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Rated: 18+ · Book · Women's · #1268197
Drop by drop the snow pack dies, watering the arid lands below.
This is for Snow Melt and More Snow Melt

Blog City image small Welcome to Talent Pond's Blog Harbor. The safe place for bloggers to connect. WDC's Longest Running Blog Competition - Hiatus

Other Blogs and Journals
containing the continuing writing adventures of Prosperous Snow celebrating

"The Snowflake Chronicles
"More Snow Melt
"Writing in Snow
"Welcome to My Life
"Memories of Snow
"Dreams of Snow
Poet999's Thoughts about Writing and Other Stuff http://poet999writingthoughts.blogspot.com/
Poet999 - A Butterfly Emerges From Her Cocoon http://poet999.blogspot.com/

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November 17, 2012 at 7:50pm
November 17, 2012 at 7:50pm
Prompt for November 17, 2012: Tell us if you have any secret ways of finding time for yourself. By Brother Nature . "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

Moments stolen
between dishes washed
and laundry done...
a hot cup of coffee,
a newspaper,
or a prayer book.

Perhaps the house is silent
or the neighbor's dog is barking...
background music
for meditation
to sooth my weary soul,
my aching body.

These seconds
stolen for myself
transform drudgery
into joyful labor.

November 16, 2012 at 9:32pm
November 16, 2012 at 9:32pm
Prompt: Write about something someone close to you said, or did recently, that made you laugh. Feel free to abandon the prompt, bottom line is: make us laugh. By Brother Nature for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS.

These are my thoughts on laughter: I think the most important thing a person can learn how to do is laugh. I also think that when you have a choice between laughing and crying, you should choose laughter. It doesn't matter if everyone on the bus looks at you as if you were crazy. Remember the person laughing may be the only sane person in the room.

Mom: "Where is my car?"
Me: "In the garage."

Now that doesn't sound funny until you realize two thing. First, my mother hasn't drive a car in years. Second, the choice I had was between crying because she has forgotten she gave up driving of her own accord and transferred the car to me. I chose laughter because other wise I would have sit on the couch crying and cried. This would have resulted in Mom asking me why I was crying, which I couldn't tell her because she would get angry.

Funny Bumper Sticker of the Week
Zombie Hunter
Kill Or Be Eaten

Thanksgiving is next week, so remember to be thankful for laughter.

November 15, 2012 at 2:02am
November 15, 2012 at 2:02am
Writing/blog prompt: Do you believe in the super-natural, ghosts, aliens, UFO's, conspiracy theories, ect? Write about your knowledge or interest in these topics, (or others) Do you have a ghost story or sighting of a UFO to share? By Brother Nature for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS.

I'm not sure about conspiracy theories, but I do believe in ghosts, aliens, UFOs, the super-natural, and Sasquatch. I've lived in at least two houses with ghost and I've witness at least one UFO. The only aliens I've ever met are from South America, Mexico, and the Middle East; however, I suspect that aliens from other star systems are lurking among the human population having a good laugh at our politicians and phobias. As for the super-natural, it's only logical that if have the natural exists then the super-natural also exists to balance thing out. When it comes to conspiracy theories, I think the only reason they exists is to guarantee jobs for investigative reporters, which means they serve a purpose whether or not they are based in fact. That being the case, it doesn't matter if I believe in conspiracy theories.

The UFO I saw was in Oklahoma, we were staying over night at Lake Blackwell and I looked out the window of the mobile home we were staying in. I was watching the stars and saw a disk shaped object flying overhead, since it was a clear night I know it wasn't a lenticular cloud and there were no military bases nearby so it wasn't an experimental military airplane. I suppose it could have been a weather balloon, but if it was it had a weird flight pattern. I don't think weather balloons can suddenly make ninety degree turns. I've seen what appeared to be UFOs in and around Las Vegas. The problem with UFO sightings in this area is that you can't discount experimental military or civilian aircraft.

In Las Vegas, one of the houses I lived in had a ghost. Several family members saw a black shadow standing in one of the doorways. In addition, our animals acted weird at certain times of the evening or night. The shadow didn't seem to want to hurt anyone, but it did seem to enjoy watching us. I also believe that there are ghosts in the house I live in now, which don't seem to want to hurt us or watch us (at least on a regular basis). All though, they seem to have a tendency to make unusual noises or randomly open either the the hall door or the front. I think the ghost want to let me know that their here.

November 14, 2012 at 9:45pm
November 14, 2012 at 9:45pm
Writing/Blog Prompt for Wednesday, November 14, 2012: “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery, and today is a gift; that’s why they call it the present.” Eleanor Roosevelt: Write about the gift of today. By Prosperous Snow celebrating for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS,

Each day is a new chance
to find a laugh or two

Today I found more then two laughs. As I was driving to the grocery store this morning I saw the following bumper sticker.

Zombie Hunter
Kill Or Be Eaten

All right, I have to admit that there are some people in this world who wouldn't find that particular bumper sticker amusing, but I find it hilarious and I'm laughing out loud about it right now. In fact, I'm laughing so hard that it's difficult to write this sentence. I laugh every time I think about that bumper sticker.

Each day is a gift. Each day is new chance to express myself. Each day is a new chance to get even by living well. Each day is a new chance to laugh at myself and with others. Each day is a new chance to walk out my front door look up into the predawn sky to find either the morning star or a UFO. Since I live in Las Vegas I have a good chance of seeing at least one of the two.

Each day is a gift. Each laugh is a gift because each time you laugh you extend your life. So if you want to live to be 100 then laugh because laughter is a gift that you can give to yourself or to someone else each day.

November 13, 2012 at 1:40pm
November 13, 2012 at 1:40pm
Writing/Blog Prompt for Tuesday, November 13, 2012: “What is your idea of the perfect holiday feast? It doesn’t matter what holiday you’re celebrating.” By Prosperous Snow celebrating for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS.

Fixing an ideal holiday feast for two people is difficult. Especially, since I never learned to cook for two. I learned to cook from my mother and grandmother, both of whom fixed holiday means for nine or ten people. That's how I still cook holiday meals and any other meals I cook. I think that's why I like frozen dinners and going out to eat.

I don't fix turkey any more because it's too complicated to cook a turkey in a microwave. I have fixed turkeys in microwaves in the past, but not any more. To fix a decent sized turkey in the microwave you have to cut the bird up first and nuke it a piece at a time, which takes several hours to make sure the bird is completely cooked and safe to eat. The last time I fixed a turkey in a microwave I had leftover turkey for a full year. I swore then I'd never do another turkey in a microwave.

The turkeys that I fixed in the microwave were given to us, so I didn't have a choice of sizes. If I buy the turkey myself I usually buy the legs because that's enough turkey for Mom and me. I prefer a small honey baked ham because it's already cooked when I buy it and I can removed enough meat for the meal and freeze the rest. The one thing I cook from scratch every year is black eyed peas. When I fix black eyed peas I usually season it with ham hocks, pigs feet, or the bone from a honey baked ham.

On New Year's Eve, I put the washed black eyed peas in a slow cooker to soak and let them soak overnight. The next day I plug in the slow cooker and put it on high. The black eyed peas are usually done about noon. It doesn't take them as long to cook if you soak them overnight. That's how I learned to cook black eyed peas and any other beans, so that's how I cook them. My grandmother didn't use a slow cooker, but sometimes she used a pressure cooker.

Almost everything else I buy already cooked. All though, I have been known to make an exception with cranberries. I sometimes cook the cranberries myself. However, most of the time I buy them in a can. I like homemade food for holidays, but I don't have time to fix it. If I cook when Mom's home, then I have to keep running back and forth between the living room and kitchen because Mom can't be left along very long. I would like to take Mom to a restaurant for a holiday meal, but that's out of the question any more, so we have our holiday meals at home.
November 12, 2012 at 3:41pm
November 12, 2012 at 3:41pm
Writing/Blog Prompt for Monday, November 12, 2012: “It’s November 30, 2012 and you won NaNoWriMo, how do you celebrate?” By Prosperous Snow celebrating for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS.

All my life I have celebrated with food. Whatever good thing happened was celebrated by some type of food, sometimes it was a simple ice cream cone and sometimes it was an entire dinner. Sometimes the dinner was cooked by someone in the household and at other times I went to a set down restaurant where someone served me the food, but I have always celebrated with food.

I'm going to Macayo's Mexican Restaurant,
And I'm going to order something different.

Usually when I go to Macayo's, I order the same thing, but winning NaNoWriMo requires something different. I do not know what I will order until I get to the restaurant, but it will not be my usual order. Normally, I do not order an appetizer or desert, but this time will order both. Ordering both appetizer and desert with my entree will mean taking part of the entree home, but that's all right because it will give me two meals instead of one.

I do not know what type of appetizer I want, but I do know what type of desert. I want fried ice cream; therefore, I will order fried ice cream with my meal. The next thing to decide is whether I want coffee or raspberry ice tea. Since I usually order raspberry ice tea when I go to Macayo's, I will probably order coffee. I am looking forward to celebrating my win by going to Macayo's Mexican Restaurant.

November 11, 2012 at 2:39pm
November 11, 2012 at 2:39pm
Writing/Blog Prompt: Feel free to write your own prompt for Sunday. Note from Andre aka Blog Money for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS. My Prompt for Sunday, November 11, 2012 is Random Thoughts

What do I do with random thoughts
from unfinished stories
or poem left hanging
in mid air?

*Snow1* Affirmation ~ I am a spiritual entity! I recognize each individual human being to be a spiritual entity. Each day I strive to love each human being with the love of God. Each day I strive to forgive each individual that has wronged me. Each day I strive to forgive myself for the wrongs I have committed. Each day I ask for Divine forgiveness of my sins.

*Snow2* The Sanctuary ~ Even at night, when all other doors were closed and barred, the wrought iron gate stood open welcoming all who needed rest and healing. Char heard rumors of the place the day she landed on the planet, not from the officers who shared her quarters but, from the grunts condemned to carry out the commands of war hungry commanders and politicians. It was said, that granite walls surrounded a green courtyard in the center of which was a rainbow crystal building with a bell tower. On the gate, in the ancient tongue of the planet, was an invitation to pass through the gate into the courtyard.

*Snow3* Loneliness Howls ~ wild whistle willow winter whimsical white whisper wolf
         On the fringess of civilization
         loneliness howls
         a single wolf
         exiled from the pack.

*Snow4* I think I should have known better ~ Mom wanted to go to bed early, so I attempted to talk her out of it, but she started crying. I told her she could go to bed after she ate something. I got her some fruit so that she could take her meds. After she finished eating and taking the meds, she still wanted to go to bed. I transferred her onto the adult potty so that I could change her diaper and then after I got her back into the wheelchair, I took her to her bedroom and transferred her from the wheelchair to the bed. It is about 4:00 P.M. Pacific Time now. Mom normally does not go to bed before 5:30 P.M. I think I should have know better then to put her to bed early, but if I insisted on her staying up she would have spent the time crying because she want to go to bed.

November 10, 2012 at 10:01am
November 10, 2012 at 10:01am
Writing/Blog Prompt: Inspire us with your musings regarding a favorite quote. By Fivesixer for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS.

Disclaimer: Before I begin writing this entry or you begin reading it, I have to explain my method for choosing my favorite quote of the day, week, or month. I'm inspired by different quotes depending on my mood and what's going on in my life at the time. Therefore, the quote that inspires me today may not be the quote that inspires me tomorrow. That being said, let me find today's quote and get on with this entry.

Note about this Quote: Every day one of my brothers sends me a "Be Encouraged!" text. This text contains a quote from either the Christian Bible or a minister. Sometimes the quote inspires me and it doesn't. Today's quote inspires me, perhaps because of the events occurring in my life. Therefore, today this is my favorite quote.

Do not be afraid or dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but God’s. 2 Chronicles 20:15

A multitude of tests,
difficulties keeping me awake at night,
but the battle is God's.

I weld the sword of prayer,
I carry the shield of meditation,
I wear the armor of faith
I place everything in Divine Hands
and I march
into God's battle knowing
that trust in God brings abundant blessings
and fear of God brings relief.

November 9, 2012 at 4:41pm
November 9, 2012 at 4:41pm
Writing/Blog Prompt: "Tell us a good 'road trip' story. If you don't have one, what would you think constitutes a good road trip?" By Fivesixer for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

Over hill, over dale as we hit the dusty trail, with my grandfather driving the car. When I was a child, my siblings and myself accompanied my grandparents on several road trips. These road trips usually occurred on National Holidays such as Memorial Day or Independence Day and few of them lasted more then twenty-four hours. All right, that probably is not everyone's definition of a road trip, but my grandfather was a middle class working man; therefore, the road trips he took with us had to be short because he usually needed to go to work the next day.

One of the road trips we took was on Memorial Day. The specific trip I am thinking of took us into Missouri. At least, I think it occurred on Memorial Day; there could have been another reason we went to Missouri. I know we went there to attend someone's funeral also. It was a long time ago, I was a child, and the only thing I was interested in at the time was the scenery. I remember the green hills of Missouri and I remember a town called Gravette. I remember the town, not because we visited it, but because my grandfather commented on the sign that pointed to the town. He thought that was an odd name for a town.

November 8, 2012 at 12:48pm
November 8, 2012 at 12:48pm
Writing/blog Prompt: "Fairy tales are known for being good stories with happy endings. Tell us about a happy ending that felt fairy tail-ish to you." By Fivesixer for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS.

It's a happily every after Thankful Thursday,
gratitude is the pass word of the day,
a list of joyful blessing
give me pleasure
and creates today's fairy tale sunset.

There are any happy endings,
but there are days that end with happiness;
each day brings happiness opportunities
hidden inside the shells of tests
sometimes these hidden meats
result from failure
and at other times
from a small or large success.

So if
you want a fair tale ending
you must find
the hidden meat of happiness
that is concealed
in praise,
and giving thanks.

November 7, 2012 at 10:05pm
November 7, 2012 at 10:05pm
Writing/blog Prompt: "Tell us about your hometown...either the place you were born or where you live now." By Fivesixer for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

I was born in Blackwell, Oklahoma. I graduated from high school in Shawnee, Oklahoma. I live in Las Vegas, Nevada. I am not sure that I consider any of them my hometown. At one time I thought of Blackwell as my hometown because that was where I was born and many of my pleasant childhood memories were created there. However at 65 hometown is no longer so much a place of residence and a feeling rising from my soul.

For me hometown is a place where I feel secure, accepted, and welcome. Hometown is a place where I am not lonely. There are only two places where I have felt secure, accepted, welcome, and not lonely is when I am with Baha'is or when I am on writing.com. Those are the only times I have never felt lonely. Those are the only times I have ever felt welcome. Those are the only times I have ever felt secure. Those are the only time I have ever felt accepted. Those are the only times or placesI have ever felt that I had a real hometown.
November 6, 2012 at 2:24pm
November 6, 2012 at 2:24pm
Writing/blog Prompt: "It's Election Day in the United States. Why should I vote for you as our next president?" By Fivesixer for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

A vote for Snow is a vote for creativity.

That is why you should vote for me. I would put the true creativity back into the national agenda. All right, I do admit that most political ads are creative to the point of nausea. I know that each time I see one I want to throw up because you know that most of the promises are empty.

I think we need more creativity in the world. We need the type of creativity that encourages people to do their best and step beyond the bars that limit their creativity and thus their success as human beings. The world around us is changing, perhaps for the worst or perhaps for the better; at this point in time we cannot tell which because we are living in an evolving world and an evolving society. We need more creative people who are willing to look beyond the party line and find creative ways to unit humanity rather then tear it apart. My only promise is to encourage creativity.

A vote for Snow is a vote for creativity.

November 5, 2012 at 6:21pm
November 5, 2012 at 6:21pm
Writing/blog prompt: Certain senses can often provoke a memory. A smell, a sound, an image, etc. Write about a favorite memory that is conjured up by a smell, a song, or any other sense. By Fivesixer for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS.

Some of my strongest memories are aroused by taste and scent; sometimes the scent brings back the memory of a taste. Coffee brings back memories of my grandfather, specifically the taste of Folgers coffee. The first thing Grandpa Newland did every morning was make a pot of coffee. I remember Grandpa using an electric percolator.

After the coffee was brewed, Grandpa would drink one or two cups with breakfast and then either go to work or do chores around the house. He always left the percolator plugged into the electricity. As a results, the coffee got stronger and stronger during the day. No matter how strong the coffee was, Grandpa always drink every sip in the percolator. If he finished the coffee before bedtime then he would make another pot and continue drinking coffee all day.

My first cup of coffee was made by Grandpa. When he let me drink coffee, he added a lot of cream and sugar so I probably did not get very much coffee, but that did not matter. I was thrilled that Grandpa let me drink the coffee he made. Every time I inhale the aroma of Folgers coffee, I think of Grandpa. Every time I drink a cup of Folgers coffee, I think of Grandpa. Unless I am looking for a specific type of whole bean coffee, I drink ground Folgers.
November 4, 2012 at 12:19am
November 4, 2012 at 12:19am
Writing/blog prompt: Open Mic Sunday, you have the stage. by Brother Nature for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

It is the year 2020 and Sara is setting in her living room watching the morning news on her wall mounted 100" high definition 3D iTelevision. "We are happy to report," said the 95 lb. 42 Double D blond news anchor, "that Federal agents raided the Dawson Cup factory and arrested the owner Bloomburge Dawson for the manufacture and distribution of 16, 18, 32, and 36 oz. drink cups." She smiled revealing a perfect set of pearly white teeth, "According to the director of the Food Bureau of Investigation this is the largest manufacturer of illegal drink cups in the contingent U.S."

"Damn," Sara said as she took a sip from a 36 oz. cup of Rocky Mountain double caffeine triple sugar sweetened soda, "now I have to go to Mexico to purchase my extra large drink cups."

The doorbell ring, Sara got up from her recliner and started for the front door. As she stepped into the entrance hall, the door burst open. In run a cup sniffing Saint Bernard followed three F.B.I. agents wearing bullet proof vest. One agent followed the dog into the living room where he confiscated her 36 oz. cup of soda.

"You're under arrest," said another agent pulling Sara's arms behind her back and placing her wrist in handcuffs, "for the possession of an illegally large drink cup." He smiled, revealing a perfect set of white teeth, "You have the right to remain silent and if you do chose to speak anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law."

November 3, 2012 at 3:57pm
November 3, 2012 at 3:57pm
Writing/blog prompt: Are you a collector? If all things were possible, what would be your most interesting or outrages collectible? For "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS by Brother Nature .

The two food I like most is chocolate and coffee. The type of coffee I like best is whole bean because of the exquisite taste and the joy of grinding the beans myself. I don't have a favorite whole bean coffee because I haven't tasted every variety as yet. If all things were possible and money was no object, I would collect whole bean coffee. I would collect it and I would drink it.

As I grow older, I find that collecting things that can't be used in some way is stressful. I can collect just so many decorative items before my collection drives me out of my house, but collecting whole bean coffee is different. I can grind and drink the coffee. I can add chocolate to the coffee. I could collect whole bean coffee for the rest of my life without ever getting tire of making and experimenting with the coffee.

I want to taste every type of whole bean coffee, but on specific type intrigues me. The problem is I can't remember its name; however, I do know what to ask for. There is a bird or an animal in South America that eats the fruit of the coffee plant. The creature eats the fruit and seeds (coffee beans). The coffee beans pass through the creature digestive system and are deposited on the ground in the creatures skat (dung). People collect the beans and coffee is made from these beans. I can't afford to buy this type of whole bean coffee because it cost somewhere around $400.00 per pound or half-pound.

If all things were possible, I would collect whole bean coffee and the price per pound wouldn't be a problem. Once I made the coffee then I would sit on my patio and sip the coffee while I read the paper or wrote odes to the coffee I was drinking.

November 2, 2012 at 1:16pm
November 2, 2012 at 1:16pm
Today's Writing/blog prompt: "What is your favorite food? Other than eating it, what other ways do you have to enjoy your favorite food?" and suggested genre: "fiction" for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS by Brother Nature .

*Snow1* Favorite Food - Chocolate (nothing fictional about that) *Snow2*

Chocolate Candy Bars and World Peace

Another way to enjoy chocolate is to use it in the quest for world peace. Every time I pick up the newspaper there is a story about a battle, an assassination, or some other deadly event. Politicians do the same thing only with words; they attempt to tear down their opponent by using half-truths and innuendos. Politicians attempt to divide humanity into the haves and the have nots. The problem with this this that there are more have nots then haves, so if it comes down to a knock down, drag out fight you know who's going to win.

The way to stop the battles is, just before the engagement begins, pass out a crate of chocolate candy bars to each soldier on both sides of the battle. Then inform then that there is a monetary prize waiting for those who can eat the most chocolate candy bars in five or ten minutes. When a person eats a chocolate candy bar it melts and gets all over a person. There is no way to prevent the chocolate from getting onto hands, faces, clothes, and weapons. Once the chocolate is on the weapon, then it has to be cleaned because you can't use a dirty weapon in a battle and any weapon covered with chocolate or anything else is now dirty.

At each debate give the politicians a case of chocolate covered caramels.In this case, tell the politicians that a large monetary donation goes to the one who can stuff the most chocolate cover caramels in his or her mouth. It is difficult to eat caramels because when chewed the caramel sticks to the teeth and gums. It is difficult to talk and to argue with a mouth full of chocolate cover caramels. The politicians will be so busy stuffing their faces with candy and attempting to chew the caramels that they won't have time to argue or call each other names.
November 1, 2012 at 2:37pm
November 1, 2012 at 2:37pm
One of my grandfather's died of lung cancer. Grandpa Newland said began smoking when he was 13 years old. When he started smoking there were no filter cigarettes. When Grandpa began smoking he had to roll his own smokes. Grandpa continued to roll his own cigarettes for years.

I can remember sitting at the kitchen table and watching him roll a cigarette. He would remove a cigarette paper from it package and then lay it on the table. Then he would open the can of tobacco and take out a pinch with his thumb and for finger. After that he spread the tobacco on the cigarette paper. He would look at it for a few minutes to determine if there were enough tobacco on the paper. Sometimes he would add more and sometimes he would remove a little. When he had enough tobacco on the paper then he rolled the paper around the tobacco and licked the paper with his tongue. The last thing he did was twist the ends of the paper.

When Grandpa began smoking the danger weren't well known and by the time the dangers were know it was too late for him to stop. I watched the cancer eat away at his lungs and eventually his brain. I sat by his hospital bed as he lay dying. I was in the room when he took his last breath. I think Grandpa was in his seventies when he died and at that time he was considered an old man. If Grandpa had never started smoking or had been able to quite he would have add years to his life. Years he could have spent enjoying his grandchildren.

Smoking causes cancer, it waste lives, effects families and marriages. Grandma never smoked. Grandma was allergic to the smoke of cigarettes, but she and Grandpa were married fifty years. I never remember my grandparents sleeping in the same bed. Grandpa had his own bed and his own room, with a door that he could close so he could smoke. As a child I didn't consider why they never slept in the same bed or how that affected their marriage, but now I wonder.
October 31, 2012 at 1:28pm
October 31, 2012 at 1:28pm
Thirty days hath September,
April, June, and November,
All the rest have thirty-one,
Except February
Which has twenty-eight
And Leap Year gives it twenty-nine.

Author Unknown or Unremembered

I have come to the conclusion that there are certain things I enjoy doing because they make me smile and laugh. I enjoy wearing a witches hat on Halloween and I enjoy writing. Since I can only wear a witches hat one day a year, I have decided to focus on writing the other 364 days.

I do not think I enjoy housework, but housework is something one is supposed to do whether you enjoy it or not. My grandmother enjoyed housework. My grandmother loved housework and I strongly suspect she was obsessed with housework, but since she has passed on into the next world I'm going to keep that opinion to myself or my blog until I meet her at the pearly gates, which I suspect she is voluntary shining and polishing.

In November, I am participating in NaNoWriMo and "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS, I have other writing plans for November and I plan to do housework in November. What I don't plan to do is sleep, but since I don't sleep very well (unless I sit down on the couch to watch television), I'm not worrying about sleeping. I'm beginning to suspect that my problem with sleep is lying down to do it because I seem to be able to sleep when I'm sitting up. I can even sleep setting up with my feet stretched out in front of me resting on a chair.
October 30, 2012 at 11:48am
October 30, 2012 at 11:48am
There is one more day in October and then November begins. That means there is fifty-one days until December 21, 2012 and, according to the Mayan calender The End of the World. Anyone interested in this subject should check "Invalid Item . Do I or don't I believe that the world will end on December 21, 2012? That is a good question, I joined the "Invalid Item hosted by BIG BAD WOLF Happy July 4th! . Joining this group may or may not answer whether or not I believe that the world will end in December of this year. I'll explore that subject in later entries.

There is one more day in October and then NaNoWriMo 2012 begins. I have set my daily word count to 1,667 words. I have set a tentative writing schedule, but I haven't listed everything I need to do in November. I also haven't listed the days Mom will be home all day. She is home all day on Saturday and Sunday, in addition, Mom will be home all day on Thanksgiving and Family Friday (most people refer to that as Black Friday). The day care center is closed on Thanksgiving Day and Family Friday.

I have an appointment with my eye doctor in November. I think it is November 21, but it could be November 12. I have to call the office to find out specifically since I can't seem to find the reminder that they gave me at my last appointment. I know there are other things I have to do in November, all of which could interfere with NaNoWriMo.
October 26, 2012 at 5:42pm
October 26, 2012 at 5:42pm
It's Friday afternoon. It's the last Friday in October, so this is the day the citizen of Nevada celebrate Nevada Day, so that they can take a three day holiday. I would love a three day holiday because I'm tired. I'm wore out, but I'm not going to get any type of holiday this year; three days or otherwise.

It's Friday afternoon and I'm tired. I have assignments to catch up for "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+]. I have more laundry to do. I have Mom home all weekend. I doubt I will get much rest because between writing, doing laundry, and taking care of Mom I have dishes to wash, while I am doing all this I have to step over the garden hose every time I walk through the kitchen.

The garden hose is connected to my hot water tank because I'm draining the water, which was leaking onto my living room floor. Since I don't want to soak up any more water off the floor the hose will remain where it is until I'm sure that the tank is completely drained. I tried draining it into the kitchen sink, but it didn't work because under normal conditions water doesn't run up hill.

Since I'm draining the water into the back yard, it means leaving the patio sliding glass doors open enough to let the hose through. The patio doors remain slightly open, so can't turn on the alarm system if I leave the house. I'm staying home all weekend and don't have to have the alarm system on when I'm home, but I can't lock the patio doors at night. I suspect this will mean less sleep for me because I will want to check every noise I hear in the back yard. Not that I get a lot of sleep anyway.

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