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Rated: 18+ · Book · Women's · #1268197
Drop by drop the snow pack dies, watering the arid lands below.
This is for Snow Melt and More Snow Melt

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Other Blogs and Journals
containing the continuing writing adventures of Prosperous Snow celebrating

"The Snowflake Chronicles
"More Snow Melt
"Writing in Snow
"Welcome to My Life
"Memories of Snow
"Dreams of Snow
Poet999's Thoughts about Writing and Other Stuff http://poet999writingthoughts.blogspot.com/
Poet999 - A Butterfly Emerges From Her Cocoon http://poet999.blogspot.com/

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January 8, 2013 at 10:27am
January 8, 2013 at 10:27am
The January 8, 2013 prompt for "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum is What is your favorite book from childhood?

I remember Dr. Seuss.
Did he ever write about a goose?

I know he wrote
Green Eggs and Ham
because I laughed
reading Sam I Am.

I still like Dr. Seuss.
Did he ever write about a moose?

I ask my mother
to fix green eggs and ham,
the the only meat we had was spam;
Mom added green food coloring to the eggs
for my green scrambled eggs
and spammed ham.

The January 8, 2013 prompt for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS
If you were told to "Leave town" tomorrow and everything you left behind would be taken care of for the next month, where would you go and why?

A thirty-day vacation
away from home
and relatives,
with three blank journals,
three different colored pens,
a prayer book,
and The Book of Certitude.

A thirty-day vacation
in a well stocked mountain cabin
with an indoor toilet,
and my own
smarter then me cell phone.

Author's Note: The Book of Certitude is the English translation of one of the sacred books revealed by Baha'u'llah.

January 7, 2013 at 12:10pm
January 7, 2013 at 12:10pm
The January 7, 2013 prompt for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS is Persuade me why you appreciate rainy days.

Rain Angels

One by one angels descend
each holding raindrop
in his or her hand.

Each angel
carries a blessing
for saint and for sinner,
for believer and infidel.

Each one
transports a message
of love and forgiveness
to all creatures
upon the Earth.

Raindrops on My Head

One by one
angels descend
raindrops on my head.

The voice of the thunder
proclaims God's love
for all of humanity,
while the lightning reveals
a world transformed
by the blessings
love bestows.

As I stand in the rain
angels whisper in my ears
intoning the joy
of a cleansing shower
on both my body
and soul.

January 7, 2013 at 11:43am
January 7, 2013 at 11:43am
The January 7, 2013 prompt for "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum is Are you a dog person, a cat person, or "other"?

At one time in my life, I thought I was a dog person, but later I thought I was a cat person. Lately, I have come to the conclusion that I am an animal person because I like or at least think all creatures great and small have a right to their space in the world. True there are some crawlies I will not tolerate in my space, i.e. my house; however, that does not mean that they do not have a right to live outside or under rocks. After all, some of the six legged or eight legged crawlies I will not tolerate in my house feed birds and other creatures that I enjoy listening to or watching.

My favorite animals are cats and dogs. I cannot decide which one is my favorite because I have had several of each throughout my life. In fact, there are times when I had both living with me under the same roof. Contrary to popular opinion cats and dogs get along well. Many times they get along with each other better then humans get along with each other. Having cats and dogs in the same house is fun and amusing, once they have decided who is the dominate animal, i.e. the boss, they become fast friends or at least tolerate each other.

January 6, 2013 at 11:05am
January 6, 2013 at 11:05am
The January 6, 2013 prompt for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS is BLOG! Reflect on your week, include your favorite blog entry from your fellow challengers from the preceding week and, most importantly, why.

Last week in review:
It is 2013 week two
Time for my week one review.

         The first week of a new year is always hectic, stressful, depressing, fun, weird, humorous, educational, or all of the above. The first week of 2013 was no different. I accomplished a number of things before midnight on January 5. I changed purses. I took all of my stuff out of my black purse, cleaned out Mom's white purse, and then put my stuff into the white purse. Mom would like that because we often did things like that. If I had a purse Mom could use, I gave it to her or visa verse.

My mother's white purse
Has room for all sorts of stuff
No more wearing black

         As for choosing a favorite blogger and/or entry. This is difficult for me at any time because every blog and entry gives me something to think about. This week I am not sure I could choose my favorite ice cream if I did not know it was chocolate. All right, perhaps I am having more difficulty with the first week in January then normal. This is the beginning of the second week of the year, I am in recovery from the first week. I could probably use a little more humor, but I have not read the Sunday comics this morning.

         Speaking of humor, this entry by Emeraldawn brought back memories of my childhood: "Invalid Entry. My mother had four children two girls and two boys and Mom could have used some Bill Cosby humor in dealing with us. To this day, I cannot figure out how she managed to survive our childhood and keep her sanity.
January 5, 2013 at 12:37pm
January 5, 2013 at 12:37pm
The January 5, 2013 prompt for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS is
Design and write about what would be your ideal contest on WDC.

I have thought about this prompt all day. I think the perfect contest is one that has both poetry and prose written in different genres using a prompt . In this contest, each contestant could choose their own prompt, which they would have to state either at the top or bottom of the story or poem. The writer could choose a prompt from any source, but the prompt would have to have a content rating equivalent to or less then the rating of the story or poem. The prompt could be a quote (the source included with the prompt), a group of words, or a title from something else such as a news headline, etc.

January 4, 2013 at 11:20am
January 4, 2013 at 11:20am
Friday, January 4, 2013 prompt for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS
"Through humor, you can soften some of the worst blows that life delivers. And once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be, you can survive it." ~Bill Cosby
Discuss the above quotation and whether or not you believe the same.

This morning I agree with the quotation because read the comics before any other section of the morning paper. I can always find something humorous in the comics, not matter how difficult my day begins or ends. There is always one or two comics that make me laugh and once I laugh my mood changes for the better. At the very least, one of the comics will make me smile, but this morning I laughed aloud at several of the comics.

In the Born Loser, one of Brutus' office buddies received a pair of men's leggings. The man who received the leggings said they were called meggings in the United Sates and mantyhose in Europe. Brutus said, "I've been wearing those for years, but I call them long underwear."

In Hi and Lois, the twins were talking about a "cold snap". The boy wanted to know "Why do they call this a 'cold snap'?" His sister had a good answer, "Maybe the 'snapping' starts after everything freezes."

Yes, humor can soften the worst blows of life. I remember an incident with my mother, at the time it occurred Mom was still able to get up at night without falling down. Mom got out of bed and I heard her so I went to see what she needed. Mom said, "I have to serve the man in the middle booth." I lead her through the house, I think she was looking for the middle booth, I just wanted to show her where we were. I even opened the front door so she could look outside. Mom kept insisting she had to serve the man in the middle booth. I finally convinced her to go back to bed, but she was angry with me because she though I had gotten her fired. The next morning she did not remember anything that happen.

I think Mom had a dream about working and she did not realize it was a dream. One of the manifestations of Alzheimer's disease (at least with my mother) was that she could not tell the difference between reality and a dream. If she had a dream she thought it was real, which lead to some interesting and funny midnight events. I still laugh about some of those events and humor did soften the blow of the Alzheimer's a little bit.

January 3, 2013 at 10:20am
January 3, 2013 at 10:20am
The "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS prompt for January 3, 2012 is
Do you believe that incorrect spellings and grammar are acceptable in creative forms such as poetry?

My priorities for writing poetry, after I check to see that my prayer book is next to me and my coffee is hot, are
theme or subject,
metaphor and simile,
rhythm and rhyme,
stanza and line,
and spelling and grammar.

I worry more about spelling then I do grammar because sometimes the grammar aspect can screw up the flow of line phased poems. When I write form poetry, I focus on the syllable count, rhyme scheme, and stanza count. When I write free verse poems, I focus on the line breaks because a misplaced line break can mess up the flow of a free verse poem. The only time I focus on grammar is when I write prose poetry because it is difficult to get prose to flow properly without the proper grammar.

If I had to chose between spelling and grammar and say which one is more important in writing poetry. I would have to chose spelling because a misspelled word can affect the meaning of a poem. A misspelled word can change both the meaning and the emotions of the poem. Grammar is essential when writing prose, but with poetry it depends on the form the poet is using whether grammar is essential or is something that is nice for the poem to have as long as it does not mess with another element of the poem.

January 2, 2013 at 12:32pm
January 2, 2013 at 12:32pm
The January 2, 2013 prompt for "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum is What was the longest amount of time you have spent waiting on line for something? What was it, and was it worth the wait?

Waiting in line
is a sign
that time
is unimportant
to everyone
except you and me.

I can't remember the longest amount of time I've spent waiting in line because I usually watch other people, write in a pen and paper journal I carry with me, read a book, or solve a Sudoku or other type of word or number puzzle. I hate waiting in line without something to do because I always end up watching the numbers on the signs that tell you which number is the next to be served and where to go to get service.

As to what it was I was waiting for... let me think. Considering this is Las Vegas it was probably one of two places. First, is the Department of Motor Vehicles which is a nightmare at the beginning and ending of a week or month. To get into a D.M.V office in a reasonable amount of time without a long and unreasonable wait time one needs to go in the middle of the week or the middle of the month. Second, is the Power Company (NV Energy); every time I have had to go to the NV Energy customer service office, I have had to wait in line and it does not matter what time of day, what day of the week, or what time of the month you go because there is always a line. I prefer to deal with the D.M.V. and NV Energy online. Sometimes this is not possible, but when I can deal with them online I do.
January 2, 2013 at 11:44am
January 2, 2013 at 11:44am
The January 2, 2013 prompt for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS is If you could give any person in the world one gift (money and time are no obstacle), who would you pick and what would you give them?

What would I give to humanity,
to the children of Adam and Eve?

To the war weary widow and orphan,
to the homeless and hungry
of every religion
waiting in every nation
for a war to end,
for someone to come to their aid,
for food,
and clothing.

What would I give to humanity,
when there is no peace on Earth
and hate is preached instead of love?

What can I give
that goes beyond the necessities
that every human being needs
to live a fruitful
and peaceful life?

I can give the knowledge
that faith imparts
that Armageddon's battles will end
when humanity
accepts its unity;
accepts that it is a single species
and that the welfare of the individual
contributes to the welfare of the human race;
we are our brothers
and our sisters keepers.

January 1, 2013 at 8:37am
January 1, 2013 at 8:37am
The "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS prompt for January 1st, 2013 is Write about the area of your writing you would most like to improve.

I am not sure where to begin with this prompt because I think I need help in every area of my writing; however, that is too large an area because it does not allow me to focus on specific writing issues. Yesterday afternoon, I watched the Dr. Phil Show on Channel 3 in Las Vegas. His subject concerned achieving your New Year's Resolutions and one of the things he emphasized was making one's goals concrete enough to measure. The idea is to write down concrete goal statements that can be measured. Since I cannot write a concrete goal statement covering the entire scope of my writing, I need to focus on specific areas.

What do I think are my weaknesses? I have on going issues with spelling, grammar and mechanics, rewriting or editing, and (possibly) style and presentation. I can write concrete goal statements for each of those areas, but I think there are too many to focus on in 2013. I can handle any spelling problems by using a spell checker and dictionary. Since I am not sure about the style and presentation issues, I am putting those aside for the present. The areas I want to focus on in 2013 are grammar and mechanics and rewriting and editing.

I have problems with editing and rewriting because I do not want to change anything in a novel once I have ended the story. I put off the rewriting because I am afraid I will ruin the story or mess up the plot. I suspect if I focus my editing on the grammar and mechanics of the novel then I will be able to complete the rewrite in a timely manner. I also have to place a deadline on the editing that way I can complete the novel in a specific time. Now all I have to do is write concrete goal statements for grammar and mechanics and editing and rewriting. I have to think about the goal statements for a little while before I can put them into writing.
December 31, 2012 at 7:08pm
December 31, 2012 at 7:08pm
As I set here, the sun is setting and 2012 is drawing to an end. It's been both a short and a long year, with interesting and stressful changes. When the hot water heater went out in October (at least I think it was October, but it could have been late September) I found the surge protector to my new computer sitting in water. I picked it up, turned it off, and unplugged it. Since the red "your protected" light was on I figured the computer still worked, but I wasn't going to use the surge protector because it had sat in water. Today, December 31, I bought a new surge protector and plugged it in. I was right, the new computer still works. I'm using the new computer for almost everything. The old computer still works and, since I have a wireless modem, I can get online with both computers.

I have my black eyed peas soaking in the slow cooker. I put them on about 12:30 or 1:00 P.M. and they will be ready to begin cooking about 9:00 P.M. I think I will start them cooking then so that by the time I'm ready to eat in the morning they will be ready. The only thing I have to do now is grind the coffee beans and put the coffee on. I'm planning on staying up most of the night, at least I hope I can stay awake until after midnight. I may have to make a pot of coffee in order to do that.

December 30, 2012 at 2:19pm
December 30, 2012 at 2:19pm
DAY 42 - DECEMBER 30 PROMPT: How did you decide what to use as your Writing.com nickname? Given the opportunity to change or update your nickname, what would it be and why? This is for "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum.

My writing.com nickname is a combination of the meanings of my middle and first names. My middle name is Florence with means Prosperous. My first name is Neva which means Snow. I have no plans to change or update my nickname, in fact I am considering using it as my pen-name.
December 30, 2012 at 2:10pm
December 30, 2012 at 2:10pm
Emergency Prompt: Write a prediction for 2013 for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

2013 will be a transformative year for many people in America and across the world. Because they will discover new talents they did not realize they had and find that they are capable of doing much more then they realized. Either that or they will discover they do not possess the talents they thought they had and find they are incapable of achieving their goals. I want to be one of the people who discovers new talents and the capability of doing more then I thought I could.

December 29, 2012 at 2:58pm
December 29, 2012 at 2:58pm
December 29, 2012 prompt for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS by Prosperous Snow celebrating “A New Year is a New Beginning, write about a New Beginning of some type it can be story, a poem, or a slice of life event. Emergency Prompt: Write a prediction for 2013.”

The year 2013 will be a new beginning for me. I won't be completely starting over because that would mean forgetting all the lessons I've learned over the past 66 years. In 2013, I'll begin a new phase of my life and I'm a little nervous. I'm nervous because I don't know what to expect. I don't know what to expect because I can't completely foretell the future, which is a good thing.

I have a recurring dream that indicates a new phase in my life. In this dream, I'm at my grandparent's house in Blackwell, Oklahoma. The reason I'm usually there is because of a funeral, a memorial service, or distributing an inheritance. This dream occurs because I'm starting a new phase of my life. The last time I had the dream, my mother wasn't with me; always before my mother was with me.

At 11 minutes before midnight of December 24, 2012 I turned 66. For the past 65 years, I've been blessed to begin the year with my mother in my life. Mom is in a better place now and I'm left on the material plane to go on living without her physical presence. I'll miss Mom's smiling face and her joyous "Happy New Year" as we eat black eyed peas and watch television. Sometimes I don't know how I will go on without her. Who will give me encouragement and tell me I can do anything I set my mind to? Who will I ask for advice? I will go on because I can't give up.

On January 1, 2013, I'll fix a new black eyed pea recipe and create a new New Year's custom. On January 1, 2013 I'll make my first fresh carafe of coffee by grinding coffee beans. In addition, I'll add jalapeno peppers to my black eyed peas recipe.

December 28, 2012 at 7:44pm
December 28, 2012 at 7:44pm

Day by day the end of 2012 approaches. This was the year the world was suppose to end, but Earth still turns on its axis and circles the sun. As we approach the end of 2012, humans still make love and kill, while Americans wonder if we're going to fall or be pushed off the fiscal cliff. I haven't watched the news today, so I don't know if that issue has been solved.

As then end of 2012 approaches, I'm not worried about the fiscal cliff. Right now, I'm sitting in my living room at my computer. Every few minutes I glance out my living room window to watch the sunset and the cloudy sky turn from blue to pink to white and then charcoal gray. I wonder if the clouds foretell rain or just a cold night. The dampness in the air sinks into my joints causing them to ache more then usual.

As I watch the sky darken, I'm reminded that as the day ends on this side of the planet it begins on the other side of the world. I remember that as the old year ends a new one begins. I realize that ends lead to new beginnings and beginnings eventually lead to endings. Perhaps that's why I believe that the human soul lives forever.

A child in the mother's womb passes through the birth canal into a new world. The day ends on one side of the planet and begins on the other. One year ends while another begins. At death the soul leaves the body and ascends into another world where it is free of the body's aliments and frailties. As I consider the end, I realize that an end indicates a beginning somewhere and some-when.
December 27, 2012 at 10:10pm
December 27, 2012 at 10:10pm
December 27 prompt for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS by Marsha Musselman Since we're on a writing site, I thought I'd ask a writing question. Has (or does) anyone in this group (want to) made/make money with their writing in some form or another. It could be from selling novels or short stories, or poetry or even from blogging or writing articles? If yes, in what way are you hoping to do so and what have you done so far? If not, then why not?

Yes, I have made a little money writing copy for my off site blogs. I would like to increase my income and expand to novels, short stories, and poetry books.

December 27, 2012 at 9:59pm
December 27, 2012 at 9:59pm
December 26 prompt for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS EMERGENCY PROMPT: What blogs do you read and why?

I'll read any blog if the title or the entry arouses my curiosity. I don't think I have a preference when it comes to reading blogs, my problem is time. Lately, within the past few months I seem to have difficulties reading any blogs, so I suspect I may need to take a sabbatical from blogging on a daily basis. I suspect a short break might be in order so that I can focus more on writing, reviewing, and reading.
December 26, 2012 at 1:23pm
December 26, 2012 at 1:23pm
December 26 began with the alarm going off. I reset my alarm from 3:00 A.M. to 4:00 A.M. hoping it would be easier to get out of bed. It's winter in Las Vegas, my joints don't want to move, and my body doesn't want to get warm. I had planned to go to the bank today, but I'm not sure if I will make it. I haven't taken a shower because I can't face the water, even hot water with the dampness in the air. The only thing I'm motivated to do is drink hot coffee, do laundry, and review. I have other things I need to do, but I can't seem to motivate myself to do them. There are a few phone calls I need to make, so maybe I can make those instead of going out.

I don't like cold weather. The problem is that I'm not sure it's as cold as it feels to me. I don't know what's wrong. I suppose I could be depressed. I know I don't like cold weather any more. It's cloudy here so the problem could be that it feels colder because of the humidity. I went out to pick the paper up and take some trash out. It felt chilly, but now the damp has seeped into my bones and my joints don't want to move. I took a pain pills with my ham and cheese sandwich this morning. The pill helped a little, but my joints still don't want to move properly.

I'm all most out of coffee, so I need to post this and get another cup. I think I can do a couple of reviews while the towels are washing. I still have one or two loads after the towels finish and I think I still have some trash or recyclables to take to the garage. I'm not looking forward to going outside, but the sky seems to be clearing so maybe it's warming up a little more.

December 24, 2012 at 11:58am
December 24, 2012 at 11:58am
December 24 prompt for "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum "What does Christmas mean to you?"

The meaning of Christmas has changed over the decades. When I was a child, we went to church and learned that it was the celebration of Christ's birth. I also learned that it was when we received gifts from Santa Clause, but at that time I never connected the gifts from Santa Clause and God's gift of Christ.

I no longer celebrate Christmas, the gift giving time I celebrate are between February 26 and March 1. However, I now realize that the gifts received whether they are at Christmas or during Ayyam-i-Ha (February 26 to March 1) are symbols of the gifts we received from God. Sometimes we forget that everything we receive is from God and, therefore, we should give thanks for both the gifts and the tests that come into our lives everyday of the year.

What does Christmas mean to me?

The meaning of Christmas is to remember and give thanks for the gifts from God. The meaning of Christmas is to remember and give thanks for the tests we receive from God that strength our faith in the Creator.

December 23, 2012 at 1:43pm
December 23, 2012 at 1:43pm
December 23 prompt for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS by Lonewolf If you wrote Santa a letter, what 5 things would you ask for and why?

Dear Santa Clause,

It's been a long time since I wrote you a letter. I hope Mrs. Clause, the elves, and you are healthy, happy, and successful. I'm doing as well as can be expected under the circumstances. There are about five things I would like for Christmas this year. Those things are listed below.

*Snow1* A 12-month premium membership to writing.com. All though, I seem to be able to keep it going a month at a time, a 12-month membership will relieve some of the stress of worrying about which items to delete from my port.

*Snow2* An enhanced memory pill for my middle brother so that he can remember to send my youngest brother the family Bibles.

*Snow3* A one bedroom apartment that I can afford, warm and I can keep my Cox Communication television and internet connection. A place that I can afford and don't have to worry about yard work or repairs, with a dishwasher, washing machine, and dryer. I am tired of washing dishes by hand and hanging clothes across furniture to dry.

*Snow4* Dental implants so that it is easier for me to eat.

*Snow5* A bed with a comfortable mattress for me to sleep on. I'm tired of sleeping on the couch or the love seat.

Prosperous Snow celebrating

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