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by spidey
Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1207864
If you don't have a dream, how are you going to make a dream come true?

2013 Goals

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Write 52 Reviews / current = 27
Read 40 books / current = 9
Enter 12 Contests/Activities / current = 4
Host/Judge 2 Contest/Activity / current = 2

Other goals:
*Bullet* Be patient
*Bullet* Let go of anger/negativity
*Bullet* Monthly blogging

Some other places you can find me:
The Uprising  [18+]
this is the resistance
by spidey

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November 8, 2009 at 1:19pm
November 8, 2009 at 1:19pm
My goal for yesterday was 1k, and thanks to my first write-in NaNo meeting, I wrote 1553 for the day!

poisonivy and I went to Dunkin Donuts for a NaNo meeting. Honestly, I didn't expect to write much if anything. Our track record with NaNo meetings isn't so good... In '07, we had two meetings and didn't write a single word at either of them! *Laugh* But this year, we buckled down and wrote! We paused from time to time to ask a question or to share a funny sentence or paragraph. It was a lot of fun!

Day 7 Report:

Word Count: 17,187 (wrote 1553)

I've done 420 words so far today, and I don't expect much more. It's such a beautiful day here! *Bigsmile*

November 7, 2009 at 8:33am
November 7, 2009 at 8:33am
I completed my 3k goal yesterday! Now I can relax a little. I'd love to get at least 1k done today, but I'm not going to stress about it if it doesn't happen.

Embarrassing moment of yesterday:

I set up my coffeemaker every night so I don't have to do it in the mornings (I don't trust myself not to mess it up when I'm half-awake). Instead of putting ground coffee into the brew basket, however, I put in sugar. *Blush* *Laugh*!

Day 6 Report:

Word Count: 15,634 (wrote 3126)
Started Part 2 (called The City of Delusion)

Starting Part 2 was really fun and a good motivator for me to want to write. I switched from the perspectives of human-like creatures with a very important destiny (and a few scientists and doctors) to the perspectives of prostitutes and common people living in the city surrounding the Centre, which houses the scientists, doctors and leaders. It was a nice shift to something else with a lot of possibilities.

I wrote a 58-word sentence yesterday, too! *Bigsmile*

November 6, 2009 at 8:53am
November 6, 2009 at 8:53am
Near panic this morning when the site wouldn't work! *Shock*

Embarrassing moment of yesterday:

After my shower, I was getting dressed. I reached into a drawer for a pair of socks, but grabbed underwear instead. I proceeded to try to put them on my foot, taking a few full seconds before I realized they weren't a sock... *Blush*

Yep, NaNo'll do that to ya. *Laugh*

Anyway, I had another solid writing day yesterday. I finished the first 25% of the novel! Hooray! *Delight*

Day 5 Report:

Word Count: 12,508 (wrote 3267)
Finished Part 1 of the story
Watched about 5 episodes of The X-Files Season 4
Played tons of games
Participated in one ten-minute Word War, wrote 520 words!
Averaging about 70 words for the one-minute www.oneword.com writings.

Today I'm going to start a totally different area of my book. For the first quarter, I've had my characters stuck inside a building. It's been bare and stark with no colors or decoration. Very clinical with a hospital feel. Today I'll be starting Part 2 which takes place in the chaotic, overwhelming world of the City which surrounds the building my characters have been stuck inside of.

New characters and new settings! Exciting! *Bigsmile*

(All the characters and settings will tie together later, I promise! This isn't cheating!) *Laugh*

My mind doesn't really want to get going today, which is part of the reason I'm starting the new area in my book. I want to get one more solid day of writing. I got my schedule for next week and the only days I have off are days when I just have meetings at work instead of 8+ hour shifts... But if I get a good writing day in today, I'll still be on track by the end of next week. Wish me luck! *Smile*

And good luck to all of you NaNo-ers! Isn't this fun? *Laugh*

November 5, 2009 at 6:44am
November 5, 2009 at 6:44am
It's way too early to start cracking, isn't it? See, the writing's going well, but my sanity...

Let's just say my husband came home from work to find me sitting on my front porch writing in a notebook. ...and I was wearing ninja swords on my back (Halloween costume props). The funny thing is, there aren't even any ninjas in my novel! *Laugh*

Of course, he already knows I'm nutty, so he just said, "I love you," and smiled. I do wonder what the neighbors thought, though...

Day 4 Report:

Word Count: 9241 (wrote 3230)
I finally have one villain! And he's creepy!
No new characters, but things finally feel like they're moving forward.
3 films watched: A Nightmare on Elm Street, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Part 2: Freddy's Revenge, Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within

New sites:

https://www.oneword.com - the site gives you one word and a blank text box. You write for 60 seconds. (The word changes everyday and is the same for everyone)

https://www.stumbledupon - enter your interests and it gives you weird & interesting images and sites.

http://www.behindthename.com/random/ - a good way to find names for your characters.

Happy NaNoing! *Bigsmile*
November 4, 2009 at 5:31am
November 4, 2009 at 5:31am
I did awesome yesterday! *Bigsmile* My word count reached around 5800 before I had to leave for work! I did the last couple hundred when I got home so I could reach 6k.

I did have to threaten my characters yesterday... Last NaNo, everyone wanted to be a villain. This year they all want to be the hero! Humans aren't supposed to be likable in this novel (except for one), but they're all pushing to be a good guy. So I warned them: If you're a good guy, it means a horrible death!

We'll see if it works. *Laugh*

I've been using a technique I've used for my other NaNo novels: 200-word sprints. I've found that it's fairly easy for me to write 200 words. It's usually about 3-4 paragraphs for me. I sit and write a few paragraphs, check the WC, then get up and do something else. Then I'll sit down and write another couple paragraphs. I end up writing 1k before I know it that way!

Another technique is if I notice the time, like it's 1:55. I'll try to write for five minutes without stopping. It can really help shut off my inner editor! (Speaking of which, my writing is atrocious in this novel! But I'm so happy to be getting the idea out! I've been excited about this idea for months!)

I'm really trying to get ahead with my WC because I know next week could be a little tough to write as much. I'll probably be working days and I don't write as much in the evenings.

Day 3 Report:

Word Count: 6011 (wrote 3484)
# of characters: 8
1 film watched: Identity
Countless games of Poppit played
# of threats to my characters: 1

November 3, 2009 at 6:50am
November 3, 2009 at 6:50am
Day two of NaNo didn't go so well for me... I had a great day, but I didn't write much. I only managed 705 words, but I hope to catch up. I have work at 3pm, so I'll have to get most of my writing done this morning. I'm more of a morning writer, anyway, so it shouldn't be too difficult.

I knew it was going to happen, so I can't get upset about it, but my plot is running away on me! I'm on Chapter 4, and my MC is still in a coma! *Laugh*

All my characters want to be the main character... Well, it helps me ramble on about each one, anyway.

Word Count at end of Day Two: 2528

November 2, 2009 at 7:56am
November 2, 2009 at 7:56am
(I've found that it's easiest to get a blue month of blogging when I'm doing NaNo, because I love distractions!) *Bigsmile*

Day 1 Report:

Word Count: 1823
Introduced 4 characters (Patient 1138, Dr. Kan Therice, Dr. Blackwell, unnamed teenage girl)
Watched 1 film while writing: Kung Fu Panda

I actually managed nearly 200 words while at work! That's going to be the toughest part, writing on days when I'm working. I don't work in an office, and I don't get breaks, so getting words while I'm there is pretty much out. Next week I think I'm working a lot of days, so I'll have to write when I get home, which will be tough for me, too...

I have a doctor's appointment today and it's Mr. J's last day of vacation, so I'm not expecting to get a lot written, but at least I'll reach 2k. *Smile*

November 1, 2009 at 12:26am
November 1, 2009 at 12:26am
For the first time, I started writing just after midnight on November 1st! I couldn't stay up that late other years... *Blush*

Word count so far: 260


Good luck to all you NaNo-ers! *Bigsmile*
October 31, 2009 at 6:19pm
October 31, 2009 at 6:19pm
I personally think it's best to freak out about NaNo before it starts, rather than waiting until November and waste that valuable writing time.

So I'm freaking out today because I can't settle on any character names! My sis is great at picking character names and she suggested Anya for my main character. I like the name and it rhymes with my own name, so I said sure. Now, one day before NaNo, I'm thinking it's not so great. I'm thinking maybe Eve is better...

And I still don't have a name for my main male character! And I'm not totally sure how the novel is going to start! What if I go to write something tomorrow (or after midnight tonight), and the words refuse to come out?? Holy crap, this is terrifying!


Have you had your freakout yet?
October 30, 2009 at 8:59am
October 30, 2009 at 8:59am
I have such a difficult time choosing a genre. Honestly, "speculative fiction" fits well at this point!

I thought I was doing a post-apocalyptic totalitarian dystopia, but I realized the first two aren't quite true, so I'm stuck with "dystopia," but where does that fit in? Possibly "literary fiction" since I'm mainly focused on theme, but it has fantasy elements (not as far as magic and magical creatures, though), and a litle bit of romance, too.

Anyone else having trouble choosing a genre?

Anyone else just itching to start writing already?? *Bigsmile*

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