This is a test. |
balh blah ablan |
This will be short as 8 pm is within the hour. The day began well as I got out of bed at about 10 am. I had my quiet time and then I wrote for an hour roughly. My whole day is kind of blurry. I did start a new book called The Illuminati by Larry Burkett. “Onesimus beloved brother who is one of you will tell you all that has been done here. /Aristarchus my fellow prisoner salutes you.” That is what I can recall from the Bible at the moment. My mom is chatting with my bro in Denver. I learned from my mom he works two days of the week from home. Good for him! I called Chad but he didn’t pick up. Jim is at work. I got a very positive review from a newbie. It was from a work I entered in the Short Shots contest. It is an official WdC contest. The reviewer gave it five stars and was totally wowed by my story. It was nice – more than nice. A.E. Wilcox is starting her contest tomorrow. It ends on the 31st of July. The rules and expectations are stringent. The minimum word count is 2k. I really want to win. I’ll be focusing on that and my novel. Jim will home right after 8 pm. I picked up my meds from Walgreens. I saw pretty Myra walking down an aisle. She waved and asked how I was. Our porch fountain is working again. It has lights in it. They really cast a cool rippling light against the stone face at night. My three books aren’t here yet. It should be here within a few days. First I’ll complete The Illuminati. My mom found there are a lot of Christian fantasy writers out there. I’ll have to check them out. I want something to snack on. Jim will be here soon. I just sent him a text to buy some Doritos. That sounds good. I finished my green tea. Tomorrow my snap card will be receive $99 in food credit. Well, I have go. Goodnight. |
This will be short as my ride will be here around 6:45 pm. The voices of my mom, Jim and our handyman roused me from my bed at about 10 am. They were painting part of our back patio wall. We used a paint sprayer. The paint had to be thinned out. It was too thick for the sprayer. Eventually it got done and our handyman left. It was a group effort. I did my last three anniversary reviews. Then I wrote for an hour. I’d still be writing if it were not for my journal. I worked on my 13th Thrice Prompted story. I have a little over 1k words down. I’ll be cutting to the chase so to speak next. There was this preferred author who was so stoked for how much I liked his poem! He was ecstatic! It made me feel good he liked my review comments. I honestly think he is very good at poetry. I’ surprised he was so surprised. I was very happy for him. My sister Sarah texted me. She is in Minnesota now shopping for stuff to fix her house up. It looks cool from the outside. She usually passes through Minnesota to pit stop and rest. I just checked and I am #54 on the most credited reviewers list. I’ve been doing short reviews – mostly poetry. LOL. I did this because I started doing reviews very late in the month. I plan to do bigger ones next month like I usually do. I’ve come across some very, very long stories- to long to review. I review line by line. Chad still wants to get the Jabba the Hut statue that is $800. He spends most of his money on statues yet he refuses to pay a $200 Quick Care bill. It’s his life but I wish he’d be wiser. I told him I haven’t played games in a while and he said I’m long my gaming spirit. I’ll play maybe during the week – maybe. So my mom’s spine injection is due on the 6th of next month – my b-day. What a present. LOL. We’re still supposed to eat out for my mom’s past b-day. She’ll probably like P.F. Chang’s. That’s what she wanted when we were going to go before on a Friday. We didn’t because Jim planned to grill some steaks that day. We’ll see when Jim is off from his second job at Albertson’s. He has two weeks off from Caesar’s Palace in the morning. My consistent journal entrees got noticed by someone. I was listed among a group of other bloggers/journal writers. It must have been a forum, activity or group thing. Nevertheless, I was very happy. My mom will be getting a streaming device called Raspberry as I recall. Jim had a customer who praised it. The main feature is for it to be KODI compatible. The new Voltron season will be coming on the 15th of next month and it is only on KODI. I hope it is not the last season. Well, that is it for now. Goodbye. |
Ah, I feel better. I just listened to some music after revising for about an hour and a half. I made lots of changes. It keeps improving. My mom’s friend is here. They’re talking now. What to write, what write? I don’t know. LOL. I did three short reviews which makes 9 anniversary reviews. Six more and I have my MB. Tobber responded to my post. That’s cool. “Comfort your hearts, knit together in love.” Unfortunately, that’s all I recall. Memorizing scripture is hard for some reason. I’ve thought it is because it is against the flesh. I really regret staying home for that steak dinner rather than going to the Bible study. I think Ricky was kind of upset I didn’t go. I texted him last night and he was very short with me. I texted three more times and he didn’t respond. That’s not like him. Hopefully things will iron out when we go out to eat after Wednesday night service. I must be cordial with him. I just went to the store to get eighty bucks out for me and my mom’s friend – twenty to be split for my weekly allowance and sixty for her. She rides a Harley. LOL. Apparently, license blew away while on her bike. So, she needs a renewal. My mom looked up the DMV site for Nevada. It is about $20. When I was walking from the store, this older chick asked me to come to her van. She asked for a cigarette. I said no and then she complimented my teeth. She might have been hitting on me. It is hot out now. And by my B-day, it will really be simmering. Uhg. I am thinking of asking a few of the guys at church to go out to eat with me for my b-day – probably two or three. I’ll be 35. I am old and I hate it. At least I am not losing my hair. LOL. My bro’s baby daughter is so cute in her phone pics. She’s beautiful. It will be cool to seeing her grow up. I should call Chad soon. I may do it after I edit for an hour longer. I feel reenergized. I officially have $3k saved up. Not bad. My mom got the new streaming device. I forget what it is called. It is much newer so it should work a lot better – no more long buffering and freezing up and acting weird in other ways. The next Dragons movie will be out in march of 2019. Toothless is getting a female Night Fury friend. The title of the movie is Hidden World or something. It will be cool to see. DreamWorks may continue the series. It could happen or not. Well, that is it for now. Goodbye. |
This will be short as I am I am tired from editing my story. I’ve spent one and a half hours revising. I’ve written longer but for some reason it was more energy taxing. I’m ragged. But I have to get used to it. My goal is to write at least four hours a day. I’ve got to read too. Be careful for nothing but in a al things give prayer and supplications by thanks giving, let your requests be known to God. My mom and I went to VBF, a church with a pastor we really dig. He did a livestream that was shone in the sanctuary. The worship was loud. Fortunately there is a café in the church where there was a TV that showed the livestream. We got two large frapachinos for $4 each. They weren’t generic. They were by a real coffee company. I believe it is spelled Peets coffee. I’ve gotten their coffee at the store. It was pretty good. The sermon struck some cords with my mom. She really wants me to go on a men’s retreat with this church I know nothing about nor am I familiar with the people who go there. I’ll pray about it. Afterwards, we went to a BBQ place for some burgers. It was pricey and not that amazing. I did not like the fries. They were undercooked and under seasoned. I don’t want to go back there. There was this cute girl who worked there. She is too young though. I told her she looked like Lindsey Lohan and said I was the third person to tell her that since she died her hair. After my mom and I got our food we brought it home. Jim was about to leave for work. I haven’t hit the PS4 for like a week. I’ve been writing instead. My sister texted me when I was walking out the door for church. I got back to her two hours later. Before we left for church, the plan was to take me to Lone Mountain for church at 9 am if I got up early enough. But my mom had to inject herself with some anti-constipation stuff. Then she got an idea to go to VBF. And that was that. LOL. Chad hasn’t called yet. He may. My mom ordered three books for my B-day. Ever since I finished Blood Of heaven, I have nothing new to read. They should be here in two days. apparently, Blood of Heaven is the first part in a trilogy. My mom checked and there are a lot of Christian fantasy authors out there. Some of them have rad names and covers. She suggested getting a Kindle. They are pricier than she thought. I may want one. It is cheaper doing it that way. It’s like $20 versus $1.99 for one book I recall. Well, that is it for now. Goodbye. |
I just did three small poetry reviews for the Anniversary Reviews. I plan to do at least three a day. I edited two chapters which took me about 50 minutes. It’s coming along. My mom still needs to read some of my chapters. I’ve read almost every novel we have at the house. I wonder if my mom has ordered my books for my b-day on the 6th of June. I’ve read Byzantium twice. As for now, I think I’ll read the how-to-write book I have. I also have The Elements of Style which is more of a guide than a book. Two people responded to my HUB post. I’m waiting for Matt to give me an awardicon. He’s’ not as active as he used to be – too busy with college. It’s good he’s working so studiously. I think he said he is studying chemistry and research. That’s hard stuff with all that math. I couldn’t do it. LOL. I prefer the arts than the sciences. This obvious considering WdC is a big hobby of mine. I’m tired. I feel like a nap. The insurance photographer came and went. It took no time. My mom is still dealing with the fountain pump. She plans to inspect it after I drain the fountain pool a little. I’d love to see it working again. It looks cool with the lights under the water at night. I got up at 10 am and did my readings. After two cups of coffee I listened to four songs on YouTube. After that, I did the three reviews. I need to do three for the next four days for the MB. My reviews will be brief like how most of the mods do theirs. I texted Dan about an hour ago. I’m still waiting for a reply. I’m sure he’ll get back to me. Jim will be at his second job at Albertson’s for today and tomorrow. Jim offered to take my mom out to lunch - with me of course. I think she likes the Cheese Cake Factory. We ate there fairly recently though. I’ll suggest BJ’s. That’s a nice place. Chad keeps spamming me with a lot of “anti-“ stuff. The last one was a spiel against the movie Infinity Stones. It said it sucked. That is one side of the spectrum. My friend Gio said he liked it. I heard the same bashing content in some links about The Black Panther. I saw it and I liked it, so did my mom and Jim. Chad can be belligerent sometimes. And he can ramble. Dan said he was going to Utah to go off roading last Sunday. He said he would let me know if he was going to church tonight. I don’t know what he could be doing. I’ll keep waiting. Well, that is it for now, Goodbye. |
I just spent about two-and-a-half hours revising my story. The most tedious thing is changing of the name “Thalus” to “Thaylus.” Today in the Bible, I read the following: “Children obey your parents for this is right. Honor your father and your mother which is the first command with a promise. That it may go well with you and you may live long on the earth. You fathers, do not provoke you children to wrath, but bring them up in the nurture and admonition in the Lord.” I got up at about 10 am. Then my readings and vacuumed the house then swept the patio. I did a good job on the patio. It took roughly two hours. Fortunately, it was nice out and the overhead thatching gave shade too. The insurance people are photographing the house tomorrow. I did my bathroom a week ago and all I had to do was the mirrors and the facet counter. They’ll be here at no earlier than 12 pm. I have some heavy lifting to do. The master bedroom will be tiled with different tiles. We’re going to have to move armoire, the bed, the night stands, the TV, and whatever else I forgot. Jim will be doing his last work week tomorrow, than he starts his vacation. I don’t know for how long. He gets a month off per year but he usually splits it in half at a time. The new season of Trollhunters will be available on the 25th of this month. It will be the last sadly. A defeated foe will come back to life. That will be cool! I did not hit the PS4 today. I just felt like writing. Jim will be home at around 6:15 pm. He left roughly at 1:20 PM. My mom has been toiling all day. She took her ADD medicine. Hence she is really active. LOL. The house will be spotless for the insurance dudes. My mom’s b-day is tomorrow. Other than a card, I don’t know what to give her. She’s not really into flowers. I may get her some chocolates. Then again, she has a problem with sweets – namely ice-cream. Maybe just a card will do. LOL. Tomorrow I will try to do all reviews all day. I want those MB’s. Perhaps the next day I will enter the Cramp. It will be good to review again. Well, I’m done for now. Goodbye. |
Well, I’ll be finishing Blood of Heaven tomorrow – two chapters left. A reason I like the book is because the original bad guy is chemically altered to turn good. Now, at the end, the biological substance that made him good will eventually make him more evil then before. I love how the author puts the Christian spin on the plot; while the DNA seems to dictate his actions, a hope in Christ is the only other affect to truly change him. A few times a scripture verse is mentioned. It reads something like-“If any man is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has past, behold all things are new.” I hope faith saves his mind. The recently emerged villain is a young biochem know-it-all. He hopes to sell the biological part that creates unbelievable aggression. It is the same thing that the previously mentioned character was injected with. Church was good. The sermon was from I Thessalonians chapter 1. Pastor Jimmy taught at least 15 minutes over. LOL. My friend Jarred talked told me of some games he’s played. He asked if I’d heard of them. I did not. A specific game he described sounded cool. I forget the summery. LOL. I may or may not play the PS4 today. I revised my novel for a little over an hour. I’m changing the spelling of the protagonist’s name where I see it. Rather than “Thalus” I am making it “Thayless” so it is pronounced as I want it to be. On Wednesday night I will ask Pastor Chuck to read my manuscript. He is a reader. I don’t know if I’ll give him a paper copy or just email it to him. I’ll ask him which one he would prefer. Printing something at a library will of course cost money. I think it would be easier that way. I’m still waiting for my mom to read it. Well it looks like I’ll be printing my story chapter by chapter. First I must number my pages and put the title for each one at the top. Before that, I want to go over my story one more time. Things are coming together. I’m excited. I have to get something to eat. I bid the ado. |
I failed to get up at 6 am. But I am happy to say I finished my Thrice Prompted story! Matt will assign me an awardicon above 10k - once he reviews my last three stories. Well, I honestly want to write more but Chad is on the phone and will talk for hours. Goodbye. |
This will be short as my ride to church is coming soon. The day began splendidly when I got up at about 6 am. After my quiet time I hit the PS4 for an hour. After that, read for an hour and a half. I got through three chapters. Hopefully, I’ll keep that amount of chapters every day. Chad is still having shipping problems with one or more of his statues. He called phone support and he got this Asian lady who could barely speak English. LOL. That is his hobby - an expensive one too. My hobby (reading and writing) is a healthy hobby. In my Bible time I read: Brethren if any man be overtaken in a fault, you who are spiritual should restore such a one, consider yourself less you also be tempted. Bear each other’s burdens and so fulfil the law of Christ. If any man thinks that he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself. Let every man prove his own work so that he may rejoice in yourself and not another.” “He who sows flesh will reap flesh to corruption. He who sows the Spirit shall reap the Spirit life everlasting.” That is all I have time to recall. I read more but it presently escapes me. My mom and Jim are watching the Voice. I don’t like those shows. The same thing goes for my bro and Chad. I just like watching the bad tryouts on American Idol. They’re hysterical! My mom is going through old photos of different members of my family. She showed me my baptism photo and the photo of my high school graduation. Ann and her friends were in it. She didn’t keep in touch with them at all. When it comes to Ann talking VIA text, she is from another planet. She basically says nothing. LOL. Well, I have to go. Goodbye. |
It is about 5 pm. I go up at 10:50 am, just in time to see Jim leave for church at 11 am. Right before he left he told me to mop. Apparently, the insurance people will be coming on Wednesday on the 16th to take pictures of all the rooms. It took me an hour to mop. Next, I had my first quiet time around 12 pm. Shortly after, I read from an hour. The catalyst occurrence has been carried out; the death row inmate has been injected with the DNA virus and his behavior is changing. He is losing his aggressive thoughts and actions. I texted Gio briefly. He is a flake. He does not get back to me at a certain point. He leaves me high and dry. He’s not a true friend – like most church “friends” I have. I don’t care. In the Bible I read: An heir, as long gas he is a child does not differ from a servant. But is under tutors and governors until the time appointed by the father. At the appointed time God sent his Son, Born of woman under the law to save those under the law.” “God sent the Spirit of His son into your hearts which we cry Abba father.” “You observe days and months and time sand years.” “For fear of you least in have labored in vain.” “I beseech you brethren to be as in am for I am as you. You have injured me not. That is a paraphrase off the top of my pictures. I use pictures to help me recall verses. I write them down. I need to learn to just picture them in my head. Well, I have to bounce. I have to write some. Goodbye. |