So playing the trombone wasn't getting me in enough trouble? |
I need someplace to write down the often confusing thoughts that enter my mind, while my stories give voice to the characters that wander through periodically, this is the place for my voice. Join me if you wish, comment if you wish, all are welcomed and appreciated. |
When I was a little guy, no wait I'm still a little guy, I meant when I was younger, I enjoyed wandering through woods and forests. Actually, I still do. Very often I would get so preoccupied with the sights and sounds of my journey that I'd lose track of my path. That was wonderful for discovery, but annoying when it was time for lunch. A trick that I found was to remember the Down/Listen Advice. The principle is based on the fact that most civilization forms in valleys, so to find the valley you head — down. This will also very often lead you to a road or stream, that's the listening part. You can hear a road before you'll see it, likewise for a stream. I have found my way out of the trees quite often using this advice. I have never really minded getting a bit lost, whether hiking or driving. Sometimes the best adventures start with being lost! ...I'm only the trombone player! |
Today is National Home Brew Day. Or, maybe yesterday was? No matter, I going off on a different tangent altogether. On assignment to find and procure new sources of refreshment for "Invalid Item" , I stumbled upon this little tidbit of useless information. Did you know there is a giant cloud of alcohol drifting in space? I mean a really giant cloud, 400 quintillion liters of huge. quin·til·lion. a cardinal number represented in the U.S. by 1 followed by 18 zeros, and in Great Britain by 1 followed by 30 zeros. Great, another question. Why does Great Britain need more zeros? This is why I never get anything done! Just to put that number in perspective; "everyone (Earth's total population) would need to consume 300 thousand liters of alcohol daily for a billion years." Aside from the fact that much imbibing would be inherently unhealthy, said alcohol itself isn't really the pleasant drinking kind, more the anti-freeze, windshield washer fluid kind (methanol). Not to mention that the cloud it forms also contains other deadly chemicals. You might ask, why is this even important? If we can't drink it, why did we even bother looking for it? "Alcohol is also an organic substance, an integral part of living organisms. Barry Turner of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory claims that these alcohol clouds can “help us better understand how life can evolve in the universe”." But the cloud also proves that the Universe has a sense of humor. "The cloud contains ethyl formate, an ester that gives a raspberry flavor and, as astronomers say, it smells like rum. Therefore, it seems that these cosmic spirits may have a taste and aroma similar to raspberry rum." So, I can't drink it, but it smells like I'd want to. |
As Waltz Invictus said today, there's a Day for everything, I might add that very often it's because somebody is trying to make a buck or two. So today is "National Men Make Dinner Day". I'm willing to wager that many of the men here make dinner, maybe not every day, but more often than to make a big deal out of it. I think men cooking is normal! I enjoy cooking, I find it relaxing. I learned to cook early, after watching my Father and Brother nearly starve to death, because my Mother was late getting home from an American Legion Auxiliary luncheon. The first meal I cooked was not fancy, or gourmet by any means; hot dogs, beans, and french fries, but it astounded both of the other two males in the household. You have to understand, on a camping trip, these two chefs thought that you added a can of water to Chef Boyardee's canned spaghetti, like it was a can of Campbell's Condensed Soup. A byproduct of my newfound cooking skills, I was now considered camping trip-worthy. Now, Lenore and I tend to split the cooking, the ratio varies with the seasons; During the Spring and Summer (BBQ season) more of it falls on me. In the winter she does a bit more than I do. However, the other night I made a new (for us) dish, and it came out pretty well! We had chicken breasts stuffed with asparagus, mozzarella, and shallots. very simple seasonings, salt, pepper, garlic, paprika and Italian seasoning. It must have been okay because I have permission to "make it again". |