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Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #1253258
Work + Family + Boys =Complicated. I have questions that need answers!!
I have so many questions that need answering about life, love and just things in general. Help a young women out.
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May 17, 2007 at 8:45pm
May 17, 2007 at 8:45pm
So stupid military boy ripped my heart out and jumped all over it. He stopped calling. He said that they've been keeping him really busy, which I belived....until he showed up at a party. I was not at the party, but my friends were and they texted me pictures! Sure enough it was him...kissing another girl. We weren't together so it's not like he cheated, but he lead me to believe that we would be something. Now he says that he's so busy with the military that we are better off friends. He doesnt know what I saw and I'm not ready to tell him...I'll get him with it later. Actually I probably wont but I dont want to say something in anger that I'm going to regret someday. Worst part about everything is...I still really like him. I can't stop thinking about him or wanting to kiss him or see him soon. It's aweful, I want to hate him! I want to be mad at him and yell!!...but I can't do it.

So my question is...
-Is that normal....not being able to get mad?
Or am I over reacting and making something out of nothing?

P.S...He blew me off. He was kissing that girl when he was supposed to be with me at my parents place.
April 27, 2007 at 2:59pm
April 27, 2007 at 2:59pm
One of the greatest, most convenient things ever invented is Voicemail. Can't get a hold of someone? Leave a voicemail and they will get back to you. In your personal life you're lucky enough to chose whether or not you want to return someones call but in the Work world it's expected that the call is returned A.S.A.P.
Here's the thing though, work people get lots of voicemails, they are busy people...but the will eventually return your call. Whats the point of calling them 14 times and just hanging up when they dont answer? It's a waste or your time and theirs. How is it that people can be so impatient. They're busy people too who I'm sure, can't always return phone calls right away either.
This is why I could never be a secretary. I have a friend who's one and people, from what she says, are really rude to her when they get a voicemail and not a person. "This is not acceptable" one man said to her. Another man even swore at her and called her stupid because his salesman was not around. It's insane! Leave a voicemail and be mad at them, not the girl who runs the phones.

So my question is:
Why can't you have some patience and use your manners with receptionists...and then leave a voicemail?
April 26, 2007 at 5:27pm
April 26, 2007 at 5:27pm
I'm a fairly tiny girl but I love food. My favorite kind of food is the unhealthy kind. Greasy burgers, fast food fries, chips with dip and any kind of carb I find totally and utteryl irrisitable. So irristiable in fact that people at work, many years my senior, of all shapes, sizes and races call me Muncher, Munchie, Snack, Jaws, Porky and Chomp are just a few of the colorful names they call me.
Most people call me these names in good humour and encourage my healthy appitiete. They say that it's nice to see a young women eating the things most would avoid and that it's refreshing. But some are genuinly disgusted with my eating habbits. I love veggies and health food to but even when I'm caught eating such things, they're still shocked and look down on me.
I'm blessed with a fast acting metabolism. This is not my fault so don't try to make me feel bad about it. I put on weight too, like ervyone else and yes, it happens in unflattering places like everyone else. When this happens I just eat a little healthier and walk/run more.
I'm not going to stop enjoying the food I love beause you think its digusting. (Ha! I've just been given a massive cinnamon bun. It's great when people encourage it.)
If someone I know is larger and they're working on losing some weight, I would never consider eating most of the food I do, around them. I would encourage and support them by eating and acting healthy around them. I'm a food lover, not a bitch...huge difference.
However, I wont starve myself just beause there are people around me who have weight issues. If its that offensive, ignore me. I feel badly that it makes people feel the way it does, but what can I do about it? It's not like I walk around gloating about how skinny I am and how big you are in comparison. I dont tell everyone who will listen about how fat I think I am (Not once in my life has that thought EVER entered my head) and then stuff my face with greasy food.
My intention when I eat is never to offend anyone, but to fill my tummy with yummy goodness. I'm sorry for my offences and what trama it may cause you, but I'm only eating, something most women my age should do more of.

So my question is:
Are my eating habbit ligitament reasons for offence or do we just live in an anti-eating society?
April 26, 2007 at 4:16pm
April 26, 2007 at 4:16pm
I had nothing to do last night so I sat around thinking, which usually is not the greatest idea. I relized that I feel really drab and that I need to turn it up a notch. I had a shower and deep conditioned my hair, shaved my legs, exfoliated everywhere, applied some tan in a can and polished my nails. Even after ever beauty treatment I could think of I still was not satisfied. I wanted something more.
Brilliant me got the idea to give myself a hair cut. It started out as an innocent bang trim but ended up becoming a full head massacre. I cut off HUGE clumps of hair with thinning shears that I bought at London Drugs. In all, Im missing about two inched in length...and a lot more in thickness. Some peices of my hair is only about two or three inches long. IT WAS THE WORST IDEA EVER!!!!!!
It doesnt look hidious or anything, it just...well...wasn't a good idea. There's hair all over my bathroom floor and my hair is like paper thin now. I was to scared to style it this morning so I dont know the full damage yet, wet it looked ok. Tomorrow I'm going to get the guts to see it all styled. My fingers are crossed that it looks ok and I dont like like I'm four and went nutz with safety scissors. It will be a long couple of months trying to hide my stupidity.
I usually just walk out of the shower and head off to work, letting my hair die however it choses. I will hate myself for months if I can't do that anymore. It would serve me right though I supposed.
I had this friend once in high school who had dark brown hair. It was long and beautiful but she wanted a change. She wanted lighter hair. She BLEACHED IT! She left the blonde in so long though that it fried her hair badly enough that she had to cut it all off! It was aweful. Plus it didnt even go blonde in the end, it went some funny orange color.

So my question is:
Why do we get bored of ourselves and feel the need to re-invent our looks? In the end is it really worth it? (my haircut wasn't worth it and I dont think my friends bleach was either)

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