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Rated: E · Book · Cultural · #2318672
Through the eyes of a writer and traveler ๐Ÿ˜! Life and some spiritual musings.
Welcome Y'all ๐Ÿค .
I'm into animal rescue and rights. Positive vibes and activism! ๐Ÿ˜ป๐Ÿ™
It's been interesting for the past 20 years. Good folks on here and a great ๐Ÿ˜ƒ writing community.
It's time for rethinking my writing and growing as a person . Sharing how to help others and ourselves ๐Ÿ˜‰ has always been my motivation!
Hugs ๐Ÿค— to new and old peeps!

" The journey of 10,000 miles
Begins with one step ๐Ÿชœ.
--Lao Tzu

What you don't like
Don't do to another.
Rabbi Hillel

Do unto others
as you would have someone
Do unto you.
Jesus ๐Ÿ™

July 10, 2024 at 2:19pm
July 10, 2024 at 2:19pm
Hi, my readers, and thanks for stopping by!
Hearing about Judy's passing ๐Ÿ•ฏ๏ธ๐Ÿ™ this weekend has touched my heart on many levels. Though it's been decades since I've seen her and John, it's brought back memories that seem like yesterday to me.

As many as you know here, I've written about that time and wondered out loud if there was interest in it. And some have encouraged me to share them!

For a while, I've been thinking more than writing about it in my notebook ๐Ÿ“’.
I recently started to put pen to paper and seeing the all the comments on Facebook ( John Belushi's official page) instead of leaving mine, I decided to tell it here and perhaps share later.

Brooklyn Days and New York Nights
By (Drummer) Diane Fertig
A saga of life during the 1970s
In Greenwich Village and beyond!

In January 1973 I had turned 18 the previous Christmas. I was living in a one-bedroom apartment in Brooklyn, along with my foster mom and her 2 daughters. One being younger than me but she didn't look it. For a while I believed she was my best friend. Only time would tell the truth of that matter.
We were sitting at the kitchen table, when her mother,a short woman with red hair and green eyes stood looking displeased with both of us.

" You both need to get a job!" Her voice boomed in our ears. I can't afford to keep food in this house with the little I make and food stamps don't cover it either."

"Um ok " I stumbled " I want to help out too".
Ginger stood up saying " it's ok mom ! I bought the Village Voice and we'll look at the help wanted for something."
Lana opened the door and looked back at us. Good! Try to find something before I get back from work. Good bye girls!
And then she was gone.

Ginger laughed " Oh s*** she's always on a trip! Don't look so worried D, she always says that.
" I think she meant it and I do want to help her " as I bit my Pinky nail.

Ginger pointed to an ad " hey look at this one, it's in the Village! It should be easy to get and we could be working in New York and get the hell out of Brooklyn!"

Wanted Hat Check Girls!
Apply at 56 1st Ave NY
At The Top of the Gate

Later that day we took the Subway to the West 4th Street station and soon were taking to George the manager. He Hired us on the spot! He showed us around and took us to where we'd be checking people's hats and coats. There was a bar and entertainment section. He also showed us the club in the basement. It was the bottom of the Gate and there was a show called Lemmings being done there.

It was off off Broadway and he didn't say much about it and we didn't care because we were excited about getting the job! We met his wife Maggie who also worked there and she welcomed us!

Life was looking great for us!

The next night we stood behind the counter waiting for our first customers.
We had been told to be professional and polite. We were representing a nightclub that had opened in 1958 by Art D'Lugoff.
Many famous people had played there over the years from Duke Ellington, Aretha Franklin ( who made her first NY appearance there) to Jimi Hendrix.

So when the people started to arrive with coats and hats to be checked and a receipt given, even though I was a little nervous,it seemed to be an easy job.
Most of the people were nice ( I could tell by their clothes they were very rich.)
A lot smiled at first and I was starting to feel comfortable with everyone. Then I had my first rude response. The woman had a long fur coat ( probably mink) she looked at me like I was dirt. I was trying my hardest to be professional and polite, but she yelled at me " Be careful with my Coat it's very expensive and more than you make in a year."
I assured her as best I could" I'll be very careful ma'am.my hands are clean. I'll make sure it's safe."
She grudgingly handed it to me as I gently held it and handed her a receipt.
She grabbed it and shot me another dirty look and left.
By the end of our shift I wanted to quit. My feelings were hurt and I felt like I wasn't good enough to be there or maybe anywhere.
My mother had told me many times as a young girl" those people don't care about us ".
We had been sitting by Rockefeller center and well to do people were walking by.
I never forgot it. Even though I didn't believe what she said or completely understand it-- until that night.

Everyone including George and Maggie told me to stay and give it a chance. Though I didn't explain why I said " I don't think I'm right for the job" After all people didn't talk about those things in the time I was living. They hid them.

To cheer me up, George took my arm and said why don't Ginger and me come down and watch the show downstairs? It was a comedy and was very funny.
We walked down to the basement and found seats. The rest would become History!

It was National Lampoons Lemmings and the first time I ever saw John Belushi on stage or anywhere. In a word he was Magic! He was funny and charming and soon had me laughing along with the audience. I thought Wow that's what I want to do, just like that!

Later I will tell more about the show and some of the lyrics. And what life was like in the real world.

For now I will share " How it all came to
As far as being a hat check girl, I didn't want to continue. And fate created an escape!
People had to wait on the steps to be let down to the Lemmings show. The hall was narrow so there was a metal pole with a chain covered in old red velvet that hooked to a clip on the wall.
That night someone stole the pole and I was asked by someone who worked for Lemmings,to keep the people waiting on the landing!
I said " sure I can do that!"
As the people waiting were getting impatient,I took my blue suede belt and hooked it to myself and the wall!
a voice said " You have an easy job!"

And I just bantered back " well someone stole our pole so I'm just standing in!"

Pretty soon people were laughing instead of complaining!
When everyone was let down to the show, a man with a clip board came up to me" that was pretty brilliant coming up with all of that on your own!
Would you like to work for me?"

End of chapter for now!
I didn't expect to write all of this on my phone! I thought I lost it at one point ( gasp) I copied it ( Whew!)

I'll have to continue in my next post.
How I met John and Judy (Both were awesome people and very kind to me and others.)
I thank you for being on this journey and appreciate your feedback. If this is going to make a decent book!
Thanks ๐Ÿ˜Š ๐Ÿ˜ป

© Copyright 2024 D Spirit~writer Boo! ๐Ÿ‘ป ๐ŸŽƒ (UN: dlspiritwriter at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
D Spirit~writer Boo! ๐Ÿ‘ป ๐ŸŽƒ has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.

Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/blog/dlspiritwriter/day/7-10-2024