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Rated: 18+ · Book · Women's · #1268197
Drop by drop the snow pack dies, watering the arid lands below.
This is for Snow Melt and More Snow Melt

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Other Blogs and Journals
containing the continuing writing adventures of Prosperous Snow celebrating

"The Snowflake Chronicles
"More Snow Melt
"Writing in Snow
"Welcome to My Life
"Memories of Snow
"Dreams of Snow
Poet999's Thoughts about Writing and Other Stuff http://poet999writingthoughts.blogspot.com/
Poet999 - A Butterfly Emerges From Her Cocoon http://poet999.blogspot.com/

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December 29, 2008 at 1:18pm
December 29, 2008 at 1:18pm
You have a key to your ex'es apartment. You decide to snoop around when he/she unexpectedly comes home. You hide in the closet. What do you hear?"

I suppose I should have returned the key to him when we signed the final paper, but until I found it in the freezer wrapped in a frozen dishrag, I had forgotten about it. I am not sure how the key got in the wet dishrag and why the dishrag was in the freezer. At the time of the divorce was under a great deal of stress, so perhaps I put the key in the dishrag and put it in the freezer.

Anyway, I found the dishrag and the key a couple of days ago when I was cleaning out the fridge. I found the dishrag stuffed in the corner of the freezer behind Thanksgiving turkey leftovers marked “Black Friday 2005”, that was the date I found the key in the inside pocket of his dress suite and confronted him about it. I still do not understand why I did not throw the key after him when he left the house.

I found the key, I went to his “love nest” and the key still worked. It is not surprising because he never thinks of the little things like rekeying a door. He always left that up to me. Therefore, what happened after I opened the door and entered his apartment was entirely his fault. He should have had the door rekeyed when he figured out he lost the key.

I opened the door and went in. The apartment was just as I had always envisioned it a typical bachelor’s apartment with everything necessary to seduce a woman. I went into the bedroom to see the bed and while I was looking at the neatly made bed, he returned. When I heard the voices in the hall, I slipped into the closet. I did not want him to find me in his apartment. The divorce was bad enough without him accusing me of stealing his stuff.

So there I was in the closet when they entered the bedroom, him and his latest conquest. She sounded nice and almost as gullible as I was when Jerry and I first meant.

“So, you been divorced about three or four years,” she had a very sexy voice for a woman, too sexy to be his type.

“Yes, Nora, and I haven’t had a woman since. The divorced was just too traumatic.”

“Why, Jerry,” it sounded as if one of them was turning down the bed.

“She took everything including the house, the bank accounts, the Mercedes, the Harley and she even got sole custody of the children.”

“Oh, you poor thing, no wander you haven’t been near a woman since. When do you have visitation rights?”

“I … I don’t, Nora, I’m not allowed to see my son or daughter. She made the most terrible accusations and the court believed her.” I almost lost it when he said that. There I was trapped in the closet of his bedroom listening to him seduce some poor trusting helpless woman with lies. We never had any children; the only thing I got custody of was the Cocker Spaniel, which I immediately had neutered. As for the Mercedes, he totaled that when he went on a New Year’s Eve drunk last year and there never was a Harley.

“Oh, you poor sweet thing,” at that moment the phone ring and he answered it.

“Hi, Beverly, no not right now, you can’t come over I have … I’m busy. Call me tomorrow.”

“Who was that, Jerry?” Miss Sexy Voice said.

“The … the cleaning lady, she wanted to come over and clean the apartment today.”

“You don’t have a set time and day for her to come,” Miss Sexy Voice sounded suspicious.

“No, Nora, I … I like to know … she lost the key and I haven’t had another one made yet.”

“Oh, well I guess that makes…” at that moment, I sneezed. “What was that? Is someone in your closet?”

“No, Nora,” he sounded a bit upset. I took a deep breath and decided to take the cat by the whiskers.

“Sorry, Jerry,” I said opening the closet door and walking out of the closet. “Here is the key, Beverly lost. Apparently she left it at my house when she came to clean up after that damn Cocker Spaniel of yours.” I gave him the key, kissed him on the cheek and walked out of the room. One second latter I heard him scream in pain and Miss Sexy Voice came out of the bedroom.

I left the apartment two seconds after she slammed the front door behind her. There was no way I was going back into that bedroom to see how badly he was hurt or where.

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December 28, 2008 at 12:55pm
December 28, 2008 at 12:55pm
Crazy candle cares cowboys

The first sight that greeted C.C.’s eyes when she opened them was darkness. There was no light from either natural or human created sources. Complete uncut darkness surrounded her not even the hands on her bedside clock glowed.

The next thing she noticed was the silence. She could hear nothing the house was still, she could hear neither the refrigerator, which usually ran twenty-four hours a day, nor the central heating unit. She could not even hear the ringing in her ears.

“That settles it,” she said setting up in bed, “I’ve gone blind and deaf at the same time.”

What are you talking about, C.C.? A deep male voice echoed through her mind.

“Who are you?” Chills ran up her spine as a hand touched her right arm.

I’m, Cowboy, you husband, C.C. He caressed her arm again as his words flowed though her mind. We’ve been married twenty-five years today.

“Oh, great! I’m not only blind and deaf, but I’ve lost my memory as well.”

C.C., he kissed her on the cheek, if you’re going to talk aloud please whisper otherwise your voice will attract predators.

“Fine,” she whispered attempting to find the light that was supposed to be setting on the bedside table. The only thing she found was a half-burnt candle in a metal holder. “Cowboy, where are the matches to light this candle?”

What are you trying to do, My Love, get us both killed. A light this time of night will definitely attract the bastards.

“Cowboy, if that is your real name and you are my husband, what are you talking about?”

“You’ve had another one of your weird dreams and you don’t know where you are.” He said, not caring if his voice did attract predators. “This always happens after you’ve suffered with seven days of insomnia. Just out of curiosity, where did your insomniac hallucinations take you this time?”

“Let’s start this conversation over again. If you are my husband, which I doubt, what does C.C. stand for?”

“Crazy Candle, and your mother named you after she recovered from a month long bout of insomnia. She said your birth cured her insomnia.”

Something struck the house causing the window to shatter and the house to shake.

“What was that, Cowboy?”

“A predator and its broken our bedroom window again.” He reached for the sword lying on his side of the bed. “If you will excuse me, My Sweet, I’m going to slay a dragon for you. If I don’t return in a couple of hours, please contact Cares Cowboys and inform them you’re a widow. In the mean time, why don’t you go back to sleep!”

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December 27, 2008 at 11:31pm
December 27, 2008 at 11:31pm
Place yourself in the shoes of someone who has a disability and write about something they THINK they cannot do but after trying and trying, they find they are able to.

I’m not going to write a story about someone else overcoming a disability. I’m going write about a personal experience. You see everyone has a disability of some type. Some individuals have physical disabilities, some have mental disabilities and for some the disabilities are the limitations a person places on his or herself. In addition, life, fate, or God, which ever you prefer has a way of pushing us to go beyond our disabilities.

My own problem is an extremely painful right knee. By extremely painful I mean that if I would more then one block the pain in my knee increases with each step. This doesn’t stop me from walking long distances when I have to. In the past, two or three month’s economic conditions and lack of a running car forced walk from ½ mile to two miles every day or every other day. Several time I had to walk from the grocery store to the bus stop and then either ½-mile or ¾ mile from the bus stops carrying bags of groceries.

There were times when I thought I wouldn’t make it home. Times I thought I might trip and fall on the way home. I knew that if I fell down there was now way I could get up by myself. However, I did make it home without tripping and falling. After I got home, my knee hurt so bad that I had problems getting out of a chair or into the bathtub. After soaking the knee in a hot bath for a while the pain usually subsided, it didn’t go away but it did subside.

The one thing I learned from all that walking was not to listen to my own negative self-talk. I had to focus on the next corner or the next fire hydrant not on how far I had to go. I couldn’t listen to the voice in my head that said I would fall or that I had to sit down to rest at the next corner.

Another thing this experience has taught me is that I can overcome my own disabilities whether they are self imposed or physical limitations.

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December 26, 2008 at 6:53pm
December 26, 2008 at 6:53pm
Write an interaction between yourself now and yourself at a younger age. It can be holiday related if you wish and use dialogue or not.

Let me set the Scene: It is Christmas Eve and everyone in the family is gathered around a traditionally decorated Christmas tree. Most of the present under the tree are wrapped in red and green, gold, silver or Christmas decorated wrapping paper except one lone present. That one present is wrapped in Happy Birthday wrapping paper.

My 62-year-old self is looking at my first grade self. My first grade self takes the gift wrapped in birthday paper from under the tree. After she takes her birthday gift, then each one of her three siblings take a Christmas wrapped gift. Then one-by-one, starting with the birthday girl, each child unwraps his or her gift. My first grade self is not smiling despite the fact that she just received as a birthday present the doll she asked her grandmother for.

“Don’t cry,” my 62-year-old self says, “the others won’t understand why you are so unhappy.”

“It’s my birthday,” my first grade self replies, “why can’t my birthday be special like their birthdays. On their birthdays, they get to unwrap their birthday gifts without anyone else unwrapping Christmas gifts.”

“Sweet heart,” my 62-year-old self says, “they weren’t born on Christmas. You’re parents are only trying to be fair by letting them unwrap Christmas gifts. They don’t understand the importance of having a birthday that isn’t shared with anyone else or another holiday.”

“I want to be special,” my first grade self says, “I’m not special, if my birthday isn’t special. It would be different if I was a twin, but I’m not. I’m me, no one special with a special day all my own. And don’t tell me I’ll understand when I get older.”

“No, I won’t because the memory hurts me as much at 62 as it does you as it happens. It still hurts, but at 62 I understand what my parents were attempting to do.”

“What are you going to do about it at 62 that I can’t do in the first grade?”

“I’m going to forgive my parents and my siblings their lack of understanding.”

“What good will that do?”

“It will free me to become closer to my brothers and sister!”

“How does forgiveness free you?”

“It allows me to let go of the hurt and it allow the wound to heal.” My 62-year-old self, smiles at the perplexed look in the first grader’s eyes, “I wish you could learn to forgive at your age and not spend your growing up years reliving the wound.”

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December 26, 2008 at 5:19pm
December 26, 2008 at 5:19pm
How was your holiday season so far? No matter what you celebrate, if anything, let us know how it's going for you! Having fun with family and friends or celebrating alone?

My holiday is going great. This Christmas Eve and Christmas day
were much better then last years by a long, long way.

On December 24,
someone gave me a 2000 Kia Sephia
it is parked in my driveway now,
I called my insurance carrier
and had the policy drawn up.

On December 25,
my sister, who is living in Searchlight called,
she had the number of a step-sister who lives in Oklahoma
so I called Patty,
long distance without reversing the charges,
and talked to her quite a while.

Then I called my youngest brother
in Colorado,
again without reversing the charges,
and talked to him for some time.

It’s been a good holiday season so far
and I’m looking forward to a better
and more prosperous New Year.

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December 26, 2008 at 5:01pm
December 26, 2008 at 5:01pm
WHY --- __________
WHERE --- __________

Why, Santa thought as he watched his brother crave the 75 lb. Christmas turkey, does Harvey always get the biggest turkey in the grocery store.

“Maybe, dear,” Mrs. Clause leaned over and whispered in his ear, “it’s because he is a big fat turkey himself.”

“You’re reading my mind again aren’t you dear?” He leaned over and gave his wife a passionate kiss.

“Yes,” she sighed as Harvey gave Santa the first drumstick.

“You know, My Sweet,” he whispered in her ear as he gave her a big hug. “I always thought Harvey was a giant white rabbit not a big fat turkey.”

“That’s because, My Dear,” she stuck her tongue in his ear, “he never made a pass at you.”

“It’s nice to see a couple,” Harvey smiled as Santa cut a large piece of meat from the turkey leg, “that’s been married as long as you two have, still go in for foreplay.”

Santa cut the meat on his fork into smaller portions and then put a piece into his mouth. He chewed the meat 100 times before swallowing. As he went to take another piece of meat, he keeled over falling face down into the mashed potatoes and knocking the gravy boat over.

Twenty-four hours later, Santa woke up in a hospital bed surround by Mrs. Clause, half-a-dozen worried elves, a doctor, two police officers and three detectives.

“Well,” said Doctor John Hopkins, “you’ll be glad to know, that despite your wife’s accusations, your brother didn’t poison you deliberately.”

“What… what happened?”

“It seems, Mr. Clause,” said Dick Tracey, “that bird your brother bought was a genetic experiment. We’re still not sure how it got in the grocery store frozen food locker.” Detective Tracey took a deep breath before continuing. “That bird was a cross between a turkey, an ostridge and a mandrake plant.”

“Will there be any side effects,” said Mrs. Clause taking her husband’s right hand.

“Your husband is now allergic to both turkey, ostridge and various other kinds of fowl,” said Dr. Hopkins rubbing his chin, “I suggest you feed him beef or some sort of turkey substitute.”

“You mean I don’t have to eat my brother’s turkeys any more!”

“That’s right, Mr. Clause.”

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December 23, 2008 at 8:00am
December 23, 2008 at 8:00am
Your Favorite Holiday Memory

Decorating a Living Christmas Tree

Popcorn on a long red wool thread;
Grandpa popped the corn,
Grandma threaded the needles for us,
then my three siblings and myself
would put the needles through the snow white corn
and make a wreath for the green Christmas tree.

Construction paper of red and green
from which we cut strips
then glued the ends together to make a circle;
once the first red circle-ring was made
we took the green strip,
put it through the red ring
and glued the ends together
to make a paper wreath for the tree.

While we were decorating the Christmas tree
Grandma went into the kitchen
made us hot chocolate and Christmas cookies
to eat while we hung store bought colored glass balls and lights
among the our hand made decorations.

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#1405205 by Not Available.

December 22, 2008 at 12:25pm
December 22, 2008 at 12:25pm
Forget New Year's resolutions - I would like you to come up with goals for the next 1001 days. Don't worry, it doesn't have to be 101 goals, as I have planned, but at least five good goals that you'd like to accomplish in the next two and three-quarter years.
Of course, if you feel inspired, you can always take part in the 101 Goals in 1001 Days.

This is an interesting prompt because I recently started reviewing my 60 Things to do in my 6th Decade. I would also like to do the 101 Things to do in a 1001 Days. My 60 Things to do in my 6th Decade would fit right into the 101 Things to do in a 1001 Days. However, since I seem to be having trouble setting priorities and focusing on anything but worries lately, I’m going to work on the 6th Decade list until it is complete. Then I’m going to work on the 1001 Days list.

I think I posted a version of the 6th Decade list in my port when I turned 60. I have since revised the list and made some of the items more concrete so that I can say specifically when I accomplish them. Sometimes when I set goals, I set them too large without a specific way of telling if I accomplish the goal.

Anyway, here are the goals I’ve set and am attempting to accomplish.

1 Pay off all household debts and become debt free
2 Stay in a Bed and Breakfast
3 Become a published money earning author
4 Earn an equivalent of $5.00 per day from my blogs
5 Take Mom on an Alaskan Cruise
6 Go on pilgrimage
7 Memorize the Long Healing Prayer
8 Memorize the Fire Table
9 Memorize the Long Obligatory Prayer
10 Memorize the Hidden Words of Baha’u’llah
11 Memorize the Words of Wisdom
12 Read the Dawn Breakers from cover to cover
13 Memorize the Prayer of Protection by the Bab
14 Buy a solar oven
15 Buy a hybrid car
16 Get a new stovetop and oven
17Have the driveway and garage floor fixed
18 Put solar panels on the roof of the house
19 Have Mom’s shower fixed
20 Rewire the house
21 Write a poem a day for one year
22 Write a flash fiction story a day for one year
23 Write 10 novels
24 Write 120 short stories
25 Remove all the oleanders from the yard
26 Do the Abundance Project once
27 Do the Double your way to a Million Project once
28 Visit all the Baha’I temples on Earth
29 Read Tablets of the Lord of Host through Once
30 Read the Lord of the Rings from cover to cover
31 Do exercises “In The Palm of Your Hand”
32 Ride on the top of the Duce up and down The Strip
33 Ride all the Roller Coasters in Las Vegas
34 Eat Prime Rib in every casino restaurant in Las Vegas
35 Get a new lap top computer
36 Get a digital camera
37 Upgrade my writing.com membership to premium
38 Get a new refrigerator
39 Get Mom a designer dress
40 Send Mom to visit Tom and Sylvia in Colorado and Frank and Eva in California
41 Find my daughter
42 Take Mom to visit Faye and Greg in Sparks
43 Hold Spiritual Services in our home
44 Attend a First Friday Poetry Reading
45 Get a new Toaster Oven
46 Do exercises in “Creating Poetry”
47 Play 1,000,000 games of Free Cell
48 Read “Call to Remembrance”
49 Read “Spiritual Being a Users Guide” and do exercises
50 Ride a Harley Davidson
51 Publish a chapbook of poetry
52 Get Mom and I a new pair of glasses
53 Go to a Doctor about my right knee
54 Host a family reunion for one of Mom’s upcoming birthdays
55 Ride on the Las Vegas monorail
56 Unclutter the house
57 Write my memoirs
58 Ghost write Mom’s memoirs
59 Find my father’s grave and put roses on it
60 Find my half-sister

I’d also like to visit the “Lill’ali Inn” in Nevada.

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#1405205 by Not Available.

December 22, 2008 at 11:49am
December 22, 2008 at 11:49am
Cite two or more facts. Cite: me: quote the facts.
Name the sources.

He had heard the warnings and read the headlines, but he could not believe that humans were that selfish, short sighted and greedy. Still there was not other logical explanation for what was happening.

Getting up from his overstuffed red chair, Santa went to the window and looked out at the elves milling around the compound. Larry, the head toymaker was standing at the northern ice wall, staring at the blocks of ice, which protected the compound from marauding polar bears and other wild animals.

“Larry’s no scientist,” Santa mumbled turning his back on the scene outside and walking wearily to the computer. “He can’t be right about what’s happening to the snow and ice. Still, there is the dramatic decrease in the snow pack this year and for the first time I saw naked ground, when I took my June flight over The Pole.”

Sitting down in his specially constructed office chair, Santa booted the computer. Then, taking a deep breath, he accessed the Internet and did a Google search for The effect of Global Warming on the North Pole. A chill ran up his as he read an August 6, 2006 60 Minute report by Daniel Schorn. The report A Global Warming and originally broadcast on February 19, 2006 seemed to confirm what the elves had been say for the past few months.

He read the first paragraph of the article again: “The North Pole has been frozen for 100,000 years. But according to scientists, that won't be true by the end of this century. The top of the world is melting.“ - http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/02/16/60minutes/main1323169.shtml

A tear ran down his cheek, as he realized the implications of what was happening to his beloved home. “I suppose we’re going to have to move the compound,” he said as he clicked on another article. This one written by Associated Press reporter Beth Duff-Brown and dated April 16, 2007 concerned Inuit hunters. The article Icy places first feel the effects of global warming said: IQALUIT, Nunavut - Inuit hunters are falling through thinning ice and dying. Dolphins are being spotted for the first time. There's not enough snow to build igloos for shelter during hunts. - http://news.mongabay.com/2007/0416-ap.html

“Santa,” Misty, the newest elf, rushed into the room without knocking and let the door slam behind her. “I’ve found our solution!”

“To what, elves falling through the thinning ice. I’m ordering all elves to start wearing floatation devices in and around the compound.”

“No, Santa, I’m talking about Global Warming.”

“There is a solution?”

“Yes, Santa, my sister, who lives in Las Vegas, sent me this article from the Sunday, December 21, 2008 issues of the Review Journal.”

“Let me look at it, Misty.”

Santa took the paper are read Scientists cool to man’s climate theory, by Greg Gordon reporter for McClatchy Newspapers. The article stated “Ron Ace … has spent three years glued to the Internet, studying the Earth’s climate cycles … back by a computer model … the little-know inventor … making public a U.S. patent petition … for a way to curb global warming …” – Las Vegas Review Journal Sunday, December 21, 2008, Newsline page 3A and continued on 13A.

Santa stroked his beard and then handed the paper back to Misty. “Interesting,” he smiled as he turned back to the computer, “he wants to spray gallons and gallons of seawater into the air in the Northern Hemisphere. You know, Misty, it sounds just weird enough to work. Maybe we ought to find Mr. Ace and hire him. Otherwise, my reindeer and elves are all going to drown or have to develop gills.”

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December 22, 2008 at 10:20am
December 22, 2008 at 10:20am
"You can lie with your mouth and body, but your eyes will always tell the truth." --- Luna loves her Finn

The eyes never lie
a person may speak with a serpent’s tongue,
but the eyes reveal the soul
and cannot proclaim anything except
the truth.

Why did I believe his words
when his eyes revealed
the spirit of deceit?

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#1405205 by Not Available.

December 22, 2008 at 10:09am
December 22, 2008 at 10:09am

I don’t celebrate either Christmas or Hanukah. I celebrate my birthday on Christmas Eve, one brother celebrates Christmas, one brother celebrates Hanukah, and my sister celebrates New Year. The holidays I celebrate occur between sunset on February 25 and sunset on March 1. My Mom and I celebrate Ayyam-i-Ha, which is a time of gift giving, visiting the ill and shut-ins, and parties.

As for my birthday, I will probably go out to eat, but not on December 24. I have a gift card for Chills so I think we will go out on either the Friday after Christmas or the Monday before New Years. I don’t like getting out on Christmas Eve because of the last minute Christmas shoppers. Going out Christmas Day is all right, but since I have to call Paratransit to take us to wherever we’re going I’m waiting until after Christmas to go out and celebrate becoming 62.

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#1405205 by Not Available.

December 22, 2008 at 9:50am
December 22, 2008 at 9:50am
It’s been a while since I went to a movie or listened to a radio. Most of my favorite singers and actors are dead. It’s not that I’m really that old. I’ll be 62 on December 24, 2008 at eleven minutes before midnight. It’s just that I haven’t been to a movie in about two years.

My favorite singers are or rather were Johnny Cash because of the songs Long Black Veil, Man in Black, Ring of Fire, and Folsom Prison Blues. Elvis Presley and my only explanation here is that I was a teenager when his songs came out; he was good looking and had a sexy singing voice.
My favorite actors were Christopher Lee (I’m not sure but I think he’s dead) because of the way he portrayed Count Dracula. Boris Karloff (no I’m not that old, but his movies were on the late show when I was growing up) because of the way he portrayed monsters.

Today I like the actors who starred in the Lord of the Rings series and the Star Wars series. I liked them all and I’m not sure I could pick one I liked over the others. I’ll have to watch those movies again and see if there is one of the actors I preferred over the others. Then I’ll have to watch them again to see why I preferred one actor over another.

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#1405205 by Not Available.

December 18, 2008 at 8:44pm
December 18, 2008 at 8:44pm
It snowed in the Las Vegas valley yesterday. It snow huge white fluffy flakes that melted when they touched the ground. After about an hour or so the flakes started to accumulate on the roves of houses and cars. My car, which still doesn’t run and is parked in my driveway, was covered with snow.

I haven’t seen snow like this in the valley for ten years. It was beautiful. It was cold. It was wet. It was wonderful. Today there were still patches of snow on bushes and in shaded areas. There was a partial cloud cover and the snow melted slowly.

Flights into and out of McCarran Airport were either rerouted to California or didn’t take off. McCarran doesn’t have equipment to clear the runways. The visibility on the streets was only one or two block yesterday. The schools even consider declaring a Snow Day. We didn’t get a white Christmas, but the valley was covered with snow for a little while.

December 18, 2008 at 9:59am
December 18, 2008 at 9:59am
"The life of every man is a diary in which he means to write one story, and writes another; and his humblest hour is when he compares the volume as it is with what he vowed to make it." -James M. Barrie

My life is a diary
I inscribe in scarlet ink
on the pages of my soul.

Is the story I’ve written
the one I wanted to write?

Salvation’s light
floods memories dark corridors,
the difference between desire
and reality.

I didn’t expect this moment to come,
before Azreal’s two-edged sword
separated soul from body,
but the moment has come
and want I wanted to be
stands juxtapositioned
with what I am.

The judgment comes
when least expected
and salvation gives me the chance
to reposition
my desires and my regrets.

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#1405205 by Not Available.

December 17, 2008 at 6:56am
December 17, 2008 at 6:56am
"As I burn another page
As I turn the other way
I will try to find my place
In the diary of Jane"
Breaking Benjamin "The Diary of Jane"

“As I burn another page”
in the journal of my life
I listen for chiming bells
announcing the end of material strife.

Page is a day in my life. Each day passes quickly, often too quickly, especially after we reach a specific age. The age life begins to pass is different for different people. For a long time now, I have noticed that the day pass quickly, but how fast the pass didn’t strike me until yesterday afternoon.

Yesterday I renewed my driver’s license online. My license was supposed to expire on December 24, 2008. So rather then go up to the DMV on Saturday, Monday or Tuesday, I decided to renew it online and have the money taken directly from my checking account. Renewing on line cost me $2.25 less then if I would have went up to the closest DMV office.

I printed out a confirmation and noticed the expiration date. My license will expire again on December 24, 2012. I had to laugh when I saw the year. 2012 is when the Mayan calendar ends and supposedly the world. I think it just refers to the end of a cycle, but I’m having fun with the date anyway. After all, if I can’t have fun with the calendar what good is it.

Anyway, as I was saying, page refers to a day in my life and as each day passes, I burn another page in the journal of my life. That is what the quote used in today’s prompt means to me.

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December 16, 2008 at 11:12am
December 16, 2008 at 11:12am
"How would you pass the time if you were snowed in this winter?"

The cold woke me up. It penetrated my bones and sent shivers throughout my body. I forced myself to get up and place my bare feet on the freezing tile floor. A big mistake and I quickly pulled my feet back into the nice warm bed. I looked down at the floor and realized that for the first time in ten months, I had gotten up on the wrong side of the bed. The rug and my house slippers were on the other side.

Changing position, I got out on the right side of the bed, put on my slippers, my robe and then walked down the hall to the thermostat. I turned the thermostat up until the central heating came on after that, I went into the kitchen with the idea of making coffee. I stood at the kitchen window staring into the backyard. It was snowing and there was at least a foot of snow on the ground already.

Midnight sat on the kitchen counter glaring at me. I guess he thought it was my fault the it was my fault that it snowed and he couldn’t go onto the enclosed patio or into the backyard. I rubbed his head until he purred and then brewed a pot of coffee. Going into the living room, I turned on the morning news and listened in disbelief at the weather report.

“Today is December 21, the first day of winter and we’re receiving the first snow of the year. The snow is now approximately between a foot and two foot deep. It will continue to snow for the rest of the day and perhaps the rest of the week. For those who need food and other supplies brought to them, there are three names, phone numbers and e-mail address on our website and across the bottom of your T.V. screen of people with proper equipment to do this. We suggest you contact them as soon as possible with your needs.”

One the phone numbers belonged to Colby so I called him. He was glad to hear from me and wanted me to help coordinate his supply deliveries. Colby is a wonderful man, but technologically challenged. He took my list and hung up.

A few hours later, he brought everything I order and a few extra things I hadn’t thought about. He parked his snowplow in my driveway and unloaded the supplies. In addition, he brought a generator and an extra cell phone.

“Can I stay in your extra room?” He asked as he put the rest of the meat in the freezer.

“Sure,” I said, “how much do I owe you?”

“You don’t owe me anything partner, we’re in this together.”

He handed me a not pad containing the passwords to his e-mail account and blog. I’ve never been able to figure out how, someone as technologically challenged as Colby ever managed to get either, especially since the only computers he ever used was at the library or the community college where he could be assured of assistance when he needed it.

“I hope you don’t mind helping me with my blog, it turns out that the college and the libraries are going to be closed until the snow stops.” Colby smiled sheepishly, “I don’t have a computer at home and I need…”

“You need help with everything, don’t you, Colby?”

“Yes,” he blushed.

“You know I can’t resist a helpless male. Of course, I’ll assist you in whatever I can.”

“Thanks, Sweetie.”

“Don’t call me Sweetie, Colby, people might get the wrong idea. They might think we’re more then just business partners.”

“All right, Cousin,” he said as we walked to the front door. “Anything I forgot, before I take the snowmobile and get the larger snowplow.”

“How about a digital camera, Colby, if I’m going to post to your blog you’re going to have to provide some pictures of the snow,” I smiled as he left the house.

I hadn’t planned on spending the winter helping Colby keep up his blog and build a business. My plans were simple stay warm and write, write, write. However, Colby is an Eagle Scout and always prepared no matter how unlikely the situation or circumstances. After Colby left, I turned the T.V. back on and laughed as I listened to the news update.

“This just in, folks, and we do apologize for not checking this before. Only one of the names we gave you earlier has a business license and is qualified to deliver supplies during this snowstorm. That person is Colby Jones, who just called us with a second phone, which his cousin, whose pen name is Prosperous Snow, is answering.”

At that moment, the phone rang.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1405205 by Not Available.

December 16, 2008 at 10:38am
December 16, 2008 at 10:38am

Blog Marketing? Under this category, I have two off site blogs that accept ads. One of them uses AdSense ads, which change daily according to the content of the post. The other I write ads for when I find opportunities on either PayPerPost or SocialSpark. The URLs of those blogs are http://poet999.blogspot.com/ and http://poet999writingthoughts.blogspot.com/.

Photo Blogging? Under this category, I found some intriguing blogs after doing a Google search. I found an interesting travel blog and its URL is http://photo-blogging.blogspot.com/. I found another blog with photos at http://bigstormpicture.blogspot.com/. Another interesting Photo blog found at http://postsecret.blogspot.com/.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1405205 by Not Available.

December 15, 2008 at 9:35am
December 15, 2008 at 9:35am
I don’t have an "Invalid Entry when it comes to someone with my exact name. First, anyone who spells their last name the same as I spell my last name either a relative (distant or close) or married to a relative of mine. Second, my first name isn’t all that common. There are people out there who have it, but those are rare.

I don’t have a Facebook page either. I don’t want a Facebook page simply because my life is complicated enough as it is. As for people contacting me that I didn’t care for in high school or college. If someone really wants to find you, they can. I don’t worry about old acquaintances finding me.

The truth is, other then the classmate from high school who is serving a life term in the Oklahoma State jail, I don’t care who wants to contact me. Since I live in Las Vegas, I suspect every high school, college and persons I’ve worked with in other states want to contact me so they have a free place to stay when the come to Vegas.

An ex-boy friend did attempt to contact me once. He called me on the phone and I pretended not to remember him. It was his own fault of course, I mean who wants to talk to some who calls you on the phone and say “Guess who?” He was a bit pissed that I didn’t remember him, but I hung up the phone before he could say anything curd.

My response to the December 14, 2008 leading entry by Lorien

December 14, 2008 at 5:47pm
December 14, 2008 at 5:47pm
The wind is the hand of a giant attempting to push me back along to sidewalk, back into the street and into the path of oncoming traffic. Sometimes it pushes against my knees preventing me from moving forward toward the next corner or fire hydrant.

I can see the yellow fire hydrant half a block ahead. It is my next goal in this long painful journey toward home. Why did I choose to go out today? When I left home, the wind was blowing, but not as hard as it is now.

Ahead, I see a plastic trashcan blowing across the street. The wind is pushing it toward the corner where I have to turn. I watch as the trashcan stops against the curb. It is as if the thing is waiting for me to pass before moving onto the sidewalk.

Finally, I pass the fire hydrant and advance toward the corner. I pass the oleander growing beside the hidden driveway. I have passed this driveway several times and always wondered what if the car parked there would back out as I was passing. Would the diver have time to stop before hitting me?

However, today I focus on the corner and wonder if the plastic trashcan caught at the curb will hit me from the side. I know if the wind or the trashcan knocks me down, I will never be able to get up by myself.

NOTE: I went to the bank yesterday and then walked back home from the bus stop in a strong and gusting wind.

December 14, 2008 at 5:10pm
December 14, 2008 at 5:10pm
It is better to have less thunder in the mouth and more lightning in the hand.
American Indian Proverb.

Loquacious thunder
rumbles and reverberates
after lightening strikes.

Beware the silence
lightening gives no warning when
it prepares to strike.

 Invalid Item 
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#1405205 by Not Available.

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