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by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #2088946
A folder for my writing August 2017 & July 2016
Sig from bids

House Florent Image for G.o.T.


omething marvelous about writing and language...

                                                           Both can always be done better.

                                                 This item will be no exception to that rule.

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August 30, 2017 at 8:04pm
August 30, 2017 at 8:04pm
94 words, 16 lines
form: common-measure quatrains
House Florent Image for G.o.T.

a terrible fate’s in power now
its fingerprints I couldn’t spot
but I know that curved signature
it belongs to me on the dot

anosmia* had I to shame’s stench
since I played for fortune and fame
nearsighted, I couldn’t discern
villain’s folly, my flagrant game

many selves had I to manage
while disaster was on the way
the lightning hit at story’s end
a life wide open and astray

a terrible fate’s in power now
its fingerprints I couldn’t spot
but I know that curved signature
it belongs to me on the dot

*anosmia: loss of the sense of smell
Prompt: As my story came to a close I realized I was the villain all along.
August 30, 2017 at 6:42pm
August 30, 2017 at 6:42pm
97 words 26 lines
Free Form
House Florent Image for G.o.T.

before she returned to the living
an inspiration explosion
a sudden burst of light

such a crime she couldn’t
push the story right out
but neither could she
conjure silence,
for she wanted it to be
touched by reality

so she bled in red
words and scribbles
and bottomless
abyss of concepts
as she chewed pencils
with an itch
she couldn’t identify

and then,
she folded her sorrow
into neat corners
and stored them in
word chests
like bedsheets
as if her trousseau

in a sudden burst of light
an inspiration explosion
before she returned to the living


15. A writer's heart bleeds words.
August 30, 2017 at 12:42pm
August 30, 2017 at 12:42pm
51 words, 12 lines
Haiku chain
House Florent Image for G.o.T.

in the wide-eyed night
all stars have disappeared
like old farewell flags

on one lone thin leg
its beak tucked under a wing
great blue heron sleeps

at the riverbank
September winds poke and nudge
dead fish and beer cans

while hours are rushing
aged hearts with jilted dreams
in violation

11. The stars have disappeared.
August 30, 2017 at 12:03pm
August 30, 2017 at 12:03pm
60 Words, 15 lines
House Florent Image for G.o.T.

A reason exists why
my shadow is speechless
for when I skipped to the end
of the lane, I tripped
over it.

Now it's lying flat on
the asphalt, pitiful in
baggy shorts out-of-fashion,
crooked, grim
under dim lights.

No, it can’t be my real self
wavering, awestruck, but then,
why does its outline dim,
like a portentous raven,

7. What if you tripped over your own shadow?
August 30, 2017 at 9:19am
August 30, 2017 at 9:19am
86 words 25 lines
Free Form
House Florent Image for G.o.T.

like a face faded
the journal on the seat
beckons him to read
and not push away
its bruised cover

the writer’s initials
like lost hieroglyphs
compete with her
shady, ill-fated life
tangled in fragments

countless epics
of shimmer or chaos
a glimpse at things
found or lost
or the day’s news.

not true poetry
on a windless breath
but a spectral text
serving to reveal
Emerson is dead

yet, his undue act
a sinful trespass
into someone’s script
while his thoughts trip
on muddied tracks

5. He found the journal on the train.
August 30, 2017 at 12:03am
August 30, 2017 at 12:03am
971 words
House Florent Image for G.o.T.

The house was dark.

There was no moon. In the mild early summer night, except for a few stars, the only light came from a distant street light, throwing eerie shadows.

I parked the car in the driveway and walked to the front door, the click clicks from my heels annoying me to no end. I didn’t want to be here, but I needed the extra money from these moonlighting jobs, and Nick at the agency said a man had called and told him that he was in dire need for an adult babysitter who was experienced with challenged kids. His daughter was an eight-year old, and as he had to leave immediately and for several hours, he asked that the babysitter they would be sending should just come in through the unlocked front door.

I pushed the door open.

The entrance light was turned off. In the dark, I searched along the wall for the switch but couldn’t find it. I walked inside, groping the side of a wall, and finally found a switch. I saw that I had made it into a fancy living room.

At that moment, I heard a sudden movement behind me. I turned around. A huge man stood there, about a dozen feet away. He had a face that looked disfigured as if he was just beaten up at the rink. He grinned and nodded at me, licking his lips.

“Hello,” I said. “I am Meredith Williams. The babysitter. They told me you’d be gone, Mr. Snyder.”

He took a step toward me, then stopped and nodded.

“Is your daughter in her room?”

He flexed his large hands.

“What daughter?” He had a low growl of a voice.

“Sorry, they must have given me the wrong address,” I said.

“No, they didn’t.” His eyes glinted in amusement.

He took another long stride toward me. Now, I worried, not scared but on alert.

This was ridiculous. How could the agency do this to me!

“If there’s no child, I should go,” I said, backing away from him, but he was now standing in the entryway. I wondered if there might be another door, another exit, but I saw none.

I reached into my purse and found the pepper spray, and then, urged by a powerful survival instinct, I held the spray up, its nozzle toward the man.

“Please, you are making me uncomfortable. Let me go!”

He rushed at me, in only a couple of strides. I pushed on the nozzle. He screamed like a wounded gorilla.

“You shouldn’t do that to Frank,” said a wispy child’s voice. Then, I spotted an angelic-looking little girl in a lacy nightgown standing in the hallway. She had beautiful green eyes and long blonde hair cascading behind her and around her face.

“Olivia?” I asked.

“Yes, that’s me. Daddy said you’d come.” She skipped all the way to the living room and reached to hold my hand.

I looked at the large man who was now rubbing his eyes with his two large hands.

“Your daddy? But he’s …” I looked at the large man again.

“He’s not my daddy. He’s Frank. Are you scared?”

“Should I be?” But I was...annoyed and furious.

“No. I made Frank up. He is not real. He came from here.” She motioned to her head. “Look, I can make him disappear.” She closed her eyes and opened them.

I looked to where the large man was standing. But there was nobody there. Frank had really disappeared.

Challenged kid? No way this girl was challenged. On the contrary, she was challenging. If I could, I would leave, but leave a helpless little girl alone? But she wasn’t helpless, was she?

“I am sorry I hurt him,” I said. “But I was worried he could hurt me.”

“He could because he’s Frank. You shouldn’t spray him, though. He hates that.”

“I don’t know if you need me, Olivia, since you can have Frank here, again…to…to keep you company.”

“You might want to give me some ice-cream,” she said.

“If you can create Frank, can’t you create ice-cream, too?” I asked.

“No, I can only create monsters. The kitchen’s this way.” She took my hand again and pulled me through the long hallway into the kitchen.

Amazing! This kitchen was a state of the art like the rest of the house.

I found a dish, opened the freezer, and took out the ice-cream.

“Isn’t it a bit late for ice-cream?” I asked while spooning it into the dish.

“Daddy never lets me, but don’t tell him.” She stared at me thoughtfully.

“I won’t tell him,” I said, tensing up.

“That means you and I can be okay together. Can you read me a monster story, too?”

“Sure,” I said. “Why not! After you finish your ice-cream, though.”

“You’re nice,” she said. “Just because I sent Frank on you, you didn’t yell at me.”

“No, I don’t yell at nice little girls.”

She giggled. “I am not nice. You should see the dinosaur I made up for Mrs. Millett. She was my first-grade teacher, but I don’t go to school, anymore.”

“What happened to Mrs. Millett?”

“She decided to quit teaching. You can be my teacher if you wish. Daddy is looking for someone to homeschool me.”

“Your daddy wouldn’t want me. I don’t have a license to teach,” I said. “But I’ll read you a bedtime story.”

“A monster story!” She gave me an insistent glare.

“Of course, Olivia,” I said. “Whatever you want.”

Actually, teaching is my day job, but Olivia didn’t need to know that.

August 29, 2017 at 7:29pm
August 29, 2017 at 7:29pm
27 lines, 112 words
Free Verse
House Florent Image for G.o.T.

it is a habit with you
to get lost,
dear Snow White
it must have something to do
with the seven
that did everything for you,
seven angels or seven demons
can you tell?

but you never longed
to break that fine streak
the tension in which you drift
every day, and every which way
holding your breath
closing your eyes
not watching your step,
and why do you live
in a daze
through grids,
circles and spirals?

you should know
that no prince ever
drew a map for anyone
to find their way, and
one more thing,
how can you get lost
in a castle when
the castle is all yours?


6. She got lost in the castle.
August 29, 2017 at 7:00pm
August 29, 2017 at 7:00pm
15 lines 57 words
Free Verse
House Florent Image for G.o.T.

what you abandon,
abandons you
like the dreams you let go
or sight of the splendor
in fir trees under snow
or the Ravel’s unearthly
Gaspard de la Nuit

but the eye contact
you hold on to
for a little too long
is a poisonous stinger
leaving you lost
about the proper way
to say goodbye


3. Eye contact is a dangerous thing.
August 29, 2017 at 6:03pm
August 29, 2017 at 6:03pm
97 words, 23 lines
Free Verse
House Florent Image for G.o.T.

inside star systems
dark matter plots
the course we take
in a future past
or mythic times of yore...
you think?

and with minds turning into
dusty panes
when we strut, looking up
not seeing, not knowing
where we are going,
something gets lost
along the way and
in a busy city, so many turns
we shuffle through
and miss a turn or two
or maybe the wrong turn
is itself the catalyst.

Such is the fate of our tales
so spun by the hand
that wields the steel, since
even Ceasar didn’t expect
to be stabbed.


13. Wrong turns in life.
August 29, 2017 at 4:42pm
August 29, 2017 at 4:42pm
20 lines, 87 words
Free Verse
House Florent Image for G.o.T.

A tiny flattened beach stone
in the shape of a heart
once we found together
you and I
under a cloudless sky.

You painted it red
with a spray can, then
you drilled a hole so
a chain could pass through
while I stared unbelieving
since I would be leaving
in a day or two.

Now blaming the fate
and the writing on the wall
I touch the pendant
around my neck
as the memento
of a lovely day
that left a hole
in a stone heart.


40. A trinket which means something.
August 29, 2017 at 3:57pm
August 29, 2017 at 3:57pm
19 Lines 77 words
Free Verse
House Florent Image for G.o.T.

she curves as if turning
from her human shape
into petals flapping to music
to hide the secrets
of honeybees, fusing life
into motion,
dipping and soaring
like a single cell
but flesh nevertheless

and in her eyes the distance
of thin birds sliding
backwards and forwards,
into clouds, then prancing
upon the coils of grass
as the smooth, sad curve
of her cheeks show
shadows of votive candles
for another vanishing dream
etched with her initials


43. She danced as if she were floating and her face showed...
August 29, 2017 at 3:16pm
August 29, 2017 at 3:16pm
64 words, 19 lines
Free Verse
House Florent Image for G.o.T.

The boy in blue denims
among the tide of
waves at the parade
imagining himself
on the shoulders of
the flag bearer.

After all, any contact
can be consolatory

So much is happening
but nothing’s taking place
inside connections
unheard of, like
his two parents
leaving him out alone
on the busy street
similar to the toy cars
in his dreams
lacking wheels.


19. The boy without parents.
August 29, 2017 at 2:55pm
August 29, 2017 at 2:55pm
15 lines, 74 lines
Free Verse
House Florent Image for G.o.T.

intoning in a rich soprano voice
it tells me not to think too much
about stuff like
old wounds, young worries and
my remorse about
what I have left unread
what I have left unsaid
what I have crushed into smithereens,
and it adds not to speed along
or climb high hills
even if time has shortened
then it accompanies that
with a strong snicker

Shucks! I am not sure
it knows me anymore

22. Your inner voice.

August 29, 2017 at 2:38pm
August 29, 2017 at 2:38pm

45 words, 12 lines
Free Verse
House Florent Image for G.o.T.

A favorite place to dream
is the café inside Barnes and Noble’s
the touch of books,
firm, protective, searching,
in a devouring dance
tender, delicate,
like love making
reaching where
I long to be,
as if in a dream celebrating
a symbolic dimension
of myself.


Prompt: A favorite place to dream...
August 29, 2017 at 12:12pm
August 29, 2017 at 12:12pm
9 lines, 58 words
Free Verse
House Florent Image for G.o.T.

flakes fluttering down to the ground
weaving a soft carpet of white
as winter announces its presence

catching snow on my tongue
I inhale the cool perfuming of air
under the bareness of trees

its smell wraps me in a shawl as if
a reminder of aging and my heart breaks
for my affair’s end with the world


Prompt: 23. The smell of air, right before the snow falls.

August 29, 2017 at 11:54am
August 29, 2017 at 11:54am

12 lines, 43 words
Free Verse

House Florent Image for G.o.T.

October’s moon unseen
wanes buried in clouds

crisp air in
dark midnight woods

thunder’s sharp sounds
rush into my ears

then, in early morning’s
autumn breeze

I find dewdrop worlds
shivering on the leaves

in colors sepia, red, golden
on my flower bed


Prompt: When leaves turn golden.
August 29, 2017 at 11:37am
August 29, 2017 at 11:37am
16 lines, 75 words
Free verse
House Florent Image for G.o.T.

polluted water in drops
came down on the Hudson
while Jersey trembled in lights
making me recall a man
I once loved, who drowned
in pools of secrets, and
the fear of me while his rain
choked him, but
still, he turned his head
aside from pain
and said, “I can love again,”
although I didn’t hear him
then, but soon
I found out, it wasn’t him
talking, but my own soul
addressing my heart.

prompt: After the Rain
August 29, 2017 at 11:20am
August 29, 2017 at 11:20am
111 words, 28 lines
Free Verse

House Florent Image for G.o.T.

they’re flying in flocks
in the middle
of the empty highway
in dark black outfits
and pointy hats.
the crows are cawing
other birds making way.
the sky is flaming red
as are the lanes.

she lands her broom
on the front of my car
while I can see
she’s listening to me
or possibly, the song
coming from my CD
Santana’s Black Magic Woman
“Turn your back on me, baby
Got your spell on me, baby!”

That is when I see
my own reflection
on the windshield
with my eyes wet
and I think
it has to be her potion
injected in those words
to bring back
that old memory.

Prompt: Spells and potions, witches and their notions...

August 29, 2017 at 10:52am
August 29, 2017 at 10:52am
64 words, 18 lines
Free verse
House Florent Image for G.o.T.

on the narrow street
I fear there’ll be
nothing left of the living
once the winter is gone
for the blizzard leaps
with eyes poking
through the gloom
white icicles falling
sharp in its spiky hair
and this wizard
who spins visions
on his loom of snow
emits a howl
with satisfaction
as he conducts flakes
to form depths
we would otherwise
not know.

47. With the blizzard comes a wizard.

August 29, 2017 at 10:36am
August 29, 2017 at 10:36am
14 lines -- 58 words
Free verse

House Florent Image for G.o.T.

My aunt and I picked
blueberries from the bush
its brambles scratching
hidden from the view
We stained our lips
and our fingertips with
the juicy sweet purple berries
the best hiding among thorns
that tasted sour
sauced with blood.
They still taste sweet
when I think of my aunt
and taste my tears
sour on my cheeks.

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