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Rated: 18+ · Book · Family · #1201314
Who am I, Where am I Going, and Where have I been? The story of my life!
Jan 11, 2007

Today, I start attempting to keep one of my goals this year. To write daily. A little about me. I'm a 35 year old mother of 2, married for almost 15 years. I live in urban Indiana and currently stay at home and am a full time student. What makes me different from anyone else? Not much. lol...I have a strange sense of humor. I love to read. I love to sing. I like to play online. I lost both of my parents 6 years ago. Each year things get easier, except in a way they also get harder. Only somone who has been there will have any clue what I mean.

Why am I here? I feel compelled to write. A few years ago my husband and I took a bible study course at church called Disciple 1. Awesome Awesome study. 34 weeks, 80% of the bible. At the begining we had to discuss why we were there...my pat answer was to learn more abou the bible. Funny thing was, in the end, I'd learned a whole lot more. I learned I could have a personal relationship with God. I learned alot of things. I learned about spiritual gifts....and in the end of that study, we had to get up and give a testimony about our time in disciple and what we had learned....my first entry will be that testimony I shared with our congregation that day...the only changes I've made are to remove names.

My plan for this journal/blog is to just talk about me, my daily life, my kids, and whatever God puts on my heart. Pray for me that I may be obedient in this.

Check out these links! Pleeeease :)

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I look forward to touching base with whomever stops in....

God's blessing on you

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June 27, 2007 at 5:47pm
June 27, 2007 at 5:47pm
June 27, 2007

Howdy Y'all.....

Things are looking up..sort of..lol...long involved story..and lots of personal stuff...but God is good...

I started writing this afternoon..got interrupted by an email from our pastor...and wrote back to him instead..rather emotionally...poor man..lol

We are heading out for dinner at the in laws...talk to you later
June 26, 2007 at 6:56pm
June 26, 2007 at 6:56pm
June 26, 2007

Hi People!

This week has been difficult, stressful and eye opening as well. I know that I'm battling depression right now because my focus is off and my worries are on...I need to focus on the power God has to get us through...difficult as that may be..He's opening my eyes to His presence in the little ways...probably so I'll quit worrying about the big ways.

Understand..we've battled finances for 4 years...mostly 5.......and becasue I learned back then to go one day or hour at a time with finances I have a real problem with the fact that I'm not doing that now and am stressing the future...I talked to a good friend on Sunday night (after a very down weekend) and shared with her a lot of what was going on..I have a tendency to shut down and shut people out when I'm depressed...I don't like anyone to know it and I don't like the fact that it happens to me (please refer to an early entry about me being a control freak..lol)

So God has moved in a couple of ways in the last few days...I know He's been moving on my behalf (our behalf) longer than that but I just wasn't paying attention. After talking to my friend on Sunday...for about 2.5 hours on the phone..and learning that she'd been where I am a few years ago emotionally...and understands..enough to tell me that while my faith is strong my focus is off..and that I need to remind myself EVERY time I waiver that God will take care of us...and focus there..and refocus there.

Then yesterday I had a medicaid recertification meeting..which was fine...I suppose...lol.I'm grateful to have it but..lol...I went to see this friend afterwards at work and took my kids to see her work...only she couldn't give us a tour because her daughter ( a couple of years younger than Cassy) was there and it would rile her up..they had a dentist appt and she was leaving early (too far to get back to get her etc) So she called me later and her daughter is spending a couple of nights and days with us...the money she would've paid her sitter she's paying me..now it's not alot and normally I wouldn't let a friend pay me to babysit...it's a share and share alike thing and I just don't do it..plus there money isn't GREAT...but I consider it God sent...the money is enough for a few groceries and some gas...things that were really stressing me out (very bad week last week financially..so bad that's all we'll say) I will return the favor someday. She and I have led similar lives and have a lot in common..something that by lookng at her before I knew her I'd have never thought...I can be rather judgemental which I didn't realize and don't like..anyway..that leads me to the second movement of God today....

Another friend...one much like a replacement mom/best friend....and I met at the church playground. She watches her grandkids (all 4 of them) for 2 of her 3 daughters. One of them is Jamie's best friend and since Cassy had a friend over I asked if Jamie's friend could come play this afternoon too. it's been a God send by the way...while it's not quiet it's peaceful and everyone is happy. Anyway...There is a guy we know who collects books and bibles ..sending htem out into the streets of America or overseas..he has a mission- www.builderofthespirit.org

Anyway, she had some books in her van that she had collected for him and was showing them to me..told me if I wanted to read any of htem I was welcome to. I glanced, said no, then one which I had turned away from caught my eye. It's called "One Day My Soul Just Opened Up" It's by Iyanla Vanzant the subtitle is 40 days and 40 nights toward spiritual strength and personal growth.

They say those times when we feel furthest away from God's presence are our desert (sp). So this really grabs me. Understand...and I'm ashamed to say it...it's been 4 weeks since we've been to church...not really a faith issue but....a schedule issue, an attitude issue, a space issue....there's a lot going there.

Anyway...the dedication in this book sealed it for me...I will be reading this...I need it..I need to grow stronger in God and I need to grow spiritually....the dedication reads:

"This book is dedicated to Ego, that part of us that coninues to worry, lives in doubt, is afraid, judges other people, is afraid to trust, needs proof, believes only when it is convenient, fails to follow up, refuses to practice what it preaches, needs to be rescued, wants to be a victim, beats up on "self," needs to be right all of the time and continues to hold on to what does not work. You are now put on notice that....YOUR DAYS ARE NUMBERED!"

The dedication alone screams for me to read this book. It's set up very interestingly and I'm looking forward to starting it in the morning. It has a portion for the morning and the night....and says it can be done in 40 days..but not to move from one days word until you are comfortable in it...and not to go in order if you feel led to do otherwise....I have trouble with making daily committments but that's my goal...I'll keep you posted.

I'm scared. I'm scared of what the future holds..but the book has a motto..one I"m going to try to hold onto in my fear..in our future..."Be Open.There is something bigger than you know going on here."

I'm going to go finish fixing supper. I'll try to get around to some blogs this evening if hubby isn't on the puter too long doing church stuff. God bless. And thanks for your prayers and for all who have stopped in.

June 22, 2007 at 10:19pm
June 22, 2007 at 10:19pm
June 22, 2007

Life just sucks and it's best to not say anything at all. That's where I am right now. I dont' want to be a downer and I don't want to be a bummer...but I swear if something good doesn't happen...I'm gonna cry.

I promise to be back soon with more positive thoughts..there's just so darn much going on right now that I'm having trouble focusing on anything else

God is good though and He will prevail!

June 17, 2007 at 7:44pm
June 17, 2007 at 7:44pm
June 18, 2007

Sorry I didn't update sooner..it's been a long weekend!

These games took place yesterday..had we won game 7 we'd have had to play up to 3 games today....there is a part of me that's kind of glad we didn't win..though I'd love for the girls to have gotten trophy's.

We won game 6...9-8 in overtime...it was a rough game, the girls fought hard and played very well-Cassy scored their winning point-hitting a triple-then getting home when the next girl hit a double. That game lasted 2 hours and 40min...normal game play maximum is 2hours...but at the bottom of the 7th-and just over 2 hours-we wre tied 8-8. They were exhausted but jubilent.

Game 7, they lost 8-6-in the 7th inning and just didn't have time to recover even though they batted last....the other team's pitcher was good...the defense was too good for the batters in the line up where we were...might have played out differently if we'd been at a stronger point in the lineup but that's part of the way it goes....They fought hard...they played good ball..there were even innings they scored no points on us...the other team had also just played a game...though not as long of one.

They did well...were quite sad that it was over but finished 4th out of 17 teams....not bad for a bunch of girls...(as their coach likes to razz them with). He took them out for ice cream afterwards...a promise fulfilled from the begining of the season-he told them if they got 5 double plays during the season he would take them all out for ice cream....they had 12 double plays and 3 triple plays between regular season and tournament...

There were tears-especially from a few of the older girls who won't have this coach next year (his daughter does not move up). He promised them they'd be back together the following year if it's what they wanted....hard times when you are 10 and 11 but they'll get through. Cassy says she's not hanging her cletes up yet...even though she's sad.

They have bat a thon awards on teh 23rd, team party on the 29th and they get to go to the Indians game as a team (Indianapolis team) on the 30th because they won that particular award for their division in the batathon.

Cassy says she'll be bored now..but I highly doubt it. She has about 3 weeks until fair time and 4H projects to finish....she has about 3 weeks until her first camp (if we ever get approval) If she goes to that one (it's a music camp) she'll be gone 10 days..back for 2 weeks and then gone for a week at church camp. Somewhere in there my sister wants the kids for a weekend....school starts mid August and cheerleading sign ups for the youth league football will be shortly before school starts...I think she'll survive....I'm not sure she'll even have time to clean her room..thoguh she's supposed to...lol...though there are also a couple of VBS's we usually go to as well.

Well -I 've got to get supper finished (we've been at the inlaws all day and just got home) and kids ready for bed...both kids have allergist/asthma dr appt's tomorrow afternoon.

I'll try to get on later but make no promises...I'm struggling a bit ..ok quite a bit...with some depression right now..and I don't sit still so well in front of the computer doing nothing but typing...games I can do ...as long as it keeps me busy...I'll be ok ..just have to get it out of my system...

June 14, 2007 at 1:50pm
June 14, 2007 at 1:50pm
June 14, 2007

Ok....I have to backtrack to last week-we played a make up gameThe girls played a great game..lots of hits, decent pitches...but they couldn't win with this ump...called strikes for them not swinging at ball that hit the ground before the plate..then called balls on strikes we threw...our coaches (and the parents) were getting pretty ticked...the ump was not even behind the plate but standing back at the fence....our last up to bat...a run that would have brought us within one of them (and allowed another girl to bat...thereby allowing us to tie the game becasue we had a runner on third) our girl slid into home plate...the catcher had the ball...the runner slid under the glove...she should have been safe but the gosh darn ump called her out...he almost had an entire team of parents at his throat...OMG...we lost by 2 (1 if you count the run he called out) He so sucks...they didn't swing at much, walked in like 20 runs...because he kept calling balls that weren't balls...we've only had one ump that was even close to this bad this season and all I can say is they'd better not be umping the tourney....

Our game on Sat was at 5:30-It went well...we won 19-6. Sunday we won 10-6-leaving us to play on Monday-both of those games went well, the girls played hard..Cassy played well. On Monday we played the only team we'd had trouble hitting off of....and we had lost to them during regular season 5-1....Monday night we lost-12-6.

The loss on Monday night hit us hard The girls didn't start really playing ball until the 5th inning...and if they could've hit off the pitcher we'd have managed to catch up...however....it was destined by God himself I believe..because when we lost on Monday night it put us down in the bracket to play the team we lost to last Thursday night-the make up game that sent me sputtering and spewing.....the game where the ump made such bad calls...now we know why-we found out last night he's the father to one of the pitchers....wow....how bad can you get.....Too late to protest.

But ...revenge is sweet-and we proved to be the better team-when good and honest umps are watching-we wiped the floor with them 20-2...have wonder how they beat us by 2 pts when we played them before...It took 2 hours plus to play 5 innings...between the breaks the other team and the ump took and how bad their pitchers were......that our coach decided to bench 3 of his players who will move up next year...3 of his strongest players...and let some of the girls play new positions.....moving outfield infield...and look who took the catcher position at the bottom of the 4th inning....

Getting dressed-she took a lot of razzing from her coaches (good natured) as she had to have help and it took a while as they had to adjust the straps on the shin guards and she has a pretty good stance And she even caught a few!

I have one pic where she looks like she's trying to catch the bat!!..lol

The only issue we had with her being catcher was she was almost as tall as the ump and kept jumping up to get the ball before it crossed the plate...making it difficult for the ump to see them plate!

We play again on Friday-that team hasn't been deteremined...it will be the winner from one of the teams that plays tonight-I don't see it as a problem...it won't be the team from Monday night-of the 2 teams it will be between I think we've beat them both-and I think the only team close to us strenght wise is the one who beat us on Monday night-I have no doubt they will be one of the 2 teams in the championship on Sunday...we hope to be the other one.:)

I'll keep you posted on the ball stuff!

Well, time to run, have a few things to do and a couple of items I'd like to actually write..lol

hugs, hope all is well with you and yours

June 7, 2007 at 4:40pm
June 7, 2007 at 4:40pm
June 7, 2007

Hi People!!! Waving at ya!

Today Cassy has her last regular season ball game...a make up from early in the season when we got rained out. Sat starts our tournament...it could last up until Father's Day...depends on how they do...It's double elimination..we have high hopes of a trophy.

I'm still waiting on our ENT referral. I called a couple of days ago..and they were supposed to get back me...they still hadn't so I got back with them today...lol..squeaky wheel..that's me. She tried to tell me again, that I didn't need a referral...I advised her that medicaid says otherwise...an ENT is a specialist and I have to have a referral...uggg...so she's supposed to call me back tomorrow (they are now closed) and let me know when the appt is. If she hasn't called me back by the time I get home with the kids from vacation bible school tomorrow I will be calling back...AGAIN...and it's long distance...maybe I'll send them the charges.

Kids are driving me nuts today...the big one is moody....the two I watch aren't listening..and the little one...well he's his typical 4 year old self...lol...this I get to take to a ball game...The big one is currently flipping out over the fact that she can't find her ball shorts that I folded up and gave to her 3 days ago...so because the boys were in there the other day she was screaming at them to find them...I was not calm, cool, or collected...I'm tired of the tude and I advised her if she didn't can it and cool it she wouldn't play tonight at all and there would be no further problem...I left her digging through her clothes...UGGGG

Ok...I have good kids...I know this...I really do. The bible school teacher Cassy has told me yesterday that "Cassy is a delight" She's a good girl with a good heart...most of the time.

Well, I need to head out of here...have a great evening...I'll try to pop in tomorrow at some point if it doesn't get too terribly crazy around here. I have to get Jamie packed for my sister's...and that kind of stuff...after vbs.

Take care and God bless...you are in my thoughts and prayers.
June 1, 2007 at 5:07pm
June 1, 2007 at 5:07pm
A little bit louder and a whole lot worse-LOL

June 1, 2007

Mike's sick...been home for 2 days..we spent yesterday playing on the computer and babysitting...then both went to immediate care..we both have sinus infections...kids both already had dr's appts for today...Jamie has ANOTHER sinus infection (not that I'm surprised just tired of it...) Cassy's asthma is STILL out of control-they are upping her asthma meds..her allergies are NOT in control (thanks so much medicaid for changing her from the med that DID work and making her go on one that DOES NOT-I'm mom..but I know NOTHING!!!-infuse sarcasm here). SO Mike and I feel cruddy-Jamie is typical for him and Cassy just keeps plugging along...

I have NO test results ( I will next week or heads are going to roll) I called the allergist office again-she (the office manager) was supposed to have him call me yesterday-it's only my son's health..problem is they can't FIND one of the results-the one we need of course-so I don't know YET whether we are dealing with an immune defficiency or not...as I said...I will know SOMETHING next week or I'm going start getting really nasty( have tried nice, have tried worried mom with a little tension, have tried a little bit of nasty-so far they aren't paying attention) Someone will pay attention soon.

Cassy's last game before tournament is tonight. Jamie's last game was Tuesday night and he did well. Cassy had a game last night..and although they lost by one-she played well-hit a double, caught a fly ball-seemed to have a lot of fun-hopefully tonight's game will go well also.

Tomorrow most of the day is laid back and resting-we have a cook out at Jamie's coach's house in the evening. I've got to do some cleaning sometime...lol..but we shall see.

Next week LOOKS calm...hahaha (Cassy will have a practice or 2 I'm sure...but no games until the following Sat when tournament starts-it's double elimination and depending on how they play we could play on and off all week. Not sure what's going on after that..one day at a time.

Welll...time to run ..have to load the kids and head out-2 stops to make before she has to be at the ball field.

hugs to you all-thanks to those who have stopped in



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May 30, 2007 at 10:52am
May 30, 2007 at 10:52am
May 31, 2007

Hi y'all. Sorry to be MIA...I've missed getting around to everyone's blogs..miss writing in general....thanks for all who have stopped in and let me know you are thinking of me...

For those of you who believe in the power of prayer, I ask for you to pray for me....nothing's wrong..but I'm struggling..emotionally, spiritually. We are struggling financially-and doing battle with some attitude issues...we have some decisions to make and need Godly guidance....

Ball is going fine...Jamie had his last game last night..Cassy has 2 to go before tournament....We are also gearing up for Fair time (she does 4H) and summer camp..things are busy busy busy.

I NEED the ability to sit down and write soon-and I know blogging is writing-but I need to put to paper what I'm feeling and I need to do a bit of a cleansing (not the colon kind..lol)

Y'all are in my thoughts and prayers as well.

May 25, 2007 at 11:36am
May 25, 2007 at 11:36am
May 25, 2007

Everything is fine..I'm ok...life's just nuts with the end of school and having ball games. Medicaid is wreaking havoc with my nerves....Jamie's not feeling real well and they can't find the results of his tests....

I'll try to holler later when things aren't nuts-meanwhile, know you are in my prayers.

May 22, 2007 at 10:22pm
May 22, 2007 at 10:22pm
May 22, 2007

Cassy's team won the game last night! 19-16..and man was it intense. We batted first..and managed to get a couple of runs...Cassy bats 4th-got out at first but batted a run in. Second time around she got out at 2nd..becasue she wouldn't slide and got tagged at. Starting the top of the 6th we were down by 6. At the start of the 7th inning it was tied 15-15....Cassy was up first to bat and hit a triple..the dug out and the stands went nuts (doesn't take much but still..lol) She is so tickled. We scored 4 runs that inning...then their first batter up scored a home run...luckily that's all they managed to score and our girls won! Not bad for a bunch of 8, 9, and 10 year olds. They are now 5-3. We have 5 games left before tournament.

Jamie's games are going well...as cute as tball can be...lol...It's so very funny...he's actually hit the ball without the t about 4 times...but he's so very funny...he gets up to bat..and they get him set into stance and he's just as serious as can be...and they pitch the ball and he swings..and then if he hits the ball..they have to tell him to run..which is pretty normal..but if he doesn't hit the ball...mentally-he's gone..watching the clouds, the stands, the bug on the ground...lol...and they have to set him up to the plate and back into stance for each pitch...it's really quite funny and I enjoy watching him..though I feel a bit guilty laughing at him. In the field it's funny too..he's playing in the dirt (they all do) sitting on teh base, talking to the other team if he knows them...etc...guess it's a good thing they only play 2 innings. LOL. He has a game tomorrow night, one Sat and one next week and we're done with tball.

Bat-a-thon went pretty well and we had a good time The league raised a decent amount of money. Thankfully I felt well enough to spend the day out there.

I've gotten no writing done...except for this entry...though I had intended on writing this evening..I'm a bit emotional and strung out because of some personal stuff in life...nothing major, just stuff that needs to be worked out.

Sigh...Ok...well, I'm gonna get my shower and head to bed. I'll try to get around to the blogs tomorrow...I've missed y'all.

hope all is well in your world.

May 21, 2007 at 3:25pm
May 21, 2007 at 3:25pm
May 21, 2007

Just a short entry..because I don't want anyone to worry...I'm alive and healthy now..just lots of chaos.

We have a game tonight...If I get a chance to make another entry I'll try to...hope all is well
May 17, 2007 at 4:36pm
May 17, 2007 at 4:36pm
May 17, 2007

But mine is the greatest at it...at least with me.


He shared his stomach virus from a few days ago...wasn't that sweet of him?

Ugg...going back to the couch..will touch base later on or tomorrow
May 16, 2007 at 4:30pm
May 16, 2007 at 4:30pm
May 16, 2007

Jamie's blood draw this afternoon went well. After they straightened out the paperwork of course. The dr's office faxed one order, I had the other order (2 shots-given 2 different days-2 orders) but neither one had his diagnosis (recurrent sinus infections) on them..and they have to have that to put it in the system..and if they can't put it in the system they don't do the lab work. Thankfully they called the dr's office and got it taken care of...and the people at the lab were very nice and were very good with Jamie. Jamie did VERY WELL with the little poke and magic tubes (gotta love kids) and the tech was so nice and gave him 2 suckers, 3 stickers, and a pair of gloves (to blow into inflated hands..lol) Then we went to Dairy Queen. He has a tball game at 5:45pm

Cassy went back to school today....I almost didn't send her....after being fever free all day yesterday-her temp went to 99.5 last night. Checked again this morning after no meds and it was still 99.5......even with my statement of not guaranteeing she'd play tonight just because she went to school she wanted to go....so off she went and I got no phone call. She's not contagious because of the antibiotics and if she had a 99.5 degree temp at school they wouldn't send her home...had it been 100 or above there would have been no question ..I'd have kept her home. But with 2 weeks left to the school year and a few projects and tests left to take I didn't want to have her get to far behind...with little time left to make up work-especially when they failed to send her work home as I had asked. Her temp on coming in the door was normal and she'd not been to the nurse..so we are on for her game at 7pm..unless her temp goes up between now and then...and then she's not going to school tomorrow either....cause my assumption is that the antibiotic has kicked in and this morning's temp was the last we should see....We are having trouble with her asthma still..and she'll be taking a treatment before we leave....

Jamie wore his batman cape all day today..wore it to school-apparently shared it at school and wore it for the blood draw and beyond. Now he just came in crying because one of the kids I babysit is wearing it and won't give it back...sharing is hard at 4. Still we circumvented the problem by me handing over his special blue blankey..that he threw up on in the van Sunday night and is now freshly laundered. He's now a happy boy....

you'd think from the above statement that this child has a security blanket...He does not...as a matter of fact..neither one of my kids has had security objects...oh wait..they both have one...as a matter of fact..sometimes it's an issue because it's the same one...ME


I'm glad to be treasured but I don't fit into a backpack to go off to school..lol..they do both have stuffed animals they sleep with and such..and those can be substituted for minor sleepovers etc...Cassy's is a little stuffed bear we got at Goodwill when she was still within my womb. Jamie's is a stuffed tiger that my sister bought him when he was little...and his blue blankey. He also has a small afghan a friend of mine made for me when I was pregnant...he likes to wear it as a superman cape...or a "boy who cooks" his words , not mine..lol

Ok, I've rambled enough about my kids...we are off and running...

hope your day is going well
blessings and peace
May 15, 2007 at 5:57pm
May 15, 2007 at 5:57pm
May 15, 2007

Today has been a productive day...around the house...lol..unfortunately that means it was not a productive day here...but the house looks better and I have clean sheets tonight...yeah...I love to shower at night and have fresh clean sheets to sleep on :) (I know, you didn't ask..lol)

Cassy is feeling better..no fever today..though still quite headachy and wheezy..throat doesn't seem to be bothering her too badly..she's eaten some...

Jamie went back to school today..but he's not quite up to par...ate no lunch..complained of his stomach hurting and thought he was going to puke...I didn't push it and he's fine now...we'll see how he does with dinner.

Tomorrow we go for his blood draw-to check the levels of the 2 shots they gave him a month ago...we should have the results next week.

Dinner is almost finished-we are having meatloaf and potatoes, green beans, fresh bread (frozen bread from the Schwan's man but hey)..lol

I'm ready to strangle one of the kids I babysit...he was throwing rocks at my neighbor's car as he drove up the lane...then after he went in continued to throw rocks/dirt into his yard/at his house..guy came over here NOT HAPPY...so neither am I..he's in trouble with me and he'd better be in trouble with mom.

Well..I wanna make it around to some blogs so I'm gonna scoot on out of here..thanks to everyone who has stopped by!

May 14, 2007 at 4:03pm
May 14, 2007 at 4:03pm
May 14, 2007

UGGG.Not for the week of stomach!

Yesterday was ok..not great but ok-I woke up in a very low mood-didn't go to church, didn't feel like I could handle it. Ended up going to my sister's house and that helped a lot. We don't see eye to eye on a lot of things and are VERY different people...but she loves me and is there for me..and I for her.

We had a good time, good visit, good food. Got ready to leave about 9 and Jamie wsa complaining of his stomach hurting. About 15 min on the road and he said, I think I'm gonna throw up....nothing in the van for him to use...but then nothing happened...about 1/4 of a mile from teh rest area he managed to hit himself, the carseat, the van seat, the van floor, the seat belt and everything on the floor underneath his seat...now, I had taken an extra outfit with me but he'd had an accident so ...lol..we went into the rest area and cleaned off and put on the old shorts (which luckily had just been hit with a spot or 2 of pee earlier-a new shirt a jacket and no shoes. When I got outside Mike was trying to get the cover off the booster seat so we could bag it up and maybe the stink wouldn't be tooooo bad...uggg...it took FOREVER. This is a high back booster seat with a 5 point harness...it takes a screw driver to get it off...we dind't have one...luckily we had pliers...but it was very slow going for my beloved. I cleaned up the van floor and the seat of hte van best I could...got Jamie rearranged in another booster seat (from one of hte babysitting kids-good thing I didn't take it out of the van before we left the house huh?) and finally got back on the road about 45 minutes later. We made it about 5 minutes from home and he puked again..this time on my sweatshirt-laying in his lap for htat reason. Got home and cleaned him and the van up as best as I could and sprayed Febreeze all over the van-got Jamie in bed, Cassy showered and in bed and started washing the mess.

My beloved stayed home today....took a personal day..Wish I had someone to call in to...lol....Was going to let Cassy stay home since it was midnight when she went to bed only at 6:30 this morning she wok up running a fever of 102.6. NOOOOOOOOOO! She's been having major asthma issues for the last several days, has been complaining of her throat hurting and her head hurting (this I assumed from coughing so much (she coughs instead of wheezes with her asthma) I was going to call the dr this morning about that anyway. My beloved took her to the dr for me...

Ok, what mainly childhood illness have I given many symptoms for, but have not named? What contagious illness, one brought home by MANY schoolchildren every year did the dr. diagnose her with? 1000 gp's to the one who guesses it first...lol...just cause I have to have SOME fun today...lol

Special Kay guessed it with Strep! Woohoo...wtg Kay!

Anyway, my beloved and my eldest child are on the way home, armed with an antibiotic and who knows what else..lol...my youngest child..he seems right as rain...HE is going to school tomorrow-unless of course he spikes a temp or something...God help me....

Anyway..that's all I have...lol..it's enough...she has to miss practice, I've called her coach. He said, and I quote "man, we seem to be getting hit with EVERYTHING this season" They've had several girls miss due to illness- a couple of gi bugs and such...poor guy...told her to feel better quickly-not sure if he's worried about Wed game or the fact that she might've been contagious Friday night at the game...lol...

Pray she gets better quickly....that the antibiotic kicks in VERY fast and that she is fever free to go back to school on Wed as the dr says....she has a game Wed night..and y'all will be able to hear her from WHEREVER you are if she has to miss.Then again...pray for me if she's not better...lol..my nerves will be shot by then.

Wed I'm supposed to take Jamie for blood draws...it's been 30 days since he had the boosters of the 2 low titers from his immune deficiency testing...now we will see if we have answers or not.

Gonna go...I'll check back to see if anyone has guessed it and to let ya know what she has....lol

May 13, 2007 at 12:11am
May 13, 2007 at 12:11am
May something, 2007

Depending on your clock..it could be after midnight, making it the 13th instead of the 12th..especially when I get done..and since I don't know how to see what time WDC thinks it is..we'll just go iwth the above date.

I'm not gonna whine, crab, or rant. I"m not going to vent or cry or any of the above. Because truth be told I don't have the energy and y'all probably don't have the tolerance. I'm sure you will hear bits and pieces this week as I mellow a little..but who the hell knows.

I hope all of you female people out there have a Happy Mother's Day tomorrow (or when the Sun comes up..lol) I'm feeling rather cynical so I'll keep the rest of my comments to myself-part of this thanks to my Aunt Flo who has come to visit...uggg

anyway..have a great day
May 10, 2007 at 5:53pm
May 10, 2007 at 5:53pm
May 10, 2007

I have so much I could rant about right now....lol..unfortunately I have 11 minutes before I have to get 5 children out the door to a ballgame..thankfully they aren't all mine..unfortunately..I have to bring them home with me until about 11pm...they are good kids..it's just alot tonight

The ball socks have been found...in her defense..she did put them in the washer. In my defense..I told her to check INSIDE all the clean clothes waiting to be folded...enough said.

Although I have to say..she was all ready to go buy new ones..cause I won't let her play tomorrow night with out them..whether the coach chooses to or not...and when she found them she kept running around here saying "alleluia"...lol...kind of funny coming out of a 10 year olds' mouth..and here I thought she didn't care...lol

Ok..pipsqueak has a tball game, I have a meeting..heading in to meet my beloved. I've spent a busy day here at WDC reading and reviewing..mostly one author who I got hooked on reading one story..then a second. I might've gotten more done but the kids kept interrupting..things like food and such...lol

talk to you all later...just stopping in made me feel a wee bit better.

May 9, 2007 at 5:47pm
May 9, 2007 at 5:47pm
May 9, 2007

OK...testing went fairly well. I scored high enough to take college level English and Reading classes (thank God or I might have to reconsider my line of study) and have to take a Basic Algebra course before I can take the required Intermediate Algebra course for my line of study....I'm taking a 2 year liberal arts degree with an English concentration-I'm not sure what I want to do when I finish..I'd like to continue on to a four year degree..but i don't know if I"ll be able to afford it...am leaving that in God's hands....I want to write...I need to write..and I'd like a career that coinsides with my calling to write. Ivy Tech is a 2 year college..and we qualify for financial aid..so no loans..at least this coming school year....I start in August.

Now, onto my question yesterday of what did YOU want to be when you grew up. I enjoyed the few responses I got..and hope a few more will pop in today with answers..just cause I'm nosy and would like to know...lol

I can't remember a time while growing up that I didn't want to be a special education teacher. My mom told me such stories of her life in a school for the handicapped it just made me want to make a difference..heck I wanted to go there myself..till I found out even the high school students had nap time. My mom studied regular classes...and was a member of a group called Happy Hoboes and Sad Sacks..I think it was a musical group but I can't remember. Anyway...all the way up through high school-and even the year I was in college.....I wanted to be a special education teacher...then I realized I didn't want to spend the rest of my life in a classroom...and that kind of changed..but I had no real direction. Up until this year...all I could tell you was that I wanted to be a mom and stay home with my kids..and that I want to make a difference..a measurable difference...in our world. I'm hoping that going back to school will give me the knowledge and the education to do both. I have loved being home with my kids...when I worked I hated it..and I cried when I drove home because I was so unhappy..I did it..because we needed the money and I felt God had led me to that job..and I was staying until He led me away...thankfully a year and a half later.

With Mother's Day coming up...I've been reflecting that direction too...as a matter of fact I wrote (and linked here ) a piece a couple of weeks ago called "Invalid Item. Last week I shared it with my Mom's group at church... a first for me to share my writing with those not involved here...or VERY close to me personally..and I do mean VERY close. They seemed to like it..and one of them said she hoped I planned to give it to my mom on Mother's Day...I wish I could. I know she's already heard it/seen it..etc..but I'd like to see her face knowing how much of an impact she's made on my life and how much like her I want to be.

My mom wrote too...maybe I need to get a copy of her story from my sister, make some changes, and try once again to get it published for her...she tried once and gave up...hmmmm....will have to pray on that one.

Ok, am getting a bit melancholy so I"m gonna go get busy doing other things. For those who have recently lost their mom's...such as wayfarerjon or those like me for whom it hasn't been so very recently but hurts none the less...please say a prayer. Then, even if you aren't close to your mom, she's gone, or whatever...celebrate Mother's day for all those women in your life who have made an impact...

Now I'm done preaching too....lol

blessings and hugs
May 9, 2007 at 7:21am
May 9, 2007 at 7:21am
May 9, 2007

I'm heading in to town to Ivy Tech Community College to take placement testing for the fall. I'm nervous since I"ve been out of school for about 15 years..math is not my strong point so we will see what happens.

Say a prayer for me today..I'll be back on later to do a real entry and to tell ya how htings went (though I doubt I will know the results today..I'll have a feeling I"m sure)

May 8, 2007 at 3:53pm
May 8, 2007 at 3:53pm
May 8, 2007

And if each uniform has 5 parts (shirt, shorts, 2 socks, and a visor) then how come my 10 year old daughter loses said socks after each game? Cleats are in the van (guess that makes 7 parts..oh well) uniform shirt and shorts have been freshly washed, visor is in the ball bag..so how's come each week we can't find the dang socks? This has been a problem since it became her responsibility..Jamie's uniform has 3 parts (shirt, pants, hat...no cleats yet, no socks but his own) I am responsible for that..he's 4...so now, with an hour before we have to leave and homework to do..she still can't find them..I'm so ready to beat someone!!!! And if I have to go find them in her pit of a bedroom she's gonna pay me!!!

Big Sigh..I'm already frustrated because we have 2 games at 2 different fields, 2 different towns..so My beloved will miss all of Jamie's game and I will miss part of Cassy's...while I'm thankful there are two of us..I hate to miss any...call me a glutton..here I am trying to babysit too...and get kids fed and out the door...why can't seh be more responsible???

Ok, ranting over...so sorry you had to hear that.

What did you want to be when you grew up? Was it something ordinary or did you want to be something special? Did it change as you grew or did it stay the same? Just curious...ok not really...for real it is a lead in to tomorrow's entry...

blessings and peace

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