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Zee Journal!
My blog. Journal. Documentary. Life. Sometimes.
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February 24, 2006 at 1:21pm
February 24, 2006 at 1:21pm
Well, another notch gets put on the belt. April ended our relationship today.

My only question with this is: Why the fuck do they pick the worst times to do it?

I feel like shit today. My chest feels like it is on fire and I feel about as strong as a fucking vegetable trying to save his family from a falling boulder.

Worse than that though? She did it at work through a MySpace message. I just said fuck it and went home. It was an early day and I just didn't feel like dealing with it.

Worse of all? I come home to my laptop and there is a conversation between her and my brother left on the laptop. Her last message to him? "I'm afraid he is going to leave me."

Fucking Christ.
February 22, 2006 at 1:55pm
February 22, 2006 at 1:55pm
Don't ask me about the title - I have no idea.

Anyways...first week of work has been promising thus far. Actually got on the phones and I can't believe how blatantly people lie. 'FYI' for any of you trying to dodge me: have the person that picked up put the phone on mute before you say, "Is that the guy from Arizona? Tell him I'm not here."

I'm suprised - it's been two months before any real glitches have occured in my current relationship. Inevitability is my only true mistress, and she has deemed today the day in which to visit me.

So my GF keeps a blog on Myspace. She kind of unleashed on there, and to a point I'm not sure if she is meaning me or men in general, and I'm not even sure if men-in-general involves me. However, she feels adamant that I don't understand her and that I also can't handle her.

Ugh. I want to bitch about this, but I'm going to leave it at that. I feel like teh poopy and I have a cough that is giving my lungs a run for their money. It seems the cough, and my diaphram, are steadfast in their attempt to force as many organs from my body as possible.

Anyways...off to the slave mine! Yay for other people owing me money!

February 19, 2006 at 10:43pm
February 19, 2006 at 10:43pm
It's been a crazy week. Insanity.

This past week was dedicated to training at my new job as a Student Loan Collector. The training was fun, if a bit repetetive. Not much we haven't already learned, mostly because we learned about the FDCPA(Fair Debt Collection Practices Act). Beyond that though we learned about the money that can be picked up doing this. It's a 12 dollar an hour job(about, I get paid a little less because I wanted to start in with my expectations being a little lower just in case I don't perform), plus a comission. Every person I've done training with has averaged at least 1.5 grand a bonus check a month. At least.

Anyways...on to what I've been dying to discuss.

Last night at about eight April and I were returning from shopping a bit earlier in the day when we were stepping out of our cars to see a whole Scottsdale Task Team(A Special Detective Squad) came running past us brandishing M-14's screaming "Get Down, Get Down! Get the Fuck Down" taking down our neighbors right in front of their car.

Two of the guys ran into the house and there was a stand-off for about thirty minutes. April and I were forced to sit outside, eating our picked up dinner and wondering when we would be able to get back in.

What bothers me is that today, some of them were allowed to return home. One of the investigators last night left a Sonic Cup on the banister in front of their house and about twenty minutes ago when I went out to my car our neighbors had chucked it and blew it up all over the front of my car. It was fucking annoying. It just bothers me now though, because I don't want to sit wondering if they think I called the cops on them and what they might do because of that.

Bothers me. Oh well, gonna watch a movie and then go to bed.
February 11, 2006 at 4:22am
February 11, 2006 at 4:22am
I beat Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, and I am now starting on Prince of Persia: Warrior Within. I'm maybe 15 minutes into Warrior Within and I think I'm beginning to understand the general feeling of disgust that most critics came to give the game. It just feels like a completely different character, and definately not the type of character that would simply say, "You Bitch!" out of nowhere.


It's 2:12 in the AM and I am just about to crash.

Been listening to Akeboshi's "Wind". A very pretty song. Not sure if many of you might feel the same way, but it always floods my mind with emotions and thoughts, and to me that is instrumental to a great song. No pun intended.

Valentine's Day is coming up this Tuesday. I've already purchased my gifts for my GF, and I am anxiously waiting to spring them upon her. I am such a horrible gift giver. I truly, honestly enjoy giving presents to people just so I can get that look from them that sends my body up like fireworks on a warm July night. I love that feeling so much that I have to practically hide the presents from myself just to make sure I don't give them out ahead of time.

I'm pleasantly suprised that my battery has not yet died. I had to take my laptop cord to power my X-Box(cord for X-Box has been lost somewhere in transit) and thus I haven't charged it in a couple of hours after about an hour of previous use. The old girl is telling me I have 19 minutes at my current pace.

I came to my blog with an honest desire to write something profound, or at least entertaining, but I have to be honest and tell you I know not what would be profound nor entertaining.

I'm not completely done with it, but that book "My Friend Leonard" is pretty astonishing. It's my bathroom/before-bed reading and I do have to say that Frey has an amazing way with his words. I now understand why so many people picked up their pitchfork and headed off to Oprah's Mansion of Delicate Fat Delights. Off with her head, I say.

Diagram of Villagers vs. Oprah - Status: Pending.
February 9, 2006 at 1:40pm
February 9, 2006 at 1:40pm
So on Tuesday I was laid off. That's right: laid off.

April and I were just beginning to sit down to begin the daily grind in Homecomings when our Supervisor comes up to us and says that she needs to talk with us. April and I obey and as we approach her desk she points us towards the Homecomings Manager's desk. His name is Joe Stymile(sp unsure) and he is the one that does the firing.

In a lavender shirt he asks, "So I heard you guys have found a new job."

I reply "Yes, we have."

"When was your last day going to be?"

"Probably today."

"Maybe you should just wrap things up right now then." I shake his hand, and then my supervisor's, grab my stuff off my desk and declare my freedom to the other enslaved masses. I'm sure many were afraid that we were not actually going to be freed, but to be processed like most slaves unwilling to work. Sent to a place where horrors unnamed are unfolded upon our unsuspecting bodies.

Some people have even suspected the 400 pound man(and I ain't joking about this) to be where people go when they decide to get wise and leave MSA.

Instead, we received a packet. Yes, a packet. To be more specific, it is a survey packet on how the company can work to better itself.

At first my general child like desire to say things like "Free Tibet" or "Castration for all!" attempted to persuade me to do nothing more than waste my time on it, but in the end I gave them my honest opinion. After we finished the 10 page survey we were told that we would be allowed to come back if we wished, and with our final good byes the doors opened for us and like two scared little animals we were returned to our natural habitat.

This Monday we start our new job. It's collections, but a buttload more money and I actually get to do things.

It's third party collections on Student Loans. This meaning: I get to hunt people down. I get to do skip tracing, I get to call your families house, I get to garnish your wages for my own personal gain. Mother fuckers, I got this shit on lock down.

So, if any of you out there are default on your student loans: fear the shadows for I may be silently stalking you like a creature of the night. Waiting for the moment you let down your guard long enough for me to jack your mother fucking wallet and your first born.
February 4, 2006 at 9:55pm
February 4, 2006 at 9:55pm
I am currently reading "My Friend Leonard". Good book. I really connect with the main character, just haven't decided if I like Frey's writing style.

Been reading Naruto again. For those of you not aware of who or what Naruto is, it's a Japanese manga(comic)/animated series. I only watch the Japanese version. I'm very biased in the translation that Americans attempt to do on the series, or almost any other series. I know, those fans out there of Cartoon Network and Funimation are already holding your pitchforks and torches high.


I have to give the man that writes and draws Naruto Credit. His name is Kishimoto Masashi. Amazingly talented man. He is currently up to Chapter 292. Each chapter is seperated into 20 pages of drawn storyline. He has been doing it for 6 years straight, and has been doing the animated series for a bit over 3 with 150 episodes at 30 minutes a pop tucked neatly under his belt.

And it hasn't become dull in my mind, not even for a second. I just finished reading Chapter 291, and for some reason 292 is corrupted and I can't get it, but I'm telling you: I'd stab my grandmother in the heart right now to get at Chapter 292.

I've been an absolute bum today. Absolute. Completely. I have read Naruto, read Frey's book, and simply relaxed. I got to sleep in, and do exactly what I wanted to for a whole day thus far. In the past two months I've lived here, this is the first time I've been able to do that.

And I have to tell you: it felt good - real good.

Anyways...now it is time to fulfill my role in Prince of Persia. Ja.

January 28, 2006 at 4:17pm
January 28, 2006 at 4:17pm
In an attempt to make a wonderful suprise for my girlfriend, I purchased a bed yesterday. I've had the same, ratty old twin bed for years now and the damn thing isn't appropriate for two full-grown adults to sleep on.

Thus, I ventured with my mother to Ikea where I purchased a spiffy new Queen sized bed that takes up roughly 50% of my bedroom. It took me a good 3 hours to put the damn thing together by myself and my hands feel like I've let an enraged monkey beat them with a rock just to see how long it would take them to turn black from burst vessels.


I also purchased the cable for my printer/scanner and so you will all soon be entertained by what I do to slack off at work: draw stick figure comics. I find them humorous. The people I work with find them humorous. Yet, because none of you work with me, I can't promise you'll find them humorous. But it doesn't matter, because they will be there and you will read them. Or I'll hunt you down and eat your puppy(kitten, mother, first born, you get the picture).

I began to sift through blogs again. I have posted to some, so take heart! I'm getting back into the swing of things. I'm sick of susanL threatening my life. She's quite scary when she wants to be.

As for me, I am off to continue putting together my Swedish Love Furniture. I have two nightstands yet to put together, a crap load of laundry, a filthy downstairs, and my sanity to take care of. Talk to you all soon.

West Side.
January 27, 2006 at 6:03am
January 27, 2006 at 6:03am
Ugh. Been a long day.

Got sick at work. It was lame. My boss didn't necessarily give me shit about it, but she definately gave me the, "If you can be standing in front of me you're not sick enough to go home" tone. Whatever.

I bought a printer the other day. It's one of those HP scanner/printer/copier deals. It gets the job done, or would, if the damn thing came with the USB printer cable. April told me I should have read the box, but who is to assume that a company would send you a fucking printer without the cables to actually connect it to your computer? Call me old fashioned...

I watched the supposedly final Godzilla movie tonight. Entitled, "Godzilla: Final Wars", I can only say I pray to god it is the last one. The movie was more about a race of mutant humans than it was of Godzilla.

The only real treat in the whole movie was the fact that almost every single Godzilla enemy ever was in it. The greatest twist of the movie? They actually brought the American Godzilla into the movie as one of the villains. The American's name was simply "Zilla". He was full CG like the American movie, and lasted about two seconds with the Japanese Godzilla. I feel justice was done. I love Jean Reno, but not even he was able to save the train wreck known as Mathew Broderick's "Godzilla".

I keep telling myself, "I want to have a weekend where I can just sit on my ass," but for some reason it feels like I can't allow myself that luxury.

Friday and Saturday, my days off, are being dedicated to the cleaning of my apartment, purchase of a new bed(thank you Jesus!), and also hanging out with my homie Shauntae. Saturday I have to go pick up April and I'm hoping to suprise her with a clean place and a brand new bed that is big enough for two full grown adults to sleep on comfortably.

I need a hair cut too. I look like a god damn hippy. Fucking hippies. Always hugging trees. Shit.

I might be getting a new job too. A pharmaceutical distribution company not too far from my current work is hiring and they are offering 11.50 an hour, plus a dollar raise in a week. It's an inbound call center where they setup drug refills for people who are on a reoccuring prescription. It would be appreciated to be in a career field where I wouldn't be getting yelled at as much.

I'm dreading Super Bowl Sunday. For the rest of you it might be an enjoyable weekend of drinking with your pals and having BBQ's and all that happy American bullshit. Well, guess what I get to do? I get to welcome and collect money all that day.

I don't even want to begin to consider the bullshit I'm going to be delving into with my customers. I can hear the comments now. They will go as one of the following...

-"What the fuck are you doing calling on Sunday? It's God's day."

-"What the fuck are you doing calling during the Super Bowl?"

-"What the fuck are you doing breathing?"


In other news, this is the first night I think I've had completely to myself in like two months, and Shauna was right: "I had no idea what the fuck to do with myself."

Hell, I watched Godzilla. And played Prince of Persia. I can't believe I didn't play that game sooner. It's pretty enjoyable. Want to get Warrior Within afterwards, and then hop onto Two Thrones.

So yes, it is now 4:00 in the AM. I have to get to bed so that I can be semi-conscious when I go to IKEA tomorrow. If you don't have your wits about you, you may never leave that place. Even the arrows might not save me.

Although, I can consider a far worse fate than being stuck in a swedish furniture store with my dream room configurations.

Just to bitch a bit more: Bank of America placed a hold on my paycheck on Monday, and my bank account has been placed into a position of severe ass raped status. My check went in, said it was cleared on Saturday, and so I paid my bills online only to find out that Monday that they had placed the hold on it. So, basically, all the monies I spent made the account go overdrawn. Because of the constantly reoccuring Overdrawn Fee's is at -451.00. Stupid bullshit. They said that as long as the check clears those fee's will be void and I should be back on track, but until that I don't have the ability to use my debit card.

For some reason shit just can not stop going wrong since I started this job. For those of you reading this thinking you might want a lucrative career at MSA Solutions I want you to go stab yourself in the dick. If you can look at me with a smile and ask for more, then by all means, put your resume in as soon as you can.
January 21, 2006 at 3:00pm
January 21, 2006 at 3:00pm
Life has been interesting in the past couple of weeks. So many things have changed, while at the same time an equal amount has remained the same.

Most of my blog posts have been filled with a strong hate for my job. Although I would love to say that is all that encompasses my life - I would be lying.

Recently in the past couple of weeks I've began seeing a girl from work. Her name is April. She's a beautiful, bouncy girl who has become one of my closest friends and someone I care a great deal about.

She is temporarily living in with Shauna and I at the moment, and I couldn't be happier. It's been a lot of fun, if not a little crazy. We all three work together, party together, watch TV together. Kind of like a creepy family unit, only with more nudity and alcohol.

This past Thursday was a bit scary though. I had to take April in to the hospital because she had been suffering from lower abdomen pain and burning a high fever all through the night. We were at the hospital for nearly 8 hours before they told us that they discovered a golf ball sized cist on her right ovary. It was bleeding into her, which was causing the pain, but it wasn't large enough yet for it to be of any real concern they said. When it got to the size of an orange, that is when they might consider using surgical means of dealing with it.

To add injury to insult: she also has a bladder infection.

Ever since her return to the hospital I've been watching over her. She's finally feeling a bit more adventurous and today we are going to go shopping for a bit and possibly cash in at the theater to see Underworld: Evolution.

As for life outside of my parents grasp? Going great. Kind of strange, but going great. I miss them sometimes, and I enjoy stopping by for dinner 100x more now than I ever did before. I almost miss them not being there when I get home. Almost.

I was also privilaged to talk to susanL for the first time in over a month last night. It's so hard to believe that I have been gone this long. It doesn't seem real. Also, very much love to Susan for purchasing me this months membership.

I haven't mentioned her yet, and this is a travesty in and of itself, but whilst I was gone in the land of yonder there was a very busy reader within my portfolio and my blog. Her name is Lady D and a wonderful woman she be. You would be doing me a great injustice if you didn't take the time to check out her portfolio or her recently added blog.

As for those thinking, "But Shawn, why haven't you read my blog? Do you not love me? Did what we have mean nothing to you?" Don't fret, I'll be stopping in and catching up with everyone soon enough.

But, as the sun must set, so to must I leave! A wide open space of pop culture delights awaits me!
January 16, 2006 at 3:30pm
January 16, 2006 at 3:30pm
For fuck's sake. It's about time. This is the first time I have had internet within my own apartment. The night I had said I would have internet, I actually came home to find out that we didn't. For some reason there was an issue with the wiring and we had to wait until Qwest came and fixed it.

So, today is now the day. The big day. 'D'-Day in a way. That's right.

And now I need to wait for my paycheck to see if I can afford a Writing.com account. Shit.

West Side, bitches.

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