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Rated: GC · Book · Writing · #2027294
Created for the Soundtrackers Challenges

...when the music moves the soul...

The Soundtrack of Your Life  (18+)
Every February, you're invited to chronicle the music that has influenced your life!
#1970896 by Jeff

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February 18, 2016 at 1:05pm
February 18, 2016 at 1:05pm

*Bigsmile* *Inlove* *Devilish* I just love this song and this scene! Yummy! Guess this means it's a week of Antonio Banderas, huh? God, that man can dance. And he looks so delicious while doing it. *Laugh* Okay, enough!

I do love these kinds of movies. Romance, comedy, dancing, drama. I can't help it. It's part of who I am. Dancing used to be a part of my life, long time ago. Thinking back on it, being shy and quiet (shut up! *Laugh*) I'm surprised that I got involved in anything which had something to do with dancing and music. Perhaps it was the freedom to do as you felt and make it part of the dance, not worrying about what anyone thought or said at that moment.

How I wish this week's theme would go on until the end, but I know that Beth will put a stop to it.

Songs have an effect on me, especially the lyrics, but nothing like this. You'd laugh if you saw me watching movies like Take The Lead. Once it gets to a particular song I turn the volume up to the max and dance around the house. *Blush* Then I repeat it a few times until I can't hear a thing any longer or I'm out of breath. Guess I'm still a kid at heart. *Wink*

And here's the same song from the movie Shall We Dance:

February 17, 2016 at 12:42pm
February 17, 2016 at 12:42pm
I'm not exactly in the mood to do this, or anything for that matter. *Rolleyes* Got to work just to find out that all the meat is frozen and now I have to fix this damn problem. Talked to hubby to send the mechanic back, who was here last night, fixing a different item. *Headbang* That's what you get when you buy used shit for something where it needs to last.

Then I got really *Irritated*! Since hubby was in that accident, he knows he'll get some money back. My hope is to use that money to pay some of our bills which never seem to go away. His thought was to buy a new display with that money. Um, excuse me? Why are we buying new equipment for the business? We have our own shit to deal with! I told him so and all he said was 'yeah, I know'. If the business hasn't made enough money to be able to buy one stinking machine, then that is not our problem. Seriously! Are you fucking kidding me?! I... I can't even get into it right now. I'm just at a loss for words.

I've also made up my mind. Any minute I can, I'll spend it on the site, writing & reviewing, and looking for ways to get some stuff published. For my sake. Not for our sake. If we're going to do things this way, let's do it.

I just... Ugh!

Anyway, here's some music for you to listen to and for me to relax my mind. Yes, it involves Antonio Banderas again. *bigsmikle*

This! *Inlove2*

February 16, 2016 at 1:13pm
February 16, 2016 at 1:13pm

Desperado Soundtrack - Antonio Banderas/Selma Hayek

Is it possible to love an actor just for his dancing skills? I mean, there hasn't been a movie that Antonio Banderas made that I haven't watched, I just adore him, but I do love the music and the dancing he does. There's something about him that is calm and collected, even in an action movie.

I had to look this up, because I knew he was married to Melanie Griffith for the longest time. Looks like he's single again, ladies! *Laugh* There is something about this Spaniard that is unique. Of course I don't know how he is in real life but in the movies, he's quite the charmer. I couldn't imagine that he's much different.

I just might have to do an Antonio Banderas movie binge week. *Laugh*

The weird part about this entry is, I've been wanting to add the song sung by Selma Hayek for the longest time. I also wanted to add the El Mariachi song as well. When I saw the combo of the two in one video, I couldn't resist posting it. How it turned out into an entry about Antonio...well, it's self explanatory I'm sure. *Wink* This is me we're talking about here.

February 15, 2016 at 11:50am
February 15, 2016 at 11:50am

Dreamgirls - Beyonce - Listen

Ah, thank you, Beth! *Laugh*

I've watched the movie Dreamgirls on so many occasions, it's ridiculous. *Blush* The actors are pretty good in it - lots of the famous ones - except Jamie Foxx. He's a good actor, I just don't like him for some reason! Beyonce, well, she actually did a good job here. Back in the day, I used to listen to Destiny's Child, but once they split up, I fell off the band wagon. Perhaps I just grew up.

This song gives me goose bumps every time I hear it. I can't necessarily relate to it word by word, but she did an amazing job with it. Powerful, emotional, on the verge of tears and yet strong enough to keep going. Loved it! Her recorded version of it with her own video clip isn't too bad, but it really doesn't do the song justice. In the movie, there was so much more emotion while she sang, I had to find the clip for that. Even that is partly edited but still better.

I think I loved this song for what it was - the belief in yourself. You have the power to change things, to change your life and do what you want, you just need to find the strength that will give you the push in the right direction. When a soul is broken, it's hard to find your way back to your former self. Picking up bits and pieces along the way and gluing them back together has never been easy. The truth is, you will never be complete. Some will be missing while new pieces will be added to it. That's alright. It's what makes you stronger. Whatever you do, no matter what, you have to believe in yourself. Don't wait or expect someone else to believe in you first before you can do it. It's on you!
February 15, 2016 at 10:08am
February 15, 2016 at 10:08am
Got snowed in yesterday and instead of working at the shop by myself, I ended up working at the slaughterhouse. Wasn't a bad deal but we worked longer, not to mention, I worked my butt off. On Valentine's Day! And because of all that I missed writing an entry... sort of. *Rolleyes*

Scotty McCreery - See you tonight

This kid. Yeah, kid. I like his songs and I like him. His voice though... It doesn't sound young at all, or well, he doesn't sound that young. He was here last night. *Bigsmile* We hung out, had drinks... Yeah, right! *Laugh*

No, he was at the casino and I really wanted to go see him in concert but $300 per person just to ogle him? Too rich for my blood. They had cheaper tickets but I didn't feel like being all the way in the back somewhere squinting my eyes just to see him on the actual stage. *Frown* So, we didn't go. Missed my chance.

And speaking of budgets, I really need to put my ass on one. I have no idea how to do it. I'm usually good with money which is a surprise that I like spending more than I can handle. *Think* I'm going to have to figure some things out, I guess.

It's still early in the day. There's snow on the ground and an entire day off for me. Whooo! *Rolling* I might just go roll in the snow with the puppies, then come back and do more reviewing, writing, and setting up some serious schedules for me.

I'm also curious about this week's theme... *Think* Let it be something good. Please, let it be something good. *Laugh*

February 13, 2016 at 8:11pm
February 13, 2016 at 8:11pm

Kelly Family - I can't help myself

It really sucks when you can't find your Soundtrackers blog in your own port - thus, going to the Sountrackers page and looking for it there. *Laugh* Ah, life can be quite interesting at times.

I must say that this song, this group, this time in my life counts as guilty pleasure. *Bigsmile* To be a teenager again and not have a care in the world? Of course, it wasn't all peaches and cream, but there were some really good times to be had.

I'm not sure if anyone in the States even knows this group. They're from England and were a huge hit in Germany in the 90ies. I tried very hard not to like them and ignored any comments about them, but secretly I bought their CD when it came out. *Laugh* Such a dork! *Geek* It sort of marks my teenage years.

I feel like I've come full circle. I'm back to talking about Germany again. A repetitive step which happens at least once a year. Unavoidable. *Think* It will always be home. *Heart*
February 12, 2016 at 10:40pm
February 12, 2016 at 10:40pm
I'm beat! Could be this weather. Whatever. Two more days of work doesn't sound too appealing either. *Rolleyes* Someone's gotta do it I guess. Might as well be me. I can't even sell a quarter of a cow, while they sell the rest of it at the slaughter house. Maybe I'm not even trying. Um, let me rephrase that. I'm so not trying. I'm reviewing while at work. *Laugh* *Facepalm* Hey, whatever get's the job done. And then Sunday is Valentine's Day. Not that I really care. *Think*

Choice of song today... I honestly haven't even thought of it. But I did think about last year's Soundtrackers and how I slacked off for a day and that was the end of me and my blogging. Kind of surprising that I'm still in it to win it, so to speak. I mean, I'm actually up for it still! *Laugh* No offense to Beth. My mood has nothing to do with her or her activity. When I jump ship it's always my fault, no one else's. So to see me still chuggin' along is rather surprising. *Bigsmile*

And now I know my guilty pleasure for today! *Delight*

Craig Morgan - International Harvester

I've never watched the video but I've heard this song way too many times. *Rolling*

When we lived in Sedalia, both hubby and I went back and forth to St. Louis on the weekends. Not every weekend, but off and on. That's back when I had three day weekends and hated my boss. Anyway, highway 70 would have been the closest highway to us, but we took the scenic route on state route 50. You know, two way road with only one lane on each side. I loved taking that road! God, how many times I got stuck behind a tractor driver just chugging along. Didn't mind it one bit though. The ride had always been relaxing. I miss it.

On one of those rides, we drove together, I almost hit a lady in an electric wheelchair. The road curved quite a lot and I took a curve just to see a lady getting her mail. She saw me! She looked and there she went speeding 2mph to cross the street, while I drove 60mph. *Rolleyes* I have no idea what she was thinking but she reached the other side of the road, my side mind you, just before I zoomed by. *CarW* Yeah, I drive a Mazda. *Wink* Zoom, zoom, zoom...

The song always makes me think of that road, and sometimes of that crazy old lady with a death wish.

February 11, 2016 at 1:31pm
February 11, 2016 at 1:31pm

I'm unclear when it comes to the original singer of this song, but it's a beautiful song nevertheless. Especially the Julie Andrews version. There was also a clip of Yul Brynner and Deborah Kerr which was even a more beautiful version of the song.

The movie itself is my guilty pleasure, but I chose it today, because today marks what would have been my mom's 61st birthday. She loved the movies, dancing and music, and Richard Gere. She always said that dad resembled him, although he looked more like James Dean in his younger years, and married him because of that. *Bigsmile*

I got a whiff of her perfume this morning when I walked into the bathroom. A split second, but it was there...

She was always so proud of me and my writing. She never saw the bad in life, or in my poems, and many of my poems made her cry. I guess they were close to her heart. Mom always loved the sob stories when it came to movies, so why not poetry, right?

I don't think this will ever be easy to write - to write about her.

That woman was so full of life, restricted only by her own family who never let her have a normal life. There was always something they needed, required. Music and dance filled her life and so, they filled my life. We've jammed in the car together, in our old and rusty Beretta, cruising down the road, smoking, enjoying life. Ah, good memories. We've had parties which lasted until the morning hours with only me and her dancing and singing. How I miss those times.

On my way to work an old friend from Germany sent me a message, an invitation really, to her wedding. Today, of all days. Mom always loved her and she loved mom. Franciska always said she wished she had parents like mine. I didn't mind sharing. They adored her.

Then there was this feeling... So strange. I felt that, all of a sudden, I knew that everything will fall into place and everything will be alright. It felt good. Perhaps I'm just imagining things. Then again, I don't experience such big change on a regular basis. I just wish she were here to share everything with her. Maybe she already knows them already.

And so, on this particular day I ask, "Shall we dance, mom?" *Kiss* *Heart*

February 10, 2016 at 12:49pm
February 10, 2016 at 12:49pm

Alicia Keys - A woman's worth

Here we are back on track. *UmbrellaW* I just lack time to go through all the other entries - I've got reviews to do. *Frown* Not to mention, random strangers are walking in asking about things that I don't do. *Rolleyes*

So, here we are with another guilty pleasure entry. You know what the worst part of this is? My mind took that as a literal meaning. God! *Facepalm* I can't help it. You say guilty pleasure, I think, well, sex, romance, you know, all those things. *Blush* It sucks, but truth be told, that is my true guilty pleasure in songs, in real life, in my own mind, if you want to go there and explore. *Laugh* Just sayin'.

I feel as if I need to write an XGC story and get things off my mind. *Laugh* I mean, A Woman's Worth isn't very sexual, but it does explain what a woman wants. Lyn's a Witchy Woman, isn't that right? *Bigsmile* Sometimes we want to punch the male in the face, but most times, they're manageable.

I love the exploration and reading body language almost as much as the act of making love. Don't you think it's fascinating? Come on! I know you secretly do. The lingering look, the hunger visible in someone's eyes, the tongue brushing against their lips, the touch, the caress, the sigh, hot breath against naked flesh, the soft kiss that burns the skin...

How can you not like that?! If everything else is right: the guy/girl, the mood, the music or lack thereof, the setting can be irrelevant, you cannot tell me you wouldn't enjoy something like that. No? Nothing? Perhaps it's just me then. *Think*

February 9, 2016 at 11:46pm
February 9, 2016 at 11:46pm
I'm late, I'm late for a very important date! *Shock2* I didn't plan on doing this entry this late, but gosh darn it, I was doing reviews all day and then WebWitch Miss you, Mom! got busted and got herself thrown in jail again by Cupid, then dad called saying his wife's cell didn't work. Went online and did that live chat thing, while dad stood in the Sprint store and talking to me... Three hours later nothing got solved. After that I had to rush home and install a printer because, damn it all to hell, installing a printer onto a computer requires you to be a scientist apparently. Took five minutes and at least that problem was solved.

So, that was my day. *Bigsmile* I mean, it was good, just time got away from me is all. As for the song of the day... My guilty pleasure is...

I was going to go with a German song, but then saw that ~Minja~ went with Rammstein, so I decided to skip it for today. *Bigsmile* Instead, here's something in our language, Bosnian. No translation for the lyrics though. Sorry, folks. *Wink* I mean, the title and the video speak for themselves. And is it a guilty pleasure of mine? You bet! *Devilish* In many ways...

You have to understand something... I'm a Scorpio in every sense of the word... *Heart*

February 8, 2016 at 10:02am
February 8, 2016 at 10:02am

Katy Perry - I kissed a girl

Oh, God, Beth will be the death of me with these themes. *Laugh* This week's theme: Guilty Pleasures. I'm going to have a hard time finding songs for this week. I don't know what I'd consider such a thing. Well, except this song, maybe. *Bigsmile*

Geez! *Facepalm*

So why this song and how did it come to my attention? *Blush* I believe the title says it all. *Laugh* I swear, I read Guilty Pleasures and this was the first song that popped in my head. I'm not a fan of Katy Perry at all, but when I heard it the first time, it made me smile.

I doubt anyone wants me to go into details with this. *Think* I know I don't. Oh, this is going to be a bad week! I can already feel it. *Laugh* So, there! I kissed a few girls and I liked it.

*goes into hiding*

February 7, 2016 at 3:32pm
February 7, 2016 at 3:32pm

Alright! After much searching and looking and listening, I decided this is the song for me to end the One Hit Wonders obsession. *Laugh*

I've listened to this song what feels like a long time ago. A German band, go figure, but I've never much paid attention to the actual video. Sad. So many years have passed since they sang about the change in the world, a better future, a place for the younger generation to have more safety. And while technology has advanced in so many ways and directions, the world had stayed the same. We didn't get smarter, we didn't improve, hell, we learned nothing! We still fight the same wars, we still have the same issues and no one will ever change that. It's like a predictable cycle. A rerun of bad decisions and stupid people with lack of their own vision.

Those who do stand up with a vision for a better future, they either lose track of it along the way or are hindered by something or someone and the world seems to be standing still. Nothing will change. We are not capable of good change. We are good at destroying things and being selfish, rather satisfying our own needs than trying to find the good which will benefit everyone.

One person can change the world? How's that working for us so far? *Think*

*Meh* Too serious of a subject on a Sunday afternoon. I'm looking forward to the next week and new theme to see what Beth has decided to torture us with. *Bigsmile*

February 6, 2016 at 3:29pm
February 6, 2016 at 3:29pm

Oh. My. God! I don't even know why I'm sitting at this shop. *Think* All I've had today are visitors, not customers. On the other hand, I talked to someone whom I haven't talked to in... Almost ten years I think. I'm questioning it. Not the conversation, but the whole we're back to talking again part. We've had a huge fight and a falling out - we were good friends for a long time - and now... Now, it's almost as if nothing ever happened. Can I trust it? Can I trust him? My guess is, I'll keep my guard up, in any case.

Other than that, I ordered myself a new organizer purse type of thing. Total cost came out to $16.90 and in my humble opinion that's money well spent. What do you think? I have one that I use for work and carry all my notebooks, book and laptop in it, but it doesn't have any compartments, so everything gets squished inside it and I always have to take everything out before I find something. This will do the trick, I guess.

And now for the song choice of the day...

It's February and this song reminds me of that one day (also in February) in Germany where we all get to dress up in white at the crack of dawn and start drinking. Those were some good times! Walking around town with baby bottles full of the good stuff and refilling it well into the night where we end up at some bar to celebrate Hemadlenz'n. All the Oldies played on that day - hell, probably most of the One Hit Wonders I've heard on that day. *Think* Miss those times. Miss my old friends. I just miss Germany in general.
February 5, 2016 at 10:37pm
February 5, 2016 at 10:37pm

The Neville Brothers - Bird On A Wire

Eh, I started this entry early this morning at work and look what time it is! *Facepalm* Haven't had a busy day customer-wise, but I've had a guy deliver some products for the store and that took forever to sort out, put prices on each dang item and then sort it on the shelves. *Vomit* One good thing came out of it. *Bigsmile* I've been jammin' to music all day at work. I mean, Metallica, AC/DC, Guns 'n Roses, Aerosmith, you name it, I've heard it today. *Laugh* Today was definitely a fun day.

Damn this word definitely. I've been using it way too much lately. Everything's been so definitely something. *Rolleyes*

Went shopping after work to get the puppies new leashes. The 250lbs limit on these things doesn't do shit for them. They go through them like it's candy. I've seen them chew on it until the work is done. If we let them off their leashes, they go to the slaughterhouse and slaughter chickens for fun. *Rolleyes* Anyway. Yeah, went shopping to buy that and soda, came out with a cart full of crap, minus $320 and still no leashes. *Laugh* I'm such a dumb ass! Did buy myself a router finally so I can use my laptop at home - in case I get pushed off my chair again. *Think*

Came home to find the puppies (these dogs are over 120lbs *Angelic*) stuck, as always, around something. Come to find out, they lodged one of the leashes under the trailer we have. So, here's Gaby with a flash light in the middle of the yard trying to lift a freaking trailer to get the dang leash out. *Headbang* I ended up using a small shovel to make enough room under the hitch thingy to slide the leash through. Both Bonnie and Clyde came to investigate and I kept saying 'dig!' to no avail. Bonnie looked at me, did the paw thing on the ground as if she's considering the digging part, looked closer at what she'd be digging out, turned around and sat next to me while I kept digging on my knees. Dogs!

Walked in the house, got all the crap out of the car, and got out a new snack bag for Tarzan. It said Catnip Flavor, so I figured he'd like it. Gave him half a hand full and walked away. He's been sitting in the kitchen looking at the ceiling and talking ever since. *Rolleyes* What can I say?

What a day! *Heart*

February 4, 2016 at 1:23pm
February 4, 2016 at 1:23pm

Something relaxing and mellow for today. I need it. It's just one of those days where everything is fine, but I'm not. I don't feel fine, my mind is overthinking shit, and I feel as if I'm carrying a fucking cow on my back. Yeah, that's the type of a day I'm having. Everything gets on my nerves - every word gets on my nerves. I get pissed off rather easily when I'm in such a mood.

Go figure, right? Even Gaby has her moments.

I also hate explaining or trying to even explain to someone why I'm in such a mood. I just am. I can't help it and when I try to fix my mood, it only works for a little while before I revert to Mrs. Bitchy. Then, everyone else gets mad at me for being moody. I can't help it! Just leave me alone and it'll pass.


I'll be around. *Heart*

February 3, 2016 at 12:49pm
February 3, 2016 at 12:49pm

Alannah Myles - Black Velvet

I tried finding something German, but I got stuck listening to music for the past hour. No can do! I've got things to do. So, I chose this song instead. To tell you the truth, I've always liked this song for no particular reason. The music appealed to me. It relaxes my mind and doesn't leave room for thinking. With yesterday's entry, my mind was in the clouds for the rest of the day. I can't have that. *Laugh*

It's funny though. Old songs and lyrics are so different from the ones of today. There's that c-rap everyone listens to. *Rolleyes* Three songs and I get a headache. How people can listen to it, I have no idea. It just gets on my nerves. Many people tell me I should listen to the lyrics and I'll like the song. What lyrics? Who can even understand what the hell they say in those songs anyway?!

Eh, might as well tell you about my night last night while I'm here. Hubby got a new car finally. Kia Optima. Blue. Mmmmmm, that thing's got my name written all over it! *Inlove2* Haven't gotten a chance to drive it yet though.

Then, when I got home, getting ready to do some reviewing, I got pushed off my chair, literally, by my cat because he felt like napping at 8pm. That means I got nothing done. That's why I'm off to do some damage right now.

Hey! Before I escape here - zwisis is back on WdC! *Heart* Finally! Check out her port! She's amazing.

February 2, 2016 at 12:48pm
February 2, 2016 at 12:48pm

This song has been on my mind forever! I'm not sure if it fits the One Hit Wonder, but from what I've seen, he mostly sings everyone else's songs. I've looked and listened to other choices, but decided to go with this one. The weather is perfect for it. Gloomy, rainy, cold - the kind of weather where you want to do nothing but lay in bed and, well, you know. *Blush* ...read a book or something, right? Uh-huh.

A long time ago, back in Germany, I used to buy CD's like a crazy person. Somehow I ended up with a mixed CD of slow songs and this particular song was on it. I can't remember the rest of them, because all I did was listen to this song repeatedly. You have to understand, I was a big dreamer, even back then, and of course, as a girl, had all sorts of romantic notions. I've had crushes left and right. *Bigsmile* All my friends did.

Then there was this German/Italian guy. *drool* *Inlove2* Ah, to be a teenager again. *Laugh* Anyway, we've met through mutual friends, hung out together for years, or at least it felt that way. I've dreamed of that guy, just adored him. Dark brown eyes, long lashes... Definitely more Italian than German. It's weird how something as simple as a look or a touch can matter so much when you're young. The thing is, he was always a good friend and nothing more, but I'm pretty sure he knew I had a crush on him. He was always nice to me, polite, gentle, sweet. Never made fun of me. And those lips... *Kiss* *Think*

Such a long time ago...

I might have written about him before. *Blush* He's not the one who got away - he was never that guy - just a crush from a very long time ago. When I heard that he killed himself at the age of 19, I wasn't shocked or devastated; somehow I knew. And so, the longest crush I ever had stayed with me like a dream. There are still days where I think of him. I guess this song's for him.

February 1, 2016 at 10:49am
February 1, 2016 at 10:49am

At first I had to look to find a song that I know that was a One Hit Wonder. I mean, how many bands are there that had a single hit and were never heard from again?! Turns out a lot. There are actually at least a dozen which I remember very well.

I've completely forgotten this song! Hell, who wouldn't? I was barely nine when it came out. It was considered the music of the world. *Laugh* My parents did listen to everything outside the Bosnia realm but I was too young and didn't.

This song brings memories back. *Think* Right before winter break our class always had a party with food and drinks, music and dancing. I wasn't much of a dancer back then. My thing was singing. *Facepalm* We chose our own music for the party as well. God! I remember wearing some gaudy, sparkling leggings and a brownish type of tunic shirt. *Laugh* I can't believe I used to dress like that! It was the cool thing to wear.

Weird. Back then I was the shy, smart girl who hung out with the cool kids, yet always staying in the background. Things sure have changed. Or did they? *Think* There are still moments of shyness in my life and at times I prefer to be in the background. Never liked to be the center of attention. Guess, when you grow up and out of that teenage or junior stage, you don't care what anyone else thinks and you do your thing. So, yeah, I still sing and dance to songs of the past. No one can take that away.

~ Gaby *Witchhat*
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February 6, 2015 at 9:16pm
February 6, 2015 at 9:16pm

*Bigsmile* Well, hellooooo! Yes, Zac Efron again! *Laugh*

Okay, but it's really this song from the movie The Lucky One.

Joshua Radin - You Got What I Need (OST The Lucky One)

I wanted to see that movie so bad that I managed to get it before it even came out on DVD. *Bigsmile* *Angel* I've watched Zac Efron in the Musical movies, but this one... I loved it and I loved him in it. Yes, he's short, but dang it, he's so cute in this movie. The quiet, mysterious type and I'll watch it every time I see it's on television. I like Johnny Depp and his movies, actually adore the guy, but Zac... Yummy.

If you haven't watched it, you should. As long as you like cheese romance movies. *Bigsmile* Ah, wish it was on television right now. I'm in that kind of mood. Work was slow and shitty, I've got the sense of being lost, and well, a girl just needs some time in her own world sometimes. *Kiss*

February 5, 2015 at 10:23pm
February 5, 2015 at 10:23pm
*Laugh* I'm definitely not Fivesixer when it comes to blogging but since he called me out, saying it feels like 2008 now that Julie D - PUBLISHED! and I are blogging again, I better keep going.

I was looking through songs and clicking random stuff, until I realized that I look for the same thing over and over again...

LMFAO - Sexy and I Know It

And, of course,

Pitbull - I Know You Want Me (Calle Ocho) OFFICIAL VIDEO

If you don't see the common denominator, I really can't help you. *Laugh*

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