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Rated: 13+ · Book · Opinion · #1903082
This is my blog which I intend to use for the new group that I am joining
I November 2012, I decided that I would like to join a blogging community on WDC. It basically required that we write blog entries according to specific prompts. Here is the result. . .
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January 31, 2013 at 6:38am
January 31, 2013 at 6:38am
What movies scared me?

Honestly, I don't get scared of movies that much. This is not to say that I am brave. I don't like going in Haunted Houses (at carnivals or things like that.). But somehow movies don't bother me.

Of course, sometimes movies scared me when I was a kid. Sometimes even movies that were supposed to be for kids scared me, like the The Wizard of Oz. That witch was terrifying. Do you think that stopped me from watching it religiously year after year?


Ironically, Sometimes T.V. shows scared me more then movies. Like when I was eleven, and they brought back Alfred Hitchcock Presents. My entire family watched an episode called The Man From the South. It was about this creepy guy who asks this youngster to bet the little finger of his left hand. It was very suspenseful, but then the game is interrupted by this woman who claims that the creepy man was betting things which weren't even his. "I won it all. It took a while, but I won it all," and you get the site of the woman's fingerless hand.

That last scene scared both me and my little sister. The difference was that it made me a huge fan of the show, while my sister wanted nothing more to do with it. For a long time after that, I would torment her by humming the "Alfred Hitcock" theme.

The King Signature
January 30, 2013 at 5:56am
January 30, 2013 at 5:56am
What natural disaster scares me the most?

Well, fortunately, I haven't experienced many natural disasters first hand. I remember one fairly big hurricane which struck when I was eleven, but that didn't scare me. It was way cool, because they closed school and we lost the power so at night we were sitting around by candlelight.

I was in an (extremely minor) earthquake. That did scare me, though, partly because I had never experiencd anything like it. It actually struck at about 3 o'clock on a Saturday morning. I first noticed the rattling sound of my bedroom window, and I tried to explain it by saying that it was a suddenly strong wind. Then, I realized that it wasn't just the window, but my entire room including the bed that I was lying on had begun to shake. The wind couldn't do that. I was going through a phase where I had been reading quite a bit about paranormal things and I couldn't help wondering if this was it. I was having an actual paranormal experience.

Oh Well. That's the closest I've ever come to being scared by a natural disaster.

The King Signature
January 29, 2013 at 6:44am
January 29, 2013 at 6:44am
Well, it appears that the beautiul "papayatwoteeth" better known to me as Jennifer is reading my blog again. Welcome Jennifer!

On another note, I entered a poetry contest last week. I didn't win, but I actually liked the poem for some reason, and if that's not good enough, it has received one decent review. So I thought I'd link to it here.
 Fickle Child  (E)
An attempt to write a French Huitain
#1915223 by Weirdone-Back in the games
It's not disturbing like my last contest entry.

Anyway, they want to know what gets better with age.

My writing? I like to think that that's the case.

My voice definitely got better with age, but not at first. No really, when I was about thirteen years old, my voice broke. I went from this obnoxious little boy voice, to an obnoxious squeaky voice, but then by the time I was fourteen or fifteen, I had this amazing baritone. I didn't realize it at first, because I was so shy, I hardly ever talked, but today it's one of my few vanities.

The King Signature
January 28, 2013 at 6:31am
January 28, 2013 at 6:31am
Now, she has asked if I would rather be super intelligent or super good-looking.

Well, that's an easy question. Everyone with an ounce of wisdom knows that intelligent is better. Choosing to be good-looking is just foolish vanit---Arrgh!

I can't say it.

Honestly, being super good-looking would be better. I remember reading this somewhere:

Of all maxims let this take the prize,
'Tis better to be fortunate then wise.

That, ironically, is an extremely wise comment. It's saying not just that being wise is useless if you're unlucky, but also that being wise can actually be actively negative, a lesson which was first learned in the Garden of Eden, and has also been encapsulated by the cliche, Ignorance is bliss.

Thank you, for this little foray into shallow thinking. Tomorrow, we will hopefully have a normal blog for you.

The King Signature
January 27, 2013 at 1:32am
January 27, 2013 at 1:32am
Allr right, my blogging has been a little slow lately, partly because I've been busy, but also partly because I didn't know what to say to some of the prompts. Today we have a very easy prompt:

What would I do if I saw a large spider in the bathroom?

A question which can be answered in one word:


No, really. Maybe if someone that I'm living with starts making a fuss, I'll scoop it up and toss it outside, but I never got this thing that some people (usually women) have against spiders.

It reminds me of Jerry Seinfeld's old bit where he went on about how women are constantly doing all kinds of masochistic things to themselves (waxing their legs etc.) Then he says, "How can someone who goes through all that on a regular basis be scared of a spider?"

The King Signature
January 21, 2013 at 6:26am
January 21, 2013 at 6:26am
Well, I have not added to this blog in a while. I could say that it's because I've been busy, but well, who am I kidding? *Smile*

Anyway, I got some cool news today. My story
 Virgin Birth  (18+)
An entry into a contest about the dark side of holiday festivities. . .It won first place!
#1913377 by Weirdone-Back in the games
has won first place in the contest that I entered it in, which means that I will participate in that contest's elite round in April.

Before you click on it, (you were about to click on it weren't you?) I should warn that it's kind of gory stuff. Like I said before, my writing in the last few weeks has been entirely too pleasant, so I felt it was time for something like this.

Now, I almost forgot to write on the prompt which is what do I no longer worry about.

Well. . .there's swimming. You see, when I was a boy my parents made me take swimming lessons, and I hated it because they made me put my face in the water. My parents gave me that spiel about how I had to learn to swim because I might fall out of a boat, but that wasn't real enough to bother me. No, I was more worried about how one day, not being able to swim would become a problem, because I would have to take swimming in High School or something. Anyway, I went to a High School, that didn't even have swimming, let alone require it. Evntually, I learned how to swim on my own, but that's another story. The point is that I don't stay up nights worrying about it anymore.

The King Signature<
January 12, 2013 at 6:52am
January 12, 2013 at 6:52am
If I could live forever, would I do it?

You know, it's hard to say at the moment, but right now, I think that I would. Oh, I've heard the arguments that eventually you would get tired of living, but, again at the moment, I can't possibly see that ever happening completely. I always imagine that no matter how old I got, I would have something else that made me want to live a little longer even if it was another movie night at the Senior Citizen's center. Plus, I can't imagine getting so old that reading would no longer bring me joy. You know, I think that's really the crux of it. As long as I could still read and there were still authors publishing books, I wouldn't lose interest in life.

The King Signature
January 10, 2013 at 7:20am
January 10, 2013 at 7:20am
Would I rather extremely really hot weather or extremely cold weather?

I prefer hot weather although the exact reason is a little hard to justify. I suppose it's partly because hot weather doesn't frost bite so that it's actually painful to be outside.

Sometimes, I hear people justifying cold weather on the grounds that you can always put more clothes on in cold weather, but you can only take so much off in hot weather. I don't know about that argument. I guess one reason it doesn't work for me is that I've never heard of anyone bundling up in freezing weather to the point that they were actually comfortable. On some level, it seems like the hot weather gives you less to worry about because there isn't as much you can do about it. In cold, you worry about putting on enough clothes. In heat, you just go outside and do your best. It's like a burden has been lifted.

The King Signature
January 9, 2013 at 6:21am
January 9, 2013 at 6:21am
Now they want to know my favorite old movie.

That's another tough call, but I am going to pick the original version of King Kong.

When I was a boy, that movie used to be on every year on Thanksgiving. I don't know why, but that made it an important holiday tradition. Remember, this was back in the olden days when we didn't have these DVDs or even VCRs. *Smile* Nope. So when it came to determining when we saw a given movie, we were at the mercy of the programming executives.

But I digress, King Kong was on every year on Thanksgiving afternoon. In fact, it was usually first in a marathon that included, Son of Kong and Mighty Joe Young. There was just something in that movie that I liked. You know, these days, they computer effects to make movie monsters look realistic, but there was something about the jerky movements of the model monsters which made them seem more "fantastic" to me. Anyway, every Thanksgiving, after the turkey, when we all feeling stuffed, my father and I would get comfortable on my grandmother's couch and watch those movies, and at the end, we might say the last line, "It was beauty that killed the beast" in unison with the television.

Some years ago, my father gave me the DVD of that movie as a Christmas present. It's one of my favorite possessions.

The King Signature
January 8, 2013 at 7:04am
January 8, 2013 at 7:04am

I entered this contest
The Christian Writing Contest  (E)
Featured in Schnujo's CONTEST CHALLENGE for June 2021!
#1376214 by ruwth
. I might not have but when I clicked on it and read the entries which were in there already (including a few by other members of this blogging circle), I felt so happy that I had to try it. My entry is this, if you care.
Learning About God  (E)
An entry into a contest where I was asked to tell what I learned about God in my childhood
#1912023 by Weirdone-Back in the games

Anyway, now for today's question they want to know my favorite book when I was a child.

I can only pick one? *Frown*

Well, I don't think I can. I remember one of my favorites was Little Bear. I liked the one where he doesn't think that he'll have cake on his birthday, so he makes birthday soup. Then there were the Curious George books. Oh and don't forget about the Berenstain bear books. They were actually better when I was a kid. They were a little one toned: Papa Bear tried to teach his son something new and ended up making a mess of it, but they were still good.

I also liked Alexander and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day partly because of my name. Do they really have days like that in Australia?

Oh well.

The King Signature

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