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by spidey
Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1207864
If you don't have a dream, how are you going to make a dream come true?

2013 Goals

 Invalid Item 
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#1837381 by Not Available.

Write 52 Reviews / current = 27
Read 40 books / current = 9
Enter 12 Contests/Activities / current = 4
Host/Judge 2 Contest/Activity / current = 2

Other goals:
*Bullet* Be patient
*Bullet* Let go of anger/negativity
*Bullet* Monthly blogging

Some other places you can find me:
The Uprising  [18+]
this is the resistance
by spidey

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July 24, 2007 at 3:42pm
July 24, 2007 at 3:42pm
Does anyone know how to clear/delete a rating? I received a 3.5 & review from someone for "Horror Trivia Challenge [13+], the quiz I just blogged about.

I don't mind a 3.5 rating (though I think it deserves at least a little higher than that), though the person didn't explain the rating and has since been deleted for abusing the auto-reward system (which was why s/he was reviewing my quiz in the first place).

So, the review was deleted since the user was deleted, but the rating is still there. *Frown*

I'd like to get rid of the rating since I don't think the person even thought about the stars before sending the review.

Anyone know how to do that? Yeah, I could ask in one of the support forums, but I thought I'd ask here while I continue to search for the answer on my own. *Wink*

July 24, 2007 at 2:13pm
July 24, 2007 at 2:13pm
In addition to updating shows, etc. on the website today, I've been working on a few projects here, too. I finally added enough questions to make "Horror Trivia Challenge [13+] public. My Horror Trivia forum did so well, I thought I'd make a quiz out of it. There are 40 stock questions at the moment, so when you take the quiz, you'll get 10 random questions.

Have fun! *Smile*

July 21, 2007 at 10:09pm
July 21, 2007 at 10:09pm
Want to know how many magazines we sold at the festival today?


This is how I felt earlier - *Cry*

But I'm feeling better now. I think we learned a few lessons from today. First, before agreeing to pay for a vendor permit, find out how many people are expected to be at the festival. (Paying $55 to be there only to see 20 people who weren't in bands sucked! We spoke to about 5 people about the magazine, but no one was willing to pay for it.)

Festival crowds may not be our ideal customer.

Also, we're considering converting to a free magazine. We'll focus on getting ads to pay for the printing and get stores to put stacks of the free 'zine near the door or something. There are a few free mags in our area (which is why we decided not to go that route earlier), but ours is the only one with a lot of content focusing on supporting local, original music. Venues are more willing to advertise in a free magazine because it basically guarantees a readership. Who wouldn't pick up a free music magazine?

So today I learned the best thing to do with setbacks is to learn from them and move on. I was quite upset at first, but I think we've learned some good lessons from this experience. *Smile*

ps - It's going to really bug me if no one sees the hard work we put into this first issue. If anyone here wants to see it, just email me your address and I'll mail you a copy. *Smile*

July 20, 2007 at 10:35am
July 20, 2007 at 10:35am
(nothing to do with the entry below)

I have an opening in "Invalid Item for August 6 to August 11, and I need someone to fill it! You don't have to do anything for the spot. You'll have your portfolio featured for reviews for that week.

First person to comment gets the spot! *Smile*

July 20, 2007 at 10:28am
July 20, 2007 at 10:28am
All year I've been saying there's no way I'm doing NaNo again! It's not that I didn't enjoy it, but that I just don't know if I have the time and energy to do it. Last year's was so much fun, and I learned so much, but I really didn't want to do it again.

Then Traci said yesterday, "I think I might do NaNo this year."

That's all it took! You see, I know how much it helps to have support when you're involved in NaNo. I couldn't have done it without help from Mr. J and from the group here on WDC that was doing it.

So yesterday, we came up with a fun idea for our NaNo novels. Last year, I went with a political satire kind of novel that took a ton of concentration and deep thought. (and it's still nowhere near what I'd like it to be) So, this year, I'm going for something more fun and kind of pointless.

We're thinking of writing a book that's a diary. That's the basic premise. Mine will be a woman that has to write in a diary for 30 days on the orders of her shrink.

We're going to write down a ton of prompts and stick them in a hat. At least once per week, we have to pull out a prompt and fit it into the diary entry. I suppose some will be crazy, some will be serious, and so on. It won't be a new story every day, but just events in the same story.

The thing with my novel is that the woman writing in the diary may or may not be actually insane. You won't know if she's telling the truth or not.

Anyone else thinking of NaNo? (It's only about 3 months away!)


July 19, 2007 at 3:02pm
July 19, 2007 at 3:02pm
I started yet another project!

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1293756 by Not Available.

This was inspired by today's For Authors Newsletter written by terryjroo. (See, I told you those things were inspirational!)

It's going to take a long time to finish, but it's going to be fun! (You know, as much fun as literary devices can be...) *Laugh*

In other news, I'm printing the magazine today, and we're making copies tonight! We're making 50 copies to sell this weekend. Wish us luck! *Smile*

July 18, 2007 at 3:09pm
July 18, 2007 at 3:09pm
Yay! Ajar just put my favorite song on their myspace. It's called Kidnapping, and when they play it live, it's deliriously magical.

Go listen to it if you have a few spare minutes: https://www.myspace.com/ajarrocks

I'm so excited they're playing at the festival we're attending on Saturday. They're also playing another show that night, and we just might follow them to that show, too.

*sings, "Find your Faith, Find your God, Find the Truth, Find Yourself."

July 18, 2007 at 2:15pm
July 18, 2007 at 2:15pm
Working with bands can be tedious. That's all I'm saying. *Laugh*

We're working very hard on getting July's issue in print for this Saturday's festival. It's a three-day festival at a campground, though we'll only be there for one day. We've got our Vendor Permit, so we'll have a space to showcase our stuff. We're praying we sell some merchandise. At least, we'll have the magazine to sell (hopefully).

Staples has copy machines - 6 cents per copy! With the size of our magazine, it's looking to be close to $1 per issue to get it copied. I'm not sure about the cover, though, since we wanted at least semi-color, if not a thicker paper, as well.

It's totally DIY, but at least it's happening. It's finally happening! We've been talking about moving into print for a whole year now!

July 17, 2007 at 10:20pm
July 17, 2007 at 10:20pm
(I did some work related stuff today, but I don't feel like writing about it.)

Instead, I offer a challenge. A dare, if you will. I was bored, so I thought I'd see what "famous" people share my birthday, and it turns out that I'm in awesome company! So here's the challenge:

Go to this website: http://www.mysticgames.com/birthdays.htm

Plug in your birthday, and tell me if you think your list is better than mine! *Laugh*

(You don't have to tell me your entire list, as I'm not giving my whole list here, just the ones I've heard of before.)

Here's my list (in the order listed on the site):

Alice Cooper
Oscar De La Hoya
Natalie Imbruglia
Charles Lindbergh
George Romero
Rosa Parks
Dan Quayle (this one just makes me laugh!)

So, what's your list like? If it's cooler than mine, I'll give you gps! (Heck, I'll probably give them to you anyway. I'm bored tonight.) *Laugh*
July 16, 2007 at 12:06pm
July 16, 2007 at 12:06pm
Some Mondays, I have so much to do, I'm all over the place!

Today I sent in some more applications for BU. I want to work there so badly!! I have a good deal of experience working in offices (about 2 years total), and I'd be working at the same place my sister works! We could take our lunch breaks together! *Bigsmile*

I love working with family and friends. I know it can be difficult for some people, but I've worked with my husband, and my Mom & Gram, not to mention a lot of close friends. The problem that I think some people have with working with friends & family is that it really hurts when they're not pulling their own weight, or if they seem to start taking advantage of you. The way I got around that was that I tried to see it from their point of view. If they were having problems in another area of their life, chances are, I already knew about it. In most cases, they're not intentionally hurting you.

Of course, it's not a good idea to have family and friends as your boss... except in one situation, I've found that they can tend to take advantage of you, and there is little you can do about it.

In other news, I've thought of an idea for a writing workshop here. It's nothing fancy, and definitely not a "new, original" idea. There is so much focus on gps on this site, with raffles and auctions, etc. that seem to focus entirely on how much gps are being raised. I'm not condemming these activities, but I'd like to do something to focus some more attention on writing.

I had these great writing workshops in college. There were about 12 students and we'd all take turns with our writing. Each week, a new work was read and discussed by the class. We were encouraged to be positive, giving constructive criticism.

I'd like to start something like that here. I'm sure there are others like it already, but more couldn't hurt, right?

Each member would be required to write something new to be viewed only by the group (until the session is over), and each member would be required to read and comment on each work. There would be active discussions, so if someone says, "I didn't like it," the author could ask, "What particularly about it didn't you like?"

What do you think?

I'm wondering if I'd have the time to run this, though if I'm only the host and not a participant, it might not be too difficult for me. My only job would be to make sure everyone's participating (but I bet I'd end up reading the works, too).

Also, I'd have to focus on one type of writing or one genre at a time. I wouldn't want to mix poetry and short stories, for instance. I could alternate genres/types, but if I have 12 members, that's a 12-week session! Hm... Maybe a smaller group then, though I do want a good deal of members for optimal feedback.

I haven't been writing anything for some time, and I'm thinking at least if I'm not writing anything, I can help others with their own writing. *Smile*

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