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Rated: 18+ · Book · Other · #1553962
My journey to completing my first novel
I've wanted to write for as long as I can remember. Penning my first story complete story when I was 10, a point horror and fear street fan I wrote about 4 girls at a boarding school getting haunted, stalked and killed. Then I grew up, sporadically wrote ideas and short stories, always letting life get in the way and not having time.

Now, two kids later (now 4 & 2), I find I want and need something that is mine. I tried making jewellery, zentangle and even my cleaning and beauty stuff (the deodorant is something we don't talk about lol). I stopped writing because I thought I had no ideas, wasn't good enough (for what? who knows) and that everything has already been done (black panther shape shifter tick).

A few meltdowns later I started writing for me, then I started getting ideas and wanted to pen them down and suddenly I had a grip on my sanity and was feeling a little bit happier and a lot less crabby.

Now I have to work out what to do with my ideas, I start writing, procrastinate, worry and then move on without finishing anything.

I tried snowflake method, the whole method is not for me but I really found writing the one sentence about the deep theme helped me to focus on what the story was about and not dwindle off in directions that have no point to the story.
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May 4, 2009 at 4:33pm
May 4, 2009 at 4:33pm
If aliens came to Earth what would be the point of us shooting them first, well mounting a military attack, they would obviously be more advanced than us. Would we really attack first just in case they meant to annihilate us. Maybe that would be the only reason for them to come, after all they would be more superior to us, why would they want to bother introducing themselves. This blurb could go on and on, I watch way too much TV. Like aliens are going to come pay us a visit anyway, if there really was other life out there wouldn't we have discovered it by now. I guess if we had no-one would be telling us. I think there are things is this world that we can not see, I'd like to believe there is more out there than our little planet, thats there more to our little planet. I don't believe in aliens or God, not in any religious or UFO worshiping way, I have never been abducted by aliens and anal probed. I believe something but have not quite figured out what it is yet.
May 3, 2009 at 7:22am
May 3, 2009 at 7:22am
Bright sunshine glints of my newly cleaned car, a sense of achievement feels me every time I glance out the window at it. Today has been a whole new day for me, I got up early and went jogging, a complete shock to my system as I have never done that before, it was more a jog for a few minutes then walk for a few, then jog again. I am now determined that I will be able to jog the short 25 minute trip round the estate by next month. Now I am sitting in the living room, looking at the superb view of the hills with a brilliant blue sky as back drop. It's a beautiful day.
May 2, 2009 at 5:02pm
May 2, 2009 at 5:02pm
The night is closing in, the sky is cloudless and shining a midnight blue. A new estate the street is well lit and I am unable to see the spectacular view of the hills that we have during the day. So quiet you could almost believe you are the only person here. As I write the TV is on in the background, X-men 2 is on, a good film. My mind wanders imagining what it would be like to be a mutant, to have an ability that humans don't possess. What would it be, if I could choose, what would I want? Maybe the ability to freeze time, read peoples minds, diamante skin so I could be impenetrable to bullets, not that I have ever been shot at or am likely to be, maybe to be able to fly and control the weather. No, Wolverine is very cool, I would like his ability, stronger, faster and with very cool sharp blades that shoot out of his knuckles. I saw the new X-men Wolverine film, absolutely fantastic. Hugh Jackman is superb in it as Wolverine, the story was great and kept you watching, I never got bored at all through the whole film. The action scenes were really well done too, the best part was that they bought Gambit into it, he was always my favorite when I used to watch the cartoon as a kid.
May 1, 2009 at 5:07am
May 1, 2009 at 5:07am
The darkness of the day does not reflect my cherry mood this morning, in my head the sun is shining. I am feeling good, my muscles stretched and repaired finally. The long bank holiday weekend waits expectantly to start this afternoon when I finish work, I am looking forward to spending the days at the gym and the evenings cooking, this is now my new thing after a succesful egg fried rice fest last night.
April 30, 2009 at 4:56am
April 30, 2009 at 4:56am
It's wet again, a constant down pour since Tuesday night. The trees and bushes are a vibrant healthy green, I feel like I am in some tropical rain forest sometimes, apart from the fact that it is freezing here.

I'm excited today, I have this character in my head and she keeps on growing and growing and I can see a story unfolding behind my eyes. Just the beginning is there at the moment, I know when I start to write though that this one will flow. Just a short story, maybe an introduction, the early years of the other story I am writing.
April 29, 2009 at 3:20am
April 29, 2009 at 3:20am
I can barely keep my eyes open this morning, today will be a battle to stay awake. The sky is darkening outside and the rain has started again. Feels like winter outside, so cold I wish I hadn't put my winter clothes away, could do with my scarf and gloves today.

Feeling really chirpy, although my smile is starting to wilt round the edges as the morning goes in. Nice to feel like me again, the past couple of weeks have been rough.
April 27, 2009 at 5:04am
April 27, 2009 at 5:04am
The artificial lights in reception are hard on the eyes, I feel my mind drifting as the tiredness burns my eyes. Outside is green and wet, rain spatters the steps leading to the main doors. The dullness of the day makes the lights feel harsher than normal. A chill sweeps over me and I glance at the darkening sky outside, looks like thunder.

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