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by spidey
Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1207864
If you don't have a dream, how are you going to make a dream come true?

2013 Goals

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#1837381 by Not Available.

Write 52 Reviews / current = 27
Read 40 books / current = 9
Enter 12 Contests/Activities / current = 4
Host/Judge 2 Contest/Activity / current = 2

Other goals:
*Bullet* Be patient
*Bullet* Let go of anger/negativity
*Bullet* Monthly blogging

Some other places you can find me:
The Uprising  [18+]
this is the resistance
by spidey

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August 26, 2008 at 10:39am
August 26, 2008 at 10:39am
Attention bloggers and journalers! Then more players are needed in this wonderful contest:

 Follow the Leader  (13+)
Round 12 open for sign-ups!
#1378797 by mood indigo

It's a fun contest, an interactive way to share thoughts through journals and blogs, and I'm judging this round!

So sign up! *Delight*
August 22, 2008 at 2:51pm
August 22, 2008 at 2:51pm
Today I discovered Kit Kats dipped in peanut butter. Holy crap, it's like heaven! *Bigsmile*

Anyone else starting to think about NaNo? I have an idea - a high school for monsters. But I want something more than just that. More brainstorming required, I guess.

Not a whole lot going on with work right now (the grocery store). One coworker has found a second job and we're all wondering if she'll be leaving this one soon.

On the magazine front, we're redesigning the 'zine a little. I find that's the best cure for lack of motivation - new features, new ideas, etc.

Yay for random thought Fridays! *Smile*
August 15, 2008 at 4:33pm
August 15, 2008 at 4:33pm
It was one of those weird customer days today. I had people who couldn't remember the name for what they wanted, so they tried describing it to me. The problem was they were terrible at describing. For instance, "It's the turkey that's supposed to taste like ham." *Confused*

My Chinese horoscope was right on today:

This could be a happy and successful day for you. On the job, you will probably be working with a team, which is what you prefer. The work may well involve an artistic endeavor, which you excel at. In the evening, you can spend time with your family, maybe even inviting some extended family members over for dinner.

I got to make a tray for a customer, which was the artistic thing. And I'm inviting my sister over for a WOM meeting tonight. I'm not making dinner, but I got donuts... *Laugh*

Happy Friday!

August 12, 2008 at 3:22pm
August 12, 2008 at 3:22pm
I've been finding that my Chinese horoscope is actually closer to reality than my zodiac horosope.

Here's today:

On the job, you might be working with others to finish your part of a large project. You could feel under pressure to finish. To be successful, you may have to struggle to keep your stubbornness and insecurity under control. When you get home, you can take a short nap to recuperate. Invite a close friend over and feel free to share your innermost secrets with them.

For the first part, I'm not certain. I started working in the bakery this morning, and yes I felt under pressure. I am stubborn and insecure, and I suppose I always fight to keep that under control. I was actually just wondering if I should take a nap or wait until later to sleep. This makes me think the nap might be a good idea.

As for inviting a close friend over... my best friend, my husband, is at work right now, and my next best friend, my sister, probably won't be coming over on a weekday, especially since I'm going to be napping. *Laugh*

So, maybe it's not so close afterall? Except for the nap thing. *Laugh*

Do you read your horoscope regularly? Do you ever read any other than the zodiac horoscope?

August 9, 2008 at 9:57am
August 9, 2008 at 9:57am
I was offered additional hours at work in the bakery. I'll start Tuesday at 5am (the bakery starts nice and early!), and I'll be learning to make cakes, cookies, bread, etc. I think it's going to be fun! *Bigsmile*

I'm really excited about decorating cakes and learning to make the 3D cakes. We have three of them - a princess castle, a dinosaur scene and a pirate ship. They say the pirate ship is the most complicated.

So I'll be working in both the deli and the bakery. Days where I work at both might be tough... but it'll be nice to get some extra hours in. Bakery means I won't have to deal with customers quite so much, but it involves a lot of lifting, I hear. I hope my back can take it.

July 19, 2008 at 2:42pm
July 19, 2008 at 2:42pm
Something huge happened here recently, in the next town over - the town I moved out of a year and a half ago. What we know is a man was beaten to death. There are tons of rumors flying around, and it seems it was a group of white teenagers that beat a Mexican (illegal) immigrant until he was near death. (He later died at a hospital)

Right now there are no charges brought against anyone yet. The police are still investigating, trying to piece together what exactly happened. Most in the area (regardless of their feelings toward immigrants, legal and otherwise) are horrified at the tragedy and the senseless violence. Others, though...

I've been trying to follow the story in the local newspaper, and apparently people have been leaving tons of comments on their website (https://www.republicanherald.com). In yesterday's edition, they printed a sampling of the comments. Like I said, most were appalled at the terrible act. They printed one comment that showed indifference, though. Here is that comment exactly how it appeared in the newspaper:

I have absolutly (sic) no pity whatsoever! If this man had bothered in 6 years to become legal then I would have sympathy. Its not the color of thier (sic) skin or thier (sic) nationality that upsets 80% of people , it is the fact that they come here most do not bother to speak or even learn English and they don't go thru the proper chanels (sic) to be here legally.

Although the comment upset me (so they think murdering an illegal immigrant is fine?), I had to laugh at the newspaper's choice of the one 'negative' comment - one that complains about people not learning English yet destroys the language with errors. (I'm surprised the newspaper missed a few errors, though)

Sometimes I admire the local paper for standing up to ignorant people... They have that write-in column ("Thunder Enlightening") that prints people's comments. A commentator replies to some of the comments, often pointing out ignorant thoughts, errors, etc., and often in a very sarcastic, demeaning tone. There have been a few times where I thought the commentator was out of line, but for the most part I like what he has to say.

This murder, though, has astonished everyone. People are upset that no one is being charged yet. I've heard of several people contacting national news agencies and networks, trying to get attention to be sure justice is sought.

There's also a fear of retaliation and talk of hate-crimes. It's a scary time. I have to say I'm glad I'm not living in that town right now...

July 2, 2008 at 7:08pm
July 2, 2008 at 7:08pm
Have you read about the atom smasher yet??


So cool! Critics are worried it will create a black hole on Earth or make the planet explode or something! *Shock*

Very, very cool! I'm excited! *Bigsmile*

June 20, 2008 at 6:47am
June 20, 2008 at 6:47am
One bad thing about working part-time is the feeling that you're always there, that you're working just as hard as full-timers but without any of the benefits. Your paycheck isn't as big and (usually) you don't get health or vacation benefits.

On the plus side, I feel I get to be more creative at this job than most others I've had. I get to make a lot of decisions, like creating food trays, deciding what samples to give out, which kind of sandwiches to make that day. It's kind of cool (to a deli-geek, anyway).

I enjoy working at a deli, for the most part. Sometimes the customers can get on my nerves, but mostly it's not their fault. Bad deli workers give the rest of us a bad rep. If you ask for thinly sliced lunchmeats and you don't get it, you start assuming you have to be rude and obnoxious to get your way.

I like my bosses and managers and most of my coworkers. It's a few of the younger ones that grate my nerves, the ones who see their job as somewhere they have to be for a few hours, the ones who ignore the rules, chores and duties set out for them. They don't see their job as something to take pride in, and I don't understand that. Most likely they'll leave the job soon, anyway.

Yesterday was 6 weeks at my new job. That's how long I was at the department store, but the time here has felt much faster and more enjoyable. I can't wait to get to the point where I know almost everything about my job, where I can handle nearly every situation with ease.

I'm working with my favorite co-worker today, and I have tomorrow off for my cousin's wedding. Yay! *Smile*

Today is also my 4th WDC birthday! *Delight*

A few quick plugs:

My poetry contest will be open once more very soon!
Spidey's Weekly Poetry Contest  (ASR)
Open! Current prompt = "format"
#877724 by spidey

A new poll:
 Scary Faces  (ASR)
A weird question. Maybe...
#1440827 by spidey

Happy Friday! *Smile*
June 2, 2008 at 3:19pm
June 2, 2008 at 3:19pm
First: ** Image ID #1418268 Unavailable **

I've been kidnapped! Please save me! *Shock*

I now have to choose a charity that will benefit from my kidnapping. Any suggestions? *Smile*

I learned an important lesson today. Last week I received a bill from our local tax collector, saying I had to pay $249 by June 19th. I was ready to save up and pay, even though the bill made little sense to me. I knew we would be getting a letter to pay our school taxes, but it's supposed to be $220 due in August. Mr. J suggested I ask his Mom about it (she's our tax expert). I thought she would say, "Well, just pay it." Instead she suggested I call the tax office and ask about it. Turns out I don't have to pay it since I didn't work last year.

I would have been out $249 if I hadn't called! *Shock*

Anyway, it's a gorgeous Spring day here so I'm going for a bike ride. Catch you all later! *Smile*

June 1, 2008 at 12:28pm
June 1, 2008 at 12:28pm
June is turning out to be very exciting so far. Our new issue is up (visit https://www.wordofmouthpa.com), and late last night (early this morning), I fell in love.

Innerpartysystem is a sort of dance/techno band from the Reading, PA area. They've just been signed and are about to leave for a small US tour, then it's off to the UK and back for more US dates. I saw them in their hometown last night and was stunned. I can't wait to see them again on August 8th.

I like dance music, but for me, it tends to be mindless - like the point of it is to lose yourself and all thought, just immerse yourself in beats and rhythms, which is cool. But the thing about IPS is that their music makes you lose that sense of self, but really makes you think at the same time. And even though I heard their songs for the first time last night, they all felt almost familiar, like they already belonged in my heart, I just didn't know it yet.

Just take a listen to their single, "Don't Stop" to see what I mean.

I highly recommend buying their album, "The Download EP" while we all wait for their new release due out September 9th. They're on Stolen Transmission records (run by Ultragrrl, the girl who 'found' The Killers and My Chem), and everyone's predicting huge things for them.

It's nearly impossible to get a good photo of the band due to their insane light show. Most of the lights are actually behind the band and they're controlled by the band members through a laptop on stage. Regardless, here's my best photo (we were nowhere near the stage but had a pretty good view):

Invalid Photo #1014640
(Click for larger view)

Go to https://www.myspace.com/innerpartysystem to listen to their music, buy their album, look at tour dates, etc.

I bet you'll love them, too. *Wink*

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