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Rated: 13+ · Book · Sports · #1343724
This is me rambling on and on about...whatever I feel like. Nice, eh?
I've always wanted a blog. I hope I can actually keep it up, and make it as interesting as possible for the readers. Sorry if I am failing miserably at either of those things.
**Hope you like hockey. Then again...how could you not? 8>)
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November 13, 2007 at 6:19pm
November 13, 2007 at 6:19pm
Today is...the day of the first hockey game of the season!

(I really hope no one is sick of me talking about hockey all the time... and yet, it's my blog so you'll just have to get over it. Even if you dislike hockey, though I find that highly unlikely because well, who does? I'm sure you will find something. Okay. Moving on.)

So this could be considered either one of the best or one of the worst days of the entire season. Best, because it signifies the beginning of a new team, a new year, a fresh start. The record is 0-0-0 and we have a chance to make the most of it and succeed. And the day before (Monday) we didn't have to do any vigorous skating so we didn't get tired out. ;>) Whoever came up with that idea was a genius. Worst, because no one knows what to expect (except for maybe a vague idea...) so we'll all be nervous/panicky at the idea of losing. Well, I guess that's the case with every game.

Anyway. It was a pretty great day. We're playing at home, so we got to wear our nice (and yet totally uncomfortable) dress up clothes. It feels nice to have something worth dressing up for, but its still weird. People are either, "Ohh, you look so pretty!" or "Um, why are you dressed up for school?" and sometimes they have to do a double take because no one expects the hockey jock girls to wear something that isn't a hoodie.

Also, we took our pictures today. The ones that get hung up in the hall at the arena, as well as for the program, yearbook, etc. Seriously, I felt like I was in the NHL. We did all these cool poses, that made us look really important. And all the equiptment was all professional...it reminded me in the article I read in USAHockey the other day about the St. Louis Blues getting their photos snapped. It was totally sweet.

And yet, the main event. The game. We are going to wear our sweet uniforms, in the best colors in the world (wow, don't you all miss being high school students? 8>)). Then the starting lineups are announced. The National Anthem will get sung, and we'll all sit there in anticipation, inhale/exhaling and shuffling our feel occasionally, thinking about who knows what. It will be totally meaningful, somehow. It's just all part of the feeling. 8>)

Ah then we will play. And hopefully we won't make fools of ourselves and we will uphold the respectful and honorable tradition that has been associated with our school since...forever.

See how that's something worth being nervous about? It's the most amazing expericence ever and some people totally take it for granted or refuse to give their all. It's ridiculous.

In other news, I have a/an (insert word of your choce)-load of homework to do, and I suppose I should crack open a book just to say that I've done so... Ciao~
November 12, 2007 at 8:59pm
November 12, 2007 at 8:59pm
Argh, I have so much to do this week. Mass procrastination leaves many deadlines creeping up on me at school, and also there are three hockey games. Also, I am moving into my new room this week. Thankfully, my family has done a lot of this for me. The only thing I have to do is haul all my stuff on down there.

On top of all of this, there is a virus of some kind going around the team and I have been hit! My throat feels like its been gnawed on by small critters while I was sleeping! Like, raw and scratched. I was skating today and I thought I was going to start coughing up blood it was so bad. Needless to say, I am very thankful for whoever filled the water bottles and stuck them on the bench. Also for Ibuprofin.

At least we had a party tonight, where the whole team gets together and eats (fun, eh?!) and that was fun. We played Apples to Apples. And any of you who have ever played that game know that it's waaay amusing. And there were brownies there. Yum. Eating seems to soothe my frazzled nerves (in my throat) that are being caused from all the stuff I should be doing instead of partying. Although I feel bad about it. But it was a nice change...not working on school stuff. And laughing w/ the team. Who could possibly feel bad about that?

Anyway, I have a phone call I have to answer in a couple. Curse you dial-up!
Much love~
November 10, 2007 at 10:58pm
November 10, 2007 at 10:58pm
I'm not a very outgoing person...

I look at some people, who have like, a million friends, and I wonder how they do it. To be that talkative, and fun enough to get all of them to like you. It's crazy.

Sometimes I wish I could be more talkative...to not be uncomfortable around a lot of people, and to just show people what I'm really like. I hope I am at least somewhat interesting. But anything at all is hidden underneath loads of unconfidence.

If theres one thing I've learned playing hockey, it's that confidence makes everything go better. If you sit timidly to the side, you are never going to be satisfied with your performance, because you don't beleive in yourself enough to actually do anything. I say that with such experience in hockey- I like to think I've been around the block before, and I've figured it out. Even then it's still hard to do; one screw-up and I shrink back into my little hole. This is really the first hs season that I've felt at all capable of anything the coaches/team wants from me. It's really nice.

If only I could apply that to relationships and interactions... why is it so difficult? Does strength of mind and heart come from the outside in? Should I start living off of salad and wheat germ instead of chocolate? Will that make me feel better about myself?

Sigh. I wish I were skating right now.

Of course, there's this guy. I had a dream about him... so I don't know much abut what he's actually like. But for some reason I keep clinging to this dream world... where I am indeed pretty and funny and nice, and he smiles when I talk to him. I like smiles.

I like getting smiles from my friends. Didn't see many today though. (I should really come up with code names or something for them so I don't have to keep referring to them as "my friend." I mean, I may be a social leper but I do have more than one.) Anyway. Friend 'A' was crabby, and friend 'U' is acting wacky (as we all know from prior entries), and the rest of the team is sick (there is something going around, I think). Friend 'D', who may be one of the only non-hockey friends, was cheerful enough, until we started lamenting about our lack-luster love lives. (That's a mouthful, eh?)

So enough sadness today. Let's all be happy! Wooohooo.
That's all for now~

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