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Rated: E · Book · Health · #2105270
Follow my struggles and triumphs as I attempt to gain a healthy lifestyle.
Hello! My name is Carissa and I am third generation sweet tooth. The love of sugar runs very deep in my family, especially on my dads side. Consequently, diabetes also runs very high on that side of the family. Both of my grandparents had the disease as well as 4/6 of their kids.
As a teenager I will never forget what it was like watching my grandma give herself a shot of insulin with a deep sigh right before she injected herself or the horror in my mothers voice as she tells me that my grandma is in the hospital because she passed out at a store; due to her blood sugar dropping too low. I also had an uncle pass away suddenly in his early 50's because of diabetes complications. He had a daughter, the same age as me, in college and a son still in high school at the time.
In February a doctor told me that I have polycystic ovarian syndrome (referred to as PCOS) and pre-diabetes. This news is not surprising to me, but it still makes me tremble. I want to learn how to have a well balanced healthy lifestyle and still enjoy a sweet delicacy occasionally and have the hope of someday having a baby to call my own. Currently I am 28 years old, weighing a little over 300 LBS and I am using Dieting for Dummies as a workbook. Follow me on my journey for a newer healthier lifestyle.
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May 11, 2017 at 11:35am
May 11, 2017 at 11:35am
Wow! I can't believe how quickly 10 days have passed me by. I feel I have made a few accomplishments in this short amount of time.
The first one is that I am hardly drinking anything other than, green tea, water, and crystal light. I am trying to limit my consumption of crystal light just because last time I checked it contained aspartame. Over all I feel I am doing very well with staying away from high calorie beverages and am happy to report this.
The next accomplishment I am thrilled with is that my husband and I have not been eating out as regularly as before. It's better for our budget and our waistlines! When we were first married I felt we had to eat out every night. Only because that is how I grew up. My mother rarely cooked, resulting in me feeling like eating out was the only option. I have came a very long way, now our goal is to only eat out once a week.
Lastly, I believe although my evening snacking is still a huge struggle, I have made a very small accomplishment. At the beginning of the 10 days I was sitting in front of the TV every night with a bag of junk food and consuming nearly the whole thing. Now I have put all my snack foods in individual baggies and even though I still go to the snack cupboard more than I want to, I believe I'm consuming less than before. Eventually I will get a handle on my snacking and not snack as much.

Yesterday started off very well. I tried to keep track of everything I ate and did a great job until about 5pm. We had a few things change with our cable package, resulting in a maintenance man having to come to our house. He arrived a little after 4pm and didn't leave until after 6pm. The time I normally cook supper. It always makes me nervous when strangers like that come into our house because I'm afraid they are scoping out our home looking for things they could steal. I should of had a roast or something cooking while he was here, so we could have eaten as soon as he left. unfortunately, I wasn't that prepared and after he left we went to Smokey D's to have some yummy BBQ.
I worked on getting chapter 1 finished in my book and I am very close to completing it. Hopefully I will be able to upload it soon.
May 10, 2017 at 12:20pm
May 10, 2017 at 12:20pm
I weighed myself and I have lost 5LBS! YEE HAW! OH YEAH! About time I NAILED IT! ONLY 25 LEFT TO GOAL #1! Ok Carissa stop acting like a school girl FOCUS!
Whew I'm glad that ended when it did, I'm afraid I would have went into the Clueless stage with LOSER, AS IF, WHATEVER! Like I am so totally happy I didn't go there cause like that would have been super embarrassing.
A few days ago I read that not having a well balanced meal can affect your appetite. I believe this is very true. Last night I was able to break through my writers block and get past the beginning of chapter one, once I started rolling I couldn't stop. Knowing it was about time to start supper I chose to order pizza instead of actually cook so I could continue writing. Trying to be as good as I could I ordered a medium cheese pizza, breadsticks, and pop. It was all part of a deal, so I decided I would give my pop to my husband and instead have a glass of grape crystal light. After having the pizza I wanted to keep eating. I came upstairs and ate 3 Atkins bars and after that I still wanted ice cream. I know at that point I was eating because of appetite and not hunger, but could the type of pizza I ordered contributed to that? I believe it did.
I have been plagued with a picky eater for a husband. Our pizza choices consist of cheese and beef because he will not eat any other type. Most of the time we choose cheese because some places beef has a little kick and tastes more like sausage to me, Pizza Hut is an example of this. Most nights cheese pizza wins, although occasionally I have to have some sort of variety and my go to is the philly cheesesteak pizza at Dominoes. Looking back, a couple of slices of that kind of pizza usually satisfies me for the evening. It is a more well balanced meal with it's protein from the meat, what's left of the nutrients in the onions and green peppers after they have sautéed them. Of course, there is no shortage on carbs with any pizza. When I eat this type of pizza I become full quicker and stay satisfied longer. I am trying very hard to limit my pizza intake because it seems like once we have started ordering it, it becomes more frequent. We have delivery drivers that know our house due to us ordering it so much. On a couple of occasions we have had it 4x in 1 week! Admitting we have a pizza problem we are trying to stay away and for this being the first time we ordered it in the last 2 weeks, we are doing good!

Tomorrow's Goals

Make an effort to eat well balanced meals.
watch an hour of TV or less.
Finish Chapter 1 of my book.
May 9, 2017 at 10:06am
May 9, 2017 at 10:06am
Day 8 started off very well, but then my routine was interrupted and by the end of the day I was feeling restless. This restless feeling has happened before and is not new to me. Whenever I start doing well I inevitably start to panic, feeling as though something is wrong. I wonder if its due to me not eating all the time. When I'm not thinking about food or wanting to eat I don't know how to handle myself. I notice a void. I tried to avoid the numbness by taking a walk like experts recommend, although I believe that every once in a while you have too much on your mind and even a nice walk along with an opportunity to engage with others as well as receive some fresh air will simply not due.
Walking did not help me last night because I was juggling my current issue with food, in addition to being stressed out due to writers block. I have a wonderful idea for a young adult novel and the beginning scene starts with a woman in labor. Its a fantasy book so the birth doesn't have to resemble an actual birth. I want it to be a great book and the beginning has to engage readers quickly. My goal is to have the readers hooked by the first page. I will be so thankful when this chapter is finished, I should have no issues writing the rest of the book.

The Plan
Deep breaths and lots of them!
May 8, 2017 at 10:28am
May 8, 2017 at 10:28am
Someone pinch me, I must be dreaming! I am sitting here at a loss for words because day 7 went so well that I am in shock. It was one of those days that you reflect on and say "Damn, I did good," and then hope and pray you can duplicate it. The day started with my regular routine of having a relaxing cup of green tea and a protein bar while writing my blog. When I was finished with my blog I decided it was time to rip off the Band-Aid and start cleaning my craft area so that I could create an inspirational painting. I am happy to report that the design has been painted and today I will decide what I want it to say and then finish it. Knowing I am following through with the action plans I make is really what made yesterday such a great day.
By attempting to achieve my goals I am noticing that I CAN do this. Even if I don't complete all the goals I make for the day, there is always tomorrow. That feeling of accomplishment is what's helping me to change an outlook of hopelessness into one of positivity. Now I am positive I know the secret to yesterday's success.
Yesterday I kept my hands busy and my mind engaged from the time I woke up to the time I fell asleep. Keeping focused I didn't realize how quickly time was passing me by. I looked at the clock once and it said 10:00 and the next time I glanced at it it showed 12:30. I took a break for lunch as well as spend a little time with the hubby and then went on to start my painting. Before I realized it, the clock was showing 5:30 and then 8:00. There were a few times I thought I was hungry, but I told myself that I had just ate and there was no way I could be hungry and then went back to whatever it was I was doing. The best part of my new thought process is that I am able to share it with my husband and I hope he develops the same good habits.
Yesterday we had a roast for supper and around 5pm you could really start smelling it's savory perfection. Getting close to the time we eat and with the amazing fragrance plaguing me, I wanted to eat, but instead of grabbing food I exchanged dirty water for a cleaner cup of water and back down to finish what I was working on. As I was talking myself out of eating I turned around to see my husband standing behind me at the snack cabinet with a box of chips ahoy cookies. After hearing my speech and catching him with cookies red handed, he took a deep depressed sigh and put the cookies back into the cupboard and walked away without eating a single cookie! My speech helped me as well as him and I can't help but chuckle when I think back to the look on his face when I turned around :)
Then just before we went to bed we both expressed that we were a little hungry and I mentioned that my book had stated that the reasons we sometimes get hungry late at night is because our body is wanting to make sure we have enough food to survive through the night. Now we have an endless supply of food and do not have to fear starving to death, but our bodies have no way of knowing that and in turn they stay in survival mode. I simply can not express how much it helped being able to tell myself that I was not actually hungry but instead tired, giving me the strength to not eat any food right before I went to bed.

If your struggling
Know that you overcome any obstacle if you are willing to work at it. Gaining a positive outlook works miracles!

May 7, 2017 at 11:42am
May 7, 2017 at 11:42am
"Once you develop prediabetes, chances are, you'll develop type 2 diabetes within the next 10 years unless you lose between 5 percent and 7 percent of your body weight." PCOS for Dummies, by Gaynor Bussell,RD. Reading this last night gave me hope. I weigh over 300LBS and have every intention of achieving a healthy weight and lifestyle. However, that is a lot of weight for me to lose and it is easy for me to doubt myself. A Small goal consisting of 30LBS appears to be a lot more achievable to me. The best part is, when I lose 30LBS my risk for type 2 diabetes among other health risks will dramatically decrease. Wooo Whoo!
Day 6 was a roaring good time! My husband and I went to the zoo with my 6 week old niece, 2 year old nephew, my sister-in-law, and my mother. We did eat out all day, but I only ordered sandwiches without fries and tea. Before we went to the zoo my tea was unsweetened, but after the zoo I was intensely craving a sweet tea and that is what I got. I am very proud of myself while in the drive thru I saw an advertisement for an oreo mcflurry, of course, it sounded Delicious and I instantly wanted one. I had my husband order me a small mcflurry and after eating it I was satisfied! Knowing I chose to order a small ice cream and that I felt satisfied is really putting me in great spirits. It proves that I can have sweets in my life and not go crazy. I did snack a little in front of the TV, only because I put my whole grain cheese-its and pretzels in individual baggies but neglected to put them back in the cupboard, day 7 they will be put away, I promise!
Speaking of promises I remember being frustrated and promising to reread my chapter in dieting for dummies. Last night I did read chapter 5 again and this time I underlined the parts I thought were interesting or that would help me the most. One thing I learned is that snacks that are sweet or creamy paired with something crunchy or savory are more satisfying. I will have to think of some snacks that are both sweet and crunchy. As great as it is talking about food let's take a moment and talk about exercise!
I have always known that going to the zoo was great for getting in steps, but take a 2 year old and your exercise intensity has now drastically increased. My nephew is funny because he will only let one person push him in his stroller. Whoever pushes it first is in charge of pushing it the whole time, lucky me. Anytime someone else would be standing at the stroller trying to get him to sit back in it, he would say no and then point to me. Once I would come over to the stroller he would willingly sit in it and wait until our next stop. Silly kid!
This next encounter makes me giggle whenever I think about it. We took him on a train ride which he loved and it was fun, getting him off the train was not as much fun. First, he hung on to the pole on the right side of the seat. I finally peeled him off it, just so he could grab a hold of the pole on the side we had to exit. Who would have known 2 years could have such a grip! After what seemed like an eternity I finally got him out of the train car, but now he wouldn't put his feet down so I could safely put him on the sidewalk. Luckily my husband came to my rescue and picked him up so I could get out of the car. As great of a memory as this is, it is easily topped.
I was helping my nephew feed the ducks and with his last handful of food he got a little too close to my head, bumped my glasses off of my head, and sent them flying into pond water. If you have been to Iowa you know that there is no such thing as clear water. Any body of water you find will be dark dirty looking water and this was no exception. After I watched my glasses slowly sink to the bottom I asked an attendant how deep the water was and she said about 2 feet. She had one of those sticks that you could use to grab things and we tried but had no luck; so then she radioed a zoo keeper and he actually waded into this disgusting looking water and fetched my glasses. We tried to tip him, but he wouldn't accept it. I have never been so happy to see my glasses!

My plan for day 7
Today I am wanting to make flash cards and different visuals I can display around the house. After the Krispy Kreme incident I wonder if I could train myself to act a certain way in particular situations. For example, can I make it an automatic response to say I don't like Krispy Kreme their donuts are too sweet, or go to the grocery store and be satisfied leaving with only one candy bar at the check out instead of bags of junk food. As far as the visuals go, I am hoping that if I look at them before I grab something to eat that they will remind me to ask myself vital questions like "Am I seriously hungry or just bored?"

"If your mind is strong, all difficult things become easy; if your mind is weak, all easy things will become difficult."
-Chinese Proverb

May 6, 2017 at 10:06am
May 6, 2017 at 10:06am
I am having great difficulties trying to write about day 5. I have numerous thoughts racing through my mind right now that is causing me to feel very overwhelmed. My first thought was that yesterday was average for me and I was ok with it, but that is wrong. Yesterday started with me making a bad decision that lead to me making worse decisions as the day progressed.
There is a donut shop I used to pass everyday on my way to work, but I never stopped there. My husband loves donuts and also has mentioned trying it on numerous occasions. Since my husband took a few days off of work to celebrate his birthday we decided the time was right to try their donuts. My husband picked out his usual chocolate frosted donut, while I chose the maple frosted donut. Instantly my husband loves his donut, but I am not a huge fan of donuts and am not easily impressed. I will admit the donut had a good flavor. My pickiness lies in the consistency of the donut itself. I prefer a lighter donut like the ones at Krispy Kreme instead of a dense cake donut. My error came after I made my husband go to Krispy Kreme after already having a donut. Come to find out I didn't really enjoy the Krispy Kreme donut because it was too rich!
My next mistake yesterday was having pizza for supper. My husband and I have unknowingly turned Fridays into a pizza tradition. We think of it as a way to celebrate that the weekend is here. It is no secret that my husband and I have very different tastes. Which is another reason I believe we like pizza so much. He can have a plain cheese pizza, while I prefer ham and pineapple or philly cheesesteak. Most of the time we get our own pizzas because the types I like generally come with a different sauce. Last night was not any different. We had picked up frozen pizzas from the store, of course we like 2 different brands, so once again we had our own pies.
***Confession time***
I believe that some people don't realize that the way they eat is unhealthy. I am not one of those people. I realize when I am partaking in an unhealthy habit. The whole drive to Krispy Kreme I had thoughts like I don't need Krispy Kreme, but it's so good. While eating the pizza I didn't have any thoughts at all but my whole demeanor changed. I suddenly felt like I had failed myself and went into a distorted state. Right now I am thinking back to yesterday and asking why did I do that, I could have turned things around at anytime. Instead I allowed myself to make additional bad mistakes. After eating the pizza I binged on fruit snacks, landing me in a deeper depression.
***s*** makes good fertilizer and helps things grow***
I am still feeling frustrated about yesterday, but I can look at it in a positive light. Writing about my bad day has helped open my eyes a little wider, about some bad habits I have. One being the Friday pizza tradition. There is nothing wrong with happily greeting the weekend, however pizza does not have to be the means of celebration. I want to find a new way to be excited for the weekend that does not involve food. Knowing what pizza does to my mental state I will not allow my tastebuds to negatively control my life anymore. As far as the Krispy Kreme dilemma I don't know how to convince myself that I don't like something that I become so excited for, however I will figure it out!Finally I think I need to reread the chapter in my dummy book that talks about the signals your body alerts you with to tell you that you are truly hungry.
May 5, 2017 at 1:19am
May 5, 2017 at 1:19am
Today was by far the best day out of the week. I started strong and was able to do well throughout the day. The highlight of my day has to be lunch time. I have bought a small variety of different types of healthy choice frozen meals to try. I didn't pay attention and picked up one with zucchini. I'm not proud, but me and zucchini have a past. To me a cucumber and zucchini almost look identical and there have been occurrences where I thought I was picking up a cucumber when in reality I grabbed a zucchini. I was open minded though and tried it raw, to discover it is disgusting. Today that sneaky vegetable made it back into my mouth and I actually liked it. Forcing me to admit that zucchini and I can be friends as long as it's cooked. Dear zucchini loving friends please let me know how you cook your zucchini I would like to add more of it to my diet. Now watch I'll go to the grocery store expecting a zucchini and leave with a cucumber! This alone made my day good, but it later morphed into a great day.
As if finding a long lost tolerance for zucchini wasn't enough, I actually did what I said I was going too in Day 3 and measure my snacks into individual servings. Of course I had to sample the food to make sure it was still good, but no binges tonight! If I keep putting in the effort, then eventually I will develop the habits I desire.
May 4, 2017 at 11:16am
May 4, 2017 at 11:16am
Today I would like to share a little bit of my back ground with you. Recently I saw a video with Chris Pratt where he demonstrated the phases of being on a diet. The first phase he was very optimistic, but the farther he went the less motivated he became until he finally gave up altogether. I used to follow this circle, but in recent years my circle has changed. My problems originated as a child and many of the bad habits I developed I still have today. As I dive into my childhood a dark picture might be painted of my parents. They are great people, who like everyone, have made mistakes. Please do not leave any comments pertaining to my parents.
My dad has owned a small tow truck business since before I was born. He did towing as well as an auto repair shop and small used car lot that only carried about 5 cars at any given time. My mom would often help out at the station as a secretary. The station was home to a candy box filled with different types of candy bars and other individual snacks. Once a month I would walk into the station door and it would feel like Christmas morning, this candy box would magically be replenished. Growing up at the station it did not take long for me to get bored and as a child that candy box was a pot of gold. I would eat a few items from it daily, usually I would ask my mom for change and she would say no a few times, but I'm persistent and would wear her down. The other way I would get lots of candy was by going for rides in the tow truck.
Riding in the tow truck was the only way I got quality time with my dad. I loved sitting high in the truck I felt like we could run over cars if we wanted, unfortunately that never happened though. What did happen is we would run out of gas and have to fill 'er up. Gas stations are also a gold mine when it comes to sugary bliss. I always got a bag or 2 of candy to share with my dad along with some type of soda. Sometimes if I hadn't been riding with my dad he would come home after a long day at work with an assortment consisting of 6-8 candy bars and 20 oz bottles of pop. Those days were the best.
When I was 10 or 11 I talked my mom into letting me stay at home alone while she helped at the station. As you can tell by now junk food was never in short supply at my house growing up. Not being allowed to leave the house I spent countless hours watching TV and while watching TV I fed my boredom monster. My dad would always bring home the candy and he would munch on it as bad as I would. So my mom in an effort to control our ways, would hide the candy. Knowing it was in the house and a general location of where she hid it I would sneak it out and eat it. I got in trouble a few times for eating almost the whole bag. Sitting in front of the TV I didn't realize how much I was eating until the bag was nearly gone or completely gone. I had to do something so my mom wouldn't find out what had happened. It didn't take long before I started asking my dad for $5 and he would almost always give it to me. I developed a system, when I over indulged a short 2 block walk to the local grocery store would give me an identical bag of candy and then I would eat it down to the point of where it was before and place it back in the hiding spot. The older I became the less I had to do this because my mom got to the point where she didn't want to cook. I am the youngest of four kids and the only girl, we all liked different things and it became to stressful for my mom to cook things we all liked. Having my dad pick up fast food was much easier than actually cooking. These unhealthy habits lead me to a unhealthy weight at a very young age.
At the age of 13 I weighed a staggering 230 LBS. A doctor told me I needed to lose weight. That day my world shattered. I was forced to join weight watchers and the once plentiful mounds of sugar disappeared. While on the program I lost 40 LBS. Some bad habits we really changed like the amount of sugar in the house. Other habits came running back into our lives like eating fast food and at restaurants nearly every day. In short I have been trying to diet since I was 12 years old. I seem to follow my own circle consisting of trying to be healthier, failing, becoming depressed, and repeat. Since I have been married the last 6 years I have made some wonderful strides, but I still have a lot of bad habits I want to break. My largest struggles are being tired and not wanting to cook and instead order pizza, feeling a need to buy snacks and junk food when at the grocery store, and eating while I'm bored. Knowing this you can now know what I am basing my success on.
Day 3 was nearly perfect. I stayed on track until about 11pm. I drank water and unsweetened green tea all day and we had a delicious chicken dinner. I was asking myself if I was really hungry every time I wanted to put something in my mouth. I couldn't ask for a better day and then it all came crashing down. At 11 I was a little hungry and decided to pop an individual size bag of popcorn and have 1 fruit snack pouch. The popcorn was great, but eating the fruit snack unleashed a wild beast inside of me. I went back to the cupboard and pulled out a handful of fruit snacks and then the snacking got worse from there. I ate graham crackers with frosting, some more animal crackers, and a chocolate chip bar cookie. After I grabbed all the fruit snacks I felt horrible and didn't care that I was eating all extra food that I truly wasn't hungry for.
Here's our new plan:
We are going to the zoo with my Nephew on Saturday and I think I am going to give my fruit snacks to them. They were my trigger and must go! I wish I could demonstrate self discipline, but I can not yet. So tomorrow I am going to count out portions and put them in individual baggies. I hope that will help my current problem. I really want to get into the habit of accessing my hunger so I am still going to ask myself if I am hungry before eating.
May 3, 2017 at 3:16pm
May 3, 2017 at 3:16pm

Today went a lot better than yesterday. My husband's birthday is tomorrow and my parents wanted to treat us by taking us to his favorite restaurant to celebrate. It's a pasta place in Downtown Des Moines called Spaghetti Works and normally I am holding my stomach when I leave, since it's all you can eat pasta. Here's what a typical outing to Spaghetti Works looks like. First I order my beverage of choice, a strawberry kewi Italian soda. To make this soda they start with carbonated water and then add sugar filled syrups of the flavors you chose. These are amazing and free refills! Then comes placing our order. We always get an appetizer of cheesy garlic bread, it comes with their homemade fresh marinara. I'm drooling as I am thinking about it right now. For my main dish I usually order the grilled chicken alfredo. They offer a trip to the salad bar but its hit and miss if I go to it. Once you're finished with your entre a server will ask you if you would like another. I usually will get a second one. As you can tell I make some very bad choices when I visit Spaghetti Works, fortunately this time was much different. It started off well and ended with a loud woo whoo paired with a glowing NAILED IT! Here's the run down:
Appetizer-No Thank you
Salad Bar-You bet I wanted a healthy salad, I was starving
Main Entre-The usual grilled chicken alfredo
(It always comes with a slice of garlic bread, I only ate 1/2 a slice)
Did you ask how many refills I had? If you are dying to know and even if you don't care ZERO! This was such a large victory for me, there is only one thing to be said again NAILED IT!

Today's Struggles:
First there were times that I ate due to an empty feeling in my stomach, but after I ate I wasn't satisfied. I even waited 20 minutes and drank a glass of water. I'm a little confused why I would still have an empty feeling in my stomach after eating, drinking, and waiting. I don't know what to do when this happens, maybe I will try exercising or begin reading a horror story. Nothing suppresses my appetite like blood and guts!
My other two struggles dealt with overeating. My mother had baked homemade chocolate chip bar cookies for my husband's birthday. I tried very hard to limit myself to 2, but they kept haunting me with their gooey goodness and I ate 3 more than I intended. Tomorrow is a new day and who knows maybe my husband will consume the rest of the cookies and then I wouldn't have to worry.
Lastly, for most of the day I did well asking myself if I was truly hungry, but then we watched a little TV and the boredom eater in me came out. I snacked on animal crackers. I kept telling myself that this would be my last handful and then I would put the bag up. As quickly as I would finish my handful I would refill my hand with additional crackers. I was finally able to stop when I took a couple of handfuls out and laid them on my lap while I closed the bag and laid it upon an old night stand we have at the end of our couch.

My plan:
Try to remain positive by reminding myself that I did well for majority of the day. It is very easy to only focus on the negative parts of the day and that will only lead to depression. I want to continue focusing on asking myself if I am hungry before I eat. To limit my boredom eating I want to watch the least amount of TV as possible, although when I do I want to try brushing my teeth first or chewing peppermint gum.

"I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship"
-Louisa May Alcott

May 2, 2017 at 3:01pm
May 2, 2017 at 3:01pm
I believe the only way to achieve my goal of living a healthy lifestyle is through making goals and hard work. I am not interested in a get thin quick scheme, simply because I do not want to spend my whole life fretting about what a scale has to say about me. To help me get a better sense of what healthy is, I am reading "Dieting for Dummies" by Jane Kirby RD, as a guideline. My first goal is only eating when I am hungry.

Day 1:
Overall today was a good day or at least that is what I keep telling myself. It started off really good with a high protein breakfast of scrambled eggs for protein and a protein bar for carbs, along with some green tea. After that I exercised with a blend of cardio and strength training. When I became hungry again I ate a frozen dinner for lunch that was also stacked with protein. It feels good knowing I did well for 2/3 of my day, but I lost it when it was time for supper and for that I am kicking myself in the ass and trying to stay positive to keep me going at the same time. It's part of an all or nothing mentality I am trying to get rid of. I feel as though my whole day has been ruined because of a few bad choices I made in the evening. I was finishing cleaning the kitchen when my husband came home from work. I needed a few minutes to relax before starting supper and he wanted a few minutes to unwind when he arrived home. We both ended up taking a nap and when I finally woke up I felt as though I was starving and was craving frosting and graham crackers. My idea was that I would only have 2 crackers and then put it up, but that's not what happened. As a result I felt as though I had ruined my whole day and we ended up ordering pizza instead of chicken, like I had originally planned. I know I should have not snacked and fixed the chicken. I am beating myself up again and in order for me to become healthy I must return to a positive mentality, the only way I can do that is by righting my wrong. I want to make a plan so that maybe tomorrow I can get through the whole day feeling proud of myself for what I have accomplished.

The Plan:
In the book it talks about deciphering when you are truly hungry. There are many reasons I eat; I might be feeling emotional, facing a craving, bored while watching TV, be enticed by my surroundings, or legitimately hungry. The book states that you know you are truly hungry if you are willing to make an effort to eat. It uses the example of peeling an apple. If you only want to eat chips and not peel an apple, then you are not hungry, but have an appetite. My strategy is to ask myself before I eat if I am willing to fix something healthy or not. If the answer is yes than I will fix something to eat, otherwise no food for this girl. Last night I succumbed to a craving of frosting and crackers, my lesson has been learned.

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