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Rated: ASR · Book · Biographical · #1469467
Welcome to Whatsit's Wild World.

Sometimes I think we're all tightrope walkers suspended on a wire two thousand feet in the air, and so long as we never look down we're okay, but some of us lose momentum and look down for a second and are never quite the same again: we know.

~Dorothy Gilman
The Tightrope Walker

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May 14, 2015 at 11:41pm
May 14, 2015 at 11:41pm
Anna Claire's friend Cheryl is spending the night. Why is this occurring on a school night? you might reasonably ask. Cheryl's mother has to be at work at 6:00 in the morning for some reason, so we are taking her to school. I had forgotten my old prom dresses from *&(*&^% years ago were in Anna Claire's closet. They wanted to try them on. I confess that it made me feel smug when the dresses turned out to be to small for them.

I watched a good old movie tonight: And Then There Were None, based on an Agatha Christie novel. It was superb. Even though it was made in 1945 and in black and white, my kids were even interested. It was creepy without being scary.

We have a wedding Saturday evening at the church. A young couple is getting married: they are just as cute as they can be. She looks like a Barbie doll and he is red-haired. Precious! They are so cute I almost hate for them to get married. They have a long row to hoe. Then next weekend we have another wedding in a town we used to live in around 100 miles away called Laurel. We knew this boy when he was three years old. He was one of my husband's violin students. Weddings, weddings. Better them than me! I'm glad I'm through being pregnant and they have all that ahead!

" . . .my doctor says I have a malformed public duty gland and
a natural deficiency in moral fiber . . ."
Douglas Adams

May 11, 2015 at 10:44am
May 11, 2015 at 10:44am
Mother's Day was yesterday. I got a Hibiscus tree, which was a request. Oddly enough the local grocery store has them and they were so beautiful I wanted one. I also got a book I requested. If I don't go around for a week or so before any present-giving occasion being obvious about what I would like, I will wind up with aloe-infused socks. Not sure what my husband's obsession is with them. I love funky socks, but not the aloe-infused ones. I don't usually do this - usually I accept anything I am given with great thanks - but I flat-out told him that if he gave me any more aloe-infused socks it would be a problem. Dern.

This is evidently the year for the cicadas. They show up every thirteen years. They love our neighborhood for some reason. When I go out my front door I can hear them singing all up and down the street. It's a little spooky and kind of pretty too. The frustrating part is that they like the front of my house to the point that we had to get a special attachment for the water hose to wash them all away. I love doing this. Getting rid of the cicadas works out all my bad feelings for the day.

I heard on the news that it is supposed to thunderstorm and after going outside I believe it. It is clouded up to beat the band. It has rained all spring but we have had a sunny couple of weeks. Ah well, it can rain on my hibiscus tree as well as wash the cicadas away as well as give me an excuse to read my new book. *Laugh* As if I ever needed an excuse . . .

" . . .my doctor says I have a malformed public duty gland and
a natural deficiency in moral fiber . . ."
Douglas Adams

May 8, 2015 at 11:10pm
May 8, 2015 at 11:10pm
What else is going on . . .

*Note1* The "e" has come off my keyboard. This is a great inconvenience.

*Note1* Everybody but me and Matt has had the sinuses, as we say. Emily got it today. She felt so bad that she texted me to come get her from school. I got Anna Claire while I was there so I wouldn't have to make a second trip, plus she's been feeling bad too. They are having a fundraiser at school tomorrow which both of them are supposed to participate in so I thought it would do them good to rest. Emily feels so bad that she may not be able to go. We may go to the doctor in the morning.

*Note1* The Junior High/High School choir has been invited to New York to sing at Carnegie Hall. You can imagine what a fuss and flub-dub this has caused in our little town. Em and Anna Claire both are in the choir. This is what the fundraiser tomorrow is for - we are having a car show, any kind of car accepted - for a fee. I hear we even have a tractor. We have fundraised our heads off and there is no slowing down.

*Note1* I went to the grocery store today and Breyer's Ice Cream was on sale for about one-third its normal price. I immediately grabbed two boxes of chocolate. Wahoo!

*Note1* Okay, I can't help but tell this on myself. The other night we had baked chicken. My husband bragged and bragged on it. He was vastly impressed with the baked chicken and wanted to know what I had done differently. I told him that all I had done was salt it and put it in the oven covered with aluminum foil. Which was the truth. But what was also the truth is that a small piece of aluminum foil got loose and drifted to the corner of the oven and landed on the element. I came to check on supper and there was a tiny little flame in the oven. I'm glad it drifted to the front instead of the back so I could see it. I just got a plastic cup of water and threw it on there. When I tasted the chicken, it did have a slightly smoky taste not normally present in my baked chicken. *Laugh*

*Note1* Quite naturally after it was all over with, the alarm went off. *Rolleyes* Our little puppy, Jack, started trembling and couldn't quit. We hugged on him until he calmed down and went to sleep. Bless his little heart.
May 5, 2015 at 11:18pm
May 5, 2015 at 11:18pm
I have been so depressed these few months I could hardly move from my chair. I have come to my blog a few times only to draw a blank as to what to write.

My husband did send me to talk to somebody. I went twice. I kind of enjoyed having somebody just to talk to about everything going on in my brain. Once I opened my mouth I couldn't shut it. It was just so good to have somebody to spill everything to. Then I found out how much it cost, which made me feel too guilty so I stopped going. Realistically we do not have the money for that. I am still not working. I still don't have health insurance. It's a good thing I don't get sick very often. Physically that is.

We have a houseguest who is looking for a place to live. Yesterday by chance we got to talking about depression. So far I have been putting a good face on whatever is going on with me. At least most of the time. It turns out he has been through what I am going through and just having somebody to relate to about this helped. It's helped a whole bunch.

It's possible that I may make it.
August 23, 2014 at 10:42pm
August 23, 2014 at 10:42pm
Last night, Matt spent the night with his friend Andrew and then this morning went with hubby to be in a soccer tournament in Pearl, the next town up the road from us. They played at 9:00, 11:00, and 1:00. The parents had set up tents. Hubby borrowed my stepfather's generator and another parent brought some great big fans to plug into it. Hubby took a cooler with all kinds of water and Gatorade. Matt's face was sunburned and his arms were dark brown. They tied the first game and lost the other two. Hubby said he almost passed out.

The high school choir held a road-block at a busy intersection. They need to buy risers, which are $3000 each. Em was signed up from 9 - 11 with another family. When I picked her up, her little face was red and she said she had almost fainted - she was seeing spots.

Anna Claire spent the night with her friend as well, so we had one child at home last night. Some other girls were invited to the friend's house, but Anna Claire was the only one who went. I felt sorry for the friend and glad that at least Anna Claire showed up. Tonight Anna Claire went to party for the junior high choir at school. They called us about an hour after we took her and said that she was burning up and shivering so I went and got her. We figured out that the air is timed to go off after school lets out and she got too hot. Her temp was normal - low, in fact.

I was the only one out of five people that stayed out of the dern heat.
August 15, 2014 at 7:58pm
August 15, 2014 at 7:58pm
I went with my mother and stepfather today to Crystal Springs MS. Twenty years ago my mother's friend Marion had a perfectly enormous house in Crystal Springs. The house is somewhat of a local landmark: it even got on the cover of the phone book one year. It has changed hands several times since then and has been for sale recently. We drove by the house and on a whim my stepfather pulled in the driveway. There were no cars there and he just wanted to look in the windows. It turns out that the guy who bought the house was there and we got to walk through it. I love doing stuff like that! The people who lived there last were evidently somewhat crazy. The added on to the house, and the add-on looks absolutely bizarre from the front of the house. It looks bizarre on the inside too. It is a bathroom/closet area with kind of an odd floor plan. Also, they didn't keep up the payments so naturally it got foreclosed, upon which they ripped out a bunch of the fixtures and sold them on ebay. People can be weird, can't they?

A friend of my mother's called while we were on our way to Crystal Springs. When she found out where we were going, she told us we ought to keep going to McComb MS to eat at a place called The Dinner Bell. I looked it up on my phone. Their website said that it was a "roundtable" restaurant. When we found that out, we couldn't wait to get there. A roundtable is just that: a great big round table that everybody sits at. You don't sit at your own personal table. There will probably be three or four parties at your table. There is a "lazy susan" in the middle that the food is on and you turn it until the dish you want gets to you.

Well, it was the best food we had eaten in years. It was the food of the south, rich and unhealthy: fried chicken, dumplings, sweet potato casserole, black-eyed peas, turnip greens, and fried eggplant. Delicious!

That was our adventure for today.
August 14, 2014 at 8:10pm
August 14, 2014 at 8:10pm
1. Hello.

2. I quit my teaching job Monday, March 31. "Why in tarnation did you do that?" you might reasonably ask. Well, a lot of reasons, number 1 and 2 of which were that the students were about to drive me crazy and the administration wasn't any better.

3. My husband is now making more than the two of us were together. This church that he got called to back in January as an Interim voted in June to call him permanently and gave him a great big raise, like more than my whole paycheck. So I am staying my butt right at my house and being a housewife.

4. We got a new dog, in addition to Wimzy and Bitsy. His name is Jack. He is a little terrier puppy. Wimzy is a big terrier puppy (Ha! She's 7 years old, but still a puppy) and she has taken up a lot of time with him. They get on either side of the rope toy and spend hours tugging on it. Also we have an old guitar sitting behind my chair. I accidentally strummed it the other day when I was trying to put something on the table. Jack was simply fascinated by that. He is our new little baby.

5. I am just now getting to where I feel back to normal. I never was cut out to teach. I sure am glad to be away from being a school librarian! I may let my teaching license expire. Dern.

February 2, 2014 at 4:52pm
February 2, 2014 at 4:52pm
My husband has been voted to be the Interim Pastor at Mountain Creek Baptist Church. It's way out in the country in Rankin County, Mississippi. I'm not even sure what town it uses as its address. We left our last church in August under a cloud of controversy - one somebody else started, which settled on my husband. We have been attending church here and there. We just started at Mountain Creek on the first Sunday in January. We have been acquaintances with the Music Minister there for around seven or eight years. After their last pastor left, they were getting random preachers to fill in for two weeks at a time. After Hubby preached for two Sundays, the Music Minister took an informal poll of the members, which told him they wanted Hubby back the next Sunday, and now he has been invited to be the Interim. We are glad to be there - all of the members seem to be extremely nice and it seems to be a low-drama church.
January 7, 2014 at 9:03am
January 7, 2014 at 9:03am
Do you make resolutions on the first of the year? I didn't make any this year, except to generally follow what my doctor says to do, which is stay away from sugar and to keep up with my medicine. However, I was reading over old entries in my blog. Does anybody else do that? I found some resolutions I made a few years ago. Here they are:

1. Add more fun to my life.

2. Eat plenty of chocolate.

3. Spend less, preferably not any, time with people I don't like.

4. Refuse to be manipulated.

5. Spend plenty of time reading to my kids, petting my dogs, and telling my husband what to do

Looks like I did TOO well on number 2 - it needs to be eliminated. On number 1, unfortunately I have gotten to the age that staying home and watching TV is my idea of fun. Number 3 and 4 have worked pretty well for the most part. Number 5 - hmmm. It may need to be revised. Petting my dogs: super! Reading to my kids: not so much. They think they are too old to be read to. Telling husband what to do - well, this one is doing pretty well.

While resolving to lose weight or keepa clean house are excellent ideas, it doesn't work for me to do anything as formal as make a resolution on them. I have to take them in steps, plus I know I'll work on these two items regardless. I want to be sure and make it my business for our family to have fun, quality, memory-making time, and if I don't make something formal out of my wish, it may be allowed to slide.
January 6, 2014 at 11:07am
January 6, 2014 at 11:07am
Christmas holidays have come and gone. Today is the first day back. One of my classes actually failed to come, a first grade class. I don't know what brought that on, but I accept it. Gladly!

We had Christmas dinner with my mother and stepfather. It was a little different from Thanksgiving, where we had everybody in the house. My mother doesn't enjoy being around lots of people at once. Therefore we had "Just us" for Christmas. She fixed steak, baked potatoes, and salad. I told her it was my favorite Christmas meal ever! Much better than turkey and dressing again after just having it at Thanksgiving.

I sat around Christmas holidays in somewhat of a stupor For one thing, I have been prescribed a bunch of medicine to take. I always get the generics, frugal person that I am. Plus my daughter's best friend's mother is a pharmacist, and she swears they are the same thing.

1. Ambien - 10 mgs. I went to Dr. Polk, an elderly doctor in our town. He has been practicing for a million years and people trust him. I told him I couldn't sleep, so he prescribed Ambien. I told him I didn't plan to take it every day since I didn't want to get addicted, and he quite agreed with me. It doesn't always work. I went to do a sleep study, where they hung 8000 suction cups on me with wires going everywhere. It was actually heavy. I knew before I went that I wouldn't be able to sleep in such a situation, so I took my Ambien with me. Took two. Didn't help. I havent heard any results yet. They only result they are liable to give me is how worrysome I was, having to go to the bathroom every few minutes and tossing and turning in the bed to the point of having to be untangled.

2. Cholesterol medication plus fish oil, which I tend to forget to take

3. When I came back to work from Thanksgiving Holidays (on December 2, my birthday), I went into panic mode. I couldn't breathe, and I felt like if I didn't get out of the building I would die. I left and went to the emergency room. The so nice people gave me some perker-uppers: Zoloft and Ativan. I seems to be helping. When I went back to the regular doctor, he upped the dose of Zoloft from 50 mgs to 100. I wonder how that will do. I took the Ativan this morning, since today is the first day back after holidays. It is supposed to be taken as needed, as in if I feel a panic attack soming on.

I don't know if I just needed the rest or if getting adjusted to meds has put my brain in such a fog. On top of that, he wants me to cut down on sugar, or preferably cut it out. That means the Cokes I am so addicted to. Diet Coke helps, but it takes some getting adjusted to. I have been sneaking around and getting regular coke here and there, but I truly don't want to get dependant on diabetic medicine, which he said he would have to prescribe if I didn't cut out sugar.

Gloom, despair, and agony on me.

It could be worse, I know - plenty of people have much worse problems. Once I make the adjustment I'll be fine. God bless us every one!

" . . .my doctor says I have a malformed public duty gland and
a natural deficiency in moral fiber . . ."
Douglas Adams

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