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Rated: GC · Book · Writing · #2027294
Created for the Soundtrackers Challenges

...when the music moves the soul...

The Soundtrack of Your Life  (18+)
Every February, you're invited to chronicle the music that has influenced your life!
#1970896 by Jeff

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February 5, 2015 at 4:05pm
February 5, 2015 at 4:05pm
Dag nabbit, cheezits on toast, I didn't get a chance to do my entry last night. Tarzan wouldn't shut up until I went to bed. It got below freezing outside and I didn't feel like sitting in the basement without any heat, instead I did things on the stupid tablet. I finally got done at 11 pm and took my exhausted butt to bed, Tarzan on my heels. When hubby got home at two something, I got a smack in the face from Tarzan, and a bite on my finger before he at last settled his plumpy butt on my cheek and when to bed. *Rolleyes* He was back in action by 6:30 am, hiding under the bed and meowing away, because he knew we'd toss him out of the room if we could only get to him.

Tell me, how do you deal with cats who talk non-stop?

While I don't mind it during the week so much, on my day off the last thing I want to do is be woken up at the crack of dawn. Doc said he's just that type of cat, but it's starting to be ridiculous with a cat telling me when it's bed time and wake up time. But, good grief, he cracks me up! He pouts and turns his back on me when I don't do what he expects of me, but he loves kissing me, snugling with me in bed, and being held in my arms, yes, just like a baby, while he looks at everything he could get ahold of. I know, I know, I spoil him way too much! *Blush* we cook together, we're ALWAYS in the bathroom together.. while he doesn't like getting a bath, he wants the water running in the bathtub so he can wash up while I brush my teeth. I guess he's got that from seeing me take a shower. No clue. The other day, he sat inside the bathroom sink while the water was running, slid his butt under it and started cleaning himself. Is this normal for a cat?!

And now for the song choice...

Christina Aguilera - Bound To You (Official Video) BURLESQUE

Such a difference from what I started with and I know it doesn't really fit with the beginning of my entry, but I love this song and I don't care. Christina Aguilera isn't my favorite singer, but the girl has a powerful voice. You've got to admit that.

When the movie Burlesque came out, the mix of Christina and Cher didn't sound all that exciting. And then I watched it, and I was in love - with the movie, with the actors, and especially the music.

Mariah Carey may be the only one to hit the highest note, but her songs haven't grown up, if that makes sense. She hasn't grown up.

Christina's chatacter in the movie,... Well, I won't tell you if you haven't seen it, but I'll tell you that she did a pretty good job. And Cher, she's herself - classy, stubborn, tough, yet still beautiful, if you ignore all her plastic surgery. *Laugh*

February 3, 2015 at 10:35pm
February 3, 2015 at 10:35pm

Joe Nichols - Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off

Not much going on tonight... I mean, obviously. *Laugh* If Tequila makes my clothes fall off, what more is there to say? *Laugh*

This is one of my favorite Tequila songs, and Tequila the drink has been my favorite for over... Let's just say, it's been my favorite drink since I was 14. *Bigsmile* Don't judge. Germany had and has different rules and there's always that one bar which will serve to minors.

I don't know, to be honest, why I like that drink. It's vile. Poison. Horrible. And yet, I still like to take a swig once in a while; special occasion. There was that one incident where it had a really, I mean, really bad effect on me, but we don't talk about that. I don't know if I'll ever share that story with anyone. *Laugh* *Facepalm* That's how bad it was.

But, two years ago, New Years. We had only two friends over, guys, and we figured we'd make it a mellow night; you know, chill, play cards, eat, drink. Nothing special. Yeah, right! *Rolleyes* They brought a Patron bottle. We played poker and drank, and drank, and drank some more. I, the oldest and the most responsible one, decided that the last shots from the bottle weren't enough. We had to have more.

Ten minutes 'til Midnight, one of our buddies and I drove to Walmart - because Walmart never closes - to get another bottle. *Facepalm* It was icy and snowing and, believe it or not, I was so drunk that I couldn't even remember where Walmart was! Our friend who drove three hours to get to our house told me the way. *Rolleyes* At Midnight, we were at the cash register, getting phone calls about our whereabouts. I almost peed myself that night at the store because of the beer consumption.

Anywho, we made it home safely, although I parked halfway on the street, involuntarily because of all the ice in the driveway. We opened that bottle and it was gone after not even two hours. Before I crawled up the stairs to go to the bathroom, the boys were having a blast. So was I, but clearly my bladder wasn't. I managed it up the stairs and inside the bathroom and when I walked back out, I looked down the stairs and that was it! I knew there was no way in hell I'd survive walking down the stairs. I went to bed. Apparently I changed clothes and put on my PJs but I was out before my head even touched the pillow.

So what's the lesson to be learned here?

1. Don't drink and drive
2. Pee before you leave the house
3. Be conscious enough to know when certain tasks are simply impossible for you
4. And keep your clothes on at all times!

And here's a pic of Tarzan in front of my screen, again! Yes, he's the cat. *Laugh*

Sorry, guys, I have got to call it a night. I wish I could visit your blogs and check out the songs but I'll try to do that tomorrow. *Heart*

February 2, 2015 at 10:41pm
February 2, 2015 at 10:41pm

What's this song make you think of? *Bigsmile* Hmm?

I love Blake Shelton songs. Any song. I just love him. Hubby says I'd leave him for Blake, or for Hugh Jackman, or Sean Connery. *Laugh* Apparently, the choices are endless. Tall, dark, handsome. My kind of guy. And if he's got chest hair and facial hair.... Arrrrrrrr, ay caramba! *Heart* *Laugh*

But seriously though. This song just makes me want to snuggle under a blanket and cuddle. Otherwise, it makes me wants to slow dance. Hubby doesn't dance. Period! Unless he has a few drinks and I get close enough... Then it's on! *Laugh* He's really not much of a dancer, my man, so I don't blame him.

One night, we went to a country club, hicks and all. Quite the experience and such a difference from the bars we used to go to. Lot's of line dancing, which I don't do. This song came on and he dragged me onto the dance floor to slow dance. *Shock* *Inlove* It's one of those rare moments you want to remember, but you're too tipsy and know that you won't remember every detail, and yet it's still worth it.

And then, there are moments you wish to forget; completely erase from your mind, but that's a story for another night. *Bigsmile* *Pthb*

Tarzan's climbing all over my keyboard and sitting in front of the screen, so I'm guessing it's bed time for this girl. *Kiss* Later, guys!

February 1, 2015 at 8:00pm
February 1, 2015 at 8:00pm
This is going to be the hardest challenge for me this month, or even a year. *Laugh* Writing a journal entry every day? I hope it happens. I can't plan ahead, especially not when it comes to music. It always depends on the mood I'm in. So why did I pick this song?

Meghan Trainor - All About That Bass

Well, ever since the butcher shop opened up and I plugged that radio in, this song's been playing day in and day out. It's nothing special really, but I like the beat *Bigsmile* and I actually like the lyrics. And every time it comes on, guess what I do. I shake it. *Facepalm* Yeah, I'm horrible like that! I wish someone could take a picture of me in my outfit for better imagination. *Laugh* Even when customers arrive, I lean on the counter and shake my booty. *Blush* No one complained as of yet.

It puts me in a good mood and that's the most important thing, isn't it?

To be quite honest, I haven't listened to any kind of music in a long time. I mean, really listened! My mind is full enough and without an outlet, such as writing, I can't take it. Perhaps the Soundtrackers can help with this. I say they can.

If I had listened to music today though, I wouldn't have gotten anything done. I'm not sure how it works for you but I need quiet time when working on something, and today I worked! Not at the actual work place, no. I took the day off. And what a miserable day it was. Cold and rain with a false promise of lots of snow. Typical weather people. It worked out though. I got lots done on WdC.

Hubby asked why I took a day off if I didn't do anything around the house? *Confused* It is possible to take an extra day off, especially since the boss allows it, just to relax? Not every day has to contain a damn chore, now does it?! *Rolleyes* Good thing he's watching the Super Bowl. I mean, he hasn't watched a single game in, well, since he met me. It must be an important game. *Laugh*

Anyway It's been a long day for me and now that I've listened to the song and have finished "P.E.N.C.I.L. Anniversary Fundraiser and "Invalid Item I think I deserve to go and shake it a bit, right? I need to stretch anyway because this sitting all day long isn't what I'm used to anymore. *Heart*

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