This is a test. |
balh blah ablan |
I just came from the doc’s office to see the nurse practitioner with my mom. It took us only about five minutes to get seen! Apparently, my anxiety medicine is a controlled substance. Because of that, I am required to see her every month. One good thing is I can get my anxiety medicine in single one milligram tablet instead of havening to split a two milligram tablet. The practitioner was very nice and kind of cute too. She was Asian as well. I told her about my sleeping problem that I frequently have. She suggested melatonin, a natural supplement. We have some at home Jim uses from time to time. Afterwards, we went to Smith’s mainly for lunch meat and ice-cream. Jim is off his second job at Albertson’s. He picked up some things at Costco while my mom and I were out. It seems like Chad is dodging me. I called him and he did not pick up. Usually he always does. He does not call like he used to either. I fear we may get distanced from each other. I pray it won’t happen. I hope he calls back. I looked over my story and it seems fine. A family friend named Heidy dropped by for an hour or so. She was going on about all the health and personal problems she is having. She recently had a neck surgery. And her daughter is not doing well socially or mentally. But all the things her mom says must be taken with a grain of salt. They are now living with a friend in North Las Vegas. I was getting my butt kicked at DB Fighter Z. I was having fun for the most part though. I played an hour and a half. I want the DLC to come out. Broly may end up being over powered. He was in BDBZ Burst Limit. It was kind of like how Dante was overpowered in UMvC3. I need to invite my PS friends who play DB Fighter Z. I still need to learn how. I’m not going got church tonight because I have nothing clean to wear and I have not taken a shower. Normally I would just go but Jim will ask me if I did or not. I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again. LOL. I’m broke as it is and we will be going to Kneaders after service and I am hungry. So I am eating at home. I put a pizza in the oven. I wanted to enter the Writer’s Cramp but it is too late. I am so bored with no book to read. I can only play games for so long. LOL. Let’s see, what else? It’s warming up than how it has been. I still have not been to the gym due to the cold. I miss the gym and the chick staff. It will heat up more eventually. Well, that is it for now, Goodbye. |
Man, I had the roughest night. I could not get back to sleep when I got up for the second time. It was about 3 am. I usually have trouble staying asleep, but man last night took the cake. I will address this when I see the nurse practitioner tomorrow at 3 pm. Perhaps, I could get a mild sedative. I just did three Read and Review reviews. They’re doing the double GPs thing again. The read and review items are very short and there is not much room for critiquing like poetry for example. My sister just shot two texts to me. She is in Colorado where there is snow on the mountains. Colorado has some of the most picturesque scenery in the US. My sister agrees. It would be cool to live there. My mom is helping me to find a good copy of Pilgrim’s Progress. It will be spiritually healthy to read it. It begins with a dude who goes to a celestial city and does this and that. I do not recall what he does. I read the summary. I decided to take a day off from the PS4. I will be able to play it in the morning if I so choose. I need something to read darn it. I’m getting antsy. The Pilgrim’s Progress is short - only about 200 words. There is a second one too and another at least. My mom had me walk to Trader Joe’s for ice-cream. It is not too far but it began to sprinkle on the way back. The sky is clear now though. Well I have to cut it short. I must write before it gets late. Until tomorrow. |
I just spent about an hour and a half writing my 9th story. I am in the middle of it and I have roughly 1,700 words. I want to avoid going over 2,400 words so I am trying to move the story along as smoothly as possible. I don’t want it to seem rushed. I have been pantsing a little away from my outline. For the most part I am following it though. Like I said in a previous entry, it is in third person; just like the book I just finished reading. I still have to order Pilgrim’s Progress. It is only two-hundred words long and I will have to get the revised modern version. The original one was written in the 1800’s. It will help me with my walk with the Lord. It will also help me to put Christian themes in my fantasy works. There are a few continuations to the first book. Eventually, I will get the first Mistborn book and see how that sits. I hit the PS4 for a little under two hours. I lost by just hair each match. I’m trying to use the regular jump cancel combo that works with all the saiyins. I saw another PS friend applying DB Fighter Z. I want to ask him to fight me via invite. I had to go on YouTube to figure that out. I still need to find exactly how to do it though. I hope my PS friend is not too good for me. Lol. I am a decent fighter though. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to play tomorrow. It depends of Jim works in the morning. Lol. My mom just ordered two pizzas from Papa Johns. We used one of the special offers they had. It took a while because the site was acting all weird. Our rewards were not working. The pizza will be here in about 30 minutes. Unfortunately, my pizza could not be papa sized. I am very hungry. My sister Sarah sent me some pics and some texts. She was in Minnesota where there was snow. She sent me a pic of three real sized replicas of jets on support bars. She said there were icicles when she was previously there. Yesterday Chad sent me two links: one of the Ugandan knuckles vs. Donkey Kong and the other Ugandan Knuckles vs. Link. They were so funny! Basically there were a bunch of Ugandan Knuckles saying “Dea wea, dea wea, dea wea over and over again. They did tongue clicking too. Both vids ended with the Knuckles roasting the Link and the Donkey Kong separately on a spit over a fire. I was cracking up. Chad is busy with moving stuff to him and his bro’s new house. I’d call him bit I don’t want to stall him. last night I called him and immediately got his voicemail. I wanted to tell him I was watching Regular Show. It was a funny episode. After that my mom and I watched more TrollHunters. I need to get back to reviewing. I’ve already gotten my Anniversary MB but still, I need to do more. Tomorrow I will renew my upgraded membership. Well, the pizza is here so I will bid thee ado. Until tomorrow. |
Today has been good. I got out of bed at about 10 am I’d say. I checked my phone and Chad’s brother Michael texted me and called me. I had my ringer off. At about 2 pm I hit the PS4 for an hour then I concluded reading Byzantium which took roughly another hour. My mom’s friend KJ is working on attaching the running bar for the truck. Jim is off and he got home right after I turned off the PS4 at 3 pm. Sarah text me from Oklahoma and sent a beautiful pic of the road and the sky. Next she showed me a pic of a castle where she told me they held renaissance fairs. It looked cool. Then I took a pic of the sky here in Vegas and sent it to her. Anyway, getting back to Michael’s call, he asked if I wanted to see Samson the movie with his family. I called him back and asked if there were any showings no later than 5 pm. Unfortunately, the only showing was at 7:30 pm at the Texas Station which is closest. There was a show at 11:30 am or so before. So, instead, we will go next week and my mom will come too. (= Last night at the Bible study was good. I a new Cristian named Daniel. We talked about a few things, only one of which I recall. Lol. It was about gaming. He doesn’t own a console but has a computer that only plays some games. There was worship and like always I had to wear ear plugs. Sergio, the guy who usually teaches on the monthly studies, taught out of Psalm 119:33-40. It was about thinking on the Lord and doing His will and precepts. To eat, there was pulled pork fajitas. It was quite good. Ricky was in a quiet mood. I asked him about it and he said it happens sometimes. We left at about 9 pm and when I came home my mom and Jim were in bed. That was pretty much my night. I checked out the intros of the next two DLC characters for DB FighterZ. They are Bardok and the gigantic Broly. The download release date is not yet announced. I’m stoked. It appears Broly is even bigger than any preceding DBZ fighting games. I hope the first book of Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn series is good. I will order it online tomorrow I think. I’ll have to look up the premise of the series later or tomorrow. It is not so cold today. I have not been in the gym for like a week and a half. When it warms up, I’ll start going back. KJ has put one of the runners on one side of the truck. Jim is watching the Black Panther. The poor guy is so tired. It looks like Jim is watching Basketball now. Now wait, it sounds like he’s watching UFC. Well, I am going to listen to some music then write. Goodbye. |
I got up at a decent hour at about 9:30 am. I did my readings and hit the PS4 for an hour and a half. Then I read two chapters which took an hour. I’m at the very end where the protagonist is says goodbye to all his friends and companions as they go their separate ways. He leaves Byzantium to return to Ireland to go back to be with his fellow monks. He is still bitter against God but he obviously will change. I’ll complete reading the book tomorrow. My sister sent me a cloudy pic of Dallas. It looked pretty cold. It is still unusually cold here in Vegas. I want to go back to the gym. I like the way working out makes me feel. The cold also keeps me from buying stuff at the store. I guess that is kind of a good thing. Lol. Tonight is the monthly Bible study. It starts at 6 pm. Ricky will pick me up at about 5:45 pm. I’m happy that it will most likely not last too late. I want to get up early tomorrow. Chad sent me four links. Apparently, there was supposed to be a new X-Men cartoon called X-Men Danger Room Protocol. Unfortunately, it was canceled by Marvel. There was a video of the creator of the series expressing his dejection about getting sacked by Marvel. He was not bitter or angry just sad. Working for Marvel was this dude’s dream since childhood. I got a reply from Chad’s PS friend. He said he was not adding anyone. He said Chad was stiffing him or something after putting Chad’s gameplay on YouTube. So I don’t get a new PS friend. Oh, well. I wrote an hour’s worth of my TP story. It looks good so far. Unfortunately, it will not be reviewed. I will not submit it right when I finish it so I can get a qualifying MB. I just got an awardicon from Matt. I must wait at least fourteen days from the time I receive an MB or an awardicon for it to count. I remembered what I dreamed last night. I and my brother were flying at the end. It began with both of us in this young adult group. It ended with us trying to fly and find a way home. Right before I woke up I was at Homer Simpson’s work at the power plant. It was weird. Lol. I actually won one match on DBFZ. I was having fun. I got disconnected once. I was still the only one in the lobby. It was probably partially due to how early I played. Jim is off his second job today. Good for him. He is at the gym now. On his off days he gets home at about 3 pm. My mom is watching Once Upon a Time. That is what she has been watching lately. She is also looking at the instructions to the metal runner for the truck. AJ will be putting it on. He is a friend of hers and works with automotive stuff. Reading after games is becoming a habit. I have been reading for about an hour. I plan to add another thirty minutes to that amount of time. Well, that is it for now. Goodbye. |
Today has been productive. I did not get up super early but not super late though – about 10:30 am. I hit the PS4 for an hour and a half. Then I read two chapters from the book I am reading. I should complete it tomorrow. Soon I will order the first book of the Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson. I hope I like it. I started my 9th Thrice Prompted story. I wrote for a little over an hour. I have composed a brief outline for it. It is written in first person – just like the book I am reading. Chad called me while I was writing so I stopped. We continued to talk as I made something to eat. His friend has not added me as a contact. So, I sent him a friend request. I hope to go online tomorrow and see that he accepted my friend request. He’ll probably wipe the floor with me. Lol. Speaking of winning, I won a match. Usually people just win by a hair all the time. My mom made some hot chocolate. It’s still cooling. We’ve both been watching some Regular Show roughly every night. Each episode is only eleven minutes. Eventually they run as long as 22 minutes Chad tells me. He is always wants me to watch it. Both of us have yet to play heroes vs villains on Battlefront 2. I just want to play DBFZ. Lol. I will play him Star Wars soon. Yesterday night was church. I did not go to the gathering afterwards because I did not want to stay up that late. I am going to the Bible study tomorrow night which begins at 6 pm. It should not be that late. I wonder what kind of food there will be. Last night was spaghetti. I am hoping for pizza. Lol. It is still too cold to go out. I really feel like soda or green tea too. At least I won’t be spending food card credit. As I recall, two people have entered. I may take part in it. There is my TP story to attend to though. Chad sent me a link of a sonic/megaman crossover. It was basically a few people narrating comic pages. I was never into Megaman, neither was my bro Josh. I still don’t care for it today. I hate doing reviews. I only do anniversary reviews. Last I checked, I was #30 in most credited reviewers list. Oh and I got my reviewing MB today. By next month I should have two more: one from anniversary reviews and then another for reviewing. I may text Dan again at 7 am tomorrow. I think he’ll appreciate it - knowing someone is thinking of him. He’s a low key guy - much like myself. Lol. I do not think he likes texting. I was texting Ricky and he skipped off when I asked him how he was doing. Like I said, he is a flaky friend, if he his truly that at all. Maybe he was busy, I don’t know. Jim is home. I hope he is feeling happy. He is. The poor guy works so hard. I hope he has a good chill for the rest of the evening. The wind is blowing hard. I love the sound of the wind. It is peaceful. I just don’t like when I am outside in the wind. Lol. Well, that is it for now Goodnight. |
This will be brief as I must edit more of my novel next. The day started out well. I got up at like 6:15 am and did my readings then I listened to music until I hit the PS4 at 8 am. I finally texted Dan at 7 am on his break. It was at like at 7:07 am to be exact. His break ended at 7:10 am. I pretty much said hi and that I was listening to music. Then he had to go back to work. I may see him Sunday if Ricky cannot take me. Although I don’t like going to the 11 am service, that is when my friends are there. I do prefer the 9 am service nevertheless. It is still very cold today. It is 50 degrees but it feels like 48 degrees. Tonight is church. Ricky still has not sent the group email saying where we will eat afterwards. It will come though. My mom had a visit to her pain doctor. I took only about two hours. My mom will go tomorrow with me to see my physiologist. We will be waiting a longtime. A few months ago, we discussed getting another doctor because he is virtually unreachable by phone. Chad goes back to work on the 28 think. He hates work but that is the vast majority of people though needless to say. Not me though my dream is to be a writer. And I’m taking steps to get there and a have goal and a time frame to submit my novel. Well, I have to go. Until tomorrow. |
I am learning to put emotional content in with dialog. A person reviewed an old Cramp entry and mentioned he which there was more of it. The reviewer was a preferred author and she gave it three stars. I am going through my novel chapters with this idea in mind. I just went over chapter 15 and made some changes that I did not catch the last time I went over it. I may do more editing later. I got an email from the Story Master requesting for me to review more. It was a group mail I think. I’ still waiting or my MB for my reviewing from last month. Tomorrow’s the big day – I can play some PS4. I also have to mop too. It is quite cold now – so much Jim did not w ant me to go outside or go the store or whatever. If it is like this tomorrow I will not have to go to the gym. I have to do some flirting with some of the female staff at the gym. I already do the fist bumping thing but I do that with everyone. First I have to refer to them by name. I don’t do that yet. And I don’t remember if the staff has nametags. I do not believe they do. I’ve watched some more episodes of Regular Show. It is getting funnier. I saw the last episode of Dragons. It ties in with the second full length movie. My mom and I might have watched the last season. I’m having shrimp tonight. My mom is helping me to cook it. It is pre-cooked but we need to cook in some flavoring. My mom mentioned butter. Jim is off work. Thank goodness he did not have to work another eight hour shift. He is watching some musical. Chad is off today and He will be calling soon. Last night he called at about 8 pm. That is when I watch stuff with my mom. Chad will be off work for four days or something close to that. I’ve noticed they do not give him many hours. The poor guy has tendinitis and gout. Yesterday was my sister-in-law’s b-day. She turned twenty-five. I’ll be that old in June. I hate getting older. I’m just five-and-a-half years away from forty. By then my story will be published though. I wonder how good it will fare. I know the Lord is helping me with my story. It is after all Christian fantasy. It looks like I may not be doing the Magic Words fantasy contest. And I said I was in too. The minimum word count is 2k words. Tomorrow I will see if I can start something at or a little more over the word minimum. I really think only two people, if that, will enter. I think I will call Dan during his break at 7 am. I’ve been meaning to do it. I think he might appreciate it – if anything it will make him laugh. I hope he will not just say “Thanks for calling. Bye.” He did do something similar when I texted him once. Ricky is back from Utah where he went to a seminar. I forget what it was for. I may say hello via text. I think I’ll text my sister for sure. Well, that is it for now. Goodbye. |
I just sent an hour and ten minutes editing. I spotted some things. I went over two chapters. I did some chopping with the first one. It was about 3.5k words long. I want my chapters to be no longer than 3k words. I had no idea there were a few lines and quotes that were totally messed up. It was confusing who was saying what at one spot. Church was great. Pastor Jimmy spoke out of Ephesians. It was on how Christians are to behave and sins we are to avoid. I spoke to my friend Jared. We talked about games briefly. My other friend Dan put a metal bumper and a steal wire spool on it. He did it all himself. Chad called me. I forget what we spoke about. It was a good two way conversation. He left soon after so he could go to Churches’ Chicken with his family. He likes fried ochre. I have never had it. I’m curious as to how it tastes – kind of like star fruit. It is a rare fruit. I hear it is pretty good. Chad gave my PS ID to his friend bigdaddy_champ. He plays DBFZ. I am eager to see how he fights. I’ll find out Wednesday morning. I’m itching to play. Lol. I was supposed to play Chad Battlefront 2 but my mom had the TV. I was told by an Albertson’s worker Jim worked today. She was wrong. Lol. I’m wondering when I get my reviewing MB. It should be soon. I checked and I am about #35 on the most credited reviewers list. I was #23. I have done 17 anniversary reviews so far. I feel drained. It is hard to come up with things to write. It was probably the editing. It was windy today at about 1 pm. It was not too cold though. I plan to go to the gym at about 7 to 7:32 am. Jim may work tomorrow. I’ll be working my chest. Man I’m out of it. I think I’ll cook dinner. Goodbye. |
Today has been productive. I got up nice and early at about 6 am. After some music, I went over one chapter, took a break then did another one later. I also read two chapters from the book I am reading. I have reached the last segment. I should be done with the whole book in two days or so. Then I will order the one book from the author Brandon Sanderson. I thought the only books he wrote were the Mistborn series but he has written other books. Hopefully, I will encounter nothing offensive. Chad hurt my feelings again. He seriously called me bum and said he was working. He doesn’t call me anymore or send any links. And he speaks really meanly. I’ll call him later about playing Battlefront 2 in the morning. I hope he says yes. He is always hounding me about getting a TV of my own and getting my own internet. He also hounds me about getting a job. I’ve prayed and I’ve prayed and I still feel God wants me to write a book. And I have asked for God to confirm and reconfirm it. I went to the store and Jim was on his break. He gets off at 8 pm. He was asked to stay later but he empathically declined. Lol. I have not hit the PS4 in days. I do feel like playing it but not as much as before. I have not done any reviews today. It is a bit too late now. Maybe my mom will feel like watching something. My mom has gone through the 8th Dragons season and now she is watching them with me. Last night I watched an episode of Regular Show. It is kind of funny. Chad always tells me to watch that show. I don’t care for it but I can’t tell him. He has a tendency to be a bully. I wonder what he is doing right now. I texted my sister in the morning. She didn’t get back to me. She was busy I’m sure. It was a little chilly today. Oh well. If tomorrow is the same, some Starbucks after church will heat me up. Lol. I should probably get the coffee maker ready to brew in the morning. One cup will not be enough. It looks like Broly and Bardok will be the next DLC in DBFZ. I’m excited. I am curious as to know what their supers and special moves will be. I never knew Bardok was Goku’s father. The only person to review and rate my blog called me a videogame fanatic. I did not realize I spoke so much of games. I wonder how my cousin Brian is doing. We should hang sometime. The last I heard, Tea Time Café was closed. That place had the best drinks. I wonder why it failed. Lord willing, this attitude will subside in Chad. I miss him calling me. Well, that is it for now. Goodbye. |