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Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!!
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"This is pretty much what journals are all about, at least to me.
I knew as I wrote them that even though they provided
an excellent place for brain (and heart, and psyche) dump,
they were mainly a map of me."
          --- Colleen Wainwright

"Writing gives you the illusion of control,
and then you realize it's just an illusion,
that people are going to bring their own stuff into it."
          --- David Sedaris

"Please write again soon.
Though my own life is filled with activity,
letters encourage momentary escape into others lives
and I come back to my own with greater contentment."
          --- Elizabeth Forsythe Hailey

"In giving of myself onto these pages every day
I allow myself to write regardless of the depth and meaning.
I share myself with others without fear of recrimination
for these are my thoughts, my feelings and my very being,
and there are non who's opinion of me matters more than my own."
          --- Rebecca Laffar-Smith

The Writer's Round-About

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July 14, 2007 at 12:07am
July 14, 2007 at 12:07am
I've had a blog on writing.com for a couple of years now and used it to discuss life and love and family along with writing. Strangely enough it's been a nice release to be able to come in here and share reality with the page and even more so to have wonderful readers who follow along actually finding interest in my entries.

As my regular readers might have noticed the blog has fallen into disrepair lately with postings becoming more sporadic and often focused on whatever new misery abounds. Blogging in this format has really lost it's appeal to me and I've been thinking a lot lately about transforming my blog into something more focused and informative.

Of course, I'm not leaving WDC. I love this medium to connect with other writers. The lively community aspect of WDC is what has always held me here since the days of stories.com. I've never found another site that invites friendship and a sharing spirit and loyalty amongst comrades. Indeed, I'll still even continue to resort to this blog from time to time if I want to rant about my day or share something of interest that isn't writing related.


New that was coming didn't you? *Wink*

But what many of you may not know is that I have a personal website and I've decided to develop my blog there with a focus on writing, the life of a writer, the writing process etc. I'm hoping to transform The Writers Round-About into an informative and entertaining read for writers and aspiring writers. Something a little less personal and looking at the broader picture.

Anyway, I'm losing my point. Basically I just wanted to share with you all the link to that blog and invite you to check it out. You'll be able to leave comments there (like you do here) and I plan to update it more regularly and with commitment that I no longer promise for this blog. Hopefully those interested in writing professionally will find the blog interesting and I'm hoping it develops a following since blogging without an audience isn't much fun. *Smile*

Thank you all for sharing Mental Meanderings with me and I hope you've enjoyed my entries here. There will still be more entries, I mean I haven't even told you all about the wonders of the latest Harry Potter movie and I'm looking forward to TTOM so I can regal you all with more odd spots. *Wink* I hope you'll find The Writer's Round-About gets you hooked and inspires your own work too.

Oh!! LINKS!!! *chuckles* Um... Easiest would be http://www.rebeccalaffarsmith.com You can view the blog on the main page there or click to it and various other links from that site. *Smile*
July 13, 2007 at 9:52am
July 13, 2007 at 9:52am
It's a strange feeling. Wordlessness. A sense of silence in the creative soul. My thoughts are running, I'm percolating, I have story (FoT) doing spiral staircases in my mind but I'm totally wordless. It's not like writers block. It's a sense of waiting instead of a sense of frustration or procrastination. Wordless...

In a way this feeling is rather relaxing. I've given myself a break to account for the school holidays and it's freeing to approach each day with no expectations. It's a good time to take a step back because I've gone over my past draft this past week and a half both in my mind and in my notes and I'm at about the half way mark building intensity into the novel. I've been noticing gaps and making annotations in preparation of the revision process and I need to nail down the remaining scene layout before proceeding.

I'm also still trying to lock in on my characters. In a way they're all solid but they lack a 3D element in my mind. I just can't FEEL them as fully as I'd like to. I'm not absorbed by them. It's part of what I've always had trouble with. When I was role playing (Dungeons and Dragons) I could lose myself in character. It made for some fun gaming because I'd jump up from my seat totally immersed in the role. But I can't seem to get that deep with the characters in my book. They don't fill me.

How do I find that point inside me where they come to life. Tori and Lucas have a story to tell. They're roles are vital and vibrant. Crey is screaming to be heard and Zara and Tempany have this residing pain that sort of floats there in ethereal expectation. But it's not enough. I THINK too much. How do I draw them out? How do I immerse myself in these characters so that I KNOW them? I need to be able to feel their actions and motivations coming into the scenes.

Meanwhile, it's all part of this wordlessness. I'm comfortable and there is another week of school holidays before my oldest returns to the grind for 10 weeks. Another week of watching the book run around in my mind and enjoying the way its filling out and becoming real. Another week of wordlessness...
July 7, 2007 at 9:16pm
July 7, 2007 at 9:16pm
Well it certainly didn't last very long but I expected it at least. Manic highs are ALWAYS followed by equal lows. I DID force myself out of bed and I'm blogging which is a good sign. All is not lost I suppose.

Still, it's the same old rollercoaster and I'm very sick of it.

Don't you hate feeling like there are limited choices? Like what happens today is what will happen tomorrow and six months down the line you're where you were six months ago? It brings to mind the mouse in milk pail. You know, a mouse fell into a pail of milk and for a while he swam to keep his head above the surface. Then he began to tire and considered giving up. But as his head went under the surface he pulled himself back up and swam and swam until he churned the milk to cream thick enough to stand on and managed to climb out.

I feel like the mouse in the milk but I don't know if I can keep swimming. I've been here so long and the milk isn't getting any thicker. I guess I should take solice in the fact that it's not really getting any thinner either.

Why do we struggle on like this day after day? Is there a point?

I know what keeps me here is my children. When I sink into these sorts of lows is their needs that keep my head above the surface. I can't deny them their mother and I can't turn their lives upside down. Sometimes I think even that is selfish. Surely they'd be better off in someone elses care. Someone who is not so mentally unstable.

This too will pass, I remind myself. It is a low and I'll come up again by pushing through it, moment by moment. Meanwhile, the outside world is locked out and I disappear under blankets. Sleep a little, don't sleep a lot, read, watch movies, and just lay there stare at nothing and wonder why I'm still trying to churn the milk.

This is life.
July 3, 2007 at 10:55am
July 3, 2007 at 10:55am
I've actually been accomplishing things lately. The sort of accomplishments even I notice and that is saying a lot because usually my minor accomplishments are shoved under the rug. Of course, I don't have a rug but that's besides the point. I mean that sometimes I just don't give myself credit for many of the things I do. Mostly, if I haven't been writing then I often feel like I've done nothing at all.

Thankfully, I HAVE been writing. *Bigsmile* I recently went on the hunt for writers software. I got sick of constantly hunting down notes on my computer or in my notebooks and while the plotboard worked ok with The Dating Game the children swiftly pull it to peices if I don't keep a close enough eye on them. And trust me, 3 year olds and cork board pins DON'T mix.

Anyway, I FOUND ONE! I found a fantastic program that is exactly what I was looking for. I downloaded the trial version to check it out and started by putting what I could of The Flight of Torque into it. Doing so was inspiring me and really getting me thinking about the plot and the characters and how they all interweave. The story is getting strong and stronger and while I still struggle to truly capture Tori and Lucas as solid lead characters I'm coming to know them.

I ended up buying the full version of StoryLines and I love it. I've even put The Tools of Poetry Workshop into it and it really helps to use the plotboard/storyline system to lay out where everything needs to come together. The focal point has helped me find direction and really narrow my sights so that I'm not constantly overwhelmed by EVERYTHING that must be done.

I used to look at The Tools of Poetry Workshop as 40 weeks of lessons. It was hard to even settle into lesson one because the ground work just wasn't there. I remember when I wrote the original version of the workshop I scrounged week by week to come up with a topic. Usually it would be late Tuesday morning before I'd physically FORCE myself to begin and snatched a random topic out of the air. I researched like made, put together a half-assed effort and posted it up for the group.

I remember that every week, all week long I was terrified about writing this short lesson that very few people seem to even read. It was daunting and I felt completely inadequate for the task. I was always filled with dread and experienced this intense breath of relief immediately after posting it up. Then of course, in the next breath the anxiety started again because I'd think on towards NEXT weeks lesson.

Now that I'm reworking the workshop I've got 40 weeks worth of lessons to write. But this time I began with a solid basis. I have a course outline so I know exactly which topic I'll be writing about. I've layed the groundwork with a reference guide and glossary. I plan to put this together as a published book when I've finished trialing and polishing it with the Persevering Poets Present group. The project is finally inspiring me.

The other think I did with StoryLines was used it as my new Poetry Marketing Database. I used to use Microsoft Access which was clunky and I could never get the linking to work the way I wanted and had multiple projects for Australian Paying, non-paying, interantional, contests, submitted, rejected etc. Anyway, now I've got it all together in StoryLines and it's so easy to work with. I even submitted 12 poems yesterday so I now have a total of 22 poems in circulation. I'm hoping one of them will catch a publisher bite. *Smile*

All of this activity and I've not been sleeping very well. I've come to realise and worry because this is classic Manic. I thought I was balanced because I have melancholy stages throughout my day but if I'm honest with myself, while this productivity is fantastic, I'm barely eating, barely sleeping and I'm talking (and typing) a mile a minute.

I guess all I can do is make the most of the energy for the moment. At least I'm finding focus when normally this sort of manic would have me completely flighty. Yes, I'm still forgetful (duh! Blonde!) but I can settle into one project for hours without feeling trapped or getting distracted. I'm getting things done and if I could run on this kind of energy forever it would be fantastic. Alas, a manic high is ALWAYS followed by it's equal and opposite low.

Still, obviously my cycle is out at the moment. They're lasting longer than usual and I've given up trying to plan around it. Basically I'm just going with the flow. I figure eventually I'll get wherever this stream of emotion is headed. *Smile* Meanwhile, I'm WRITING! Which is always the most fantastic feeling in the world.
June 30, 2007 at 5:38am
June 30, 2007 at 5:38am
I was reading online and captured a quote I wanted to save and share. *Smile*

"If you can't find much wrong with your manuscript, then it's probably so awful it should be burnt." - Sara Douglass
June 28, 2007 at 1:25am
June 28, 2007 at 1:25am
Yeah, so that time of the month has come and gone but I saved these wonderful, insightful and always entertaining and informative Odd Spots for you all. *Smile* Prepare to be enthralled...

#390 - The Eiffel Tower has 1792 steps.

#111 - If you attempted to count the stars in a galaxy at a rate of one every second it would take around 3000 years to count them all.

#92 - Just 20 seconds worth of fuel remained when Apollo 11's lunar module landed on the moon.
Wow, they'd have been fucked if they'd missed.

#157 - The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows.
I always thought she looked like a freak.

#173 - Elephants are the only animals that cannot jump.
*ponders* Really? That's pretty weird. Why can't they jump? Surely there are other animals that can't. Fish have no knees so I would assume THEY can't jump...

#223 - Animals that lay eggs don't have belly buttons.
Yeah, eggs don't have placenta's, duh!

#391 - Slugs have four noses.
Poor little guys. Itmust suck to come up against some dog poop.

#334 - Flamingos are pink because they eat shrimp.
Actually, PINK flamingos are pink because of the melanon in the pink fish and prawns/shrimp they eat. There are other kinds of flamingos that are not pink.

#218 - Camel's milk does not curdle.
This makes me wonder at it's accuracy. Because, if it were true, milk manufacturers would surely have done research into the exact property IN camel's milk that preserves the milk and reproduce it in other milk. Either that or there is such a conspiracy that this fact should never be known because producers WANT milk to curdle. I wonder if non-pasturised milk would curdle. AND... do they mean the milk doesn't EVER curdle, what if it was left a few years in a bucket out in the sun?

#392 - A quarter of the bones in your body are in your feet.

#233 - The tongue is the fastest healing part of the body.
Because it's in your mouth you know, that's why Mummy's kisses have healing properties, we aren't really KISSING the booboo, we're spitting on it. All other animals lick their wounds as well. Saliva has restorative and germ fighting properties.

#120 - Strawberries contain more vitamin C than oranges.
But orange juice companies won't admit that. These days orange juice tends to contain added vitamin C. Why don't they make strawberry juice? Still, all the more reason to eat lots of strawberries.

#28 - A one-day weather forecast requires about 10 billion math calculations.
There you go My Trid, you should be a weather forecaster, then you can really use that brain of yours. *Smile*

#67 - The bird that lays the largest egg in relation to its own size is the Kiwi.

#237 - The average person spends two years on the phone in his/her lifetime.
*Smile* See, I'm not average, I hardly use the phone at all.

#393 - August has the highest percetage of births.
That's cause a lot of people are having sex during the Christmas holidays...

#90 - Google is a number (1 followed by 100 zeros).
pfft here is proof that Libra don't know what they are talking about. Google is a kick ass search engine that can find anything on the web you could possibly want with a few specific keywords and clicks of the mouse.

#118 - The average person's left hand does 56% of the typing.
lmfao OK, the AVERAGE person doesn't type two handed... Therefore this is bullshit. The average two-handed typer would use the left hand for 56% of the typing, the rest of the world uses only the right hand (or only the left if they're left handed) for 100% of the typing.

#388 - There are 293 ways to make change for a dollar.
More math geek trivia... I bet you'd spend hours working out every single different way, wouldn't you? Eyes the Mr Math carefully...

#293 - Rubber bands last longer when refridgerated.
*ponders* Now that's good to know. Let us all keep our elastic bands in the fridge from now on, ok?

#389 - The toothbrush was invented in 1498.
Really? *ponders* I wonder where the record is that states who first decided to put hair on a stick and chew on it... Didn't people used to use some form or other of something similar long before then? When was it officially a tooth brush? and why?

#341 - Mageiricophobia is the intense fear of having to cook.
I frequently have Mageiricophobia right around dinner time. But it's not the really fear of cooking, it's fear of having to clean up afterwards...

#26 - Peaople do not get sick from cold weather; it's from being indoors a lot more.
Ok, I have a COLD! And I haven't been inside more than usual. Infact, I've been inside LESS thatn usual which just goes to prove this entirely inaccurate. I got rained on, then I got sick. Thus, colds are caused by rain. *pouts at the rain*

#100 - The Guinness Book of Records holds the record for being the book most stolen from public libraries.
Ok, that's seriously lame people. WHY would you steal the Guinness Book of Records? There are so many books much worthier of stealing. Who would actually WANT to own the book?

#139 - On average, a four-year-old child asks 437 questions a day.
OMG!!! Baby boy will be four next year. Maybe I should have his vocal box removed now... I don't recall my daughter asking so many questions. Maybe they mean they THINK of that many questions. I certainly didn't ever ANSWER that many questions. Besides, she, at seven asks more questions than she did at four. Who tests these sorts of things? How do they prove it? Do they sit and count every question? What size is their target group?

#291 - The bullfrog is the only animal that never sleeps.
They don't sleep? *frowns* Ok, so why do they croak at night but not during the day? Must be some pretty good frog parties going on. I wonder how much speed and caffeine they have to consume. I wouldn't want to have a very long life if I would be a frog. I'd die of exhaustion if I could never sleep.

Ok, now you've all increased your potential knowledge. I make no claim to the accuracy of these statements and lay all blame on the probability of their being entirely made up at the feet of the wonderfully Odd Spotted people at Libra.
June 18, 2007 at 6:47am
June 18, 2007 at 6:47am
Aww, look how sad my little black and blue calender looks this month. I guess I've just found that blogging isn't particularly important to me. I used to think that it was a way of writing every day but really that's a delusion, like writing email, or grocery lists or wasting hours in chat. Ultimately writing this blog hasn't gotten me any closer to any of my dreams then when I began, years ago.

I've often had thoughts about how I could transform this blog into something more motivational for my own goals but so far all those ideas haven't really taken spark. The truth is I'm very firm about what it is I want and I've come to realise I do a lot of things that have a writing slant that aren't really helping me at all.

Reviewing for example is something I don't really love doing. I appreciate getting reviews and when I'm in-depth writing a review I'm enjoying the process. Knowing the rules and being able to share them and analyse the work of others is great but with little to no reward or even acknowledgement I often wonder what the point is. I'm a copyeditor, why should I be spending hours of my time reviewing for free when I normally charge $25/hour for the service?

I guess being aware of how dire my finances are also makes me think differently about what I spend my time on. I can't afford to throw away the hours being unproductive toward my goals. Things like playing video games is simply a time sink. I don't even find myself refreshed after playing because I ultimately spend too many hours at the screen that my body and mind have been working hard, my eyes straining and yet physically it's also pretty atrophying.

I've taken to reading a lot lately. I have a pile of books I'm determined to work through so I've taken to really defining which projects are important to me and which ones aren't. All the ones that don't hold onto my heart have fallen to the side to make way for reading time, writing time, family time and health time.

It's amazing how vitalizing and inspiring it is to read. If anyone is blocked I suggest grabbing a pile of books. Read everything in sight and start hoarding the library books. Reading stimulates the mind and is calming for the body. I've noticed that no matter what kind of book I read, good and bad, fiction or non-fiction, romance, fantasy, inspirational, classic, whatever, I'm inspired to write.

Inspired to write MY BOOK. Which is the most important thing to me. I mean all these other projects require writing too. Poetry writing, review writing, essay writing, article writing, lesson writing, etc. is all writing but that's not what I'm really interested in. I'm interested in finishing this book, in telling Tori's story, in bringing these characters alive and before the eyes of readers all over the world. This story deserves to be told and it's far more important to me then teaching poetry or even getting my own poetry published or even writing my own poetry. It's more important to me then reviewing other peoples work or writing emails or even writing this blog.

Of course I haven't been spending all my time writing FoT instead. I write FoT for an hour in the morning and it charges me for the day ahead. I feel time on my side when I start the day with FoT and I seem to get more of anything I begin done. Housework is finally making progress when it used to be one of those long languishing and forgotten things I'd get around to if I had time.

I feel great because I know that even if I've accomplished little else all day, even if I've disappeared into a good book for a few hours I started with my writing and FoT is progressing. What's most important to me is happening instead of being shoved aside.

Still, I don't know how long this present motivation will last. I hope that I'm developing some stamina and discipline. It's the sort of lifestyle I could continue indefinitely if I don't let my moods and self-esteem get in my own way. But those moods and self-esteem aren't helped by some of the people I associate with who say disempowering things. (No, not any of my readers.)

Sometimes I wish I truly could cut myself off from humanity. And yet, while there are those stupid people who just have no idea how distructive they are to someone like me there are also the wonderful people out there who can help rebuild these fragile foundations (yes, you guys this time *Smile* ). Of course, that doesn't mean I make any promises to get back to writing my blog regularly. Ultimately, my blog isn't writing my book. I'll come here to vent, to celebrate, or to relax but it's no longer an obligation in my life. It's pretty freeing to be able to offload a few of those obligations. I just it was easier to do so with a few of the other projects I'm already involved in.

If anyone wants to take The Tools of Poetry Workshop off my hands I'd welcome you with open arms and worship the roads you walk on. *Smile*
June 14, 2007 at 10:35am
June 14, 2007 at 10:35am
*sighs* It's happening again... That seemingly endless carousel that plays corny music and goes around and around so often that you feel sick and just want to get off. This is life I suppose. Or the moodswings of a bipolar writer. I WANT to be writing and I'm ripping myself up about it because I know the only reason I haven't been writing is because of ME. I have the time and the passion for writing. But I struggle, every day, to fight past the fear and face the screen or even the notepad.

I have written things. But not a great deal. My blog langishes and wonders if I've decided to take a holiday or if I'm sick. I've found that getting sick often leads me into this shame spiral. I feel too crook to sit up and write my blog so I give myself the night off, and then the next and it gets easier and easier to say, "Not tonight." I wander about and find days or even weeks have gone by without an entry and all that time I have stuggled to call myself to do any writing at all.

Even todays blog should have been done hours ago and I had no idea what I was going to write until I sat here and started typing. So, you cop a whinge which is ok, because sometimes I just need to whinge (whine).

I have a number of projects I 'SHOULD' be working on. Part of my turmoil comes from wanting to accomplish all of them and oscellating because I can never decide which to do now. Whenever one project rises to the surface it's shoved back down again by guilt and confusion. I WANT to finish The Flight of Torque and part of me feels like every other project I work on is stealing time from my book. But I have deadlines with some of these things and others are giving me a sense of progressing in my career while writing this book.

I've tried scheduling and while it works to some degree it is also one of those things that is easy to say, "Not Today" to. For example, every day I have a number of reminder messages pop up at me... One happens at 9PM every night, "Write - FoT" - "Not Today" click. Bye bye reminder, bye bye Fot. Or, "Gardening" - "Not Today" click. Or, "RKLS Daily Poetry Journal" - "Not Today" click. *sighs* It's getting to be a habit that makes me wonder if I'm actually accomplishing any of the tasks I set myself in a day.

I'm on that carousel because I swear I've come up against this evil floundering in the past. I'm contemplating going over my prior blog entries to find the repetitions. Is it regular? Can I plan it and schedule a retreat or something when it happens every two months? I wonder if these occasions are happening more frequetly, if they don't linger as long or if I'm pushing past them faster.

No matter what, even that, would be an excuse not to write. I'm afraid these days and weeks and months of intense non-writing are destroying me as a writer. It's perpetuating a cycle of failure and I'm afraid it will get harder, and not easier, to get back to the writing. I was going to say work but people tell me to stop considering it as work. But it IS work to me. Writing FEELS like the food on my table and the passion in my day. When I DON'T write, like I have been I see the hours wasted the effort devoured, the pages stolen from my life.

I can delude myself with games and DVD's but ultimately, when I step away from the mind candy all I look back and see is a gaping hole where writing SHOULD have, Could have, Would have been. My life is a carousel on a round road full of potholes.

Ok, enough griping. Tomorrow is another day to languish and wallow. Meanwhile, before I head for bed let me just say, that if you're into poetry check out one of my latest *Smile* RANDOM BLOG PLUG:
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1276772 by Not Available.
June 11, 2007 at 8:06pm
June 11, 2007 at 8:06pm
Ok, so I don't have a laptop and there have been many occasions when I wished I could go to bed with something other than a book or a DVD. I have a portable DVD player which I keep in my room (plugged in rather than using battery). It's wonderful to be able to deal with late night insomnia with this little magical gadget but I started wondering recently if I could hook up my spare playstation 2.

I dug the console out of a closet and started fiddling with wires. It took a fair bit of digging to find all the parts I'd need and eventually I had it all together except, of course, the DVD player has one set of points for Audio/Visual cords and the PS2 has a different set. Thus, I had a dilemma, an A/V male triplet needed to join to another A/V male triplet...

Anyway, after tiding myself over the weekend with NWN's and a good book ("Shadow Through Time Trilogy" by Louise Cusack - worth a read if you find it in your library.) Monday and payday arrived so I raced myself up to the nearest electronics store and got my hands on an adaptor. These things are clever little devices. *Smile* So, home, and A/V males plugged into adaptor means.... *drumroll*

My PS2 works through my portable DVD player!

Now, the PS2 requires power so it's not portable but pretty much anywhere I can take my DVD player I can take my PS2 and plug it in. The adaptor was only a few dollars which is MUCH cheaper than a Playstation portable and now I can play playstation games in bed. *Smile* That's what I spend yesterday evening doing.

NOW all I need is a really long A/V extension, and two USB extensions and I can play my PC via my DVD from my bedroom. lol J/K I'm not going to waste cord and fuss with having to switch them over ever time I want to work in here. I'd rather save up for a laptop. *Smile* Or look puppy dog eyed at all my family around Christmas or my Birthday next year. *Wink*

What electronic genius have you accomplished recently?
June 7, 2007 at 8:49am
June 7, 2007 at 8:49am
I had a good day today. It's wonderful to get out and about and while I knew I wasn't looking forward to the day out I did also know that I'd enjoy it while it happens. My sister spoilt me today for my birthday. I started the day same as normal but instead of heading home to work for a few hours after dropping my daughter to school I drove thirty minutes across town to my sisters house.

She's two years older than I am and currently lives with her boyfriend of two years in a beautiful (and expensive) house near the beach just south of Fremantle. After having a hot cuppa when I got there (it was windy and cold on the road) baby boy kicked the balls (there are nine of them) around her lovely big backyard. We chatted for a few minutes before she disappeared to get ready. (She's never dressed and ready when I get there, does all that after I arrive, slacker. *Wink* )

Anyway, we headed out, she drove, through the busy streets of Fremantle (busy by WA Fremantle standards, I understand the rest of the world knows what REAL busy actually is. *Wink* ) to a lovely little corner store. It was the old fashioned sort of store that still sells fresh flowers on the corner and lollies in jars that you can bag yourself. Home made pies and cakes in the window with a cafe attached.

We were there on a mission. A MUFFIN mission because apparently the store makes GREAT muffins. I have to say, they certainly live up to their reputation. The marshmallows in the hot chocolate were great and huge and the chocolate coating and foam were fantastic. The actual hot chocolate could have withstood being a little sweeter. I don't usually add sugar but this time wished I had. Anyway, it was a beautiful morning tea. My sister and I shared our muffins, one a triple choc and one a white choc with rasberries. FRESH rasperries and gourmet chocolate I might add. mmmm DEVINE! And not expensive which was even better even if she paid. *Smile*

After that we explored the War Memorial nearby and let baby boy play in the small playgrounds around us for an hour or so. I played too. I'm just a kid at heart after all and I love the swing almost as much as he does. Alas, I'm too big for the slide these days but the little twirly thing is awesome. *Wink* We looked out across the water and saw windsurfers and kite surfers and a huge cargo ship in the distance.

It was windy and the waves chopped about on the surface. We didn't go down to the water because I'm too lazy to carry Josh the whole way and the wind was sure to be whipping up the sand at his eye level so I wouldn't let him walk it. The grassy areas above the beach are wonderful and we enjoyed the view and the warm sunshine (when it came out from behind clouds).

I headed homeward about half an hour earlier than I had planned because the weather was taking a turn for the worse. Made it back to the school with time to find a parking bay (got to be at least thirty minutes early to accomplish this amazing feat) and sat in the warm car while rain poured down on unsuspecting heads outside.

Kaylie was excited because she knew we were going to see Shrek 3 after school. (It's opening day here in the AU) We scurried back to the car out of the rain and went to enjoy the movie. The weather must have deterred some families because it wasn't as busy as I thought it would be, especially since we went to the first after school session of the night.

The movie is great by the way and if you enjoyed Shrek 1 and 2 you'll find it just as enjoyable. It also has a strong message which is what a lot of movies (even animated movies) seem to lack these days. Somehow I don't think The Simpsons Movie is going to have such a well threaded and uplifting theme to it (and no, I'm not wasting my money taking my kids to that one).

It's good to be home at last and given it's almost 9PM now I'm not going to get as early a night as I'd have liked. I am getting out of here now though. After an rundown of my day, you know, the kind of boring blog people hate. But at least it's a blog for the day. After the day I've had I've no brain capacity left to come up with something interesting and enlightening. Maybe tomorrow. *Wink* Or maybe never. *Pthb*

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