So playing the trombone wasn't getting me in enough trouble? |
I need someplace to write down the often confusing thoughts that enter my mind, while my stories give voice to the characters that wander through periodically, this is the place for my voice. Join me if you wish, comment if you wish, all are welcomed and appreciated. |
Posting from my phone, so please excuse both the brevity and typos. We were forced to take my MIL to the hospital, she was getting weak, unable to eat, and dehydrated. Unfortunately, a scan of her abdomen revealed masses on her liver. The doctors suspect that the masses are metastatic cancers that have spread from somewhere else. Lenore and her siblings, after speaking with Momma's doctors have decided to forego any further intrusive testing. Aside from the fact that the tests themselves might prove fatal, it's almost a foregone conclusion that she wouldn't tolerate the treatment required. Nor would it really provide a livable extension of her life. Mary was a strong lady, she lived a wonderful 97 years, and saw the birth of grand children and great grand children. Please keep Mary and Lenore in your prayers. |