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Rated: E · Book · Emotional · #1977124
My mindless and mindful thoughts, rants, opinions, and more.
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         Sometimes, I just feel the need to escape and vent my frustrations. Here I can express whatever I want without fear of my husband or my children seeing it. I guess this will be a hideaway journal so to say, but it will also be a place for my random randomness. My random randomness is when I see something that inspires me to comment on it or simply state an opinion about something going on in the world around us. Punctuation and grammar may leave a lot to be desired here, from time to time, because when I get in those moods a lot of times my fingers get way ahead of my brain.

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March 12, 2014 at 11:39pm
March 12, 2014 at 11:39pm
         If I could spend a week vacation with any famous person I could, I would spend it with Billy Graham at his home. He recently turned 95 years old, and in my opinion he has been one of the best evangalist there has ever been. I would love to just spend the week hearing his stories of mission trips he's been on, lives he's seen changed, and God's amazing works he has witnessed. I am truly inspired by the image he has held up over all the years, in a society where we see so many discredited Christian leaders. Personally, I would be honored to share some time with him and hear his personal testimony. I would be thrilled to tell him in person that his leadership influenced my spiritual walk greatly. It is amazing how someone you have never spoke to in person can influence your life by walking the walk and not just talking the talk.

         Much respect and love poured out to Billy Graham for many years of honorably living his life with a true servants heart. He has been a blessing to millions, including me, whom he has never even laid eyes on.
March 11, 2014 at 10:36pm
March 11, 2014 at 10:36pm
         Tonight may not really be a good night to be writing about whether or not someone has ever betrayed me, but I am going to try. My husband is being admitted to the hospital tomorrow morning for depression treatment, but there is much more to it. The depression stems from substance abuse and trying to do right now. He went to rehab back in August of last year, and I thought when he came home he would be much better. He was improved, but not as well as I thought. He has been seeing a psychiatrist for treatment, but little did I know know he was still buying pills off the street. Since he came home I have dealt with two relapses, tons of lies, and theft of my personal meds. It has been a nightmare and a half, but I love him, and I trust God to help us through this. With all of that being said, I feel completely betrayed by my own husband, because to save face for himself he has told countless lies about me to family, friends, and even people at work. I am glad he is doing the right thing and going in the hospital tomorrow, but that does not take away the pain of all he has done. I forgive him, but I am having a difficult time tonight.

         My husband has spent the day with his dad, spent his evening calling people who never call him, and I have to have him at the hospital at 5 am. It hurts my feelings horribly that he could not spend his last day home with me. I take care of him day in and day out. I do not expect a gold medal or anything, he is my husband, but it seems to me the respectful thing to do being as he will be in the hospital without visitors for a minimum of a week would be spend the day and evening with me. These are people who are not around, they do not deal with, and they sling insults around about how all of his issues are my fault.

         I am not in the best of moods tonight. I am hoping to continue my blogging challenge, but if not it is because they allow me to stay with him at the hospital. You all take care.
March 11, 2014 at 10:36pm
March 11, 2014 at 10:36pm
         Tonight may not really be a good night to be writing about whether or not someone has ever betrayed me, but I am going to try. My husband is being admitted to the hospital tomorrow morning for depression treatment, but there is much more to it. The depression stems from substance abuse and trying to do right now. He went to rehab back in August of last year, and I thought when he came home he would be much better. He was improved, but not as well as I thought. He has been seeing a psychiatrist for treatment, but little did I know know he was still buying pills off the street. Since he came home I have dealt with two relapses, tons of lies, and theft of my personal meds. It has been a nightmare and a half, but I love him, and I trust God to help us through this. With all of that being said, I feel completely betrayed by my own husband, because to save face for himself he has told countless lies about me to family, friends, and even people at work. I am glad he is doing the right thing and going in the hospital tomorrow, but that does not take away the pain of all he has done. I forgive him, but I am having a difficult time tonight.

         My husband has spent the day with his dad, spent his evening calling people who never call him, and I have to have him at the hospital at 5 am. It hurts my feelings horribly that he could not spend his last day home with me. I take care of him day in and day out. I do not expect a gold medal or anything, he is my husband, but it seems to me the respectful thing to do being as he will be in the hospital without visitors for a minimum of a week would be spend the day and evening with me. These are people who are not around, they do not deal with, and they sling insults around about how all of his issues are my fault.

         I am not in the best of moods tonight. I am hoping to continue my blogging challenge, but if not it is because they allow me to stay with him at the hospital. You all take care.
March 10, 2014 at 11:48pm
March 10, 2014 at 11:48pm
         Unfortunately, I do not have a lot of time to read anymore. It seems I am constantly on the go with church projects or with my daughter. Actually, I got a good laugh the other day when a good friend from church told me I was definitely the busiest stay at home mom she has ever known. I do download books on my Iphone or my Samsung tablet and read on the go, when I can thought. The last book I read was Private London, by James Patterson. It was an awesome book, but was nothing like the women's murder club series he wrote.

         My dad got me hooked on James Patterson books many many moons ago. He started buying the women's murder club series for me, he bought them for me until he passed away, and I would read them and tell him what it was about. My dad always loved hearing about them, but I guess he didn't think it would be very masculine to read a women's series. He bought all he could of the series for me before he passed away, and my husband has taken over buying them for me since then. I think I only have the thirteenth one to go.

         I am not too drawn to a book by the cover art; I guess I have been fooled one too many times by that gimmick. I am the type of person who can tell by reading the first few pages of a book whether I will like it or not. I am a true street crime / street lawyer fan. I like John Grisham a lot, but although he used to be my favorite author that changed when I started reading James Patterson.

         One of my favorite expressions is never underestimate the power of the written word. To me the written word is just as much art as what the typical person sees as art. (drawings, paintings, etc) So I must say when it comes to getting me drawn into a book it is much more the word art than the cover art.

March 9, 2014 at 10:22pm
March 9, 2014 at 10:22pm
         I sparked quite the debate on my personal Facebook page the other day. It really doesn't bother me what people think of what I express there, because, as I see it, it is my Facebook page and I can say what I l like. My Facebook page normally consists of uplifting quotes, scripture, and happy pictures. However, the other day I saw a piece on the news that just truly made me see red. The newscaster was showing a story where atheist are trying to get the seventeen foot steel beam cross that was found at ground zero banned from being placed in the museum. My reaction to this was, why is it everyone except for Christians seem to stand firm for what they believe? I shared on Facebook that I believe we, as Christians, should stand up for what we believe in. Too many people seem to think the only place God belongs is in a church or religious building, but God is and belongs everywhere. I am getting enraged by the fact I feel I do not have equal rights as a Christian. Prayer has been taken out of our schools, prayer has been taken out of the workplace, and if you think about it we are pretty much told the only place he is allowed is in our home, church, or minds.

         One of the questions on my Facebook page was, would you be okay with a Buddha or Allah statue in the museum? No, I wouldn't. First of all, I would see it as idolatry for myself, but that is not my reasoning. The reason I would not be okay with it is because the cross they are putting in the museum came from ground zero. It inspired many people to work through the tragic unfolding and gave them strength as such a horrible time of weakness. It is a historical piece of what happened on 9/11. There wasn't a Buddha statue found, there wasn't an Allah statue, but there was a cross resembling the one Jesus sacrificed His life on so we all could be saved. It is my opinion, not putting the cross in the museum would be an insult, not only to God but to the countless men and women who found the strength through seeing it during those difficult days, weeks, and months.

Yes, I think it should be in the museum. Not to "force" it down the throats of others, but as a historical piece from that horrible day. I believe in my heart The Lord was showing millions He was with us through that horrible calamity, but that is my personal belief. Although I am glad I saw His love in the finding of that cross that is not the only reason I feel it should be there. However, even if it was the only reason I had for wanting it there, it is a situation in which I feel Christians who support the cross need to stand up, stand firm, and stop being silent voices.
March 8, 2014 at 8:43pm
March 8, 2014 at 8:43pm
         I fell asleep on the couch last night and was woke up to the sound of birds chirping and singing outside the window. I wasn't ready to get up but the combination of annoyance and uplifted spirits prevented me from going back to sleep. I was up with the sun cleaning house, doing laundry, and by noon it was so beautiful I headed out to do yard work. It amazes me how yesterday we had freezing rain and today I was in the yard in a t-shirt trimming bushes and picking up sticks. Oh well, the yard is starting to look good for spring. I talked my husband into digging up a miniature magnolia tree that had started growing under the big when in our front yard. I replanted it in another spot in the yard. I am hoping it will survive being moved, because it is so precious. It definitely would not have survived where it was at.

         I am hoping it is as pretty tomorrow as it was today. I would love to get my Sunday school class outside for a change. One of the activities this week involves a game of tag so it would be real nice to take them outside to play. If it is as nice tomorrow, I would be tempted to do my entire Sunday school lesson outside. hehe... Maybe the evil twin will take candy to give the kids so they are hyper by the time we get through at church. I am sure sooooo many parents would love me then!!

         Brittany interviewed a lady from our church today for her Spanish class. I cannot get over how my Spanish lessons have stuck with me over the years. I am far from fluent, but I can communicate well. I was wondering if I should get some Spanish CD's and freshen up my speaking skills before our trip next year. I am wondering though, what dialect is used in Costa Rica. Sounds like it research time.

I joined planet fitness the other day. For twenty bucks a month I get unlimited tanning and 24/7 access to the gym. I am in hog heaven. My goal is to lose forty pounds. I was very physically fit until my system seemed to spiral out of control a year and a half ago. I have gained the excess forty pounds in just over a year, but The Lord has restored my health and I am desperate to get these excess pounds off and get back into shape. I am a healthy eater so I have just made some minor changes to my diet and I am drinking water and juice. I am thinking by the end of summer I should have my weight back under control.

Well, I am off to go blog hopping - Need to see who I can pick on tonight....
March 7, 2014 at 11:40pm
March 7, 2014 at 11:40pm
         As I reflect on the day, I can't think of anything mischievous my evil twin did. That statement only holds true for today though. I pull my share of stunts on people around me. My daughter has learned to lock the bathroom door, because one too many times I have snuck in there with a 16 oz. cup of cold water and dumped it on her in the shower. She tried to seek revenge one time so she dumped laundry powder on me, that was a quick and easy fix, but gave me the brilliant idea of dumping a flavored water packet on her. I am here to tell you, Wyler's Wild Raspberry flavored water mix doesn't come off for a few days, because guess what it works best with?? Yep, you guessed it! WATER!! She was not a happy camper going to church the next morning, but I think she learned mom has played the practical jokes since before she was born. I will win!

         About two years before my dad passed away I had asked him to go to an estate auction and bid on a china cabinet I wanted to buy. I had to work, and there was simply no way to get out of it. Dad agreed, so I told him the max I would pay for it. The day of the auction came and I was excited all day; The auction would end about thirty minutes before I got off work, which gave my dad time to get home before I left work. I called my dad as I was getting ready to leave, asked him if he wanted anything from the store, and asked how the auction went. Dad told me what he needed, said the auction was a lot of fun, and he was glad I had asked him to go. He also asked me, "How much did you say you were willing to pay for the china cabinet again?" I told him and he said, " that's what I thought you said. I'm sorry baby it sold for more than that." I was disappointed so I told him I would see him soon. I took my time getting what he needed, because quite honestly I did not want to talk to anyone about the fact that I did not get the china cabinet I had talked about for a month. I finally got to my dad's, and he was showing me all the stuff he got at the auction. I was halfheartedly paying attention, and he could tell I was getting extremely annoyed. He had gotten some really cool glass vases and home decor, but I truly could have cared less at that moment. He asked did I not like the things he had bought me and I assured him I did I just wanted the china cabinet. Finally, he told me he wanted to show me one last item and he would leave me alone. Aggravated I stood up and went back over to his recliner. He grinned from ear to ear and handed me a picture of the china cabinet. I wanted to choke him. He explained that he told me on the phone it sold for more than what I had said, and in fact it had, but he wasn't going to let me lose it over ten dollars. He was honest on the phone, he was just very careful with his wording. It did sell for more than I said. My dad bought the china cabinet for ten dollars more than I told him I wanted to pay, and that opened the door for him to pull a good one on me. That is probably the best one my dad got on me as an adult.

         My dad was a prankster, I am a prankster, and my daughter is one too. We have had a lot of fun, and quite often Brit gets into mischief with hers the same as my dad and I have over the years...... Such good memories.
March 6, 2014 at 10:26pm
March 6, 2014 at 10:26pm
         Before I even get started I want to say, the more and more I am on WDC the more I realize I want a premium account. I can't afford it right now, because my husband has been out of work for almost a year and a half but I will end up doing that! I love the feature improvements between upgrade and premium. I guess I could do the same way I did with the upgrade and do lots and lots of reviews and pay for it with GP's... Yea, I think that's what I will start working on! *Smile*

         About a year ago, when I needed to replace my laptop, I was torn between wanting to go MAC or PC. I came to know in college that the MAC is much more efficient for graphic design; however, I do not find the MAC nearly as user friendly as the PC. I ended up going with a touchscreen VAIO T-Series Ultrabook. I have found it to be a wonderful investment, and the Adobe software works wonderfully on it. Personally, I believe the decision between MAC and PC is a matter of personal preference.

         I ended up getting frustrated with the internet last night, because I was having severe issues staying logged onto WDC. By the time I could stay connected I had so many things to do in such a short period of time that I got frustrated. I ended up only doing enough to know I did do what I committed to do. I am doing The Challenge so I had to write a poem and post it as a citem in the forum. It took forever, but I got my poem saved and posted it in the forum. Well, apparently the internet glitched again because when I went to do today's challenge my post from last night was not there. That annoys me, because being consistent with your posts and activities is part of the challenge. *Facepalm* My frustration with the internet connection last night caused me to break my consistency after only five days. I am also doing the 30-day blogging challenge, and my frustration put me in the state of mind that I simply wanted to get something written before I got booted off the site again. It was not a good way to end my night, because I have been very proud of what I have done since the first of March. Now, I am feeling like I have failed... I don't like the feeling of only doing enough to get by. As a matter of fact, I teach my daughter it is wrong to only do enough to get by. Hmn... Practice what you preach? I feel like I failed horribly last night.

         I was riding in the car with my husband today, thinking about yesterday's blog prompt "What is something you used to like to do that you wish you could still do?" John actually said something that got me to thinking about this. He child-proofed some people's house today and he was talking about child-proofing the cabinet with all the pots and pans. I was telling him I felt that was a little overkill, because I can remember dragging out the pots at my grandma's and just beating them to death with utensils. I loved it, and would literally do it for hours. When my daughter was little, I would pull the pots and pans out, give her a wooden spoon, and let her have at it. This conversation made me realize so many parents don't let kids be kids anymore. Why do some parents want to take away the innocence of being a child? What is the harm in a child dragging out the pots and pans? Isn't that some of the best fun a toddler can have? Unfortunately, I feel as if we are living in such a fast paced society that many parents want their children to be born grown. So many innocent, yet fun activities have been taken away from children over the generations.

         Many of you know I got mine and Brit's deposit paid for Costa Rica this week. That is going to be so exciting, but it is a lot of money to come up with in a year. It will be another first to experience with my princess though. We experienced Disney World together as a first, and I truly am glad she and I are in a position to travel outside of the United States together as a first. Times like this make me wonder how in the world my mother doesn't want a relationship with me. I would not have missed a minute of all this for anything in the world. If you haven't read my blog before, my mother has been out of my life since I was thirteen. Anyway, Brit is excited - She and I are counting days, if you would like to join in on our countdown, we will be departing in 471 days. *Laugh* Now, when I ask you two months from now I expect you to know in how many days we will be departing! *Plane*

Alright, I guess I better go get some writing done on my novel, and respond to some emails before my WDC family disowns me. Remember, tomorrow night - Same blog time, Same blog channel!!!

LIVE, laugh, WRITE!!

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March 5, 2014 at 10:47pm
March 5, 2014 at 10:47pm
         When I was a little girl I truly enjoyed writing stories about my fantasy life. I loved escaping reality, and enjoying my time in my magical fantasy land. Throughout my daughter's younger years I carried on with the fun of writing children's stories for her. The older she has become, the more my writing has adapted to her age. I desperately miss writing the young children's stories though. I have been thinking I may start a series of children's stories that I can incorporate into my Sunday school lessons. I know the kids in my class would love that, and being as I teach eight years old I believe it would be a perfect fit.

         I am inspired by my daughter though to write a novel. She is the main character in the story I just started. It is going to be a real life drama type story that's age appropriate for her. Am I the only one who spends more time writing for my child than myself?

My blog is having to be cut short tonight, because I have had issues for over an hour staying logged onto the site. I am not sure if it was my internet or something with WDC, but I am frustrated and want to throw my laptop out the front door!
March 4, 2014 at 9:35pm
March 4, 2014 at 9:35pm
I have spent a great deal of time today thinking about Writing.com and just what I get out of being a part of the community here. When I initially signed up on this site I came here looking for feedback on items I had written, and to get an idea of what the every day reader considers to be good writing. Little did I know this site would become my home, my family, my support group, and my addiction. Yes, I am addicted to our wonderful community. Nearly every day I cannot wait to log on to see what my favorite authors have posted, what inspires me to write my own items, or to share something I have worked on off the site. I am eager to know what is going on in the lives of those whom I communicate with regular;To share in their joys and be a shoulder through the tears. I have come to need Writing.com much the same way I need my real life family and friends.

I have noticed I have become truly drawn into the newsfeed and the blogging projects that are truly starting to boom. I use the newsfeed to find items to read and review almost as often as I do the Random Review feature and the Read a Newbie feature. In all honesty, I guess I would have to say one of the best activities I have come across lately is Contest Buddies. I appreciate the effort that was put into encouraging people to not only be more active in the current contests here on the site, but to also encourage us to reach out to another person to help us work on making our entry a winning contest entry. In my opinion, this has activity has the potential to make contests more challenging, which in turn makes the authors here put more effort into their work. As for my personal experience with Contest Buddies I have been challenged in the Long, Long, Long Story contest. I am highly motivated by this challenge, because the story has to be between 5000 - 20000 words. Although I did not start my entry until today, the entry will be a story / book I have been inspired to write for quite some time and never took the initiative to act on it. I let my fear of failing to write the story as I know it in my head successfully enough for anyone to want to read stop me from even starting it. That stopped today, and I am truly thankful I have been challenged, because now I feel I don't have a choice to put the story into written format.

My daughter is fifteen and she loves to write and do art just as much as I do, and I have gotten to a point where I believe I am going to suggest she create a profile on here. I have many reasons for this, but a few are:
1. She has so many writing assignments at school, I feel she could truly benefit from the feedback from a broader audience.
2. The more she shares her school assignments, I believe she would more comfortable opening up and sharing the personal items she writes.
3. Although she is an exceptional writer, she has room for improvement. I believe she would learn just as much here, if not more, than she does in school through the thorough reviews she would get.

As I have pondered how I would encourage Brittany to sign up for the site, I had a wonderful thought. I believe I will write a letter to her teachers and make them aware of the site. I truly believe teachers could use Writing.com as a tool of encouragement for their students. I absolutely believe the students would find so much support and interaction that they would become much more interested and excited about putting together their writing assignments. Too often, I believe students do not get the feedback or encouragement they need to build their writing skills at home or at school, in turn causing frustration and resentment for writing assignments. If we can get teachers to encourage students to come here the wonderful community we live in could possibly change their negative thoughts about writing into thoughts and strength that makes them be Rising Stars and thrive. Who knows Brittany or any other student I can sell this wonderful site to quite possibly could be on the Bestseller's list someday!

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