it if all of my writings were 5 star and everyone told me I needed to get myself published RIGHT NOW! LOL Wouldn't we all?

It did p*ss me off just a bit...mostly because everyone else who had commented had rated it a 4 or higher-and I do realize that all of this, the contests, the ratings, reviews are subject to each indiviuals tastes, likes, dislikes, etc. But it's not so much this thought of "how dare that person rate me like that...he/she knows nothing"

I felt somewhat attacked. I also felt rather like this person was anti Christian....and I could be wrong...but felt that the comments were made to detour me from writing for Christ-which is mostly what I do write..and had done that same day.... And I so badly wanted to defend...partially what I'd written-partially because I felt the need to stand up for Christianity, Christ, Christian writers... The charge that I had taken grammatical liberties, I can't argue with-won't edit it because I don't feel like I"m supposed to...I wrote it like I speak...and if those reading it hear my weakness, my being raised up from the ashes...it serves its purpose...but to say this was a "safe" topic-that because we live in a predominately Christian society-so people would feel uncomfortable being negative about another persons deep religious convictions....that I disagree with...it's quite scary and feels very unsafe to have my personal experience with my God hanging out in internet land...and while most have been positive...my prayer is that religious piece or not-a reviewer would feel comfortable pointing out mistakes and issues within a piece...I'm not asking, as a writer, for their critique on my beliefs..and my opinions are just that. I'm not, and would presume to guess that most are not, going to take a review, stating that there are grammar issues, or that something doesn't make sense and feel it was an afront to their faith....just doesn't make sense....to me anyway...I didn't write this piece to display my writing talents-which are being worked on and refined daily. I wrote it because I was led to..I shared it here as means of -well God led me here too...I think so I could get confirmation that He wanted me to write for Him-and I got that..this single review will not detour me...actually at this point...no review could detour me from writing and sharing for Him...I don't think..

I know..come on already what in the heck is your question....lol...

There are -the first are basic writers questions...when you get a review you don't agree with..one that seems pretty negative-how do you respond?

I responded...though I had to wait and pray...and wait for God to lead me...or at least control my gut reaction-and I thanked the person for their input and time...I told them I had gone to look at their port (something I read on someone's blog...sorry, I cant' remember whose..but the point was not to jump to conclusions about a reviewer...so) I was all set to go take a look, try to get an understanding of this person, their writing...but there was nothing....they've been at wdc for more than a year...so I'm guessing they are a reader/reviewer but don't write. Anyway, trying to be nice (with a hint of frustration, I will admit) I told them to feel free to let me know when they had something in their port for review...I don't remember all that I said...and I did voice that I disagreed but again, thanked them for sharing their opinion...and signed off as I do on most responses...blessings, Vicky. I was almost afraid to respond..afraid it would start an arguement (I've had that happen before). I've gotten no response..which is fine...but should I have handled it differently...or just left it alone and not responded?

My final questions is for those of you who are Christians..or at least those who have an opinion on the topic. Again-a fairly long explanation..but..lol..if you've made it this far...might as well stick around for a few..

I believe in satan. I believe he interferes in our daily lives and would like to waylay us and others...I believe in the power of God to overcome satan and all evil and that intercessory prayer plays a part in that......I choose to write for God. I choose to share my faith with those around me...and by doing so I open myself up to be attacked by satan....because i"m sure he'd rather I didn't do it...lol...I laugh but I'm not sure how to explain my question...I don't know whether having responded differently could have swayed this reviewer towards God-but I had a definate inner sense that responding in anger and in defense would not honor God and would give satan plenty to work with...that's why I prayed...so that I would have the words to say...that would not dishonor Him....so I guess my question is kind of ...satan working? Whether by using the reviewer to trip me up so I would respond with anger...or ..some other way...especially since I'd just posted yet another piece of writing Praising God. Or am I reading too much into the situation....

I'm deep into thinking about my faith right now...we are reading a book for Wed night's by Leslie Weatherhead...called The Will of God. I'm not sure I like it much and I'm struggling...I need to have a heart to heart with my pastor...when time allows.

Also, my heart has been heavy this week..some stuff as gone on (church stuff, home stuff, kid stuff) that has affected me....the church stuff is more related to my beloved, the home and kid stuff is mostly related to running and lack of sleep. I'm tired and getting run down...today and tomorrow look much less hectic and I'm hoping they will be.

When I wrote the piece
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This item number is not valid.
#1256292 by Not Available.
the other day..it felt very good...I felt very close to God...the fact that the review happened within hours of me writing it makes me wonder about the above issues...and yet in a way..it kind of excites me....if satan is on the attack (not something I'm thrilled with really) but it must mean God is using my writing to reach someone, somewhere....and that makes me full of joy...because I want to write for Him...

Ok, I've babbled alot....and I'm not sure if it will even make sense to y'all...lol
Please, though, be honest...I dont' want anything less than truth...

One last thing...just because I posted the items above...or liek the other day..please don't feel like you HAVE to go look-if you want to, fine..but mostly it makes it easier to explain...and then it's there if someone wants to look.

I'll be around to visit y'all when the little ones go down for nap

hugs and blessings
May 2, 2007 at 5:28pm
May 2, 2007 at 5:28pm
May 2, 2007

Today has been nuts..I don't know any other way to put it..and at risk of wearing you all out...I'm gonna share with you some of what I've done since 6:30 this morning.

6:11-Alarm went off, my beloved hit snooze.
6:20 alarm went off, my beloved went to take his shower
6:30 -I got up to get Jamie up and ready for school. Realized my beloved fell asleep in the bathroom. Woke Jamie up, dressed, got his breakfast and then went and got him out of bed. Cassy got herself up and ready, though she wasn't going to school because of a dr's appt.
7am-left for bus stop. Had an interesting conversation with above mentioned 4 year old because he was sitting in the front seat -(while waiting for the bus) for the first time ever...it's a much different view according to him and he discovered the black lever on the side of the seat that lays it back..he found this interesting..told me it was just like a train. (thank you Hard Hat Harry)
7:07-put the little guy on the bus and headed back to the house, fed me, made sure Cassy was ready to go to school after the dr
7:30-left for 8:45 dr's appt with Cassy and the youngest of the kids I babysit in tow. dr's office is about an hour away. UGG
8:45, signed in at dr's office and waited. Why were we there...major allergy/asthma flare up because MEDICAID refused to pay for her allergy meds...for 2 months in a row and though the dr's office has tried to get authorization we've been left playing a game
9:30-finally saw aforementioned dr..who confirmed no sinus infection-added new meds to Cassy's daily regimen to try to help and discussed medicaid issues
9:50 -left like a bat out of hell to get back to get Jamie and other little boy from preschool-they get out at 10:30-remember hour trip? that's why I made the appt for 8:45...uggggg
10:40 picked boys up from office, dropped Cassy off in office and talked to nurse about her asthma.
11-got to the church, waiting for last child (sort of) drop off...at 11:45-too short to go home, to long to just sit..so took the boys in to play in the nursery...did get Cassy's camp application filled out and she will get to go....thanks to a scholarship and our church..she doesn't know yet...
11:55 picked up last child from our children's minister whose son goes to prek with her
12pm dropped one child off at the bank to his mom who got off early...yeah..and headed home
12:30 walked into the house and fixed lunch, put lunch on the table and the doorbell rang
12:40-in walks the twins-I only babysit occassionally for them and they are sweeties so it's all good..but it was a chaos day
1:15pm, everyone finally finishes lunch and goes to play. Vicky gets to eat
1:30-while waiting for Jamie's headstart homebased teacher to come I was on teh computer..phone rang and she was running late..she never showed so say a prayer for her because I odn't know what's up-couldn't start anything because I was expecting her at any time.
3:20 big kids came in, homework, little ones played
4:30 twins get picked up
5pm snack because of church tonight
trying to get kids ready to head out to church

And now, I have to head out...

I have something I want to ask y'all..but I guess it will have to wait until I get home

Have a great evening

May 1, 2007 at 4:37pm
May 1, 2007 at 4:37pm
May 1, 2007

I can guarantee this month will not be a blue month. I can guarantee I'm not even going to try. With 2 kids in ball, 1 of those in 4H, the end of school coming up and life in general I'll be lucky to get in here every few days for very long...lol....

Today has been a creative day. Everyone slept during nap and so I started looking around the contest page here....found an entry for
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1254376 by Not Available.

I like the contest pages...and this showed me more that was going on...yeah..I found two and wrote something and entered both....

First I wrote
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by A Guest Visitor
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by A Guest Visitor
. In this contest you can not use spacing, punctuation, or lowercase letters...lol...so it will be pretty hard to read...so then I fixed it and entered the translation
 Invalid Item  []

by A Guest Visitor
into my port as well. Winning prize for this one is a History merit badge..I love history...:)

The second piece I wrote was to be entered into
The Hint Fiction Contest  [ASR]
Can you tell a story with only a few words? Hint Fiction requires a silver pen.
by Storm Machine
. Now, brevity is not my strong suit...lol..so 55 words was a challenge..but I have to say it really did flow out of me..and I felt an inner nudge when I wrote it...and felt God's arms around me. This is what I wrote
 Invalid Item  []

by A Guest Visitor
. I feel very good about it.....whether I win or not doesn't matter....though of course I hope I do...lol...

Now I'm blogging..which means I don't have to focus on one kind of writing..I get to do my favorite kind of writing...chit chattting :) I love visiting with friends. I'd like to say I'll make it around to y'alls blogs..but I probably won't...little man has a game in an hour...Cassy had a game last night...they won14-6. Yeah!!!! They played pretty well..not well enough to avoid an unplanned practice on Thursday night but better than last Saturday. lol

Ok..I have 5 kids I need to round up, get the ballplayer up from his nap (he's growing again..and took him forever to fall asleep..not to mention the fact that because of big sisters' game last night he was up VERY late.) I dread waking him up because he will not be happy about it...lol

I should be back on later...take care everyone..and hug someone close to you..they just might need it.

hugs from me to you

April 30, 2007 at 9:31am
April 30, 2007 at 9:31am
April 30, 2007

It's been a very busy weekend...Sat was busy but good...both kids had games-Jamie's first tball game ever...wish I could share pictures with you..but you'll just have to take my word for the fact that he was cute..lol

Cassy's 2nd game of the season was also Saturday-and they wore me out trying to run between the two fields-same game time-I missed her first 2 innings watching him play-then my beloved and I switched fields..lol...

Cassy's team lost 21-15...but the first 2 innings are why things went so wrong...it was 14-0 at the top of the third..invasion of the body snatchers again...they just weren't there..they weren't listening, weren't playing well..and this is the team that sent us home at tournament last year...they finally woke up and did better..but it was too little too late...Cassy did not strike out any of the times she got up though..and as a whole the team fought hard to come back. We have another game tonight..hopefully it will go better...

We are doing a fundraiser..called a batathon...It seems like it will be alot of fun..but a lot of work to get sponsors...to get points to win...of course, Cassy wants to win...lol..winning team in each division gets to go to an Indianapolis Indians game..winning girl or boy with the most sponsor points overall gets to throw out the first pitch...on top of the fact that they can earn prizes..and it's not the junky kind from school fundraisers but actual ball stuff. I'm hoping it goes well.

Well...I need to get a few things done this morning while I only have 1 child...I'll be back around later.and might make another entry depending on what goes on today.

Blessings, hope your weekend was a good one.

April 26, 2007 at 5:06pm
April 26, 2007 at 5:06pm
April 26, 2007

Ok, so back to my weekend that I havne't updated y'all on yet...

My friend Robyn and I hadn't seen each other in more than 10 years...we'd only recently reconnected through classmates.com...she found me. :)

I had met her two oldest...the third one I'd met as a baby..and the youngest I only knew of his existence. She'd never met either of mine..and didn't know of J's existence at all.

We met up and went bowling-her husband's idea. Everyone had a lot of fun and the kids hit it off right away. Her oldest (15) was unable to come but her two daughters ages 14 and almost 13 loved C (who is 10) as much as she loved them. KK-her youngest at 9 and J who is 4 got along wonderfully too. The kids spent the night here with us while Robyn and her hubby stayed in a motel.

Saturday we met up at Jamboree (kick off to our local ball season) It's a parade of the teams through the streets in town-kids throwing candy....they parade to the ball field, where speeches are given, the pledge said and national anthem is sung. The teams are reminded of our league rules and presented to the community as well as the sponsors..then all the teams (other than tball) scrimmage throughout the day.

C's game wasn't until 2pm and J is playing tball (but oh he loved being in the parade!)so we went and ate and then came home...our hubby's went to the grocery store to get stuffs for the grill for later. Again, the kids enjoyed one anothers company as did Robyn and I...1:30 saw us back at the ballfield...preparing for the game. They all went with us.

The game went very well...C's team won by a huge margin...she was walked once, hit a double, and struck out once..she got to pitch the final inning..and the score was something like 28-9. They did VERY well and we are very proud of them all. (Amazingly enough-practice the other night was like invasion of the body snatchers..where they suddenly forgot how to play!!) They even had a double play and a triple play during their game. Mom (me) came home a little hoarse.

After the game the kids and the men hit the ball around for a while, then we came back here..and the guys grilled steaks, hamburgers, hot dogs..made baked potato's..salad....and hung out..Robyn and I did a small bit of running and then came back to help..we ate, fed the kids..and played spades for abit...they left aobut midnight...the girls were more devistated than we were I think and the letters are already flying back and forth between them.

We had a lot of fun...I miss her alot and wish we'd had more time to visit...but her hubby is one who likes to be doing, doing, doing...and that means he's not real happy if he's having to listen to women chitchat...he was an ok guy....though he had his moments...that I wasn't so sure. All in all it was a good weekend for that many people to be getting aquainted and re aquainted and I can't wait to get together soon... ( though maybe it will have to be a girl thing...lol)

On another note about Robyn...I owe her a big thanks...she financed my upgraded membership for a year...she says because she couldn't think of a better way to show me how much she believes in me...I thought that was very sweet.

Well, I have 5 kids sitting in time out-for playing with the ceiling fan...too many he said's, she said's....he did it firsts...so they all get to sit-for those of you who don't know..I only have 2...but I babysit...when they all come in the door there is a very short period of time where there are 8 children in my house..uggg...lol

I'm outta here for the evening...ball practice...and the next few days will be busy...C has an away game tomorrow evening at 6pm....Sat both kids have a game at 2pm (I guess I will learn to split myself in 2) and I think I'm going to go take the placement test for college in the morning on Sat....Sunday at church is Mission Sunday and we will be there from 9 until after lunch (gotta love a pitch in...lol)

Monday night is a game for C...so busy busy busy...

Hope all is well with y'all

blessings and hugs
April 25, 2007 at 5:56pm
April 25, 2007 at 5:56pm
Ok, I've finished my rough draft, am showing it to a couple of people tonight and am sending it off tomorrow with my husband to mail.

I could really use some input...I'll gladly give gp's to everyone who comments-you don't have to rate..I don't care about that..I just need some opinions!!! Thanks so much in advance

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by A Guest Visitor

I'll be back on later....and I promise to quit neglecting y'all

April 25, 2007 at 4:08pm
April 25, 2007 at 4:08pm
April 25, 2007

I am a procrastinator, I have always been a procrastinator, and I'm praying one day I will no longer be a procrastinator (I'm also an optimist..lol)

I have been working on a sermon for a laity contest within our church. The winner will be giving this sermon at Annual Conference in June. I've known about it for about a month. I started working on it right away. Then we had computer problems..and then I hit a road block and until today did no more. I had half considered NOT doing it..and since very few people knew I was thinking about doing it...no big deal...except I know..and I kind of was excited about it.

Go back two days..when I realized it was not the 22nd of April but the 23rd...and the deadline for this contest is April 26th..it has to be postmarked by April 26th....I still waited..trying to decide whether to do it or not..and praying that if God wanted me to write this sermon He would make the words flow out of my fingertips as He has done before....when they didn't flow...I didn't do anything...

And then I talked to a friend..who basically (via IM) rolled her eyes and smacked me upside the head..gave me a firm talking to and told me to get my butt in gear...I'm about half done now and am hoping to submit it on here for opinions and ideas before we leave for church...so when I come begging..please please please help me....slacker that I am.

And that brings me to another slacker spot.email....for those of you who read and commented last week on
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by A Guest Visitor
thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart...I've put much of your input into action..the others I will but havne't had time...and it means a lot to me that you took the time to read, respond..and even send gp's....appreciated but totally unnecessary.....

And emails in general...I'm sorry I haven't been responding..I haven't been on much..and what I have been I just haven't been able to respond..I appreicate so much that y'all take the time to come and visit with me as you can. I am very thankful for all of you

Sending big hugs..and getting back to work quickly before Robyn gets home and asks me how it's going...lol

I promise to update later with our weekend..I haven't forgotten...I just HAVE to get this other done first

April 23, 2007 at 5:58pm
April 23, 2007 at 5:58pm
April 23, 2007

This weekend was awesome! We had so much fun and I have much to tell. Unfortunately I'm expecting another friend in the door in about 5 minutes and am also trying to get dinner fixed.

I might be on later..and I'll try to update then ..but my beloved has church work to do tonight....so we shall see

hugs to all
April 20, 2007 at 4:14pm
April 20, 2007 at 4:14pm
April 20, 2007

A very dear friend of mine whom I haven't seen in many years is coming to visit tonight with her family. We are both very excited ..they have a 2 hour trip here and I can't wait til they DO get here.

That said, I'm a bit nervous..I haven't met her new husband..or 2 of her 4 children. I"m hoping for a smooth weekend and that everyone will like each other and get along.

So, If I'm not online..that's why and I'll be back in on Monday with a report of our visit...might even have a story or 2 to write..lol

hugs to all...have a blessed weekend

April 20, 2007 at 4:14pm
April 20, 2007 at 4:14pm
April 20, 2007

A very dear friend of mine whom I haven't seen in many years is coming to visit tonight with her family. We are both very excited ..they have a 2 hour trip here and I can't wait til they DO get here.

That said, I'm a bit nervous..I haven't met her new husband..or 2 of her 4 children. I"m hoping for a smooth weekend and that everyone will like each other and get along.

So, If I'm not online..that's why and I'll be back in on Monday with a report of our visit...might even have a story or 2 to write..lol

hugs to all...have a blessed weekend

April 18, 2007 at 5:35pm
April 18, 2007 at 5:35pm
April 18, 2007

Short note to say I resign from all the chaos that has entered our life. I'm Fried.

J-ok the boy's name is Jamie-please...use it when you pray to God on his behalf, I beg of you. Jamie is sick again. He's got a green snotty nasty nose with that smell only a sinus infection gives off. He's complaining of his ear hurting (just the right one) he's congested, but thankfully not wheezing yet. We have a dr's appointment tomorrow. I have some questions to ask the man...I know we can't make the tests happen any faster and I know we won't have those answers any sooner..but ...I need a game plan. I need to know what we are doing from here...regardless of the answers from those tests...while those tests can indicate an immune deficiency...what else are we going to do? Do we need to go back to the ENT...or what. Do we need to check some other labs? Go see a different dr.? It's been less than a month since our ER visit. Obviously the antibiotic didn't get rid of the last sinus infection. He's not running a temp, thank you sweet Jesus. But he doesn't always. He's not feeling good...he's laying around on and off...he's just sitting and watching tv (he rarely does that accept when sick...or if certain parts of certain movies are on) His lips are chapped...his teeth hurt, his eyes hurt.

Pray please..it's not life threatening..but we need a break here. We need some direction and some answers.

April 17, 2007 at 4:38pm
April 17, 2007 at 4:38pm
April 17, 2007

We are headed out to a softball practice and I won't be back on until late tonight..not even sure if I'll make it online. The practice will be 2 hours but then I have to feed the masses...lol...

Today I wrote a short essay for a newbie contest. It doesn't really feel like I should be considered a newbit..but I've only been here four months-seems like I've always been here to me...sometimes...then I get my heart broken over a contest I didn't do well in and I realize how much I have to learn.

So I wrote again today..the only instructions were to write about something you have a passion for-what you want to be, etc...I'd love for some of you to take a look and let me know what you think. Please....and please be honest.

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by A Guest Visitor

thanks, have a beautiful day
April 16, 2007 at 8:56pm
April 16, 2007 at 8:56pm
April 16, 2007

I have a question for you

How the heck are ya??? Golly it feels like forever since I've had a chance to stop in my own blog two days in a row...hopefully I"ll be able to get around to visit some of you as well this evening.

I took J for his booster shots today...we got 2 of them, 2 of them have to wait because they can't give live vaccine's to him, not knowing if he's got an immuno deficiency..without a dr's order...since it's possible he does.

Not a biggie..he got what he needed for the redraw of the labs. I got a very interesting phone call from the insurance provider this afternoon...our dr filed a greivance with them on our behalf..we now have a patient advocate and some other stuff should be smoothing out soon with them as well....we will be getting a nurse/caseworker who will work with us, the dr, and their pharmacist..it's supposed to be a good thing but I"m leery..this is the government after all.

Still, I wasn't given any choice...and I'm hoping it will be a good thing for my little man.

I"m working on something for writers cramp for tomorrow and something for an outside contest. Tomorrow, no running until C has softball practice...Wed...Not sure...Thursday..guess who has a dr's appt..no, not me. Yes, if you said my sweet little man J. UGGGg.

He's not exactly sick yet..he's got a cold. But he's still coughing from when he was sick 3 weeks ago..and he's congested agai. It's not that I want him back on antibiotics..I pray we don't need them..but the cough is concerning and thecongestion..well what's new.

Ok, gonna go, alot I need to get done. Have a great night
April 15, 2007 at 8:56pm
April 15, 2007 at 8:56pm
April 15, 2007

This weekend has been semil busy, semi lazy. My beloved has been online alot of the time we've been home.

Next weekend promises to be busier yet because a friend from out of town should be coming in..and I"m so excited...can't wait..haven't seen here in more than 10 years. Our kids have never met..she's never met C...let alone J. I've met 2 of hers...the older two. The last time we were together, her almost 13 year old was in the oven and her 9 year old baby wasn't born. We can't wait!

Robyn and I wen't to grade school together for a couple of years..then her family moved to Cincinnati...we stayed in touch on and off over the years. We were two peas in a pod..in many respects back then...and in some respects we stll probably are..but life has changed us both, given us both different lessons and taken us on different paths. I am the straightlaced, rule following, black and white, control freak side and she is the nonconforming, rule breaking, all shade of gray, control freak side...oh wait...see we still have something in common (Robyn, if you are reading this I LOVE YOU)

I need this..She and I need each other. I have such high hopes for our time together and I hope her new husband likes me.

Well, not much else going on here today..I'll share my thoughts on today's sermon tomorrow probably.

I have a cold. Wacky weather-I'm far from the only one around with one.

Have been working on a different version of
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The new version is not in my portfolio at this time...I've sent it to a friend and am continuing working on it. So far I like the new version better...because it gives info a little better and lets you inside her head a little more. Still I have things I like about the version I have on here too...if you are willing to take a look at teh new version and the old version and let me know...email me with an email addy I can send an attachment to...I don't want to put the new one in my port...not yet..I"d like to get some opinions though on the format...

well, I'm headed out and about after the kids are in bed...talk to you soon...
April 12, 2007 at 9:32am
April 12, 2007 at 9:32am
April 12, 2007

Yes, My name is Vicky and I am a slacker. I have had time to write here and haven't. Stress wise my life is nuts and I couldn't write here and calm down too..so there it is.

I'm ticked off at the government because of the medicine situation, I'm ticked off at the dr's office for lack of communication and I"m ticked off at the weather cause it's April and snowing! I'm actually doing better today than I was yesteday.

Update on J...the pneummoccal titer (yes, I could have spelled that wrong) IS low..and he needs a vaccine (which we will get tomorrow)..they will do that and his kindergarten shots (which we will do Monday) because the tetnus is low too. 4 weeks from vaccination, they will redraw labs. If the numbers are ok..then we are set and he should see less infections. If the numbers are still low..we are looking at an immunodeficiency. I'm trying not to worry about it and am thankful for some direction..but I'm also worried.

My beloved has a paper due on Friday -a group project..and it's amazing how little some of the other people are willing to do...it's rather frustrating...

Other than that..we don't have much going on..still waiting on phone calls about my complaints with Medicaid. Still waiting for someone to pretend they care.

Weather is lousy, will probalby rain out our ball jamoboree on Sat..they are calling for rain the next 3 days..with possible snow (it's already snowing)

I'll touch base later
hugs and blessings
April 9, 2007 at 5:45pm
April 9, 2007 at 5:45pm
April 9, 2007

We are heading out to C's award's banquet for basketball. The season ended Saturday. Today, from school, she brought home her softball schedule. I don't have J's yet but it looks like April won't be too bad, May is going to be one very busy month.

The attitude I'm getting is not going to find her playing though if she doens't watch it. She's being a bit of a snot and is going to end up grounded. Lock, stock, and barrel. I have no more patience.

It doens't help that as a mother of two I'm taking 5 children with me because of babysitting. Here I try to get 5 kids fed and out the door in a short period of time by myself. And today they aren't getting along...UGGG

Easter was ok. Actually I was rather in a mood but that's my own fault for focusing on the external world instead of the internal.

Yesterday's sermon was entitled was about God calling our names...that He calls them all but do we hear Him? I have heard Him before...I struggle sometimes to know what direction to take..but I have heard Him.

Something in my life needs to change. My attitude sucks right now and I lose my temper easily. Part of it is that I need some time to focus on my needs and desires...some of it is being selfish and lazy.

Ok, gonna go...my mood is not one that is condusive to blogging..at least anything more than drivel that no one will want to read.

I pray your Easter was blessed and that you feel the joy of the resurrection in your heart.

blessings and peace
April 9, 2007 at 11:23am
April 9, 2007 at 11:23am
April 9, 2007

Did ya even notice I was MIA? If not, that's ok..though it drove me nuts to be...the new hard drive...wasn't working right, we had to take it back to the store, get a new one and NOT transfer info over from OUR old hard drive..in case it was corrupted. We are on our way back to normalacy but still working out the kinks, getting everything reloaded etc.

Unfortunately I don't have time to share much right now about hte weekend..but I will have time this afternoon...so today will see two blog entries...making up for the fact that I haven't blogged in days...lol

hope all are well

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