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Rated: ASR · Book · Biographical · #1469467
Welcome to Whatsit's Wild World.

Sometimes I think we're all tightrope walkers suspended on a wire two thousand feet in the air, and so long as we never look down we're okay, but some of us lose momentum and look down for a second and are never quite the same again: we know.

~Dorothy Gilman
The Tightrope Walker

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November 22, 2013 at 11:22am
November 22, 2013 at 11:22am
As you can see, I have once again upgraded my account and returned to Blogville. The place I work for has actually un-blocked WdC after having blocked it for a year, which is unusual for them, so here I sit during a free hour making my reentry. It was kind of nice to read back through to the beginning of my blog this morning - it has been locked up for five months.

Thanksgiving Holidays start today as soon as we get out of school and we don't return until my birthday (of all days!), December 2. I am as ready as possible for 9 days away from work. I don't have anything planned except to spend time with my family. We all converge on our house most evenings, too tired to do much more than eat supper and stare at the TV for a few moments before falling in the bed. It will be good to lie abed in the mornings, snuggling with my two little dogs.

Our Thanksgiving celebration next Thursday will be a little bit different. Usually my personal family and my mother are together. Last year my mom had just gotten married so my stepfather was added to the mix. This year my stepbrother is moving here from Houston. This is my stepbrother from my other stepfather: the one that died five years ago. My mom was married to this guy for 23 years, so my stepbrother feels more related to us than he does to his own family, including his full brother. Also, my current stepfather's daughter-in-law and grandchildren are coming. Pretty odd for someone who grew up with the only child status. One good thing about it: there will be more people to help cook. All my mother will have to do is cook the turkey and the ham - we are all bringing the trimmings.

I'm looking forward to it, and to blogging about it as well.
June 18, 2013 at 9:05pm
June 18, 2013 at 9:05pm
I have been helping my husband clean out the garage. I give myself a gold star. Haha!

I also rearranged all my books, which took a while. Actually I am not through YET, but I am at a stopping point and I sent a whole bunch to donate to the public library: 4 bags! I have a couple of second-hand book stores I shop at, plus the town library has a book sale table, so I tend to pick up a lot of things that I don't wind up wanting to keep, so I donate them right back. Recycling at its best.

A couple of weeks ago when my husband was gone, I took a whole bunch of his old musty stuff I knew he wouldn't miss and donated it also. Heh heh! He hasn't missed it! Not one molecule.

I spent the afternoon with my mother and new stepfather. Okay, get this: when they got married and bought a house, my mother let us move into the house she had been living in, which she still owns. My stepfather still hasn't sold the house he was living in when they got married in October, plus he has a house that he rents out, the one he lived in when he was married and raising kids. That's four houses! Four! Plus, my mother has decided she is not happy in the house they bought, so they are buying a house over here near us, in the neighborhood she feels comfortable in. They signed the paperwork the other day, but it will take a few weeks for the closing to take place. That's five houses! My mother ain't right.

I am about to go to the grocery store. Wish me luck. My daughter wants to go. I hope she doesn't go to begging me for this and that.
May 25, 2013 at 11:21pm
May 25, 2013 at 11:21pm
I may hate my job. I may not get along with everybody I know. My family may not always do what I expect. But . . .

Tonight I made chicken and dumpling casserole and homemade cookies. Emily went to her friend's house to spend the night and came home talking about the game Cranium, which we have but had never played. She got it out and set it up. The three kids and I sat around the kitchen table and played and ate. My husband wound up on the phone consoling a boy whose friend commited suicide.

God bless us every one.
May 22, 2013 at 9:58pm
May 22, 2013 at 9:58pm
My assistant principal thought something I did was funny today. I had never seen this particular action as amusing, more like necessary, but I'm glad I gave her some amusement. Every now and then, the ladies' room will get locked with nobody in there. I found out the first year I was there that you could take a dime and turn the little screw on the lock and it would open the door. The security guard we had at the time showed this to me. Well, it happened today. The assistant principal happened to be around when I was in the process of figuring out that nobody was in there and going to get the dime out of my purse. She thought this was hysterical. Ha! Whatever. It gets the job done.

I explained to her that our former principal had a developmentally delayed grown son. It was odd how the ladies' room door seemed to be locked a whole bunch of times while he wa s around, but since his mom retired and he has stopped coming into our building, it has stopped being an issue nearly as much. All I'm doing is making a connection, here. It's possible that I'm wrong. One of my co-workers observed that the school alarm doesn't go off nearly as much with him not around. Anyway, this was my explanation for knowing why a dime would open the locked ladies' room door. After she heard this, she realized that she may need to know it one day and got me to show her how to do it. So there!

May 21, 2013 at 8:00pm
May 21, 2013 at 8:00pm
Two co-workers and I are planning on going to the Pelican Cove Grill Friday evening to chill. This has been the longest year in the world to me. I am considering having a drink. In fact, I went as far as to Google how many glasses of wine I could have without increasing the likelihood of getting stopped. Being married to a Baptist preacher has not improved my drinking skills any.

I have determined that our principal is, in fact, scared of the parents. I have been suspecting it. Gossip says she is. One day last week I witnessed her refusal to come out of her office to conference with an upset parent. I had overheard the parent in the hall discussing the issue with her child. I thought she had a legitimate complaint - of course, I don't know the whole story. I happened to go into the principals office on an errand a moment later - the asst principal wanted me to return something she had borrowed. The office manager entered right behind me and told the principal "Mrs. So-and-so would like to speak with you." The principal's reply was for the office manager to tell the parent that she was tied up. Well, technically she was. She was talking to a teacher about typing programs for the upcoming Class Days for all the grades, which could have been postponed. This smacked of being fearful to me. I lost the little one molecule of respect I had for her that day, It seems kind of pathetic. I wouldn't go as far as to say that I feel sorry for her, though.

May 13, 2013 at 9:30pm
May 13, 2013 at 9:30pm
1. We are taking the MCT2 this week. This stands for the Mississippi Curriculum Test, 2nd edition. We have a Reading section, a Writing section, and a Math section, which we spread out over tomorrow, Wednesday, and Thursday, but I can't remember which test is which day. We already took a Science test a couple of weeks ago. Evidently Social Studies has gone by the wayside. I remember when everybody jumped up and down due to History being dumbed down to Social Studies. I don't see any jumping now that it has totally gone away. It's just as well. Where I work they will do well to pass what we do have.

2. I donated blood today. This always gives me a good feeling. I heard one time that it's important to donate because they can't manufacture blood, which IS kind of obvious, but still. A technician told me one time that they use my type, O-negative, for newborn babies who get in trouble before they have had time to type their blood, since O-negative is the universal donor. That's why I feel guilty if I don't donate.'

3. I also went to the library. This is the PUBLIC library. I know I work in a school library, but going to the public library has always been one of my enjoyments. I bought a great big stack of books off the Book Sale Table for around $2. So there.

4. My air conditioning in my house is out. It is not hot outside yet, but it will be. Fortunately, we are getting by with our ceiling fans as of right now.

5. I didn't cook supper. I stopped and got a hamburger on the way to donate blood so my iron would be more likely to be up, so everybody else had to be on their own for supper. I keep a lot of stuff the kids can fix themselves for just such an occasion.
May 11, 2013 at 9:58pm
May 11, 2013 at 9:58pm
1. Tomorrow is Mother's Day. I wish every mother a happy one.

2. I cooked dinner today for my mother and her husband, as well as my family. It's easier for me to do on Saturday than Sunday. Menu: Chicken and Dumpings casserole - well, this was the title of the recipe, but it was really more like Chicken Pot Pie. Also green beans and garlic bread, with cinnamon roll cake for dessert. Yum!

3. I gave my mom a cookbook that I knew she wanted. Why she wanted it is a mystery, since she doesn't do that much cooking, but mine is not to question why. I went with her to a gift shop a couple of weeks ago. She had to pick out a present for a friend of hers. I paid attention to what she particularly liked and went back to get it.

4. My husband's toe has something wrong with it. I think it started with an infected toenail and went from there. He is hesitating to spend the money on a doctor. I did find some old antibiotics in a cabinet for him to take. I know you aren't supposed to do that, but I invariably do. I take them until I get well, then save the rest for a rainy day. Well, Hubby's toe came during a rainy day. He is in bed asleep right this minute. Nothing to do with the toe, but from having too much to do. School will be out soon and he can get caught up on rest, I hope.

6. I had to pick Emily up from the Community Center after Hubby had gone to bed. She had volunteered to help her choir teacher with an event, mostly because her two friends were volunteering. Anna Claire and Matt went with me to get her and all of us went to eat supper at Taco Bell - something we rarely do, go out without hubby, but you know . . . it is what it is. We enjoyed it. Then Emily remembered that after 8:00 P. M. shakes at Sonic Drive-In are 1/2 price, so of course we had to take advantage of that. They have a whole bunch of new flavors. Anna Claire got Chocolate Cheesecake and everybody else got Oreo Cheesecake.

April 30, 2013 at 10:02pm
April 30, 2013 at 10:02pm
My dern computer croaked. It's the second computer I've had to croak in the past few months: one computer I had bought secondhand and used for around three years hit the dust back in the fall. My mother gave me her computer (which I bought her around four years ago) because she got remarried and her husband had a computer. One is plenty for the two of them - they hardly ever glance at a computer. Anyway, this one croaked too. I've just been looking at Facebook on my iPhone, but you can't really do Writing.com that way, and my job has it blocked.

The point is that now I have a new computer. I am paying for it by the month, but at least I can blog again. Wahoo! In addition to blogging, I am downloading all my songs off my iPod.

You can't tell me anything tonight. Me and my new computer have the big head with ourselves.

" . . .my doctor says I have a malformed public duty gland and
a natural deficiency in moral fiber . . ."
Douglas Adams

March 11, 2013 at 10:31am
March 11, 2013 at 10:31am
"A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools."
Happy 61st birthday to the late Douglas Adams. The Google Doodle today is in his honor. Look behind the door for Marvin the Paranoid Android.
March 9, 2013 at 8:54pm
March 9, 2013 at 8:54pm
My daughter and her friend, Destiny, were riding their scooters around the block. I am still not sure what happened, and I'm not sure they're sure what happened. They had a wreck, and the upshot is that Emily sprained her ankle and is on crutches. A great big greenish goose-egg came up on it. That was a good sign to me - it looked like the muscle was injured, not the bone. Plus, she was able to hobble around on it. I took her to the after-hours clinic anyway, just to be sure. They x-rayed it and confirmed that nothing is broken. Wahoo! They gave her some crutches and told her to stay off of it for two weeks. At least we are out of school this week. We weren't planning anything big anyway.

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