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Rated: XGC · Book · Opinion · #1501776
May my opinions gather wind under their wings and fly, perchance to soar.

These are my opinions. The good, the very bad, the really really ugly.

Pinions are the flight feathers of birds. Without them they remain as grounded as we do. With them they soar.

As "Joy gives us wings" so anger and irrational feelings and thoughts ground us too. It is my hope that not all of my opinions are negative, that some may gain flight (or at least flop around. *Rolleyes*)

Knees of the trees, a fountain, a rainbow, Muscogee, OK in 2004.

During the Azalea Fest the larch's knees approach the fronds.
The fountain's on and soft green feathers brush the surface.
In the mirror of the pond see by what I choose to share
(there... by the golden knees of old larch trees)
what lies beneath my surface.

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July 5, 2020 at 7:45pm
Communitarianism 27.mai.2020 To a friend of a friend (who has since clarified her point of view, so I'm glad I didn't post this) but I share now to shed some light as to where I'm coming from. You're American! The American definition: welfare = something people don't deserve but "we do-gooders begrudgingly support them because we can't kill them (thankfully we don't have to associate with them or allow them to live where we do)". That's not ... [Read more]
Working at home
May 23, 2020 at 11:58pm
Working at home 23.mayo.2020 A reply on facebook to Tomasz Adamski (a meme about Shopify giving up real locations): There will be a backlash at some point ... there always is. Many people are very happy to avoid interactions with others, especially people they don't like. They love plastic, love living in a cocoon, adore the virtual life, delivery to their door, shopping on-line. But some of us want to pay cash to sit with a friend with a cup of coffee and a slice of pie, to buy ... [Read more]
May 22, 2020 at 8:00pm
No one is denying you your religion 22 May 2020, 13:40 Trump announces that houses of worship are ‘essential,’ calls on governors to open them up (Fox News) Another MY RIGHT TO _____ IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOUR LIFE. Oh ... Supreme Court here we come! A dictator not understanding that large groups of people, regardless of type of gathering, is the issue. That the coronavirus doesn't care how religious thou art. That no one ever restricted people's religious beliefs, ... [Read more]
May 14, 2020 at 6:59pm
14.may.2020 TO ALL WHO ARE ARMED AND SHOUTING FREEDOM: If you were a soldier you knew where you stood. Unless you were in Iraq being bombed and then told that your dead loved ones were collateral damage; unless you were in Sarajevo as the person next to you dropped dead from a sniper bullet ... you may not understand what it's like to be on the receiving end. If you were, then you do. In America there has been an ongoing war against Poor People, Homeless People, Gay Men, Lesbians, Bla... [Read more]
Preparation? Priorities?
May 13, 2020 at 3:14pm
Preparation? Priorities? 13.may.2020 Many governments are NOT prepared. Many people can't seem to think about others. Some can't sort out their priorities. Some have. They walk around with a gun, shout 'freedom', spit in someone's face. Answers, comment to friends on-line (spacebook): To Jane in Montana: 462 ... one in the Billings area today. 800 tests. Only 3 hospitalized. Numbers are good. Tourist season will lead to outbreaks though if they... [Read more]
Doing away with police? Nice idea but how? Flesh this out!
May 8, 2020 at 4:38pm
Doing away with police? Nice idea but how? Flesh this out! 8 mayo 2020 A comment to Jean Sebastian: "There are many places in the world where police serve and protect without a Rambo and racist attitude of oppression. Vulnerable populations need to be protected at times. And no ... although most people are good most of the time it's not so simple. Explain to me how indigenous people in Costa Rica who have their lands invaded every year by Ticos (the dominant culture) are suppos... [Read more]
Stay at Home and Thriving? That would NOT be me.
May 5, 2020 at 6:41pm
Stay at Home and Thriving? That would NOT be me. 5.mayo.2020 asks: "What individuals or groups do you think are thankful for stay at home orders? I'm working on some mock thank you notes and need examples other than needy pets and poorly performing sports teams." I answer: "People who really do NOT like people. Some folks here are dreading having to smile and say hello. They love their 60 foot distancing ... because 6 feet is NOT enough. Anyone who hates shop... [Read more]
While we whinge, the CMTA marches forward.
April 13, 2020 at 6:27pm
While we whinge, the CMTA marches forward. Ides of April, 2020 Re allegations about Biden: Part One: Jeremy, It is sad that you have designated yourself judge and jury. How omniscient art thou. Planning to run for God? Let me explain to you and everyone else who reads this: slander is slander; pointing your finger at someone and making accusations does not make them guilty. Part Deux: Jeremy, Facts? Please show me the facts regarding Biden. Are they yours only? Regardless, throwi... [Read more]
Trauma is personal
April 9, 2020 at 10:57pm
Trauma is personal 9.abril.2020 I responded to a rant by in her blog, entry : I have since edited my response. Interesting read ... but that's why I read it. I find it hard on-line and especially at spacebook when an event is reduced to "this is traumatic". No ... events are not necessarily traumatizing. For example, I was NOT traumatized by 911. It was one day of that year when bad things happened. I did NOT play it over and over again again as the government ... [Read more]
Re Biden's accuser...
April 8, 2020 at 10:04pm
How does one know? 8.april.2020. One cannot merely make accusations, point fingers and then expect to not be questioned. Apparently Reade expects us to believe an incident form 1993 that she didn't mention until the last two years. She does say she told a couple people way-back-when. For me, it's not a matter of belief or credibility. Get a lawyer, go to court! As for the election ... the timing does not help her or Biden or even Sanders. It only helps Trump, who facing multiple ... [Read more]
Collateral damage ... me ... from 2 wars.
March 29, 2020 at 3:05pm
Collateral damage 29.march.2020 I wrote to on facebook: " I should write an article about the collateral damage ... me ... from two wars, one a War of Commission (Viet Nam), the other a War of Omission (Aids in the 80s). Peace of mind, vulnerability, economic fallout, depression and suicide should all be addressed. If I write it I should send you a link." So ... not in the mood to write it now. Notes: 1. Commission is action; Omission is inaction. Viet Nam was a war of... [Read more]
No leadership
March 25, 2020 at 2:16pm
No leadership 25.march.2020 "Look ... I don't think and act like an American at times so I'll be screaming this until some asshole here shoots me (gotta love guns in Montana!): This hoarding, profiting, etc. is a predictable problem and can be dealt with. Too many Americans just shrug it off as if there isn't a solution. There is. LEADERSHIP makes a difference. I was in Taiwan in January/February. The TAIWAN government BANNED this kind of insanity there. They upped the pr... [Read more]
Corona snippets
March 22, 2020 at 5:38pm
our society split by a virus felled by man [177.4a] Not exactly a haiku in my opinion but it'll have to do for now. Dear Donny and Mike, practice social distancing or I'll be president. Love, Nancy. [177.4c] To make Trump-Pence practice proper social distancing someone should whisper "President Pelosi" in their ears. [177.4b] ... [Read more]
CORONAVIRUS in a nation that's lost its mind.
March 4, 2020 at 4:45pm
CORONAVIRUS in a nation that's lost its mind. 4.March.2020 Use the following words as inspiration for your entry: inquiry, curiosity, investigation, suspicion, and clandestine. (You need not use the words in your entry, but if you do, please highlight them in bold or a different color.) Curiosity (nosiness) Investigation and inquiry (asking for information) Suspicion (distrust) Clandestine (secrets) These words are easy to connect. CORONAVIRUS Part of the probl... [Read more]
A sip of coronavirus anyone?
February 24, 2020 at 2:51am
A sip of coronavirus anyone? 24.february.2020 In response to Pat's post re USA lack of preparedness for a pandemic: "Taiwan's continuing response [re coronavirus] has been reassuring; but, I'm home now and not so certain the US can handle this. Outbreak in a prison, college dormitory or nursing home? Does the Diamond Princess ring a bell? If [it] hits the homeless community we'll have a situation similar to Daegu, South Korea [people who don't trust the government... [Read more]
Issues, Character and Personality
February 6, 2020 at 11:38pm
Issues, character and personality 7.february.2020 Issues can be intellectual games. Take the 'economy'. How does it affect me it what I'll ask. I don't have a business; I don't have stocks. For those who are White, male, heteronormative, and Christian and have 95%+ friends who are likewise, the issue of human rights may seem equally abstract. But for me it's a key issue. The military draft back-in-the-day was similar. Those it affected cared the most. So what&#... [Read more]
War Looms: Trump's Insane Assassination of Qassem Soleimani
January 4, 2020 at 8:08pm
War Looms: Trump's Insane Assassination of Qassem Soleimani 4.january.2020. I responded to Joey: "The thing is... Iranians do not have the same point-of-view as Americans or DJT. Putin, who isn't stupid, most probably realized that it was win-win for him to divide Americans last election. And that has proved to be true. DJT however, by boldly assassinating a popular general, has unified the Iranians against him specifically, against the US military in general (and hope... [Read more]
Will it take the drying of spilt blood to glue us together?
December 19, 2019 at 3:34pm
Will it take the drying of spilt blood to glue us together? 19.desember.2019 On facebook a friend of a friend, Donn Lassila, wrote: "This is how our republic unravels......Will likely take the drying of spilt blood to glue it back together." I felt this was a very strong and poetic image. I'll have to use it in a poem or flash fiction. It's worthy. Yesterday the Impeachment proceeding and the subsequent hullabaloo shows how deeply divided we as a nation approach... [Read more]
Trump starring in Lord of the Flies #2.
December 16, 2019 at 12:59pm
Trump starring in Lord of the Flies #2 16.diciembre.2019 A comment I posted at facebook on Holly Jahangiri's wall: When Trump ran in 2016 he was the most centrist of the Republican candidates. Cruz and Rubio were at the far right on policies. During the primaries there were on-line quizzes about issues and who one would agree with. If I remember right Trump was at about 30% for me; Sanders 90%, Rubio 5%. The problem with Trump was his despicable behavior towards anyone and e... [Read more]
GDP is not a good indication of wealth.
November 14, 2019 at 1:48pm
In response to Naomi's posting that Costa Rica is 82nd in the world in GDP: "What is more important though is food, clothing, shelter. Does everyone have the minimum. Are they secure and happy with what they have. In Costa Rica rent and housing isn't too bad. Food at the feria and local markets is cheap. Clothing isn't so cheap. Are people happy? I wonder... Since there doesn't seem to be much concern about the future and a focus on today is the way of living (Pura Vida) i... [Read more]
Russian Trolls? We are our own worst enemy!
July 24, 2019 at 2:12pm
Russian Trolls? We are our own worst enemy! 24.juillet.2019 I responded to my friend Nick who posted an article from last year from 538 about Russian trolls: Key last phrase: "'They are trying to divide our country,” Linvill added." I think the Russian trolls just are on to something very American. Now? This goes on regardless, in the tone of some of my friends. They've bought into the idea that no one can have an opinion that contradicts their own. The level of c... [Read more]
Hillary is to be blamed for e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. ad nauseum
July 20, 2019 at 5:51pm
Hillary is to be blamed for e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. ad nauseum 20.juillet.2019 Holly's thread at facebook descended once more into the abyss of discussing uranium and blaming everything on Hillary. One person in particular has that ax to grind. Joanna Adler disagreed to that insanity, so I had to chime in with my two wooden nickels: "It's not easy to convince people of any truth when they are 100% sure of the opposite. Also... dragging up issues from the past, be it Clinto... [Read more]
Semantics of race
July 18, 2019 at 6:52pm
Semantics of race 18.July.2019 "Kevin and Holly: Is it the word that makes one go hmm or ah? Colored people > Negro > Black > Afro-American > African-American > People-of-color ... they don't always mean the same thing but my grandmother from Pennsylvania used "colored people", my older cousin was brought up with "nigger", I was brought up with "negro". In Costa Rica I use moreno. I can't say what is/was the proper usage in Tennes... [Read more]
MAGA = Sycophant
July 17, 2019 at 6:10pm
MAGA = Sycophant 17.juli.2019 "I suspect DJT thinks (stretching it there...) that it's fine if you're black... as long as you aren't a mouthy woman (he prefers legs spread and mouth shut) and definitely not poor. Poverty = germs and he's a germophobe. If you are a powerful male that's best... he likes power, he likes wealth, he loves sycophants. If you can be manipulated? BEST! So... most people have some sense of integrity and won't sell themselves. There a... [Read more]
Not every country is a cult
July 12, 2019 at 11:36pm
Not every country is a cult 12.july.2019 Yes, there were red flags galore in İstanbul. The face of Erdoğan was everywhere. He had been mayor of the city before becoming president. Many were concerned about his autocratic tendencies. But I didn't wake up to the national anthem every morning. And, this year the opposition party won the recent mayoral election. Yes, there are flags all over Norway. They are proud to be Norwegians and not a mere province of Denmark, Germany or Swe... [Read more]

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