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Day to day stuff....a memoir without order. |
![]() ![]() Imagination is described by Webster as...The act or power of forming a mental image of something not present to the senses in reality. Albert Einstein said "Logic will get you from A to B, but imagination will take you everywhere." ![]() I never realized it until I read it somewhere but there are ways to boost one's imagination: Create a visual journal Draw whatever you see for 15 minutes a day. You don't need to be an artist. Think like an artist Cut out pictures from magazines & piece them together to create an original image. Listen to Bach Close your eyes while playing your favorite music. Or listen to the sounds of nature on a CD or in the great outdoors. Play word games Try thinking of as many words as you can that begin with MAR...or you pick. Daydream Let your mind wander, or focus on a single object & study its characteristics. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Everyone has a story....here's mine.....c ** Image ID #1701066 Unavailable ** |
The hacksaw cutting was a total failure and I'll say no more except that the curtain rod is still up...for now...still with no center support. My daughter is coming down this weekend and maybe she will have a suggestion. Spring has almost sprung here in Gainesville, Florida, and pollen season is well underway. My back porch floor is a sea of yellow dust. We did have some rain last weekend that beat a few grains of pollen off my pine trees and more rain is expected this Sunday. Azaleas are in full bloom almost blocking out all the greenery of the bushes. It's definitely an azalea year. Redbud trees are coming out and I have already seen tulip magnolias and pear and plum tree blooms come and go. The grass/weeds have turned green. I'm feeling a trip to Home Depot's flower center coming on. |
I have been attempting to hang a curtain rod over my French door to my porch. The doors are mostly glass. and curtains, even the light ones I bought, would help with cold and heat...and privacy. An old round wooden curtain rod (2 actually, 48 inches each) has been moved with me several times. They are decorative with end finials and pretty wooden hanger supports. I needed to "join" the 2 rods so off I went to the hardware store in search of a double ended screw, since both rod ends were already drilled for the finials. And, lo and behold, I found one for 65 cents! It worked perfectly and the curtain rod now extended 96 inches. But then, another problem, the worrisome middle sag. I installed the end supports 84 inches off the floor very securely with drywall anchors and set the rod in place. The mid joining point lined up with the top of the door frame making it seemingly impossible to use another of the wooden hangers for support. The story continues. I have "patterned" the door frame onto the hanger where the hanger needs to go and am waiting for Amazon to deliver a wood hacksaw to "cut out" the wood to make it fit flush. Wish me luck. |
I had my left eye cataract surgery on January 16th. Those people who say it's nothing (and many of them told me that when asked) are very lucky. Mine was definitely something! The surgery itself (and yes, it is surgery) was the least of it, just some tugging and pulling and listening to the doc/ass't chatter back and forth. The day after and for around 30 more my eye felt like there were hairs in it, it burned, was red and my vision was very poor. The fact that I have glaucoma made it worse...also, my cornea is thicker that the normal bear's which led to corneal edema (swelling). My left eye constantly watered, light hurt it and screen time was out of the question. But, finally, it is getting better. I finished up with the special drops last Friday, and now, am only on my normal glaucoma drops. My vision has cleared (I got the intraocular lens for close reading) and it is 20/20. I picked up my glasses for distance last Thursday and they are like looking at a cinematic screen in technicolor. Of course, I must remove them for close work, but that was what I asked for since I have worn glasses for distance since I was 16. I don't mean to scare anyone off cataract surgery. Apparently, most people have few problems afterward. But, still, I'm not sure I would do it again, given the opportunity. Make sure your cataract bothers you enough that it's worth it. |
Texted with my daughter this morning and she will come down on Friday to take me to surgery pre-op (cataract). So glad, I need some moral support and the traffic in that area is horrendous. One less thing to worry about, and I so appreciate her for offering to do that. I lost another schoolmate. He had a fall and did not recover. The three Billys in my class are now all gone, Billy Lyons, Billy Porter and now Billy Parker. Makes me think about my own "expiration date". All three still lived in my hometown in Delaware. I'm so sad not to be able to go to funerals living so far away, but all of them are in my thoughts...a lot. Another classmate, Barbara, let me know. Her son is married to Billy's daughter. Barbara and I reconnected via Facebook several years ago, and I am so grateful for that. I spent most of today painting a sympathy card for the family and just took it out to the mailbox. I haven't seen an obit yet so not sure when the funeral will be...and of course some people don't have funerals anymore, just celebrations of life. I've had the radio on all day, listening to NPR through my local station (WUFT). The "noise" is comforting and Sundays are Wait Wait, Don't Tell Me and other funny podcasts. Be careful of scams...they appear out of nowhere! |
I talked with my half-sister this morning. Yes, I grew up as an only child thinking it was just me and come to find out I have 2 half-sisters...but more on that later. This half-sister lives near Tampa, around 115 miles from where I live. She has been to see me a few times and I visited her on Easter of 2023, compliments of my daughter's driving. I would not dare to drive that far. She is 4 years younger and maybe in worse health. Sometimes it's hard to tell. She looked and acted great on our visit but I know she has had back surgery and has a lung nodule (like me), but unlike me, she smokes. Lung cancer runs in my family and I quit smoking in 1975. And every time we talk, she has health problems of some kind. Today's talk was no different. Not that I don't think they're real, just that she seems to like to talk about them...which is a little depressing to me. I just listen and eventually she runs out of steam. So our phone calls are not lengthy, but enough to keep in touch and abreast of what is happening with each of us. I haven't done a whole lot this morning..yet..watched a few painting videos on YouTube and looked at new pictures on Bird Buddy, still enjoying both. It was in the 30s again this morning but like yesterday is in the 60s now, near noontime, which really is pretty nice weather. Hope everyone is having a good first week of 2025! |
I'm in a Preventable trial for the effect of a statin on dementia and just finished my yearly phone call (test) to see how I am doing. It takes around 20 minutes and involves questions like date, current prez and vice prez, counting backwards from 100 by 7s, remembering a list of words...etc etc. All went well (I guess, they never say) and I am happy it's done for another year. It's a 5-year study and I don't know whether I am taking a "real" statin or a placebo. I do it in the hope of helping in a "cure" for dementia, so many people I know have or had it and it's really a terrible disease, to be alive without a mind that works. And my cataract surgery is scheduled for the 16th of this month. Because I am over 80, I must meet with someone in the anesthesia dept ahead of time...lucky me. The good news is a friend will be driving me on the day of (required) and staying for my surgery. I was a bit worried about who I might ask to do that, my daughter being at the top of the list, but she would need to take off work, drive 80 miles...and she has a dog. So I was very happy and relieved when a nearby friend volunteered. It is wonderful to have good friends. It's very chilly here this morning (36F) and getting chillier for the next week or so. I'll soon need to bring in my plants from the back porch. Hope everyone is doing well in the new year with no too tough resolutions. |
One more day in 2024...hard to believe. Why am I always dreading holidays and then have such good ones? Yes, Christmas was a wonderful family time for me this year, but I still think of those who are alone and feel sad for them...that is, unless they want to be alone and some people do. My first Christmas after my husband died (2012) was a sad one, attempted to make happy by family but doomed from the beginning. But I got through it, thanks to loved ones. This year one of my granddaughters and hubby gifted me a bird buddy, and it has become one of my favorite things. In fact, I may be getting a little addicted to it...lol. Even though from where I sit right now, I can see my feeders (and birds), there's something about a close-up that is exciting. And, of course, I don't sit here all the time. It takes stills as well as videos...so interesting. I guess I'll be keeping the seed people in business for a while longer. :) Looking to 2025, I expect to have cataract surgery soon, just waiting for a call to schedule me. My left eye is within the guidelines to have the surgery done, but my right eye remains great. My Fire tablet died yesterday, would not turn on or charge, and I feel lost without a Kindle book to read. It was 4 years old so I guess that is normal especially for someone who reads everyday. I ordered a Paperwhite this time since I never used the tablet for anything but reading. It's due to arrive on Friday, maybe a good way to start the new year. Happy New Year everyone!!! |
Looking back on my last post I can laugh now at all the hype and my resulting stress. Yes, we had some bad weather and some clean up to take care of, but all is well, thankfully. Places near the coast, not so lucky. The seafood festival in Cedar Key had to be cancelled because of all the debris, and I'm sure this was devastating to such a creative and artistic town. It is my favorite place to visit close by (@50 miles). I hope everything is back to normal by the Spring Arts Festival they always hold in March or April. They are a very resilient group of people. I had my bone density test done in October (every 2 years) and the results were that my bone loss has stabilized, not exactly what I was hoping for but better than losing more from osteoporosis. Since I stopped my Prednisone (for PMR in remission) in September, my doc is allowing me to stop the Fosamax, which I have been taking for my bones since 2017. So, gratefully, I am now off two medications! And then, in November the election, but I can't bear to go there. My daughter voted early at her library and returned home to find she had left her wallet somewhere. Of course, she thought the library...who, when contacted, said no one had turned it in. So, she cancelled all her cards, etc., and a week went by before she found it laying on the far end of her kitchen counter. Oh well, better to find it, right? Thanksgiving will soon be here. I don't eat meat so no turkey for me, but it's the trimmings that are the best anyway. I am grateful to be alive at 80 (never thought I'd be 80) and in good health...so thankful. Wishing everyone a happy, healthy and plentiful Thanksgiving. Stay safe if you are traveling, and I hope your destinations meet all your expectations. |
I sit here contemplating Hurricane Milton, barreling toward us with winds at 150 mph. It was only a week and a half ago that we dealt with Hurricane Helene. The debris she left remains on the curb waiting for pickup. Today at around 72 hours before Milton's target time, rain is drizzling and the sky is overcast. Thankfully, the temperature is in the 70s and will remain there most of the week so when the power goes off, ac will not be that much of a problem. I have several pines in my backyard, all the required 20 feet from the house but they are 100 feet tall so that is not very comforting. I could have them all cut down and probably should, but I think of all the wildlife who depend on them. I rant and rave when forests are razed for unneeded apartment buildings and hate to be a hypocrite. And so I worry about the wind and the pines instead. Birds (and squirrels) are ravenously eating from my feeders. They know. |
I am appalled that it has been so long since I added to this blog. Impossible, I say. Something must have been deleted. No, all is correct so please let me rectify that. I have been painting...a lot, writing...not so much. No reason, just not much happening I guess or not much happening that is interesting to write about. I joined Snail Mail a while back and have received several lovely cards and notes from members who are kind and caring. I love mailbox mail, such a treat from the normal advertising cards and flyers that have become the standard daily deluge. Amy Jo's note arrived yesterday and made my trip to the mailbox more than worthwhile! The weather here in Gainesville, Florida, is perfect at this time of year, lows in the 60s and highs in the 80s, great for an old arthritic person like me. Great for taking walks and from my window where I am now perched typing this post, I can see neighbors doing that very thing. Also saw one lone ibis food-hunting on the front lawn...how did it get separated, usually they are in 2s, 3s or 4s. Crows and chickadees and cardinals and wrens, etc, are busy at the feeder which I can also see from here, actually within 10 feet of my window. Well, my coffee cup is drained and other things are calling so I will end for now but promise to be back soon. |