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by spidey
Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1207864
If you don't have a dream, how are you going to make a dream come true?

2013 Goals

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#1837381 by Not Available.

Write 52 Reviews / current = 27
Read 40 books / current = 9
Enter 12 Contests/Activities / current = 4
Host/Judge 2 Contest/Activity / current = 2

Other goals:
*Bullet* Be patient
*Bullet* Let go of anger/negativity
*Bullet* Monthly blogging

Some other places you can find me:
The Uprising  [18+]
this is the resistance
by spidey

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September 15, 2009 at 12:28pm
September 15, 2009 at 12:28pm
I have a secret: I've started writing again.

I was afraid to mention it loudly for fear of jinxing myself. I haven't written new fiction or poetry in such a long time; it's ridiculous, really. Then recently I just got this overwhelming desire to write. Of course, I didn't know what to write... so I entered a few contests. *Smile*

I've created a folder just for this new writing because it really doesn't belong with the old stuff (writing from 2007 and back. Seriously, it's been too long!). If you're interested, look here: "New stuff - 2009 [E]

I added 4 items in the last month!

 The Bus  [ASR]
Kirsten listens.
by spidey

A very short story (736 words) about a girl on a bus, written for The Writer's Cramp.

 What were you thinking?  [E]
it's easy to fail when it's expected of you.
by spidey

A poem from an addict's POV

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by A Guest Visitor

A poem, for The Writer's Cramp

 Breaking Point  [18+]
Beth struggles to find herself and her past. But can she handle the answer?
by spidey

Dark & tragic supernatural/horror short story (1242 words) written for the WYRM Gauntlet Challenge

I forget sometimes how much joy writing can bring. Sure, it's frustrating and difficult, but it's also fun. I hope I keep it up. I'm planning on doing "October Novel Prep Challenge and NaNo, of course. I think I just had to get the ball rolling. Hopefully now I'll just keep on writing and writing and writing.

September 12, 2009 at 8:48am
September 12, 2009 at 8:48am
With Halloween coming up, I'm recommending the film, Murder Party, though it's not for everyone. Check it out here: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0878695/

This one might be for you:

*Bullet* If you like Horror, especially old-school horror.

*Bullet* If you've attended art school or are aware of what art school is like.

*Bullet* If you like "indie" films (but remember, it's Horror)

It's one of my favorite films ever. It's messed up, gory, hilarious, and satirical. (The back of the DVD says it's "Napoleon Dynamite" meets "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.")

Any spooky recommendations? (or any others while I'm trying to get the most out of my Netflix free trial?)

September 4, 2009 at 3:46pm
September 4, 2009 at 3:46pm
I can't help thinking about it - NaNo's just around the corner! *Bigsmile*

Who's participating?? Who has an idea for their novel? Who's winging it? I want to know! *Bigsmile*

I had a dream the other night that I'm thinking of turning into my NaNo novel. It was a dream that intrigued me for two days, and then this morning, the plot just grew and grew. I can't wait to start writing it!

Anyway, if you're not aware of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), visit http://www.nanowrimo.org and if you are aware of it, visit and consider joining this WDC group:
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#1151082 by Not Available.

Happy Friday! And Happy Labor Day weekend to those celebrating. *Smile*
September 3, 2009 at 4:49pm
September 3, 2009 at 4:49pm
Just wanted to take a moment to thank Writing.Com for being my home for the last 5+ years, and congratulate the site on another wonderful year. *Heart*

I guess I can't honestly say this is the best writing website out there because I've never visited another one. On June 20, 2004, I searched "writing exercises" and this was the first site listed in the results. After I graduated college (December 2002), I took a break from writing, and I had wanted to get back into it. The first item I posted is still here: "Shamrocks and Roses. A short story I wrote from a prompt my sister gave me. I had a basic account until someone gifted me an Upgraded membership. Soon I was promoted to a yellow case, and I couldn't imagine my life without WDC.

I've never once felt even the smallest urge to look for another writing site. I learned more through reading and reviewing here than I ever did in college. I really freel that you'll get what you give here. If you want to improve your writing and if you want helpful feedback, you've got to learn to read and review others. I know that I learned the most from looking critically at others' writing.

And I've had fun here over the years. I've met some great people here and made some really good friends. One of the best things about this place is that it offers so much. It's not just a social site nor is it just a place for serious writers. I think everyone can find a place here. *Smile*

I truly love this place!

Happy 9th, WDC! *Bigsmile*

August 24, 2009 at 10:32am
August 24, 2009 at 10:32am
I've had this idea for a cNote Collection for a long time, and I finally got to create it this morning. *Bigsmile*

 Winners! cNote Collection  (E)
To notify winners and thank participants, plus general Congratulations
#1593805 by spidey

Let me know what you think. *Smile*
August 23, 2009 at 8:07am
August 23, 2009 at 8:07am
Is no one interested in modern poetry? *Frown*

 Modern Poetry  (ASR)
Submit your poetry that doesn't quite fit in the mainstream.
#1592091 by spidey

I recently found a great website - http://www.poems.com. It features a new poem each day. I'm really getting into blog-type sites that update nearly daily. Here's a small list of the sites I check up on each morning:

http://www.failblog.org (plus all its connecting pages, like icanhazcheeseburger and ihasahotdog, etc)
http://www.gamefaqs.com (daily poll, most often dealing with video games)
http://www.republicanherald.com - my local newspaper's website
http://deadpool.rotten.com - because I'm morbid and weird.

What sites do you visit often? (besides WDC *Pthb*)

August 18, 2009 at 8:08am
August 18, 2009 at 8:08am
(This is all just my personal opinion. Feel free to disagree!)

I love experimental, strange, contemporary poetry. I love not understanding something the first time I read it. I love reading a poem that makes me react like, "What the heck was that??" *Laugh*

It can be hard to find poetry like this. I often find it in a newbie's port . . . and often with about 2 stars as an average. I think there's a general lack of appreciation for experimental poetry. And by "experimental," I mean off-the-wall, NOT someone trying some decades old form they've never tried before. *Pthb*

I respect strict forms and rhyme schemes. I really do. I just personally find them to be stifling. I have such a difficult time writing within a strict format (which is why I highly respect anyone who can do it!) that I prefer free verse when writing poetry.

I understand respecting past styles, but I also think it's time we embrace those wishing to find their own style, don't you?? If you open a bood on contemporary poetry (or even modern or post-modern poetry), you're not going to find a whole lot of sonnets, ghazals, villanelles, etc. You'll find a lot of unrhymed, unstructured poetry that takes more than one reading to even attempt to comprehend. (For instance, I wrote about the Cobra movement in a Poetry NL a few years back: "Poetry Newsletter (October 3, 2007))

So where is the audience for experimental poetry that embraces non-conventional styles? I believe there are a few of us here, and I wanted to create a place those experimental poets can find at least one of those readers. *Smile*

If you write poetry that doesn't seem to fit in the "mainstream" or that defies conventional structures, post it here:

 Modern Poetry  (ASR)
Submit your poetry that doesn't quite fit in the mainstream.
#1592091 by spidey

August 15, 2009 at 3:30pm
August 15, 2009 at 3:30pm
I submitted a "fail" photo to http://www.failblog.org (a part of http://www.cheezburger.com) something funny I saw today.

Vote for me!


August 12, 2009 at 5:36pm
August 12, 2009 at 5:36pm
Courtesy of being able to embed youtube videos (very very cool!), here's my very favorite live song ever!

(I shot this video myself around Halloween 2007) The song is "Man From Outer Space" by The Drama Club (http://www.myspace.com/thedramaclub). (The band dressed as characters from the film, Carrie - though most were out of costume by this point - which is why one of the members is in a white suit...

The quality isn't perfect, but I think you can get a good idea of the song from this. I wish the band would play this one again. I really miss this song!

(Work was kind hellish today, so instead of focusing on that, I'm watching old videos of live bands) *Smile*

Oh, and feel free to watch our other videos: http://www.youtube.com/wordofmouthpa Most are a few years old, and a few even have over 10,000 views! (One of those is Carfax Abbey's version of "Cry Little Sister." Remember that song from Lost Boys? I looove that song, and I love Carfax Abbey's verison of it, too!)


I just wanted to try out the photo thing, too. *Wink*

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pic of Ajar (http://www.myspace.com/ajarrocks) from the first time we saw them live, at their CD release show back in 2006!
August 10, 2009 at 8:12am
August 10, 2009 at 8:12am
I recently found a much easier way to peel a banana! It's amazing, actually. *Laugh*

Watch this and learn:

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