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Rated: E · Book · Emotional · #1977124
My mindless and mindful thoughts, rants, opinions, and more.
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         Sometimes, I just feel the need to escape and vent my frustrations. Here I can express whatever I want without fear of my husband or my children seeing it. I guess this will be a hideaway journal so to say, but it will also be a place for my random randomness. My random randomness is when I see something that inspires me to comment on it or simply state an opinion about something going on in the world around us. Punctuation and grammar may leave a lot to be desired here, from time to time, because when I get in those moods a lot of times my fingers get way ahead of my brain.

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March 22, 2014 at 10:57pm
March 22, 2014 at 10:57pm

"Dost thou knowest the time?"

"Ye no need to knowest the time."

"Thou art very pretty."

"Ye art quite handsome, but ye are my scribe. Why art thou looking at me?"

"I have been admiring thee."

"What be ye name?"

"Tis Scribe Purser"

"I know not that name. Come hither. Tis most splendid. What say you let us go tither to fetch some ale."

"Ney, me thinks not. I be admiring thee, but I am no fool. I wish not to be beheaded by the King."

"Do as thou wilt. Perchance we will meet again."

"Good morrow, my lady."

"Make your leave."

March 21, 2014 at 9:54pm
March 21, 2014 at 9:54pm
I truly think one of my funniest embarrassing moments is one of those out of the mouths of babes things. When my daughter was two I had taken her into Verizon Wireless with me and another person. I was talking to the sales lady and the other person with us was trying to ask me a question, but I kept talking to the sales lady. After a few minutes of Brittany trying to get my attention as well, she finally got frustrated and loudly said, "Mommy, would you please be quiet for a minute. Do you ever breathe?"

I was embarrassed, but at the same time I was so glad I had zero tolerance for the words "Shut-up." Everyone got a good laugh, but over the years as I have told this story I realize I used to tell her Brittany would you please be quiet or if she was jabbering her two year old non-stop questions I would ask her do you ever breathe.

This has been one of the most comical of our insiders over the years. If we are with a lot of people and want the other to hush and hear what we have to say we will just simply laugh and say do you ever breathe.
March 20, 2014 at 10:57pm
March 20, 2014 at 10:57pm
         I love The High, no, I didn't say I love getting high. I love The High Museum in Atlanta, Georgia. In my opinion, it is one of the best museums in the south. To me it is the highlight of Atlanta, but there is so much to see, do, and enjoy there I would definitely consider it one of the must see cities of the south.

         Home of the Atlanta Braves, underground Atlanta, shopping, Six-Flags over Georgia, botanical gardens, city life, country life, and even FOOTBALL! I love to visit Atlanta, and have done so many, many times over the years.

         Living in Charlotte, North Carolina traveling to Atlanta for weekend getaways is convenient, practical, and doesn't break the bank. It only takes a few short hours to get there, yet the possibilities for fun and adventure are endless. At one point, I had considered relocating there for a job with an advertising and marketing firm, but the timing was not right for my family. When Brittany heads off to college in three more years I may revisit the idea. The job market for graphic designers there is superb.

         Hmmmmnnnn..... I just had a thought..... I wonder if the hubby would pick up on the hints, if I were to hint that I would like to go to The High for my birthday. I doubt it... Quite honestly, I think he has forgotten that my birthday is in two weeks. Oh well, such is the life of a wife and mother. Overworked and under paid. I get paid, but it's not much. I get paid no attention. LOL - I am totally being silly... In a G-G-Great mood..... Such a G-G-Great mood I think I may have just turned into Tony the Tiger.
March 19, 2014 at 5:21am
March 19, 2014 at 5:21am
His footsteps in the kitchen woke me as he prepared the morning coffee. I knew in just a few short minutes he would be coming in to make sure I was awake to get my day started. I decided I would go ahead and make my way into the kitchen with him, because I needed the extra few minutes to get my motor going this morning. Last night had been especially draining. It wasn't my fault, it wasn't his fault either, but the night had been draining because neither of us can get the other to accept the way we believe things must be.

I met Rando about four years ago, he's such a wonderful being, and always puts a smile on my face. He is one to never have a harsh word, you know the kind... The kind who are truly on earth to lift the ones around them up regardless of what sacrifices they have to make. I asked Rando to come stay with me about a year after I met him. I needed his positive attitude in my life, I needed someone to take care of my home while I was away, but most of all I needed a friend to listen to me on those lonely nights. He has been a perfect fit, until things started to change a few months ago.

About two months ago Rando met me at the door as I got home from work one evening, he took my briefcase and coat, and led me into the dining room. There was a fabulous meal laid out with roses and glowing candles gracing the table. He had added extra special touches such as the fine linen tablecloth and the gold trimmed china that normally stays tucked away in the china cabinet. He pulled out my chair and as I took my seat I asked him who was coming for dinner. He told me it would just be the two of us, but he had something important to talk to me about. I had a feeling I knew where this was going with the atmosphere he had created and I was not at all looking forward to this conversation. There were things he didn't know, and quite honestly I wasn't prepared to tell him.

Rando sat down across from me, took my hand in his, and told me he was deeply in love with me. My heart sank, for I could not say the same to him. In a moment of confusion, I debated whether or not to tell him the truth or allow him to continue staying with me taking care of all the things I did not want to take care of. I wasn't using him, I wasn't taking advantage of him, but there's this huge secret that I haven't shared with him. This was my opportunity to tell him everything, it would be selfish of me not to, but would he understand? Would he walk out and never speak to me again if I tell him the truth?

I gently pulled my hand away and start playing with the rings on my fingers.

"Rando, there is something I have to tell you. Something I know you don't want to hear and you will probably hate me for keeping this from you for all this time....," I barely whispered. He just looked at me with a blank look so I continued.

"Rando, I care for you, but it is not the kind of care you think it is. I can't love you the way you say you love me. It would be unnatural."

"Unnatural?" He yelped, "What in the world is that supposed to mean? Do I know you? Are we kin somehow?"

"No, Rando, it is nothing like that. You... you ... umn.... Rando, you are not a human. You are a robot, a creation of artificial intelligence."

Rando jumped up from the table and told me I was crazy. There was no way he could be a robot, because he eats, sleeps, uses the bathroom, and everything a human does - he even has feelings.

The sad part is, he is right, in part. The artificial intelligence is so advanced that it seems real to him. I just can't get past it. I can't bring myself to fall in love with a robot. Last night we debated the same issue again, but this time I showed him the paperwork from when he was created. Once again, I told him I could never love him the way he loves me. I could not accept the fact that he is not really a human.

As I stumble into the kitchen I trip. I pick myself up off the floor and look over to see what the unexpected obstacle was. I collapsed in the floor when I saw my Rando covered in blood with a butcher knife sticking out of his chest where his heart would have been.

LIVE, laugh, WRITE!!

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March 18, 2014 at 10:44pm
March 18, 2014 at 10:44pm
         One of the reasons I like the James Patterson collection of The Women's Murder Club is the cliffhanger at the end of each book making me eager to read the next. There have been boyfriend issues, a baby to be born, and friendships on the rocks. Although you finish the book and current story line you are reading you know there is so much more going on in the personal lives of these women. You know the next book will bring another murder mystery to be solved and more juice about the going ons with romance, children, work, and so much more with the women you grow to love. The character development continues to play out in each of the books. I, personally, have been more drawn into wanting to know what happens between these friends than I have the actual cases they work on. *Laugh*

         I think LIFE is the GREATEST cliffhanger of all! We may think we know what is going to happen next, but in all actuality we have no idea what is going to happen from one moment to the next. Can any of you honestly say that everything plays out the way you plan it, or does unforeseen incidents sometimes come up? I have learned, over the years, the more I plan for PERFECTION, the more I am creating room for disruption and disappointment. LIFE is a cliffhanger, live it, climb it, and stand on the top of the cliff! Just be careful not to plummet headfirst off the side!!!

March 17, 2014 at 6:49pm
March 17, 2014 at 6:49pm


         Man, I gotta tell ya... I sure could use a chocolate fix right now. With everything going on here lately my muse has run off and abandoned me, but I really believe if I were to go in there and get one of those fine hazelnut covered chocolates out of the fridge my troubles would just melt away. Melt away just like the chocolate does in my mouth. The Ferroro Rocher sure are calling my name, to the point that I just went and got one. Now, I think I will pause for a few minutes and relish my moment with my favorite treat to see if it does alter my mindset and make me feel more like writing. (I didn't even think about those little jewels in there until I read this prompt!)

         And just moments after consuminig my yummy dark chocolate delight I feel better, I feel as if I pampered myself for all I do, and now that I feel better I feel like I could find something uplifting to get my mind back on writing. I have a wonderful story I have started on that I haven't touched recently. I believe I will clean my kitchen and spend the rest of the evening writing.

         Many of you know my husband had his first ECT treatment for depression today. The procedure went perfect and he has rested well today. We go again Wednesday and Friday, and then again three times next week. I am so glad to see something coming of this situation that seems likely to help, because the worse off he was getting the more it was starting to send me into depression mode myself. I am already bipolar manic depressive, and dealing with this with him has caused a seesaw of emotions within myself. I appreciate all the love and support you all have poured out.

LIVE, laugh, WRITE!!

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March 16, 2014 at 10:40pm
March 16, 2014 at 10:40pm
         Earlier today the congregation of The Church of God in NY met in a new temporary location. Their church was destroyed last week in explosion, which left several dead and many others injured. Although this has been a severe tragedy toady the declared to rebuild while they mourned and celebrated the lives of those gone home. Many said as sad as this is it has truly brought the congregation closer together. I would like to ask all of you to pray for the families and the members of this congregation.

         Today has been a cold and rainy day, but it has been a good one. My husband's treatments start at 6:45 in the morning so I am a little nervous about that. I truly pray these treatments will be the resolution to his long term depression.

         This has been a long week that I am glad to be seeing coming to a close. My husband was in the hospital most of the week, my mother in law has been ridiculously rude and disrespectful to me, and I have had so many moments where I have felt like I am completely no good for anyone or anything. I know in my heart this is not true, but when the enemy feeds and breeds negativity about you if you're not careful you may start to question and doubt yourself.

I must constantly remind myself God is the only One I have to answer to or be concerned about opinions of me. The Bible even says those who are persecuted for His namesake will be blessed. Oh, how The Lord has already blessed me!!
March 15, 2014 at 10:49pm
March 15, 2014 at 10:49pm
         Today was one of those days where you realize Spring is truly approaching! The birds were chirping, the sun was shining, and everyone just seemed to be in better spirits! John and I were talking about what we may do for our anniversary during Spring Break. I was quite shocked with what we came up with.

         I asked John what he would like to do and he said he would like to go camping. My initial reaction to this was... YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME, but not anymore! After he explained he would like to pack fruits, wines, and stuff for a nice dinner I started getting intrigued. Actually, I was quite impressed that it seemed he had put a great deal of thought into something that would be unique and adventurous for our anniversary. He talked about back rubs, walks in the moonlight, and sitting around a fire reminiscing. This truly came as a shock to me - I love to camp, but I never thought of it being this VERY VERY ROMANTIC.

         I must admit, although this man has put my emotions through the worst of the worst over the last year, he is a real good man. I love him so much. Never a dull moment and always an adventure. Now, I can't wait for April 16 to get here!! If I still wrote erotica, I am sure a good story could be created from this grand adventure. I may make it into a sensual story?!?!

March 14, 2014 at 11:16pm
March 14, 2014 at 11:16pm
         Have you ever been washing dishes, cooking dinner, tugging at the kids, and just truly wish you had more hands to handle all that you were doing? I sure have, especially when the hubby gets in his moods where all his two hands are used for are to flip channels on the remote control! So, I wonder what if I had two extra arms and hands to help me out. I could wash dishes with one set, cook dinner with the other set, and find a pretty decent medium to deal with the kids. I must have wondered about this what if for way too long because I woke up this morning with an extra set of arms and hands.

         While I was cooking breakfast this morning, I decided to try out my extra helping hands... I was pulling things out of the cabinet as I scrambled the eggs. It made things go a lot smoother and faster. After breakfast I started doing the dishes, I washed with one set, rinsed and dried with the other set. I got caught up in how wonderful this was and truly embarked on a day of cleaning house and doing yard work. I accomplished so much in such a short period of time I decided to take off to the salon for some me time.

         I only needed one set of arms and hands to drive, but the other set didn't like this too much. They started trying to take over the steering wheel and was causing the car to swerve dangerously to and fro. Both sets of arms and hands got upset and started fighting viciously over who would steer. I tried to convince them they could take turns, but this didn't satisfy them either. Suddenly, they were really going at it with one another and neither set of arms or hands was driving. My car plumetted off the road and down the steep embankment. My entire body ached, and the last thing I remember was hearing the sirens far off in the distance.

         Now I lay here in this hospital bed wondering what if I had never wondered about having extra helping hands.
March 13, 2014 at 9:21pm
March 13, 2014 at 9:21pm
         One of my biggest complaints in our current society is the dumbed down education system. I have witnessed first hand children feeling like they don't have to put any effort into much of anything in their lives, because no matter how well or how poor they do there will be a reward at the end. This is completely wrong and is developing an extremely lazy mindset for our children.

         I would like to start by using myself as an example. I went to college later in life; My daughter was already in second grade when I decided to go back to college, and I truly can say I put more effort into K-12 than I did in community college and at the university I went to after. The reason I say this is because in K-12 I knew there would be pop quizes, tests, homework grades, and participation to play a factor in my grade. If I didn't stay caught up my grades reflected it; however, in college the proffessors would give you study guides with literally everything on the test on them. All I had to do was memorize the study guides. I had one teacher in the university who did not use this method, and he is the teacher I respected the most. What are we really learning in college if we are given the answers and not held accountable for truly knowing the information. Would you want to have open heart surgery years down the road by someone who got through college with these techniques?

         I have watched my daughter in different activities over the years where the leaders are intent on making each child win something. I do not believe this is the right way to teach our children. I believe our children need to learn there are successes and failures in life. The harder you work and more effort you put into something the more likely you are to succeed at it, but not only that... I think if they don;t get a firm grip and failures and successes at a young age when they are older and do fail at something, it could end up with catastrophic results.We are human, we are designed to make mistakes, and to learn and grow from what we learn doesn't work. Taking this system to a dumbed down everyone is a winner technique only produces more failures in the end. Now, granted I do realize and freely admit there are difinitely exceptions at times when dealing with learning disabilities, mental illnesses, or any number of things. My comments are based on the average child getting a normal classroom education.

I was always taught "If at first you don't succeed... Try, try again." We all need to be mindful that children are like computers; Input equals output.

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