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Rated: E · Book · Family · #2281952
A cryptic message leads to the clarity of Life's purpose.
The protagonist receives a cryptic message sent by an unknown person for some unexplained reason. The dark veil draws him to pursue answers, and in the process, he finds clarity as never before.
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October 6, 2022 at 8:07pm
October 6, 2022 at 8:07pm
The Pattern

The Departure Act: Solomon, the flawed man, who is depressed by his flaws, is stopped in his tracks by the cryptic message he receives. "You will be a success on the day of."

The Initiation Act: Solomon is called to action when a long-lost friend of the family returns to deliver to Solomon a cryptic message of his own. "Seek your meaning from the One, Who is Meaning, or your life will forever remain meaningless." Solomon becomes the hero he has always wanted to be, but only after he endures journeys through "The Day of Joy," "The Day of Sadness," "The Day of Hope," and "The Day of Despair," finding no lasting meaning in any of them.

The Return Act: Solomon comes to see at last, that the only True Meaning of Life and Existence is found in the continued focus on the Face of The One, Who is Truth Incarnate. (John 14:6)


by Jay O'Toole
on October 6th, 2022

Here is yet another signature, that has been provided for me by my good friends, WS & GG.
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October 5, 2022 at 11:20pm
October 5, 2022 at 11:20pm
1. Theme:

Change to a stronger faith with ultimate freedom

Moral of the Story:

"When we focus on this Earthly life we miss the big picture of our life, that will go on forever. When we focus on our eternal life as the Lord created us to be, then our life on Earth is understood with greater clarity."

2. Resolution: Solomon starts out mildly amused and somewhat curious about the cryptic message, "You will be a success on the day of." However, the need to know what the phrase, "the day of" means drives him to the point of insanity. He searches through encyclopedias, online resources, philosophers, preachers, teachers, and wise ones of every stripe. Finally, the Lord of Glory Himself steps into Solomon's life, and introduces Himself "in no uncertain terms," making clear in a moment what Solomon has been vigorously searching to know for years.

There seem to be some similarities between the growth of Solomon through his many adventures, and the sound build-up from the wispy opening strains of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, and the thrilling, joyous climax. This is something to explore.

by Jay O'Toole
on October 5th, 2022

Here is yet another signature, that has been provided for me by my good friends, WS & GG.
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October 4, 2022 at 10:43pm
October 4, 2022 at 10:43pm
Our story began with these words, "You will be a success on the day of."

Where is this story going? The climax will be the Day of Sight when Solomon is able to see spiritually to the degree, that his living is seen on two plains, simultaneously. He is still able to see his physical life on Earth, without the intense emotional, mental, and spiritual pain of the past because he will, also, see his eternal life, that began at the moment of salvation.

In some ways it will be like watching a highlight video of your favorite football team when you already know, that in the final score your team wins. No matter how far ahead the opponent may get during the game, you remain unphased because your team is ahead when then clock runs down to 0:00.

No matter how many times Solomon trips, falls, and gets back up, again, in the walk of faith, he can endure the difficulties of life when he finally gets a glimpse of the ultimate victory.

by Jay O'Toole
on October 4th, 2022

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October 3, 2022 at 7:47pm
October 3, 2022 at 7:47pm
Protagonist's Normal Life:

As a boy and as a teenager life was never so joyful for Solomon as it was during the last two months of the year, November and December. The house was so festive, and joyful when Christmas music started to be played in November, and life was so full of colorful lights as well as red and green decorations all over the house. His mother was decorated with joy and happiness then, too.

Christmas Day was a different story. The Day of Christmas was at the same time the best and worst day of the year. Christmas morning when all the presents were under the Christmas tree, it was a time of joy and excitement. However, after the presents were all opened, Solomon felt so sad, that it was all over.

All that lay ahead was normal life, sameness, and eleven months before he could return to the Christmas season. More than that his mother switched back from being joyful at Christmastime to being sullen and moody the rest of the year. That's why high school graduation, and going off to college in another town seemed so filled with hope for Solomon. New place, new things to do, and Mom was not around with her moods to drag him down emotionally.

However, something left with him, and he soon realized that he was often moody. His tongue was often fiery and foul. It could be set-off at the least provocation. "Will I ever get better?" he thought. "Is there any hope for me?"

The Inciting Incident (The Call to Adventure):

A simple walk to the mailbox would change Solomon's life forever. As he opened the mailbox door a sea of mail (advertisements and fliers, mostly,) didn't flow out onto the ground as usual. On this day there was only one small, plain, white envelope with the handwritten address, "To Solomon Carl Plain, Esquire." No return address. No stamp. Nothing to identify the sender, except a distinctive, lovely handwriting.

He opened the envelope, carefully. Inside he found one piece of cardstock in the same simple, plain white color as the envelope. It was mostly bare, except for these few cryptic words, "You will be a success on the day of." The last three words had apparently been written multiple times to make the letters bold for that was the only trait, that set them off from the rest of the sentence.

For the rest of the day, and for many days to come, Solomon would not be able to get this message out of his mind. He chewed it over, like a cow, chewing the cud. It stirred in him a passion to find meaning behind the phrase, "The Day of." His journey of discovery would change him, and everyone, who knew him.

by Jay O'Toole
on October 3rd, 2022

Here is yet another signature, that has been provided for me by my good friends, WS & GG.
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October 3, 2022 at 11:56am
October 3, 2022 at 11:56am
Who is my protagonist? Solomon Carl Plain is 25 years old. He has yet to get his first job in his degree area (B.A. in Education.) He is of average build (5', 8".) He is 150 pounds of with upper-body strength from lugging a briefcase around campus from class to class, taking copious notes in class, and completing all of the assignments for class, including major papers, and research projects. He is far from a body-builder, but he does work out at the gym three times a week, and he enjoys his 3-mile runs about 3-4 times every week.

As I said, he is currently unemployed as the story begins, during his first post-graduation summer. He lives with his parents, while applying for education jobs, but there are nagging questions in the back of his mind. "Can I be a good teacher? Do I want to teach? Did I choose this degree program because Mom is a teacher or because I feel like the Lord called me into the teaching profession?"

Culturally, Solomon is a Southerner from the Deep South of the USA. He was reared by a strong mother, who always knew what everybody should do with their lives. This was especially so for her "pride and joy," Solomon. His dad was a bi-vocational, Baptist pastor, who did most of his speaking in the pulpit, "the sacred desk," since Mom did most of the speaking at home. Dad worked a secular job Monday through Friday and took care of his pastoral responsibilities on Saturdays, Sundays, and Wednesday evenings. Solomon didn't have much time with his dad, growing up, and as a result, he still doesn't really feel like his dad was proud of him.

Solomon is still a single man, which makes him wonder if he will be accepted as a teacher. However, he has been dating a young lady for two years, who has become "the love of his life." He's thinking about "popping the question," trying to get married, before he starts teaching somewhere.

Personality-wise, Solomon is reserved, owing to the fact, that he still is unsure of himself, and what he really wants to do with his life. He spent all of his childhood, trying to please others, especially his mom and dad. However, he shocks people when his foul mouth comes to the surface, since (in their words) "We didn't think you were like that."

He likes chocolate and a lot of it.
He is particularly partial to Southern Sweet Tea.
He loves pizza, fried chicken, chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream, and peppermint sticks.
He loves Christmas, and summer vacation.

He does NOT like vegetables, especially the crunchy kind, that feel like "wooden sticks in my mouth."
He really doesn't like to be "the butt of somebody else's joke."
He doesn't like the first week of every college semester "when the teachers pass out the syllabus, and I go, 'How am I going to get all of that done?'"

He has a strong love of people, but his mouth pushes them away.
He has a strong desire to be an excellent Christian, but he falls on his face so often.
He has exceptional skills in Math, but he forgets people's names, if he doesn't talk to them every week.
He has a strong mind, but he does foolish things.

"Is there any hope for me to be a success in life," he wonders, "when my strengths and weaknesses so often cancel each other out!" (Philippians 4:13, KJV)

by Jay O'Toole
on October 3rd, 2022

Here is yet another signature, that has been provided for me by my good friends, WS & GG.
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
October 2, 2022 at 11:18pm
October 2, 2022 at 11:18pm
1. Setting: Chattanooga, Tennessee is the place where Solomon graduates from college. This is the starting point of our story. However, the theme of our story is the answering of a Big Question. With that in mind, locations around the globe are within the realm of possibility. Stayed tuned since the libretto could take us to regions beyond.

2. Protagonist: Solomon Carl Plain is a recently graduated education major with a Bachelor of Arts degree. This means, that Solomon has two years of French language studies to his credit, but very little practical usage in the field.
(2b) - Flaws: Solomon is a procrastinator. He's about five to ten minutes late for every appointment. Bad Reputation is an understatement.
Solomon professes to be a Christian, but his temper gets him into trouble. He's controlled enough to not break things, usually, (except for that time he put a fist through the wall of his dorm room, and it cost him $200 to fix it,) but his fiery tongue is "on a hair-trigger."
Solomon's temper is expressed by a foul mouth. His slips with four-letter words has everyone questioning his profession of faith.
(2c) - Goals: Solomon wants to leave a good mark on his world.
Solomon wants to help people, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
Solomon wants to see the people in his world come to Christ, being saved, and transformed forever.

3. Conflicts: That means his flaws are a constant grief to his spirit because he really did have a heart change as a teenager when he was confronted with the claims of Christ and was saved. His flaws are pretty much "muscle memory" learned from some bad influences during his childhood, and compounded by his own impulsive personality.

This means, that Solomon is the epitome of the Apostle Paul's inner turmoil, written about in Romans 7:14-25,KJV. "14 For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin.

15 For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I.

16 If then I do that which I would not, I consent unto the law that it is good.

17 Now then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.

18 For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not.

19 For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do.

20 Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.

21 I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me.

22 For I delight in the law of God after the inward man:

23 But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members.

24 O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death?

25 I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin.

4. Antagonist: Jonathan ("Jon") Daniel Cross is Solomon's best friend from childhood. However, Jon still does all the meanness, that he and Solomon used to do together back then. The fact, that Solomon became a Christian, infuriates Jon to the degree of trying to follow Solomon around to slap down and destroy everything, that Solomon creates. He doesn't understand anything about the "so-called Christian walk" as he puts it. Therefore, it becomes his mission in life to prove, that Christians in general, and Solomon in specific are all frauds. "There's nothing to it!" he screams, often. Jon is the kind of guy, that believes, "Christianity is a damned lie!" He tries to prove his belief with every fiber of his being, until his last breath, or until The Lord "knocks him off his high horse," too. (Acts 9:1-9)

by Jay O'Toole
on October 2nd, 2022

Here is yet another signature, that has been provided for me by my good friends, WS & GG.
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
October 1, 2022 at 5:48pm
October 1, 2022 at 5:48pm
1. What if my main character (Solomon) started his work career with a simple, cryptic, unsigned message, that read, "You will be a success on the day of"? The last three words are set off in bold font.

2. What if "the day of" referred to as many things as you could think of to be answered as a fill-in-the-blank? (The Day of ________)

3. What if he lived in the day of Joy?

4. What if he lived in the day of pain?

5. What if he lived in the day of Hope?

6. What if he was placed in the Day of the Lord?

7. What if he could live the Day of Christmas for years at a time?

8. What if the day of his salvation was interactive? He could experience the joys of Heaven, and the horrors of Hell as unique moments of his existence. That could make him a much more effective evangelist.

9. What if the day of the creation of Adam became his to explore?

10. What if the day of Original Sin never happened because my main character (Solomon) could tell Adam and Eve about the world of 2022, causing them to forever trust the Lord as Truth (John 14:6,) rather than themselves?

11. What if my main character (Solomon) could be in the crowd as a born-again Christian from the 21st-Century? How would he interact with the crowd? How would he feel, if his best efforts could not change the events of that day? Should he even try to change the events of the Day of Jesus' Crucifixion?

12. What if the day of Eternity was clear to him in a moment of existence?

13. What if the day of the naming of my main character was as significant as the novel itself?

14. What if the day of a human's lifetime is the classroom, being used by God to prepare us for our true life in Eternity?

15. What if the Day of the Everlasting Now is lived by believers in Jesus Christ as hope-filled Joy without regrets and as an Everlasting Escape Room with an unreachable door by those, who choose to go their own way without the need of Jesus, the Christ?

by Jay O'Toole
on October 1st, 2022

Here is yet another signature, that has been provided for me by my good friends, WS & GG.
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.

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