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by spidey
Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1207864
If you don't have a dream, how are you going to make a dream come true?

2013 Goals

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Write 52 Reviews / current = 27
Read 40 books / current = 9
Enter 12 Contests/Activities / current = 4
Host/Judge 2 Contest/Activity / current = 2

Other goals:
*Bullet* Be patient
*Bullet* Let go of anger/negativity
*Bullet* Monthly blogging

Some other places you can find me:
The Uprising  [18+]
this is the resistance
by spidey

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May 7, 2008 at 9:38pm
May 7, 2008 at 9:38pm
I'll start my new job tomorrow. I have to watch a few training videos, which will take about an hour and a half from what I'm told. I'm confident I can do the job, considering I've had jobs similar to this one twice previously.

I have one more day at the department store. I'm open to filling in for people now and then or picking up some extra hours while my husband is working. I can't give up any of my free time with him, though. (I'm in one of those marriages where I actually like spending time with my spouse... well, most of the time.) *Laugh*

I'll be riding my new bike to work tomorrow! Let's hope I have enough energy at the end of the day to ride home! *Laugh* (It's only 2/3 of a mile, I should be fine)

Wish me luck! *Smile*

April 30, 2008 at 9:57pm
April 30, 2008 at 9:57pm
(Quick - someone sign up for this: "Follow the Leader. We only need one more person to begin!)

So I'm switching jobs already. See, I applied to all the local places, with hopes of getting hired at the local grocery store. I ended up working at the department store at the nearby mall, and I heard the grocery store wasn't hiring for a while. Then I got a call Monday, asking me to come in for an interview. I was offered the job, so I took it.

It's still not my ideal job, but it's more money, more hours, and opportunity for advancement. Also, it seems like a fun place to work, a fast-paced, yet relaxed atmosphere. No offense to the department store, but the job sucks. It's simple & easy, but I didn't like the atmosphere. Still, I may end up working a few hours per week there, since they'd like me to stay and I don't mind doing it. It'd be more money for me, plus I'd get to keep the employee discount.

My husband switched to 2nd shift, thinking we'd get to spend more time together (than when he worked 3rd shift and slept all day), but now I only work mornings since I have to take the bus home and the last bus is at 5pm. (That's another thing - the grocery store is in walking distance)

I hope I'm happier at this new job. At least I know if I'm not, I could always go back to the department store.
April 24, 2008 at 10:18am
April 24, 2008 at 10:18am
So I've been working at this new job for almost a month now. People keep asking if I like it so far. I usually say, "Yeah," but I'm really thinking, "It's a job, that's all."

Last week in the break room someone placed a printout of a hoax email on the common table - the one that claims Starbucks refused to give coffee to soldiers, saying it didn't support the war nor did it support soldiers.

So I visited snopes.com and printed out the real info on the hoax. I'll put it next to the printed email when I go to work tomorrow.

I really wish more people knew about snopes.com so they wouldn't perpetuate false rumors and accusations.

April 3, 2008 at 11:58am
April 3, 2008 at 11:58am
I think I'm having one of those weird days... You know the kind.

I had a bad nightmare about a bright red spider/scorpion thing. Then my husband came home from work and told me about a medical problem he's having which has me a little worried (and of course he won't go to the doctor...). But then good news - work called and asked if I'd come in for a few hours this evening.

Then I found a bug in my last cup of coffee (I've been using instant coffee because I broke the carafe on my coffeemaker and I'm waiting until my discount kicks in to buy a new one where I work), so I walked to the nearest gas station to buy a cup of real coffee. I needed ones for the bus, anyway.

So I got back home and enjoyed my coffee. For breakfast, I thought I'd heat up some oatmeal in a coffee mug in the microwave. I didn't realize the mug I used wasn't microwave-safe. The mug burned my hand when I tried to take it out of the oven. I spilled oatmeal everywhere, and the weird thing is that the oatmeal was still cold! The microwave heated the mug but not what was inside. (I should have known the mug wouldn't work in the microwave since I bought it at a dollar store)

My bathtub is clogged again today (does anyone else have this problem?), so I'm waiting for the Draino to work so I can take a shower.

I'm just wondering what else is going to happen today... I'm taking the bus to work later, but it's the last bus of the day (at 5pm! public transportation around here is a joke!), so I'm considering getting an earlier bus just in case. Of course, I'll be super early for work then... but that's a plus to working at a mall. I can just walk around for a while!

There's a used book sale at the mall this weekend, and I really wish it was starting on Friday since I'm working Friday. Alas, it doesn't start until Saturday. I think my MIL is going, so I can probably go with her. Then we're geocaching on Sunday, and hopefully reaching 100 finds!

Today I'm trying to finish putting the magazine together so we can print it tomorrow. I dreamt about a promotion idea for our magazine, and I think we're going to try it out with next month's issue.

Let's hope today gets better. I'm just going to try focusing on the positive things. *Smile*
April 2, 2008 at 11:01am
April 2, 2008 at 11:01am
I started actually working on Monday, and today is my second day working as a cashier. It's a very easy job so far.

I've started geocaching again! It's surprising to me that I didn't find any geocaches last year! I'm so close to finding 100!

(If you don't know what geocaching is, visit https://www.geocaching.com. You'll probably be surprised to see how many geocaches are hidden in your own town! Enter your zip code to see all the hidden geocaches near you!) *Smile*

Ivy and I are trying to break 100 together, possibly this weekend or next weekend.

Anyway, I'm almost off to work. Mr. J is driving me, and he's falling asleep on the couch. Maybe I should let him take me to the mall early and I'll just hang out for a while. *Laugh*
March 27, 2008 at 9:27pm
March 27, 2008 at 9:27pm
So, I start my new job tomorrow. It's an orientation, which means filling out paperwork and watching training videos for a few hours. After that, I'll start the actual training. The position is cashier at a local department store. I don't expect it to be very difficult, and it's part-time which works well for me. I'm just happy to get out of the house a little and to make some extra cash! (Plus I get an employee discount! Yeah!)

There's a local parade this time each year, celebrating St. Patrick's Day. It's a big deal (even though this is only the 5th annual one, I think) and the previous two years, I covered the parade for the newspaper. I found out today that former President Clinton will be participating in this year's parade which is Saturday! My sister and I are planning on going. For me, it would be strange to miss the parade after covering it a few times, plus I'm very curious about Mr. Clinton taking part. He's campaigning for Hillary from what I hear, but it seems strange to me that he'd choose our little community... the parade is pretty big, I guess. I just can't imagine all the drunk people (they're fun to interview, let me tell you! they all want their photos in the paper! *Laugh*) watching a former president pass by... it's going to be strange... I can't wait!

March 16, 2008 at 5:41pm
March 16, 2008 at 5:41pm
I'm back online at home! (once again, the long story of what happened with my computer is in my journal)

I'm so happy to be back! *Bigsmile*

Now I just have to get my programs back up and running. I'm having a major issue with popups and spyware at the moment... *Shock*
March 10, 2008 at 12:27pm
March 10, 2008 at 12:27pm
The short version of the story is that I have to wait another week to two weeks for my computer to be up and running. (The long story is in my regular journal, if you're interested)

Until then I'll be online most mornings for at least an hour when the library opens at 11. *Smile*

March 8, 2008 at 5:13pm
March 8, 2008 at 5:13pm
My computer has been undergoing surgery for the past hour, and I'm nervous. *Laugh* I ended up going with a new motherboard, processor and memory. I'm upgrading, so it's like a new computer!

Apparently the computer is running fine right now, but for some reason nothing's showing up on the monitor! (My brother-in-law is using his own monitor that he knows is working) We can't seem to figure out why the monitor wouldn't be working...

I have to be patient, but I'm so nervous! I just want my computer back! *Worry*
March 6, 2008 at 1:27pm
March 6, 2008 at 1:27pm
I should be getting the parts for my computer tomorrow morning (and the computer is scheduled to be repaired Saturday).

And I was just offered a job! *Bigsmile*

I had the easiest job interview this morning, and I was offered a part-time job! I'm still waiting to hear from a few other places, but I'm happy for any work right now!

It's beautiful outside today, and I'm in a great mood! H
ooray! *Smile*

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