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Rated: XGC · Book · Opinion · #1501776
May my opinions gather wind under their wings and fly, perchance to soar.

These are my opinions. The good, the very bad, the really really ugly.

Pinions are the flight feathers of birds. Without them they remain as grounded as we do. With them they soar.

As "Joy gives us wings" so anger and irrational feelings and thoughts ground us too. It is my hope that not all of my opinions are negative, that some may gain flight (or at least flop around. *Rolleyes*)

Knees of the trees, a fountain, a rainbow, Muscogee, OK in 2004.

During the Azalea Fest the larch's knees approach the fronds.
The fountain's on and soft green feathers brush the surface.
In the mirror of the pond see by what I choose to share
(there... by the golden knees of old larch trees)
what lies beneath my surface.

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Ignorance and the Brits..
August 17, 2012 at 7:17pm
Ecuadorian Embassy crisis 2012, August 17 Ignorance can lead to irrational behaviour. But... there is strength in that. It's unpredictable and can lead to unexpected results. It is extremely dangerous. Facts do not always count when people become emotional. Fact: Britain was the legal sovereign government of the 13 colonies in 1770. The Americans when they overthrew the Brits didn't fight fair ...they fought to win. During the potato blight, the Brits took their God-given-... [Read more]
Australian "Gay Marriage" review
August 15, 2012 at 12:08pm
... [Read more]
A matter of culture?
August 10, 2012 at 11:32pm
Do we choose health care? 2012 agosto 10 I commented on a facebook post of Linda Zern regarding health care: It's free [in Canada] when you don't receive a bill and the marshals aren't coming to evict you from the family home. The homeless in the USA are free ...until they are put in jail. Canadians support health-for-all; south of the border every small town is thrilled when the state decides to build a new prison. It's merely a question of culture and what is value... [Read more]
Gay burger with a side of sighs?
August 4, 2012 at 11:38pm
Chick Fil-A and killing birds in Australia 2012, August 4 Get over gay marriage and move on to real issues? ...like the killing of birds in Australia? I wrote to someone at facebook: "Sorry, but as a human being I'm a bit concerned with gay rights. And yes, if they can kill birds then can kill gay people too... because for some people gay men and women count far far less than their pets or wild animals. Chick-Fil-A after all kills chickens. But for some ...a chicken sand... [Read more]
June 11, 2012 at 10:39am
How stupid are the American people? 2012, June 10 A response to Patricia Nichols (who identifies with Obama) on facebook: As for Obama... good point about being bright. Unfortunately that's not what the American people want. The want a candyman with a sucker ...preferably a snow-white sugary lie-telling shyster. Now... all presidents lie. If only by withholding information. Kinda like Dumbledore in HPotter, Esq. So why the upset? Racism, classism and downright greed... [Read more]
Do we have only one political party with two wings
April 24, 2012 at 12:39am
In response to a facebook post, a foray into how our political process works: If the US had a multi-party system with runoffs (if no one gets 50%) I would agree with third party votes. The problem is that the winner is either going to be the right-wing of the Repub-Demos or the center wing of the Demo-Repubs. On the national level ...that is the choice. Like it or not. Libertarians and Liberals are not in control of either wing. Obama was one of the few recent presidents elected with over 5... [Read more]
InYourFacebook ...no longer
December 15, 2011 at 7:30pm
Facebook? I swear... my new Bitch-blog is gonna be a beauty! Fuck the writing! Fuck my poetry! Fuck... well anything that doesn't know how to hide or run fast enough! I think I already know how to do my first entry. *Smile* Ooooooo Ooooooo scary-bitchy-me. A response to NoE, Da Queen-of-Fuck-You! Alas... I never did use this InYourFacebook blog. So... I need space. Changing it to my blog in Spanish. ... [Read more]
Nude equals lewd?
October 3, 2011 at 5:48pm
Streaking 2011, October 3rd There's still a controversy over nudity = lewdity in Montana. A streaker at the UM-Cal Poly game got a bit smashed and was caught on video. Well, he was a bit over-joyous: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5oRtTobgy9k&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PRuPTmRgiM&feature=related My problem? Those who were offended need to find a sense of humor. It is ludicrous to get upset over nudity even if it is crude and lewd. Thank-God there ... [Read more]
Thoughts on NaNoWriMo
October 17, 2010 at 3:40pm
... [Read more]
Response to WHO article. (Des Moines)
February 8, 2010 at 12:48pm
2010, February 8th SAFE SCHOOL PROPOSAL: Two lawmakers want to exclude gay and lesbian students. Gay rights groups say the bill singles out gay students for harassment. Emily Carlson Reporter 11:13 PM CST, February 7, 2010 My response: Even as an adult I am hurt by the stories of youth being bashed because they are gay. It pulls the scabs off wounds I thought should be healed after over 40 years. I have done numerous quizzes to determine where I should move to in a couple ye... [Read more]
I'm tired of the marriage debate...
February 2, 2010 at 9:29pm
I am tired of the debate over marriage. Is it a right or a privilege? If it is a right then Prop H8 is unconstitutional. If it is a privilege then it can be denied for whatever reason... including bigotry. Is there any doubt that bigotry and hatred and fear are issues when debating about sex? Hmmm... So... 40 reasons why "Brokeback Mountain" isn't a good example of greater acceptance of gays: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGx4N6v7kQE And the Prop 8 representation... [Read more]
I am a son-of-a-bastard
August 24, 2009 at 9:44pm
I am a son-of-a-bastard 2009 August 24th I spoke to the bastard today. 87 years old, but still the spawn of an un-Holy union. She wouldn't like me calling her that (she prefers mother). But... that's what she is. Her parents marriage was not recognized (tolerated, yes) by her mothers family and The Church. Yes, Teresa had sinned. She done went and married a Methodist. And her Catholic heritage from Alsace was sullied by that damned heretic. Her offspring bastards... [Read more]
Reassurance: a cure to fear, hope for peace
August 24, 2009 at 9:07pm
Reassurance: a cure to fear, hope for peace 2009 August 24th In response to and how some folks are responding to the incivility of the health care debate (edited). It truly is difficult to explain how unsettling it is when the world around oneself has changed in subtle but discernible ways. My world was rocked when I not only lost my job and health benefits, but lost everything else as well when I moved to Oklahoma, a place I'd never been before. And then the 4 years o... [Read more]
Snake in the Grassley
August 21, 2009 at 6:35pm
Snake-in-the Grassley 2009, August 21st wrote a wonderful rant in her blog My response (edited): Snake-in-the-Grassley The problem is: 1. Obama is a gentleman and a negotiator interested in consensus coming through consultation. This is a good thing, an admirable thing. 2. However, the senate is not a body of gentleman. Their acquiescence to fear-mongering exposes them as not even having the decency to stand up for truth. 3. Insurance is merely a way of hedgin... [Read more]
I support Iowa's decision to uphold Human Rights.
April 4, 2009 at 9:45pm
I was shocked by the unanimous decision of the Supreme Court of Iowa to uphold the rights of individuals to marry any other consenting adult they choose. Their decision was clear, eloquent and emphatic. Summary of the Supreme court decision: http://www.desmoinesregister.com/assets/pdf/D213209143.PDF They did not pander to interpretations of morality or religious definitions of marriage; instead, they focused on equality, fairness, and justice and the interest of the State of Iowa t... [Read more]
Proponents of the Christian Republic of America are scared.
March 21, 2009 at 2:00am
I responded to a blog entry by : The proponents of the Christian Republic of America (you know them ... "we stole this land, dammit, it's ours") are scared. Truly! They may lose the culture wars if the younger misguided generation includes sexuality as a Human Right. The CRA's religious/military complexes are centered in two key locations: Springfield, Missouri (army) and Colorado Springs, Colorado (air force). They have close relations with the Papal States of Rhode I... [Read more]
January 15, 2009 at 2:02am
believes that abortion is murder. Hope my response wasn't too harsh. I only realized after I left this comment in that she is only 17 (one of the real hassles of WDC; wish under 18 year old members had a different case color ... brown to orange, let's say.): No, can't say I agree with you. There is disagreement as to when life begins and the State has the responsibility to all its citizens not only those who believe it begins with the seed (Read Leviticus re Onanism). This is... [Read more]
Wal*Mass and the Almighty Market: Bah Humbug!
December 26, 2008 at 4:40pm
Wal*Mass and the Almighty Market: Bah Humbug! 2008 December 26 If folks are overwhelmed by the commercialism and perversion of Christmas into Wal*Mass, then I have only one powerful word for all-y'all. Learn to say NO. Cut out or cut back on the insanity (and it is 'insane' as in 'unhealthy') and your children and family may be able to do so too. Quill O' the Owl has written how she has cleaned up after the day; but, I suspect some folks will be doing that ... [Read more]
Underclass: like underwear on a diarrhea day
December 26, 2008 at 4:46pm
Underclass: like underwear on a diarrhea day 2008 December 21 My response to Tor's blog entry: When I was in Kansas, $200/month would've covered utilities and I wouldn't have been homeless. GA was $217/month, but a person had to fill out forms, kiss-ass, fight for it and prove they deserved the entire amount. This in a town where the university out of greed moved the KU/MU game to Kansas City costing the local businesses over $2 million. Instead, the place I stay... [Read more]
Volunteer me?
December 16, 2008 at 10:08pm
In response to entry in the blog of : I volunteered time and money once. I did not keep track. One friend wanted me to. Another explained why I'd refuse. For me at that time keeping track = work and I didn't need more work. In the end, I did what I did for as long as I could and wanted to. I no longer do as I no longer live there and no longer know whether I am needed as they don't keep in touch. Guess we've all moved on; but I haven't changed much. In the future I'... [Read more]
December 4, 2008 at 1:52am
Courtesy A response to a blog entry by which is part of : Yes, you open a Pandora's box with this one. I could disagree with feminism being the reason. I do think it is a factor along with multi-culturalism and globalization. I think materialism is the root. We have grown away from traditional cultures with traditional mores. Common-courtesy is expressed differently in different cultures (specifics are not common to all). Globalization wears away specific cultu... [Read more]

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