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I am starting a new chapter in my life..... |
I started job hunting today...... sort of. I am working with my new friend Audrey (employment specialist) to get ready to go job hunting. We're going to be redoing my wardrobe (somewhat) and doing practice interviews and such. This is where the journey will be documented for posterity. I also will throw in news about my writing now and again as that is what the site is for. Okay, so there are scraps of anything that might affect my life ... |
Thinking about making so many changes for the new year........ I think about what I want to spend my tax return on (even though I'm not sure I'm even getting one this year) I want a new bed frame. This hospital bed frame just isn't cutting it. My laptop needs an overhaul again; or I just need to get a new one. My printer is breaking down more and more by the day so I probably should get a new one. I think about changing my handle on here. Khola Mousethyme is a pseudonym of course and not even close to my given name. I don't know what to change it to though. My original pseudonym was Kriistiana (Kristy Mouse, Kristin Claire) ..... Of course, my who port is mouse themed so I would have to redo my signatures and my c-note shops; not to mention most of my other images. Then I think about leaving all together at times. Just building a bonfire out of my writing and saying I'm done. I've never really done anything with it. I can't even finish a decent story with the right word count. The closest I've gotten is "Lena's Violin" and I don't even know what it is for sure: is it a short short? Is it a short story? I have no idea. I don't know what genre I write in, what my voice is, I have only a sketchy idea of point-of-view; I still get confused over theme and plot..... A writer once said that he/she would not write a story unless she/he could sum up the story in one sentence. Just the thought of trying to do that gives me a migraine. But....... I can't see doing anything else with my time.Writing is my life, my being, my inner spirit. I could never build that bonfire. I'd end up sitting on the edge of the pit, reading each page over and over and crying my eyes out. I am a Writer. It is the only thing in my life that I am sure of. Life and the pages will go on.......... |