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Rated: GC · Book · Other · #1231902
This is a blog of random stuff, some stories, some fiction, some truth, You get the idea-
Well, simply put, this is not my life. Nothing about it will cover my life. I plan to wake up, sign on here and write. I want to try new stuff here and see what you guys think, that's all.
April 8, 2007 at 8:28pm
April 8, 2007 at 8:28pm
This seems to be the absolute base of my life is TIME! I'm always concerned with it, constantly checking it, always trying to be on it and trying never to forget it. Well, I'm a student-athlete so it makes sense, but damn. And then I thought about it even more. At my track team practices, my coach always gives me a time to "make" for the workout. Why is my life encircled by it? Yet, and still it feels like I can't find the time to write what I want. I know, I know... my last entry was bitching and moaning about the same thing, but hey, I still haven't written anything since then. Don't get me wrong, I have been writing a whole lot in my head, and even some editing and revising- don't ask, I know, that's weird as hell, writing in your head- whatever, don't judge me. Anyway, I want to sit down with enough time to just write a few stories. I've promised myself that I'll find that time, or "make" it if I have to. Well, I'm doing everything else with time, so I might as well make it, shit, I might sleep with it, or blow it...(no pun- really, not a pun lmao). Gotta go and run--- literally run- damn this! Thanks for listening to me whine and complain for this entire entry, bye.
March 30, 2007 at 2:15pm
March 30, 2007 at 2:15pm
Me, being the young, naive (at times) and ambitious person that I can be told myself that I was going to "write whenever I have time." Alright, that statement alone seems very doable. But, for those of you who know the University of Chicago for its notably strenuous academic environment, why didn't you send me an email, memo, man on a horse or something??? There is absolutely no time in the day that I can find time to get writing done. Well, there is that time in class that I spend writing in the top margin of my notebook about the annoying ass nerd sitting in front of me, but that doesn't count- I need to really sit down and write! I'm taking a fiction course this quarter so that'll give me time to write, so that's good; and I'm going to be reading a whole lot of fiction this quarter, so that'll help my writing. My point being... hold on, I just lost my point- I do have time to write. Damn it- Then why aren't I writing now.... wait, I am. Shit. Alright, I think that I should stop before I talk myself into changing my major to force me to write "when I want" (all the time, that is)... What? Never mind- I'm losing it and I've got reading to do.
March 19, 2007 at 9:39am
March 19, 2007 at 9:39am
Alright, there is something about third-person writing that makes my head want to effin explode. When I read it, I find it harder to pay attention than when something is in first-person narration. Then when it comes to writing in third-person it feels like I'm stuck trying to "tell the story" but all of a sudden, the story that I wanted to tell is very choppy and flat and no fun at all. WHAT THE HELL IS WRING WITH ME!!!!!!

Here's my plan, I'm going to do what one of my teachers loves to tell us to do, "write your way through it." I'm not exactly sure how this is going to work, but I guess it'll do something. Last night, I told myself that I wasn't going to write another story in first-person until I can honestly say that I have a good grip on third-person writing. But I gave myself a loop hole (I know that's pathetic isn't it....) I 've been meaning to experiment with second-person a bit more, so instead of dealing with third-person, I was going to play with second person. (note: it was a very sour attempt to fool myself into believe that I can avoid third-person forever).

I figure that i'll staart by writing a small scene in first person and then try to translate it into third-person. her goes:

I'm so tired of coming this same stupid as cafeteria and sitting next to those big haired, robotic as cheerleaders day after day after day.

"Then leave," said Thomas.

"What? What are you talking about- I don't have anywhere to go, jackass"

"If you're sick of them, then leave. You don't need anywhere to go, just leave, " said Thomas, "its not like anyone wants you here."

Alright, why in the hell is my best friend telling me to leave and go to some place that doesn't exist? Isn't he supposed to be the one here to comfort me when I'm feeling like shit?

Alright, that was me writing in first-person, completely freelanced, whatever. Not bad- I think. Now the desire here it to write this thin in thrid-person without losing any of the live from the piece. here goes:

Jeff is sick and tired of going to same cafeteria day after day after day and sitting next to these big-haired, robotic as cheerleaders.

"Then leave," said thomas.

"What? What do you mean then leave- I don't have anywhere to go, Jackass?" said jeff.

"If you're sick of them then leave. you don't need anywhere to go, just leave," said thomas, "its not like anyone wants you here anyway."

Thomas can't figure out why its his best friend that's telling him to leave and go to some place that doesn't even exist. Isn't Thomas supposed to comfort jeff when he's feeling like shit?

I know, I know- don't cry, its not that bad is it? This is what I mean, the third-person narration has expectedly flopped. I'm think that its flopping because its harder in thrid person to describe mental states with completely screwing up the natural flow of a scene. In first person its not that hard, you know that how we think, in progression; something happens and we react mentally. In third person you have to find a way to make that reactiion a apparent but still keep the action moving. I can imagine that when I set my vantage point further back that is that much harder to do without seemin invasive. All-in-all, I think that I'll be doing a whole lot of third-person writing, and reading even more of it.

March 16, 2007 at 8:35am
March 16, 2007 at 8:35am
Alright, I'm officially done with my second quarter of college- finally. I bled, I kicked and screamed, threw pencils across rooms and tripped innocent people walking by me in the library, but I made it. (note: that wasn't supposed to make any sense. If it did...ummmm... wow). I'd like to thank my parents for there love, ***violin starts playing*** my teachers who called me a dumbass and the little guy on the corner that always gets me for all of my change- this is for you! ***dramatic pause and crying starts*** There were times when I thought that there was no end to this madness; I was stuck in a catacomb of books, Harper Library, without light, food, or a calculator for my Calculus homework, but I made it and no one can take this from me. Thank you-

***second dramatic pause, very smooth walk away from my bathroom mirror***

"I am written here..."
March 15, 2007 at 2:27am
March 15, 2007 at 2:27am
First of all, I woke up and I couldn't F****ing breath. My roommate got me sick and so I'm sick of my roommate. Right now, I have tissue stuffed in my nostril, I'm high on dayquil, I just finished writing a paper for my social science class (that was hard as hell btw), its 1:21 in the morning and I'm sleepy as heck! If I weren't so tired, my leg would probably be jittering right now- I always do that when I'm agrivated. I know I sound like I'm bitching at the world, and in most respects I am. I want to do some reviews on here, and maybe even write a piece, but no, I need to sleep, desperately. I'm not even sure if I'm stable for human interaction right now- its finals week at my school...urghhh. It's about that time-

Good Night everyone!

(note: I wonder what a review for a piece would look like right now... my guess is extremely negative... hehe)

March 13, 2007 at 10:26am
March 13, 2007 at 10:26am
Its official (they even sent me a message saying it) I am a registered author- feels good. Now about publishing... ummmm, this could take a while. I posted a static item in my portfolio and I'm probably going to sit around nervously all day (when I should be studying for my calculus exam) waiting for a reply and a rating. Hey, what can I say- I'm a newbie to this whole "being read by other people" concept. Usually, I keep my writing to myself, but I let someone read about a month or two ago, they said it was good, and all of a sudden I'm a writer trying to get published... key word "trying." Well, that's all I've got for now. If you have the chance go meet "Bret," I promise she's really nice... okay, maybe not nice... "unique" would be better.

March 13, 2007 at 3:10am
March 13, 2007 at 3:10am
Alright, am I the only person that felt like he accomplished something when he finished setting this damn thing up? That was tiring... I thought it would never end. (note to site: please, shorten those things.) Anyway, this is my very first blog- ever! I'm kind of excited, scratch that, I am excited. This should be fun. What I plan on doing here is simply writing. I'm reading a lot too and I'm going to try some new things out here. If you want to keep reading, hold on, because I'm known for playing with some really strong stuff... trust me- Hubert Selby is one of my favorites... "Go Tralala, Go Tralala, Go!"

On that note, yes, I'm officially a dork that loves writing. I think I should go now- catch up with ya soon, bye.

"I am written here..."

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