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Drop by drop the snow pack dies, watering the arid lands below.
This is for Snow Melt and More Snow Melt

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containing the continuing writing adventures of Prosperous Snow celebrating

"The Snowflake Chronicles
"More Snow Melt
"Writing in Snow
"Welcome to My Life
"Memories of Snow
"Dreams of Snow
Poet999's Thoughts about Writing and Other Stuff http://poet999writingthoughts.blogspot.com/
Poet999 - A Butterfly Emerges From Her Cocoon http://poet999.blogspot.com/

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December 2, 2008 at 8:53pm
December 2, 2008 at 8:53pm
"I swear moderation in all things is commendable, especially swearing

My swear word vocabulary consist of the milder form such as damn and crap. Sometimes if I’m extremely angry I’ll use the f word, but that is vary rare. Anger increases my stress level and I think stress causes gray hair. At least my hair didn’t start turning gray until I go under a lot of stress.

I used to say Oh, shit! However, the last time I said that someone (I think one of my brothers) said “You do and you’ll clean it up.” I haven’t used that expression since. I don’t like swearing and I find some of the words extremely offensive. This doesn’t mean I’ll react to them.

I think the problem with swearing in society today has more to do with lack of hygiene then anything else. By that I mean too few people are getting their mouths washed out with soap when the say those words. Believe me, once you get your mouth washed out with soap for using an expletive you don’t want to use it again, but you will in an appropriate situation.

Perhaps a good mouth washing with a bar of soap is all some people need to stop swearing. Then again some could find they liked the taste of the soap or someone washing their mouth out with it. They would increase their swearing in hopes of getting their mouth washed out again.

My response to the December 2, 2008 leading entry by Cappucine

December 2, 2008 at 8:03pm
December 2, 2008 at 8:03pm
I suspect that the answer to that question depends on the circumstances and the amount of stress in our lives. I know it shouldn’t, we should be courteous to everyone at all times. However, courtesy we sometimes toss out the window when a person is under a great deal of stress.

I know I have found myself being discourteous when I’m under a great deal of stress. Since I react that way, therefore so does about 95% of the population. The thing is we need to be more courteous when were under stress because that is the time we need the most assistance with whatever we’re doing. Courtesy is more likely to get positive responses then discourtesy.

Another aspect of courtesy comes in when we are dealing with other cultures. Different cultures have different customs. When we visit another country, we need to be aware of the different customs, especially the customs with regard to courtesy. When we encounter visitors from other parts of the world especially courteous to them and overlook what we may consider rudeness or discourtesy. We have to remember that many first time visitors to our area of the world may not be aware of many of the local customs. Visitors to our “neck of the woods” (so to speak) usually act in patterns learned in their native lands.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1405205 by Not Available.

December 2, 2008 at 11:10am
December 2, 2008 at 11:10am
I started to respond to "Invalid Entry last night, but I heard an odd noise coming from the love seat where Lion was laying. I turned the computer off, sit down on the love seat and picked Lion up. It was a good thing I did because he was much more ill then I thought, while I was petting him. he dyed in my arms.

I called the Pet Emergency hospital on West Charleston and they said that they would properly dispose of the body. I call a pet transporter; he drove my holding Lion in my arms to the hospital. He also drove me to an ATM to withdraw money because Mom’s account was the only one that had a large amount of money in it. After I filled out the paper work and paid, he drove me back home. The Pet Emergency Hospital will pay the transporter because they added the fee to the bill.

This isn’t the response I planned last night, but this is the one I wrote this morning. I haven’t written a lot about the cats lately because I thought I would have to find someone to give them to. However, that has turned out to be difficult and I don’t want to take them to The Pound. I would prefer to know who got them and who was taking care of them.

I’m going to have to have Balou put down this month, I think. Lion was 12 years old and Balou is about 15 or 16. So far, we’ve been able to get enough money for cat litter and cat food. I’m going to have to take the surviving cats for their shots in January. Or perhaps late this month, I can call the pet transporter to take us there, he has cadges in the back of his van.

As I said, this wasn’t the response I planned for this entry, but sometimes life intervenes and other subjects take priority. I forgot the response I intended.

My response to the December 1, 2008 leading entry by Pia Veleno

December 1, 2008 at 9:28pm
December 1, 2008 at 9:28pm
Shock paralyzes my vocal chords,
steals words from my mind,
and slows the process of thought.

I am a world citizen. I live in Las Vegas. I live in an international city that welcomes the world. I wonder if any of the victim visited Las Vegas. I wonder if I encountered them on the street as we passed each other.

A knot in my stomach
and tears well in my eyes.

I am a world citizen. For me humanity is a single species. How can one human being hate a total stranger so much as to cause the stranger’s death?

Shock and silence,
terror crawls
up my spine.

I am a world citizen. For me God is an unknowable essence with many names. God is a divine essence, which created humanity and revealed each religion for a specific reason and at a specific time in the evolution of the human species.

I cry,
then I reach for my prayer book
turn to the prayers for the departed
intone a prayer for the dead
and then turn to the prayers for healing
and intone a prayer for the survivors.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1405205 by Not Available.

November 30, 2008 at 1:53pm
November 30, 2008 at 1:53pm
"Invalid Entry because there is an emptiness inside of my that nothing can fill except … except what? Sometimes prayer and meditation fill the void inside. Sometimes writing mystic poems fills the emptiness. Sometimes writing bitter love poems fills the hollowness. Sometimes writing short stories or a novel fills the empty space. Sometimes I just contemplate the abyss and then push through the darkness to the other side where I know that warmth and light exist and that my star will shine again.

my star don’t shine because the fragments of my soul are scattered across the landscape of my past and my future … fragments that I know were once part of my soul’s mirror meant to reflect the Beloved. I look at the fragments of my spirit and realize that if I don’t love and value myself I can’t reflect the Glory of God or expect my star to shine.

my star don’t shine because I gave up my pipe dreams and then realized I needed them … so I began the process of regaining them and found that they had expanded into a new vision of existence in which my star shines again.

my star don’t shine because sometimes I think I’m boring, but then I realize that I’m not boring just bored … this means I’m in a rut and for my star to shine I have to climb out of my rut.

My response to the November 30, 2008 leading entry by MaryLou

November 30, 2008 at 12:08pm
November 30, 2008 at 12:08pm
"Invalid Entry in my front yard
where the elm tree used to be

My front yard is different since we lost the elm tree in the big wind in February. Now I can see all the way to the corner and at sunset, I can see the autumn clouds change from white to pastel pink or blood red. Growing around the reaming trunk of the elm tree is a plant. I don’t think it’s an elm because it looks more line a vine or a bush then a tree. It isn’t an oleander either. An oleander used to grow near the elm, but the plant that is growing there has apparently killed the oleander. At least, the oleander is dead and I’m not sure what killed it, but it wasn’t me.

I’ve changed as well. My transformation began in 2007 when my mother went into the hospital and had a bowl resection. I’ve noticed in the past year or so that a lot of issues have come to the surface which I didn’t deal with when I was younger. I have to deal with them now. I’m my mother’s caregiver when she needs one. She doesn’t think she needs one, but sometimes I’m not sure about that. Of course, sometime I think I may need a caregiver.

The funny growth in the front yard has become a symbol of my own change. All the branches or vines growing from the plant are the personal issues I have to deal with. In order to become more confident, I have to confront these issues and trim the tree of my soul. I have to cut off the self-talk that cast self-doubt across my mind. I have to deal with the present situation and any problems that come up. I have to trim the tree of my spirit daily through prayer, meditation and bringing myself to account.

I have to stop complaining about the situation and change it. I’m not one of those people who complains out loud. My complaints are usually to myself or written in my off-line journal. I’ve noticed that in the past year I’ve ranted a lot in that journal instead of bringing myself to account. A problem isn’t solved by ranting, but by taking action and working daily (sometimes hourly) towards a solution. A problem isn’t solved by closing your eyes and expecting it to go away. Monsters (problems) don’t go away when you close your eyes, but they do get smaller when you confront them.

My response to the November 29, 2008 leading entry by jessiokafroka

November 29, 2008 at 12:34pm
November 29, 2008 at 12:34pm
My "Invalid Entry as of November 29, 2008.

I was born on December 24, 1946 at approximately eleven minutes before midnight.

I am about five foot five inches tall and weight about 200 pounds (I don’t remember what the doctor said the last time I visited because I don’t believe in wasting brain cells on information that is of no importance to me).

I was raised a Southern Baptist, but became a Baha’i when I was well over 30 years old (it doesn’t matter to me how old I was at the time because the age I made the choice is of less importance then the choice).

I am lucky to be alive because when I was a child (somewhere around five or six) I was playing Hide-n-Seek and hid in old refrigerator. My grandfather found me and took me out.

I graduated from UNLV and got my masters degree on line.

I am write poetry, short stories and novels.

I write mystic poems.

I write bitter love poems.

I believe that God is a spirit and therefore neither male nor female.

I believe that all revealed religions come from the same Divine Essence.

I like men.

I am registered non-partisan.

I have ten and one-half of my own teeth left in my mouth. This will change on December 9, 2008 at 1:00 PM when I have the six teeth in my upper jaw pulled and dentures put in. The dentist will pull the four and one-half teeth in my lower jaw sometime later this year or early next year.

I love coffee.

I love chocolate.

My parents were divorced when I was still a child.

I found out about my father’s death by reading his obit on the web.

I have two brothers and one sister.

I have three nieces and seven nephews.

I have I have three grand nieces and two grand nephews.

I gave up a daughter for adoption.

I like cats and dogs and will stop to admire them when their humans are walking them.

I eat meat.

I believe in ghosts.

I believe human beings have a soul.

I believe that planets in other star systems that sentient soul possessing beings.

Please note, that since I am still alive I may want to add to this list in 2009.

My response to the November 28, 2008 leading entry by grim

November 28, 2008 at 10:47am
November 28, 2008 at 10:47am
"Invalid Entry

I know that it’s been a few years since I wrote you a letter. Therefore, you may have thought that I had given up believing in you. This is not true, I still believe in you. I have always believed in you. I will never give up my belief in you. I haven’t written you because I didn’t want to bother you with my small wants and desires, when there were so many needy and desperate people in the world that needed your help more.

However, something has recently come to my attention that you need to know before you start your Christmas run. As you know, I live in Las Vegas, which is just a stones throw from Area 51. While I don’t work at that location and don’t know anyone who does. Some extremely odd things have occurred recently.

Some very unusual animal sightings have occurred recently. The press hasn’t investigated these sighting because they were made by people on the fringe of society. People who couldn’t pass a security check if their life depended on it. If one or two people made the sighting, I would attribute it to too drinking too much rubbing alcohol. However, twenty or thirty people can’t be mass hallucinating at the same time. Then there are the rumors about The Rudolph Project.

The sightings concern animals resembling flying reindeers with blinking red and green noses. So far, about twenty or twenty-five of these flying reindeers have been sighted in the area. About three of these creatures are male and the rest female. At the last sighting several of the females were obviously pregnant and ready to foal.

I know these can’t be your reindeer since you have your own breeding program at the North Pole. It is, of course, possible that some of these reindeers are Rudolph’s offspring, especially those whose noses flash only red instead of red and green. After all, most of us know that Rudolph’s problem isn’t too much booze.

Santa, please be careful when flying over Las Vegas and the surrounding area. Because according to what is know about The Rudolph Project the Men in Black, who contrary to public opinion aren’t agents of the U.S. government or any other government on earth, are going to attempt to replace your reindeer with these alien creatures whose noses blink red and green.

Yours Ever,
A True Believer in Las Vegas

P.S. Before Christmas, you may want to check the genetic code of the reindeers assigned to pull your sleigh this year.

My response to the November 27, 2008 leading entry by kittiara

November 27, 2008 at 3:01am
November 27, 2008 at 3:01am
"Invalid Entry This actually makes a sense since 99% of the drunks on Earth lie. The other 1% of drunks go on crying jags and tell the truth.


I don’t chant on line. Therefore, I have no chat logs to post. Probably just as well because I have no idea what I’d use as a screen name. All though, if pushed I could probably come up with something creative.

I lie sounds like an interesting screen name, that is sure to attract some attention.

All though I’m not afflicted with technology phobia (my phobia has to do with anything that has eight legs), I don’t have a web cam or a microphone. I might get a microphone, but a web cam means a lot more work.

I don’t care to look at pictures of naked men. Actually, I don’t like looking at pictures of naked people. I figure if humans were supposed to go naked we wouldn’t have been given the intelligence or the need to invent clothing.

The last time I saw a naked human being was when I went to New York in November 1999 or 2000. There were naked people protesting wearing fur, their sign read I’d rather be naked then wear fur. It was snowing. It was cold. The protesters were sober.

My response to the November 26, 2008 leading entry by emylitha

November 26, 2008 at 12:10am
November 26, 2008 at 12:10am
"Invalid Entry At the time, the duck was standing on the enclosed back patio of the home of Sam and Samantha Ingalls. The duck was watching the Ingalls twins through the sliding glass doors. The twins were sitting at the dining table drinking hot chocolate, eating cookies, and reading. Samantha was reading the instructions her mother had left before going to work that morning. Sam was reading the morning paper.

“Well,” Samantha said putting the letter down and taking the paper away from her brother. “Mom wants one of us to deck the halls and the other to dress the duck.” She returned Sam’s glare with a sweet smile. “Which one do you want to do, Sam?”

“You’ve had more experience with dressing dolls, dogs, cats, and children then I have. I doubt that I could even catch the silly bird, much less put a pair of pants or a frilly dress on him.”

“Obviously, little brother, you inherited Dad’s sense of humor. That’s at least one thing I have to be thankful for.” She got up and picked up a small hatchet lying on the table beside the dish of Christmas cookies. “The boughs of holly are pilled on the front porch.”

“What am I supposed to do with a bunch of tree limbs, Sis?”

“Deck the halls with them, of course, Sam!”

Sam got up, walked into the entrance hall, unlocked the door and stepped onto the front porch. On the porch, he picked up a bough of holly in each and turned toward the front steps. At that moment, the next-door neighbors John and Marsha Hall climbed the front steps.

“I didn’t think it would be this easy,” Sam said hitting John Hall with one bough and Marsha with the other. Naturally, Marsha Hall let loose with a blood-curdling scream.

The scream brought Samantha, holding a dead duck in one hand and a bloody hatch in the other to the front porch.

“Why did you attack Mr. and Mrs. Hall, Sam?”

“Because you said I should deck the Halls with the boughs of holly!”

My response to the November 25, 2008 leading entry by objurgate

November 24, 2008 at 8:19pm
November 24, 2008 at 8:19pm
"Invalid Entry If I got another attack of bloggers’ block today, because I’m at a lose for words. It’s not often that I have an attack of bloggers’ block or am at a loss for words, especially not twice in one day.

I never read or saw Twilight. All right, let’s face it, it’s been a while since I went to a movie of any kind. The only reading I’ve did lately, besides In the Palm of Your Hand is on writing.com. I’ve read some interesting short stories in the past couple of weeks on this website.

Someone sparkling in the sunlight sounds intriguing. Is intriguing the right word here? At least, meeting someone who sparkled in the sunlight would be different. I’ve never met anyone who sparkled in the sunlight, I did know a guy once who thought he could make his car (using just the power of his mind) go to the gas station when the car was out of gas.

OK, let’s face it I’ve known some very interesting people. I also knew someone who that the men in black were after him. I wonder what ever happened to him, probably sitting in a house with aluminum foil covering the windows.

Speaking of a house with aluminum foil covering the windows, there is one of those about three or four blocks south of where I live. I saw it one day walking home from the bus or the store. It’s amazing what I notice in this neighborhood, now that I’m forced to walk rather then drive a car.

My response to the November 24, 2008 leading entry by Jenn

November 23, 2008 at 10:51am
November 23, 2008 at 10:51am
Jamál (Beauty), 1 Qawl (Speech), 165 B.E. – Sunday, November 23, 2008 about 7:46 AM Pacific Time

My brother wired us $50.00 for Thanksgiving dinner, so we're going out. I went to MoneyTree yesterday evening to pick the money up. I'm think we're going to Denny's Restaurant, but this could change by Thanksgiving. Wherever we go we're going to have to catch either the CAT bus or an appointment for Paratransit to take us there.

Yesterday morning I went to the banks, telephone office and Food 4 Less. When I got home there were two messages on my answering machine from my brother about the money. I didn't get a chance to Paratransit to make an appoint for transportation to work on Tuesday, so today I'm going to have to make an appointment for both Tuesday and Wednesday. By the time I got back home last night their offices were closed.

When I call today I'll ask them about Thanksgiving. If they have bus service that day, then we may go to one of the hotel coffee shops for Thanksgiving. The hotel-casinos here have good Thanksgiving menus, it's the regular turkey dinner, but it's good and we can bring home any thing we don't eat.

I did one thing yesterday that I don't normally do. I knew when I took the bus to MoneyTree that I would be getting home after day. The walk from the bus stop on East Charleston to my house is about 1/2 or 3/4 mile walk. I usually don't like to go any place when I know I'll be getting home after dark. When I had a car I didn't mind, but now that I'm taking a bus I'm a bit more cautious. I got home safely of course.
November 20, 2008 at 8:26am
November 20, 2008 at 8:26am
Istijlál (Majesty), 17 Qudrat (Power), 165 B.E. – Thursday, November 20, 2008 about 5:23 AM Pacific Time

I'm behind on just about everything this morning. Part of the problem has to do with when the bus picks me up to take me to work in the mornings. I have to be out in front of the house between 7:00 and 7:30 AM when the Paratransit bus comes to pick me up. It gets me to work early, so I sit and read a book or write in my journal until time to go to work. At least I'm getting some reading and writing achieved every morning.

Maybe it's just a matter of getting up earlier or ... I have no idea what I wrote here because when I went to save again my browser couldn't find the website. This is another problem, my browser gets lost or my connection cuts out in the middle of what I'm doing. I just love modern technology, it's great when it works properly.

This morning I don't have to worry about catching the bus to work because Mom's got a dental appointment and the Paratransit bus will pick us up at about 10:44 AM. I do have a bit of time this morning, but not lot of time. For some reason since Mom got out of the hospital and begin recovering she's seemed helpless of a morning. I'm not sure what the problem is perhaps a brighter light in the kitchen would help. I think I have three long lasting light bulbs I haven't put in yet. I'll put another one in the kitchen and one in the breakfast room, but I'm going to have to put one on the back porch.

It gets dark too early of an evening not to have a light on the back porch. I'm going to have to get more, but I don't think Food 4 Less has them so I'm going to have to go to WalMart and get a couple of packages. I have to go to WalMart anyway this coming week because I have a prescription to fill there. I'll call the prescription in and then pick in on Friday or Saturday and then pick it up the next day. I get paid tomorrow, so I have to see how much money I have left after putting some in my account and Mom's account.

Mom's account is overdrawn, so I have to see if I have enough to cover the overdraft and bring the balance up to a $0.00. Our accounts have been overdrawn too much this year, the overdraft charges are the biggest problem. I also have to pay the phone company about $28.00 which is due today. I have another check coming from the election department, but I don't know when it's going to come in. I'll have to call the phone company this afternoon and see what my options are. I don't think I have too many, but I'll check before I jump to any conclusions.

November 19, 2008 at 8:34pm
November 19, 2008 at 8:34pm
I'm taking the Paratransit bus to and from work. It's been late to pick me up from work everyday this week. It's gotten me to work closer to 7:30 AM then to 9:00 AM, so I have plenty of time to sit and wait. I'm reading a book on writing poetry and making journal entries. Maybe next week I will attempt make the pick up at home closes to 8:30 AM, but I doubt that is possible.

Yesterday a neighbor took me to the bank and when I went back out to the car, I opened the door and hit myself in the mouth with the car door. Then when I got home, I spent half the evening updating my virus protection. I finally got that done, I think from now on I'm going to do that on Friday or Saturday around midnight. I'm not sleeping well anyway, so I may as well do something constructive.

Tomorrow I'm not going to work. Mom has a dental appointment at 11:00 AM and the Paratransit bus is picking us up at 10:44 AM give or take between 5 and 25 minutes. It's a good thing we're going to a dentist, since one never gets into see either a doctor or a dentist at the appointment time anyway.

I'm tired now, but that doesn't mean I'm going to be able to sleep. I can fall asleep on my keyboard, but the minute my head hits the pillow I'm wide awake. I lay staring out the window or at the ceiling. At least staring out the window is entertaining because the Metro helicopter flies over at random intervals.

November 16, 2008 at 5:55pm
November 16, 2008 at 5:55pm
Jamál (Beauty), 13 Qudrat (Power), 165 B.E. – Sunday, November 16, 2008 about 2:49 PM Pacific Time

I focused on reviewing today. I reviewed stories about winter and found some very interesting stories to read. I didn't review poetry today. I think I'll do that tomorrow and rest from the short story reviews for a couple of days.

The only e-mail I checked today was on writing.com so I'm going to have to check the other before I go to bed tonight. My yahoo box is full and I think I'll just do a mass delete, being careful to check to see if I have e-mail from my brothers or friends. Frank and Tom both sent me picture so I'm going to have to burn a CD with photos sometime this week.

I don't feel worried or anxious about anything right now, which is unusual. I don't even think I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. For the first time in a week or two, I feel as if everything is going to be all right. Of course, my mood may change tomorrow or the next day, but I'll deal with that when it comes.

I have Paratransit rides to work scheduled for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. I have to schedule a ride tomorrow after work for Thursday and then on Tuesday I have to schedule Friday's ride. After that I don't have to worry about scheduling another ride until Friday.

I have to call my niece on Monday evening to find out what we're going to be doing for Thanksgiving. Since I don't have a car I'm either going to have to take a bus to Henderson or my nephew is going to have to come and pick us up.
November 15, 2008 at 10:23am
November 15, 2008 at 10:23am
Jalál (Glory), 12 Qudrat (Power), 165 B.E. – Saturday, November 15, 2008 about 7:20 AM Pacific Time

Finally the end of a frustrating week. This morning it's take me two hours (at least) of prayer and several cups of coffee to get over the week. I made some stupid decisions and wasted time worrying over nothing. I ended my week with enough cash to get one person two days of rides on the CAT buses or two people one day of rides. I haven checked the bank accounts yet, but will after I complete this entry.

This morning both my Internet connection and browser have acted like bitches, which didn't help my mood any. However, I'm in a better mood now. I'm actually looking forward to the day. The morning is chilly and the sky is clear. I've decided not to fix the car, instead Mom and I will take CAT buses and Paratransit everywhere. I prefer the CAT buses since they cost less with a Paratransit pass, but the Paratransit buses pick you up at your door.

Since I'm not going to have the car repaired, I've put too much in it already, I won't have to spend money on gas. The gas prices went down as soon as my car stopped working. The people I work for will pay for my Paratransit ride to work and back home, which is a big help. However, without a car my social life is curtailed. Now my only social life is on line.

Oh well, this too shall pass. Probably like diarrhea, but it will pass.

November 10, 2008 at 8:32am
November 10, 2008 at 8:32am
Kamál (Perfection), 7 Qudrat (Power), 165 B.E. – Monday, November 10, 2008 about 5:27 AM Pacific Time

Once a year I get the coffee pot ready for my morning coffee. I put the paper filter in the basket, I close the basket, I then put the carafe under the basket, I put water in the tank and then I turn the coffee pot on. I go into another room to do whatever it is I'm doing while the coffee is brewing. I go back to get a cup of strong smooth coffee and am confronted with a carafe full of hot water. I forgot to put fresh grounds in the basket before turning the coffee maker on.

Doing this once a year is fine, but if I start doing it more then once a year I may have to start having a cup of coffee before making my coffee. I've heard of people who have to drink a cup of coffee in the morning before they are awake enough to make coffee. I think that's why instant coffee and Microwave ovens were invented. Once the those things were invented then we found other uses for them.

On my second attempt to make this morning's coffee I did make a pot of coffee. Now that I have managed to make a pot of coffee and drink one cup, I'm fine. Actually, I'm better this morning then normal. I didn't wake up with pain in my right knee. It's always nice to wake up without pain, not that pain doesn't work in waking me up. It's just that once in a while I like to get out of bed pain free once in a while. Waking up pain free could be why I wasn't awake enough to make coffee.

November 9, 2008 at 12:43pm
November 9, 2008 at 12:43pm
Jamál (Beauty), 6 Qudrat (Power), 165 B.E. – Sunday, November 9, 2008 about 9:40 AM Pacific Time

I have a four day weekend because of Veterans Day. The Clark County School District is taking off both Monday, November 10, and Tuesday, November 11. On Monday, I have an in service training class for Foster Grandparents, but on Tuesday I don't think I have anything to do. Probably just as well because I don't have a car and have to take the bus everywhere. Tuesday I have to call Paratransit to arrange for a bus to pick me up Wednesday morning and take me to work.

Thanksgiving is at the end of the month and I'll have another four day holiday. I'm not going to microwave a turkey this year. At this point, I'm not even sure we will have a turkey, but if we do I'm not going to microwave it. I'm tired of Microwaved Turkey. I'm tired of carving the bird before I cook it. I'm tired of cooking parts of a bird, because my oven is too small the entire turkey. The turkeys which we received were given to us, so I had no choice of the size. If we are given a turkey this year, it goes in the freezer until I can cook it in a normal oven.

I have fixed turkeys in my Microwave Oven for a couple of years now. Last year I fixed the turkey for Christmas instead of Thanksgiving, but I still had to carve the bird before I cooked it. It just doesn't seem right carving a turkey before its cooked. It just doesn't seem right cooking a turkey in anything but a conventional oven.

This year I'm going to celebrate Thanksgiving by going out to eat. If my nieces invite us to Thanksgiving dinner we will go there, but otherwise we're going to a restaurant that is open 24/7. I'm just tired of cooking turkeys in a Microwave Oven and I'm not going to do it in 2008..
November 8, 2008 at 9:02am
November 8, 2008 at 9:02am
Jalál (Glory), 5 Qudrat (Power), 165 B.E. – Saturday, November 8, 2008 about 5:57 AM Pacific Time

I'm always optimistic in the morning. All right, maybe that is an over statement and I think I should qualify it. I'm always optimistic in the morning after my morning prayers. Anyway, this morning optimism is causing me to look at several things I need to do before the end of 2008. So these are my plans for the remainder of the year.

*Note* Extend my upgraded membership by November 15 for three months to March 15 and build my GPs up so that I can get a one-year premium membership on March 15, 2009.
*Note1* Clean out my port before December 31, 2008 by removing anything that I'm in the process of rewriting. I will probably repost the items after March 15, 2009.
*Note2* Clean out my e-mail box. I can't seem to find things I know are in the box, which is a good sign that I need to clean it out.
*Note3* Make an appointment with an eye doctor to get new glasses for myself and my mother.
*Note4* Find the title to the 1991 Toyota Camry, clean the car out, remove the tags, and donate it to a worthy cause. There is no use having a car in my driveway that doesn't run. Since there is a good possibility that the engine may be damaged, I'm not putting any more money I can't afford into it.
*Note5* Do the thirty-day abundance project and see if I can get all Mom's debts and my debts together. Then figure out how we're going to pay them. I need to begin this on December 1.
*Note6* Complete my NaNoWriMo novel by the end of November.
November 7, 2008 at 7:18am
November 7, 2008 at 7:18am
Istiqlál (Independence), 4 Qudrat (Power), 165 B.E. – Friday, November 7, 2008 about 4:15 AM Pacific Time

At last it's Friday. This week I have a four day weekend because Monday and Tuesday of next week the CCSD is going to celebrate Veterans Day (at least I think that is the next Holiday in November). I don't have to go to work on November 10 and 11. I have to attend a class on Monday, which I get paid for, so that will be nice.

I have some e-mails to answer, so I'm going to have to do that this afternoon or evening. Today I should receive a paycheck through the mail and I'm going to have to go to the bank and deposit it. If it's over $100.00 then I'm going to have to cash it at the banks it's drawn on. Once I cash it then I'll go to my bank and make a deposit. I hope I have enough so that I can deposit some in Mom's account. We need to pay the power bill and I think I'm going to do it on line this time.

I have to pay my Avon lady for an order, so I think I'll go on line and have the bank print a check and send it to her. I just love on line banking. It makes life so much easier when you don't have a car and are out of checks in the check book. I'm going to have to order checks for both Mom and myself, but that's going to have to wait until either the end of the month or the end of the year. In the mean time, I'm working with either cash, debit cars or on line bill paying.

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