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Rated: 13+ · Book · Opinion · #1903082
This is my blog which I intend to use for the new group that I am joining
I November 2012, I decided that I would like to join a blogging community on WDC. It basically required that we write blog entries according to specific prompts. Here is the result. . .
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March 9, 2013 at 8:16am
March 9, 2013 at 8:16am
If life had a rewind button, would I use it?

Sure, I can think of myriad uses. Like when you get up in the morning and you can't remember what happened to your glasses, or when you're leaving for work and you don't see your keys.

A redo button would be even better because you could go back to before you made that joke which wasn't that funny, and was actually embarrassing.

This would be a great thing.

The King Signature
March 4, 2013 at 7:50am
March 4, 2013 at 7:50am
So here I am again. I managed to get through the "I Write in December, January, and February" contest without missing one week. I am rather proud of that. I also am thrilled to be going again with the "I Write in March, April, May" contest.

In addition, as at least some of you already know, I have humbly volunteered my services to the PENCIL carnival Fundraiser. I am, in fact, in the kissing booth. So for a mere, 1,000 gift points you can actually kiss royalty. Not only that, but the royalty is me for heaven's sake, so what are you waiting for?

Actually, I have already received my first five kisses, from, of all people, Cindy Blaine. Leave it to Cindy to find out about something like that without my announcing it.

As for what's in my home that's no place else, I am going to say my bed. Yes, bed has always been a favorite place for me, whether it was the one I grew up in in New York, the one in my college dorm at New Paltz, the one in my apartment in Boston, or the one in my current apartment in China. I like being in bed, not because I like sleeping, but because there I feel free to just enjoy the feel of the blankets and think about whatever I want.

The King Signature
February 27, 2013 at 6:13pm
February 27, 2013 at 6:13pm
The question here was what would you do if you were king of the world for a day.

I actually thought of an answer while I was in bed.

I would require that every country in the world (from the United States to Eritrea) appoint a member of the Blogging Circle of Friends as their president, Prime minister, dictator for life or whatever the country uses. That would be the one requirement for all countries from henceforth.

Imagine how much better the world would be. Can you imagine two countries run by members of this circle going to war? In addition, I'll bet we could put a stop to problems like discrimination against homosexuals and destruction of the environment. Not to mention, the people would probably think we were more entertaining to watch then the current world leaders anyway.

So what do you think guys? Should we go for it? A Blogging Circle of Friends Coup to bring about this Utopia I'm dreaming of?

The King Signature
February 26, 2013 at 9:03am
February 26, 2013 at 9:03am
You know, sometimes when Cindy sends us the prompts, I'll find something she sends in the messages with the prompts more interesting then the prompt itself.

This is one of those days. Cindy included that fact about how it's impossible to hum with your nose plugged. What do you think I did when I read that?

I tried to do it, of course, I held my nose and tried to hum. First I just tried to do a single tone. Then, I tried to do a few tunes like "The Itsy Bitsy Spider followed by Beethoven's Ninth Symphony. All three times, I produced some sound. Granted it didn't last very long begfore my lungs rebelled. Still, I think "Impossible" is too strong a word.

So, as for the prompt, what are some of the advantages of being in this circle?

You mean, that story I just told you doesn't count as one of them.

Seriously, the advantages are summed up perfectly by Cindy in the Surprise she just sent us. These people have become like great friends to me, and I love it when I log into WDC to find that I have many e-mails because I know that most of them are going to be comments or something else from the group.


Well, sometimes it's just too much bloody work. I particularly feel like I don't have enough time to comment on as many other people's blogs as I should. Sometimes I feel downright guilty when there's comments on my blog, but I haven't been commenting on the blogs of others.

I guess we just have to deal with that.

The King Signature
February 25, 2013 at 9:04am
February 25, 2013 at 9:04am
My favorite season is summer.

When I was a child, the reasons for this were obvious, namely no school, but now I still like summer.

For one thing, I like the weather. It's great being out in the sun without having to worry about putting on coats or a long sleeved shirt. Yes, it can be hot sometimes, but that is better then freezing my extremities.

Even when the weather isn't so good in summer, it's fun because you get a thunderstorm or something exciting like that.

I also love the long days. It's cool to be outside in the evening with the light still out.

There is one other thing about summer that I really love a lot. . .so please don't think I'm shallow.

It's the woman. (oh come on. You knew I would say something about that.) Women in shorts, women in tank tops, even women in bikinis.

Summer is great.

The King Signature
February 19, 2013 at 9:21am
February 19, 2013 at 9:21am
So now they want to know what makes me laugh.

I can think of several things.

Like when I was in elementary school. The Girl Scouts used to have meetings in the cafeteria after school. Sometimes my friends and I would stop by the window as we were walking out of the school and peek through at the meeting. Anyway, one day in third grade, a group of us stopped by the window and all of a sudden someone--I could never figure out who--started cheering, "Girl Scouts Stink! Girl Scouts Stink!" Well, it was infectious. Pretty soon, the rest of us were all doing the same thing yelling, "Girl Scouts Stink! Girl Scouts Stink!" Pretty soon, we saw the Girl Scout leader coming towards the window, so we all turned and ran away. But I still laugh as I remember the expression that was on the Girl Scout Leader's face as she came at us. Believe it or not, I'm having a little trouble typing this entry right now because I'm cracking up.

Funny thing, the next day, a group of us all met in the classroom, and agreed that we should definitely go do the same thing after school that day. Well, we tried, but somehow it lacked the spontaneity of the first time, so we never did it again.

Anyway, that is one of those memories which I sometimes like to think about late at night when I'm in bed and there's nobody else to think I'm crazy.

The King Signature
February 18, 2013 at 8:32am
February 18, 2013 at 8:32am
Well, the Valentine week blogging is over. The Flaming Pharoahs actually took the prize for the best team name. *Smile* Way cool.

So what makes me cry?

A few songs. "Puff the Magic Dragon," believe it or not. (And no, it's not really about drugs.)

Thoughts about certain things like animals. You know how sometimes animal groups will tell stories about how people can't resist buying puppies and kittens, but then they get tired of the animal and it ends up in a shelter, or worse on the street. I always tear up when I hear a story like that.

Oh well, that's enough for now.

The King Signature
February 9, 2013 at 10:24pm
February 9, 2013 at 10:24pm
Now, if I were going to open a store, what would I sell?

Lots of things come to mind.

Candy, books, comics, science fiction memorabilia, or maybe even magic tricks.

But I'm going to go with toys.

I love toy stores, even if I'm a little too big for them. Back when I lived in Boston, I used to like to shop, well not really shop more like browse, at the FAO Schwartz location there, (which, sadly, has been closed down). And I wasn't the only person who made a hobby out of this. I remember once I was there and I saw a group of college age girls. One was in a particularly enthusiastic mood. She said, "I can't wait to have lots of babies, just so for the toys."

At another point, she started talking to one of the staff members. "You have the best job in the world!"

He responded with a polite smile which gave me the feeling that he was holding back a dirty look. I have a feeling that working in such a place is not all it's cracked up to be.

Anyway, as I said before the store is closed which is kind of sad, but when you think about it, so many people would go there and never buy anything. I guess we shouldn't be surprised that it went out of business.

The King Signature
February 6, 2013 at 10:24pm
February 6, 2013 at 10:24pm
Would I like to be able to read minds for a day? Probably not. It reminds me of the Twilight Zone episode where Darren from Bewitched gets the ability to read minds. He finds himself in all kinds of awkward situations like when he's in an accident and the driver is so apologetic, but it is really thinking, "What a clumsy oaf!" He also finds out that people are planning crimes, but realizes that they're not really serious about it. The moral here is that ignorance is bliss where other people's thoughts are concerned.

On an unrelated note, I just learned that I won third prize in a poetry contest which I had actually forgotten about.

Here is the entry:

 Winter Sonnet  (E)
A Shakespearean sonnet about Winter. It won third prize in a contest!
#1910214 by Weirdone-Back in the games

I also just entered this poem in a contest:

 Mealtime Adventure  (E)
A John Tee Sonnet. . .
#1917889 by Weirdone-Back in the games

The King Signature
February 2, 2013 at 11:56pm
February 2, 2013 at 11:56pm
Well, this story is somewhat related to the prompt.

The other day, I was had to give some Chinese students an oral test. They were called into my office one by one so that I could ask them some questions. One little girl clad in a delightful pink coat had some trouble with the questions. Then, I saw that she was starting to sob. I'm not sure if it was because she felt bad about not knowing the answers or for some other reason. I glanced at some of the Chinese staff who were nearby, but they just told me to continue.

I normally avoid "touching" these children, but this time, I couldn't resist giving this little girl a hug and a gentle kiss when she was done with the test.

I hope she was okay.

Anyway, the prompt today is what are three things which you don't want anyone saying about you. I guess the first is that I don't want anyone to ever say that I caused a little girl, (or for that matter, a little boy) to cry. I don't think I could live with that.

Now, unfortunately, I can only think of one other thing for this list, and that is that I don't want anyone to ever say, "Alex Lella is a really awful writer!" I think that one is self-explanatory.

Sorry I couldn't think of a third thing.

The King Signature

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