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by Seuzz
Rated: 18+ · Book · Other · #2156493
A hub for the "Book of Masks" universe.
The Interactives
"The Book of Masks: A high school student discovers a grimoire that can make magical disguises.
"The Wandering Stars: Sequel to "The Book of Masks."
"Student Bodies: A high school student is turned into a blue goo that can possess people.

For non-WdC Members
"The Book of Masks: Archives: Dodges the "Servers Busy" barrier!
"The Book of Masks (Abridged): Introductory storylines for new readers.

"BoM/TWS Message Forum: Community for readers of the interactives.
"BoM/TWS/SB Wiki: Notes and documentation for authors. Spoilers!

Current Polls

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7/1: Interactive: "Solving Other People's Problems
7/1: Public: "Solving Other People's Problems
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March 12, 2020 at 4:19pm
March 12, 2020 at 4:19pm
Today's chapter—

Interactive: "The Grounded Girl
Public: "The Grounded Girl

—ends the commission.

Then, on to something new. But what?

I'm not sure yet. I will have to kill some time while I decide.

But I'll have some new things for you while I think about it. As Masktrix was setting up the St. Francis Xavier School, I contributed a few ideas and wrote a couple of chapters in order to get those ideas down.

For those readers with WdC memberships, who can easily access the interactive: You will be getting those extra chapters while Mastrix finishes off his "Going Alloway" branch.

For those who read the Archives: You will be getting the 27 or so chapters leading into the new stuff. To avoid overloading you, I'll be posting it in seven-chapter chunks, starting today with "Unexpected Exhumations --> "The Apprentice Becomes the Master. To set the stage: Will has been trying to get rid of the magical grimoire he purchased, while at the same time trying to prevent it from falling into the hands of a bunch of bullies. In "Things Best Left Buried he has just recovered the Libra from the bullies, and has to decide what to do with it.

I should finish publishing the new interactive chapters right about the time that I finish catching everyone else up, so that everyone will be on the same footing when I'm ready to start in earnest with a new branch.
March 8, 2020 at 2:48pm
March 8, 2020 at 2:48pm
Wow. Here I am, a week after posting the last chapter in the branch I was writing, with the delayed sequel:

Interactive: "Playing the Victim
Public: "Playing the Victim

During that time I was engaged in an intense, fruitful, and very fun back-and-forth with Masktrix (and a few side quests with other people) about his chapters. We've got the St. Francis Xavier School pretty well set up by now, so there's a structure for some adventures there. And in setting it up we back-and-forthed ideas for things to happen at it. You can see the start of one of those ideas in Masktrix's current chapter, "Going Alloway, Part 1. Check it out.

But with the really intense stuff done there, I finally have time to get back to finishing the branch I left suspended last week. I have today's chapter, and I have tomorrow's too, and I've got the outline for Tuesday's, and there will be four more after that.

And then?

I don't want to think about it, because then I'll start thinking about Xavier's, and then I'll be right back in the distractions!
March 3, 2020 at 12:56pm
March 3, 2020 at 12:56pm
Masktrix was kind enough to give me a partial credit on the chapter he published today: "What Chance Have You Got Against a Tie and a Crest. In fact, everything before the section break is his, and all the ideas after the section break are his as well. I only contributed an edit and a dialogue polish to the second section in order to simplify some exposition.

Between that and a couple of other things, I was not able to write a sequel to "Project Genesis for today, and I might not be able to write one for tomorrow either. But it's just a temporary delay, and maybe a useful one. I have no clear idea what comes after "Project Genesis" except that the sequel chapter will be titled "Playing the Victim," and a day or two away from the branch may clarify my thinking.
February 27, 2020 at 6:47pm
February 27, 2020 at 6:47pm
Just so yesterday's post doesn't sit at the top of the feed, here are links to the chapter I should have finished and posted yesterday:

Interactive: "Jack of All Trades
Public: "Jack of All Trades

In the meantime, you can go read what Masktrix has to say about his chapters, and give him feedback, in the forum: "BoM/TWS Message Forum.
February 26, 2020 at 5:01pm
February 26, 2020 at 5:01pm
I don't have a chapter ready. I was distracted yesterday, by things BoM-related and unrelated. The unrelated things are of no intrinsic interest or importance. The BoM-related stuff involved writing captions for Achillesredux for some BoM-inspired pictures.

But I think Mastrix is publishing enough to keep y'all entertained for the duration.
February 23, 2020 at 3:50pm
February 23, 2020 at 3:50pm
New commission/storyline starts:

Interactive: "A Kind of Professional Consultation
Public: "A Kind of Professional Consultation

This was a really hard chapter to write, and frankly I'm surprised I got it done in time to be published today. (But maybe, on reading it, you'll think it should have cooked longer.) Everything in it kind of surprised me.

Not until I sat down to actually write it did I realize the impersonation that was going to occur inside it. But given where the story has been commissioned to go, it was just obvious what had to be done first.

Then as soon as Will put that mask on, I had to find out for myself everything that would be inside it. So I spent a massive amount of time setting up a kind of thing that I've been tiptoeing around up until this point.

Even the revelation at the end of the chapter—which may seem too pat and coincidental—was a revelation to me. I already have a map of Saratoga Falls all made up, and many, many months ago, when Sydney first appeared, I started sketching in ley lines using suggestive-seeming landmarks around the city that could be used as anchor points.

And today, when I extended out those ley lines to see where else they would intersect, I discovered that one of the intersections was just north of—

But that would be a spoiler. Read the chapter to find out.
February 22, 2020 at 10:15am
February 22, 2020 at 10:15am
Today's chapter—

Interactive: "Arsenic from a New Face
Public: "Arsenic From a New Face

—finishes up a commission. There was a last-minute change in plans connected to that one, and I did some last-minute revisions which caused me to miss publishing yesterday. But it's up now.

Tomorrow I start a new commission, one that will run for 10 to 14 chapters, in all probability. It takes off from here: "Mental Kudzu. Those of you with WdC accounts may recognize that chapter and its two sequels already. For those who read the public pages, they might be new because they haven't been published in the Archives before. Background:

It's a story with Will and Sydney. Sydney has discovered that her stepfather murdered her father, and wants to get revenge on him. Will is willing to go along with this. But Sydney has also proposed forming a "Brotherhood of Baphomet" using golems, and in this branch Will thinks this would take things too fast and too far.
February 17, 2020 at 9:44am
February 17, 2020 at 9:44am
Yeah, so I forgot to publish a chapter yesterday. Here it is now:

Interactive: "A Rapidly Developing Situation
Public: "A Rapidly Developing Situation

I was working on a project in Minecraft, and I completely forgot about BoM.

Meanwhile, in the sadly under-used "BoM/TWS Message Forum , you can give Masktrix feedback on the chapters he published.
February 14, 2020 at 5:22pm
February 14, 2020 at 5:22pm
G'yuh! I wonder how today's chapter—

Interactive: "A Dana's-Eye View
Public: "A Dana's-Eye View

—will read to people. I had to rewrite that stupid thing over and over again, including a last-minute rewrite that deleted a huge chunk and added a new section just before I published it. That's one reason I'm late today in getting it posted.

Disclaimer: I'm not actually looking for feedback or validation. Asking "how will people react" is just the hook for the post.

So these chapters are part of a commission, and I've got some targets I've been asked to hit while fulfilling it. But I also (for my own peace of mind) have to hit a couple of bases before I turn my attention to the targets. Like, if you're a long-time reader of BoM, you know what has happened to Will, and that it's a pretty big change. And I feel like I have to work through some of the consequences of that change—like what he's going to do about it, given that he thinks he's someone else—before an actual plan starts to form. Otherwise, it's going to feel rushed.

Today's chapter was one where the gears started to grind as I began the transition to the commission proper. It has nothing to do with the commission itself (I should add); but I had to set up the last of the possible reaction-choices while also setting up the choice that is going to lead into the commission. And I found that very challenging. What was going to happen to Will on that first day back at school that would point in one very particular direction while still setting up some other, very different directions the story could go?

Motive and reaction: Those are the atomic elements in story telling. What is the character going to do, and what are his or her reasons for doing it? Get one of them wrong, or don't connect them in the right way, and the story loses focus and plausibility. Today's chapter was a real challenge at getting it right.
February 12, 2020 at 3:47pm
February 12, 2020 at 3:47pm
Masktrix has picked up and is galloping off with the set-up chapters that I published yesterday and the day before, so I'm back to the commission:

Interactive: "Of Two Minds About Almost Everything
Public: "Of Two Minds About Almost Everything

I'm not sure I've got much to say about it, except one observation:

There's a character-count limit at WdC: 10K characters, which works out to about 1750 words. That's a good length for chapters in genre fiction. But every once in a while it does make things awkward. I would have preferred to combine today's chapter and tomorrow's into one, but too much would happen to be comfortably squeezed into 1750 words. So I need two chapters to cover it. But there's not quite enough for two chapters, either.

So we wind up with a chapter like today's, which treads water for a little while before getting to the action.

But I'll confess to liking the material that pads it out at the beginning. Besides helping (IMO) with the pacing, it also adds a little emotion to things.
February 10, 2020 at 9:55am
February 10, 2020 at 9:55am
I guess you all noticed that there was no chapter last night, either in sequence or as a one-off. Well, sometimes these things happen.

It was a confusing weekend on this end of things. I had previously finished the revisions I needed to do to set up the commission I'm working on. But there were details to the commission that hadn't been settled yet, so I had to miss two days of writing while waiting for them to be finalized. They are still not completely settled, but enough got nailed down that I could resume writing, and the sequel to "Schools of Fishiness is now written and sitting on the launching pad.

Today, though, brings part one of a two-part one-off (so to speak): "Guilty Consciences All Around

That link goes to the interactive, and there is no equivalent public page, because even though I wrote it, I wrote it for someone else.

By sheerest coincidence, you see, a reader/author slid into my Inbox yesterday with technical questions for a storyline he wanted to write. It turned out that his idea wouldn't work, but after a quick back-and-forth I offered to launch a spin-off chapter that would let him publish a reworked version of his original idea. That is today's publication. And because it sets up a branch that I will not be writing, I've not included it in the public pages.

The background to bring you up to speed: Will has been trying to get rid of the Libra, but it keeps yo-yo-ing back into his possession. First, he lost it in a scrum with some bullies; then after telling a teacher about it and getting it back, he tried burying it in the school time capsule. (That involved sneaking onto school grounds at night, digging up the already buried capsule, and putting the book into it.) But then the time capsule gets dug up by perpetrators unknown, and its contents scattered. Will has gone to Mr. Walberg to ask if a book had been recovered from the capsule, and learns that the perpetrators left a piece of evidence behind—a piece of evidence linking the theft to those same bullies who had taken the book from him in the first place.

As today's chapter opens, Will has decided not to tell Mr. Walberg what he knows, and to again try putting the whole business behind him.

I have to write one more sequel to finish setting things up for the other author, and then I'll resume with the commission on Wednesday.
February 8, 2020 at 5:50pm
February 8, 2020 at 5:50pm
Oh boy, has it really been two months since I've thanked people for gift points and tips? Well, one thing drives out another, as old Barliman liked to say.

So, my thanks to

* Clockworange
* Easy
* That One Guy
* Tal
* smitch
* HayateZero
* Chelsea Woodard
* thatdude
* Ero

for the GPs that they've sent me recently. I don't care about the size of the donation. Just getting a tip really does lift the spirits!

* * *

In other news, today's chapters:

Interactive: "Schools of Fishiness
Public: "Schools of Fishiness

finally polish off the rewrites. It puts the story on a parallel track to the original version (with Will and Chelsea hidden in Dana Pak and Yumi Saito, respectively, rather than in Sarah Pak and Dana), and the choices at the end are a little different. Originally, it was Adam Karter and Alyssa Randal as choices. But I dropped Alyssa because I got the feeling it wouldn't lead anyplace very interesting. But she might be a victim of a mask in an upcoming chapter! Or at least a choice of victim!

What comes tomorrow? Supposedly the start of the new commission, but I might end up skipping the day or putting up a one-shot of some kind. I don't have the commission started, and today wound up being a bookkeeping kind of day. My WdC Inbox was getting overstuffed, and I cleaned it out and reorganized it. I'm not sure how much writing time I will have this afternoon/evening.
February 6, 2020 at 12:35pm
February 6, 2020 at 12:35pm
I am still composing and posting one chapter at a time as I rework the branch that I deleted. Today's chapter heavily recycles some of that material:

Interactive: "Dramas, Public and Private
Public: "Dramas, Private and Public

But it's stretching out, and the branch will be two chapters longer by the time I reach the point where the last branch ended.

Part of that is just trying to break up some of the text-heavy parts. Today's chapter, for instance, originally ended farther in the process, but that left the entire chapter as an exercise in spell-solving. So I moved part of the spell stuff to tomorrow's chapter, and inserted a small character scene, to give it a little relief.

The other reason is that the pacing feels better being slowed down a little. It was one of the thing that bothered me almost as much as the continuity stuff when I reread this branch: It just moved too fast.

Anyway, tomorrow will bring a couple of hundred words to wrap up the spell-casting, with the balance of the chapter given over to character stuff. Then a chapter that will be almost entirely character stuff in order to set up the concluding choices. Then we'll get into the commission, and something genuinely new.
February 3, 2020 at 12:46pm
February 3, 2020 at 12:46pm
So as I think I warned you, I had to nuke a bunch of chapters today. Fifteen in total, spread across two branches. As my revisions accumulated, they reached the point where the new plot was starting to diverge from the old.

In place of the original chapter, "Put on the brakes," there is a new one, now published in both the interactive and the public document:

Interactive: "A Hairpin Change in Plans
Public: "A Hairpin Change in Plans

All by itself it doesn't alter the plot. It just arrives at a similar destination at a slightly more sedate place. But Will isn't going to wake up tomorrow where he woke up yesterday (so to speak).

Because everything from here on out is going to follow a new plot line, I am going to have compose new chapters, so I will be returning to a one-chapter-a-day publishing schedule.

Just to be clear: Yes, this is a new plot line, but it is going to run next to the vaporized plot line along a parallel track. And then it's going to go further into actually new territory.
February 2, 2020 at 9:45am
February 2, 2020 at 9:45am
Okay, here's what I've got for people. It's both a whole lot and not very much at all.

If you are someone who reads the public pages only, I've got a new-to-you six-chapter run, branching off of "The Return of Gordon Black [public version]. Will has sold the grimoire to his friend Caleb, but it is Will who is summoned up to the school by Chelsea Cooper when her boyfriend uses the grimoire to accidentally petrify himself. Will is trying to help her fix Gordon; at the same time, he is starting to research the book that he had tried getting rid of. As the new branch commences with "The Increasingly Complicated Life of Will Prescott, Will has uncovered a new spell, and has decided to prepare it in her presence.

If you are a WdC member, you likely know the chapters in question, which are practically ancient. That is why I am revising this branch--to align it more closely with the story as it has evolved. The same chapters are now revised in the BoM interactive--starting with "The Increasingly Complicated Life of Will Prescott [interactive version]--but the changes to these six chapters are mostly stylistic, and only substantive in only a couple of places. (Yes, those substantive changes will cause continuity issues in some of the other branches that come off them, but I'm not going to worry about them unless it comes time to add new chapters to them.)

That's all I had time to do yesterday, so I don't have anything really new for you. Today I will be making revisions to more chapters, and will be posting them tomorrow, so that will also be a day of new things only for readers of the Archived version of BoM.
February 1, 2020 at 1:21pm
February 1, 2020 at 1:21pm
That "Student Bodies" chapter is now up. I'm also now at work on revising the branch that leads up to "Invalid Chapter. Part of that branch is going to get sawn off and completed replaced; some of the branches that lead off that sawn-off part will disappear, at least temporarily, until I upload the back-up copies again.

So tomorrow is unlikely to bring a brand-new chapter. More likely, it will bring a much revised version of something that is already up. I'll give more details tomorrow when something gets published.
January 31, 2020 at 10:12am
January 31, 2020 at 10:12am
So, at the start of the week, I said this would be a six-chapter run. Change of plans: It's going to be a five-chapter run, because I got stuck for a sequel to today's chapter.

Fortunately, the guy who commissioned this branch also commissioned those "Student Body" chapters from me, so we made a deal whereby I'd write an extra SB chapter to make up for cutting one from this branch. So you'll get an SB chapter tomorrow.

And after that?

Oh, it's a mess. That's what I've got to figure out today.

I have two more commissions to fulfill. The next one is supposed to be a sequel to "Invalid Chapter. But that's an old branch that is now out of continuity with BoM as it has since evolved, and the discrepancies bother me. I'm extremely tempted to do a thorough rewrite before continuing with the commission. It's already the case that I'd have to make very large changes to "The Princess and the Pauper"; and, as an added excuse, I'd have to post a bunch of those chapters to the public Archives edition before pushing on. So I would have a good excuse for doing clean up that I want to do anyway. But it's extra work and would delay getting to the new stuff.

I could let plans there sit for awhile, and skip ahead to the second commission. But that's going to be a long one—fourteen chapters, I'm thinking. But I'm not sure I'll have a better idea in two weeks about how to handle the first commission than I'll have now.
January 27, 2020 at 4:05pm
January 27, 2020 at 4:05pm
So here's the first chapter in the next branch:

Interactive: "The Invisible Boyfriend
Public: "The Invisible Boyfriend

Spoiler: It's the track team they're going to infiltrate.

There will be five more after that, and then we'll switch over to a new commission.
January 26, 2020 at 6:32pm
January 26, 2020 at 6:32pm
Yeah, I'm late posting today. I got a new PC game and it took forever to copy it over, download updates, etc. And then I had to goof around with it a little.

Anyway, last chapter in this run of "Student Bodies" is up. New stuff starts up tomorrow; see "Branch's End to get up to speed on where and what it will be.
January 25, 2020 at 3:36pm
January 25, 2020 at 3:36pm
Okay, now we're going to suspend this branch and go on to something new. But I am pleased that people liked it enough to gently press it to go on a little further.

Interactive: "An Exercise in Substitution
Public: "An Exercise in Substitution

It does end with another "Continue" even though a choice gets set up, because I figure that Will (and the reader) need a little more time and experience before deciding what to do with Dana.

Tomorrow, the last "Student Bodies" chapter.

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