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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/blog/tracker1948/month/5-1-2024
Rated: 13+ · Book · Friendship · #2295863
This stuffed Beanie Baby dog came tagged "tracker" which fits my search for knowledge.

Here are words I like to write
All day long 'til it is night.

2023 Quill Winner
Best Reviewer & Best Biographical Stories Portfolio
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May 30, 2024 at 11:14pm
May 30, 2024 at 11:14pm
May 30, 2024
11 pm WDC time

Just a few words. I have enough to keep me busy here for a year! I will continue to do it as long as I have the passion, time, and desire to busily participate in a variety of activities.

I have school work to finish. I am updating my blog, ensuring I have at least two reviews done, and clear out email. I usually have from zero to maybe 4 or 5 emails sitting in my IN box.

Off to do my commitments here then off to finish my final paper for school.

Signature with another Care Bear

May 29, 2024 at 1:35pm
May 29, 2024 at 1:35pm
May 29, 2024

Whew! Where has this month gone? I looked at my agenda on my last entry on the 19th. (Sorry for neglecting you poor blog tracker's place). I have one item to complete: Finish entry for the Lodestar Contest. I am going to do that as soon as I have finished this entry. I will defer to Blog City's prompt. Kudos to Princess Morticia Megan Rose . Her prompts are always direct and to the point which are the ones I most often respond to.

Blog City image large
May 29, 2024 at 1:35pm
May 29, 2024 at 1:35pm
May 29, 2024

Whew! Where has this month gone? I looked at my agenda on my last entry on the 19th. (Sorry for neglecting you poor blog tracker's place). I have one item to complete: Finish entry for the Lodestar Contest. I am going to do that as soon as I have finished this entry. I will defer to Blog City's prompt. Kudos to Princess Morticia Megan Rose . Her prompts are always direct and to the point which are the ones I most often respond to.

Blog City image large

Prompt: How are you making the world a better place for those that come after you? Write about this in your Blog entry today.

I have a true story "Great Way to Communicate that answers this question. It was a huge eye opener to show me that everything you say or do for a person has an impact on them. Being supportive and positive is the way I roll. I may have opinions on how something could have been done differently. I always gave correct feedback to my employees in a way that was a teaching moment, not an opportunity to put someone down or ridicule them for making a mistake. In everything, I think about what is the impact of what I am saying or action I am taking?

I had another experience I have not written about before. I supervised a team of telephone service representatives whose job was strictly about merchandise my company sold in a catalog. It was over the Christmas holiday. The representatives handled a lot of complaints. To make their interactions easier, I empowered my people to grant credit to resolve issues to a customer's satisfaction. They did not need to get my approval, which gave the customer confidence that the adjustment was done immediately showing we believed in doing what was right.

One of my reps was out ill several times. I had to put him on a plan to improve his performance. He looked at me and said, "Tracker, I am sorry I miss so much work. I have a disorder that means I need blood transfusions which leave me so fatigued I can't work." I recommended the way to protect his job (through the Family Medical Leave Act FMLA).

On an extended sick leave, I called him more than once a week to wish him well. He told me he looked forward to my calls. I told him I cared about how he was doing and looked forward to him being well and back at his desk that was waiting for him.

One morning I received a call from a woman who said she was the sister of my sick employee.

"He died last night," she said.

"How?" I asked.

"I thought you knew," she answered. "Bill had AIDS. I wanted to let you know and thank you."

"No, he did not tell me. What do you want to thank me for?"

"A few days ago, during my visit to Bill in the hospital, he was hallucinating. He was talking and he mentioned your name. He said 'Don't worry. Tracker trusts me and lets me credit up to one hundred dollars. I have her permission. I don't have to ask her every time. I am happy." He had his hands positioned as if he were at a keyboard, moving them like he was typing.'

I took his personal things from his desk and called his sister. Normally we would ask a relative to come to our office to get their belongings. I felt like I needed to deliver them. We agreed on a time. She gave me her address.

When I got there, she invited me in and introduced me to Bill's parents. Immigrants from Mexico, they did not speak English. I said, "Lo siento" which means I am sorry. (Yay for taking beginning Spanish). They smiled.

I had majored in speech in college. I had prepared a few things to tell his sister. I was not aware his parents would be there. I spoke and his sister translated. She had previously asked me on the phone what he did at our company. He had never told his family. He lived alone in an apartment. I knew he was pretty tight-lipped about his personal life. I thought it surprising that his family did not know what he did. I talked about his job and his responsibilities. I explained to them how helpful he was to me because he had worked with merchandise calls for years and I went to him with questions I had as I was new to the team. He had a few recognition certificates in his desk. He also had a file with the monthly feedback handwritten reports I gave him. I gave all of it to them.

That brings me back to my story "Great Way to Communicate." I made a difference in his life, the life of another employee I described in my story. I treat people with dignity and respect. I treat them in the manner I would like to be treated. I am kind. I have been known to passionately share my displeasure of this or that with a trusted friend. Overall, though, I am pretty even tempered and strive to leave things better off than where I found them.

May 19, 2024 at 6:27pm
May 19, 2024 at 6:27pm
May 19, 2024
3:00 pm WDC time

Light bulb moment time arrived early this morning. Having slept for six hours, a couple of hours longer than my average, I was ready to get to my Just Do It list early. There was no time to waste.

Just Do It

*CheckV* Complete beta reading Steven Gepp's book giving him feedback.

*CheckV* Finish entry for the Lodestar Contest: "The Lodestar Contest

*CheckV* Review for Sumojo "WW1. A Soldier’s Nightmare

*CheckV* Work on DWG stuff "disABILITY WRITERS GROUP

*CheckV* Work on Words, Wonderful Words "Words, Wonderful Words

*CheckV* Check in Habit Heroes "Habit Heroes

*CheckV* Read email 23 new and respond. Read reply, file, delete

I will stop here I am tuckered just typing all I need to do. It does not include schoolwork, daily household chores, or my daily messaging with one of my good friends and talking on the phone with my BFF.

If you need anything, I shall be around.

May 18, 2024 at 8:46pm
May 18, 2024 at 8:46pm
May 18, 2024
8:45 pm WDC time

My head is all over the place today. The last couple of days have been so wonderful I hope to never land from floating on the sunshine and lollipops that make up my life.

May 18, 2024 at 1:21am
May 18, 2024 at 1:21am
May 18, 2024
1:15 am

Blog City Review Signature

Prompt: What does "Dance Like No One is Watching" mean to you? If you need inspiration, listen to Gabby Barrett

I have never been a great dancer. Despite that fact, I love to dance. When I hear music, like Gabby Barrett, I am moved to move, sway, or a full-on dance.

The saying means that when you are not in front of others, an audience, your natural abilities, desires, and performance is going to be more gratifying. The feeling of not being judged lends itself to more honest behavior.
May 18, 2024 at 1:20am
May 18, 2024 at 1:20am
May 18, 2024
1:15 am

Blog City Review Signature

Prompt: What does "Dance Like No One is Watching" mean to you? If you need inspiration, listen to Gabby Barrett

I have never been a great dancer. Despite that fact, I love to dance. When I hear music, like Gabby Barrett, I am moved to move, sway, or a full-on dance.

The saying means that when you are not in front of others, an audience, your natural abilities, desires, and performance is going to be more gratifying. The feeling of not being judged lends itself to more honest behavior.
May 16, 2024 at 3:34am
May 16, 2024 at 3:34am
May 16, 2024
3:30 am

Blog City image large

Prompt: Would you rather be a famous writer, a Rock Star or a Doctor who finds a cure for cancer? Write about this in your Blog entry today

I would love to be a rock star from which I would make oodles of money to support my novel writing hobby. My doctorate would be in molecular biology which would allow me to work on cancer research in my spare time, like backstage before a concert or when my muse goes on hiatus.
May 11, 2024 at 11:59am
May 11, 2024 at 11:59am
May 11, 2024
8:50 am

Blog City Review Signature

Maya Angelou said, "To describe my mother would be to write about a hurricane in its perfect power. Or the climbing, falling colors of a rainbow."

My mother was a turtle. She was introverted, the opposite of me, with little to say unless asked. When asked, she poked her head out of her shell and talked until your butt got sore sitting there listening to her. She never walked fast or rushed a thing in her life. Look at me. She waited until the very last day of the year to have me. I do know the turtle wins the race. She won my heart, respect, and forever love. She has been gone since 2002. I miss her more now near Mother's Day.

Note: Her favorite color was lavender.

May 10, 2024 at 9:58pm
May 10, 2024 at 9:58pm
May 10, 2024
5:45 pm
Blog City image large

Please use these words in your entry today: Mother, accurate, handy, relevance, reckless, swop, fork, and accountable.

Mother and I met for our usual Saturday lunch date. We were seated at our favorite booth. She was given a seniors menu. It had been a drama-filled Friday the day before. I was eager to tell her all about it. She was a good listener and never rushed me.

My friend, Sue, was arrested for reckless driving. She called to ask me to call her mother and explain what happened. She talked about camping with her boyfriend, Jon. To me, it had no relevance but I was not going to interrupt her train of thought. She called at dawn. My mother knew Sue well which is why she was not surprised. I dropped my fork. She asked if I was sure Sue said reckless. I assured her it was accurate.

She had babbled on about Jon and camping, and not saying how or why she was driving like a maniac. The girl was never accountable for her actions. I checked to see if the waiter was handy to bring me a clean fork and refill our drinks. He was and picked up our glasses to refill them and swap out my dirty fork.

My mother took a sip, looked up at me, and said how happy she was to have me for her daughter. That was Mother's Day 2002. She was gone on the seventh of July. I tell my daughter how happy I am to have her as my daughter and have heard her tell her daughters the same thing. It is a beautiful thing to say and hear.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/blog/tracker1948/month/5-1-2024