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Zee Journal!
My blog. Journal. Documentary. Life. Sometimes.
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January 13, 2006 at 7:11pm
January 13, 2006 at 7:11pm
So without my knowledge Shauna ordered the modem from Qwest. It was delivered today and is waiting for me at my apartment. Unfortunately, I must go to dinner and a movie with my mom and so I will be back in a bit
January 13, 2006 at 3:36pm
January 13, 2006 at 3:36pm
Well, it would seem that I have lied, no?

It is way past the second and I have no internet.

And there is a good reason for this. A very good reason. Powerfuly goood.

So, my roommate got impatient and setup our DSL service while I was at work. She set the whole thing up and then I got the package from DSL and received nothing but a CD.

She didn't order the modem. She didn't think we needed it.

So, I haven't been able to get ahold of Qwest because of work and I'm thinking I might just go buy my own modem. I apologize for my absence.

As for me, life is going okay. Work sucks. I've been cross-trained to work for both Homecomings Financial and Toyota Financial Services. I'll repo your fucking car.

The apartment is great. Still love my freedom, even if I am here at my parents using their internet like some weird hermit who uses other people's internet. Or something.

My brain is slightly fried. Life has been nothing but one huge work day. I'm averaging about 60 hours of work a week. Granted my paychecks are nice, but my sanity is growing ever thinner.

If for some reason you get a welcome call from Homecomings, be nice or I'll come kill your puppy. Or your first born. Pretty much whichever one I can get a hold on first.

I've missed everyone so much!

I hardly get to talk to friends online or otherwise. If you don't work with me, I haven't talked to you. Unfortunately it is as simple as that.

I haven't played a video game, nor been online, in like 3 weeks. For some reason I feel like I've been transported to the Dark Ages where I have to find simpler means to entertain myself. Like seeing how long I can hold a finger to a burning stove. Fun.

December 24, 2005 at 8:30pm
December 24, 2005 at 8:30pm
What is up party people?

Okay, so it is Christmas Eve and I am staying the night at my parents home. My younger brother(who is 21) is partial to waking up at the ass crack of dawn for Christmas Presents. He was going to wake everyone up when he got off his shift at the Air Force Base(6 a.m.), but luckily my father won't be home from the fire house until about 8 a.m.

It's been so long since I posted!

So we have been having issues with getting our cable up. The apartment complex only allows for one type of cable and that is called Convergent or something, but the kicker is they don't offer high speed internet. So I need to see if Cox will be able to install here, or if I have to get DSL. Either of which is annoying, because I just haven't had time with work to do it. The days I have off are rare and far apart for the next 2 weeks because I have to make up the time I'm not at work for Christmas and New Year's Day. So basically I will be working two weeks straight with only two days off.

As for the job, it is getting better. I had to work on my birthday, and not just work, but work long and hard. Everyone I called was on a rampage and the computers kept breaking down. I had this weird stomach pain throughout the week too, which was odd, but it has slowly gone away.

I am flattered by the number of Happy Birthday cards I received. I love you all, but not in a weird Priestly way or anything. Just a normal, run-of-the-mill sociopathic way.

On the writing front, I really haven't been doing too much writing. To be honest, I've been doing nothing but drawing non-stop. It's really the only thing I can do while I'm working to goof off. Calls in so constantly I don't have the ability to keep my concentration on either reading a book or scribbling a sentence. Every single sheet of paper that comes to my desk is eventually covered from header to footer in doodles encompassing SpongeBob and Company, my cubicle, other cubicles, the varied species of said cubicles, and Jesus.

I have had a lot of ideas for stories though. Sauriel is still bubbling in my head and piece-by-piece I feel the story beginning to flesh out more within my mind.

About three days ago I had my first zombie dream in like 2 months. I'm not sure if I have ever revealed my constant zombie nightmares, but the other night was a doozy.

It was a weird one though. It wasn't one where I was like out in the middle of some small redneck town in B.F.E. It was in Chicago I think, down by where my older brother went to High School.

What was so strange is that it wasn't zombies created by unknown reasons. These zombies were not created by chemicals, aliens, or demonic posession. They were zombies created by God.

What I understood in my dream was that God had created something like the Armageddon. Instead of merely banishing the sinners and freeing the pure, he pretty much just killed the sinners and let the pure survive. However, it wasn't like a thing of mere good or bad.

The only people allowed to survive were people that would be willing to die for something they believed in. If, for say, you were willing to jump in front of a bullet to save your wife or child, and truly had that courage within you, you were allowed to live.

However, at least this is what my brain remembers, after the souls were ripped from the bodies either God or Lucifer caused the bodies to turn into zombies. Some of the bodies became full-fledged demons. Then it was basically a dream about trying to stay ahead of all of them, because sinners were not being whiped out in one sudden blow. It was like God had to review every single case so people were slowly dying.

So it was always like the zombies would slowly start springing up in an area.

It was friggen weird, and the dream went on for like the whole night. I would wake up, roll over, and it was like I had merely blinked my eyes in the dream because it kept going.


The apartment is awesome. Shauna had her mother and her grandmother over at the house last night. We cleaned the entire place. There is not a single box downstairs anymore and it actually looks like an apartment. All the furniture is in and Shauna bought some house plants for us this morning. It looks fantastic.

It's also nice to be living on my own again. God I can't explain how great it is to come home and know that the only other person to most likely be there is my roommate. It's just fantastic. So happy.

I have missed Writing.com though. It's weird not talking to the people I have become familiar with over the past couple of months. I hope to get my internet soon enough.

Well, with this incredibly long blog post written I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas, and hopefully I'll be talking with you all soon.

Ho ho ho and all that jibbery jab.
December 17, 2005 at 3:44pm
December 17, 2005 at 3:44pm
So I'm over at my parents for a moment to pay a bill online.

We got done moving at like 10 last night. Then I went and saw King Kong at 11:10. Great movie. I was exhausted though, and 3 hours of monkey goodness is a bit much.

Going to go home, put my television together and relax on my couch. Probably take a nap. Maybe drink a beer.

...not worry about parents demanding something of me, or Jesus. He's always wanting me to hurt somebody, but today I'll tune him out I think...
December 16, 2005 at 5:21pm
December 16, 2005 at 5:21pm
Oi...so moving is a pain. Actually, I'm not sure there is a word to describe the misery that is moving.

Normally, proper planning would easily take care of most of these pains, but I didn't have the luxury of it. The people at our apartment kept giving us a "yes you will be moving on this day" and then "no you will not be moving on this day" because of our work and their inability to properly return a proof of employment form.

We were accepted on Wednesday, signed our papers yesterday, and now we are moving today because this is day one of my two days off for this week.

We've spent the first half of the day trying to find boxes(no way can I afford 2.95 a box at UHAUL. 'F' that. I also had to go rent a UHAUL truck too so we could do this as quick and painless as possible.

However, Shauna has a weird inability to just go with the flow. She tries to plan things out on the fly, but it is hardly on the fly. I already have everything figured out in my head and then she stops me dead in my tracks in all of my momentum to try to figure it out for herself. Suffice to say, this has stressed my patience.

On top of that we've had to make a stop at her grandmother's and her mother's for no obvious reason but for her to say, "Oh, so we are taking this furniture." We didn't even have the truck at the time, so we couldn't even pick it up. It was just a moment of "hi, how's it going".


I've packed three boxes to her one, and so I am taking a break, because my mind is about to hit critical melt down status.

Last night sucked. Blew my ass to be more specific.

We were so excited going into work yesterday. We had our keys, and we got to actually step into our newly leased apartment. Things couldn't get any worse.

Or so it was thought.

We get to work and right off the bat our Captain has her ass hairs in a twist. A mix up earlier in the week with one of the Homecomings people led to a suspension, and because our Client(We don't actually work for Homecomings, we are an outsource company called MSA) was there she was under pressure which leaked on to us.

She yelled at everyone. No one was safe, even if you were doing a good job she could find something to yell at you about.

What's worse is that it seemed like every single person we were to call that day had met with one another the night before and were more than agreed to make sure every single Homecoming's Agent was put to the breaking point in regards to patience.

I'll simply put it this way: I have never, ever, ever, ever talked to someone in the way that I was talked to yesterday. The worst part? It wasn't even the people we were doing collections calls for. It was the welcome calls.

If I find out any of you here on Writing.com were one of those wonderful people, and I find you on the street I will shank you on the spot. You will suffer my wrath I swear to you.

To add the cherry to the sundae, we had such a large volume of calls that we were forced to work until 10 that night. So I literally got screamed at for 10 hours. Minus my 30 minute lunch.

The night after that went pretty well. Shauna and I decided to grab some blankets and a pillow so that we could sleep at our new place. Kind of like a camping trip.

We bought two bottles of champagne, some flowers for her, and 5 boxes of Macaroni and Cheese. We got piss drunk and watched the Family Guy movie. That was alright, except for she insisted on sleeping downstairs on the tile. ~Rubs his sore back~

On a sad note, there is a good chance I might not be posting to this wonderfully upgraded blog until the middle or end of next week. I still need to get the cable hooked up in my place, and therefore my internet connection also. We don't have a home phone, only our cells, so there is no way I can even hop on the old 56k

Just wanted you all to know.

I'll be over at my parents periodically during that time to finish up moving some stuff though, so I may hop on every so often to inform you on which level of Hell my day is on.

December 16, 2005 at 11:56am
December 16, 2005 at 11:56am
I have to thank L.E. or Solitary Man as he is known around these parts these days. He was kind enough to get me an upgraded account.

For that, you rock.

Moving today, so I don't have much time to sit and chat, but thank you again Solitary! Mucho appreciated and I will make sure to return the favor 10 fold!
December 15, 2005 at 2:35am
December 15, 2005 at 2:35am
So...tomorrow is the 15th and the end of my membership.

I'm moving into my apartment on Thursday/Friday/Saturday, and don't get paid until Tuesday.

Since I just started this new job my first pay check is kind of butchered and I won't be able to afford to renew until maybe my second paycheck on the 5th of January.

I'm not sure if I will be able to post to a blog with the account not being a paid one.

If not, then I shall talk to you all by e-mail or what not.

AIM: GuruSariff
E-Mail: GuruSariff@aol.com

~Pulls out his corn cob pipe~ I shall return.
December 13, 2005 at 12:08am
December 13, 2005 at 12:08am
Second day went so much better. I received a smaller amount of complaints today than I received yesterday. In general I feel the day went rather well, even though I'm an idiot and accidently told a couple of people they had until the 16th to pay there bill when in reality they had till the 15th.

Yes, even the great Shawn makes mistakes.

And yes...I hear you snickering.

Now it is time for the fattening. I must eat. So...little...blood sugar.

Talk to you all later ;)
December 12, 2005 at 12:24am
December 12, 2005 at 12:24am
So today was my first real day of phone answering. Let's just say there are more fun ways to spend your day other than dialing homes where you get this as your answer, "Don't you know that today is Sunday? What the hell are you calling on a Sunday? This is God's Day! Family Day! Would you like me to call you? Why don't you give me your phone number so that I can call you?"

All I have to say is: if you fucking people would just pay your bill I wouldn't have to be calling you on a Sunday that I, myself, don't even want to be working on.

Anyways...working this job has led me to the inspiration of writing a story about working this job. It's giving me a very "Clerk's" vibe, only around call centers.

The stereotypes that people fall into when I am stuck calling them. You are one of three people: kind, annoyed, or raging.

There is hardly an inbetween.

Kind people understand what you are doing and thank you.

Annoyed people may understand you, but don't give you an easy time with it.

Raging people could give two rat shits about what you are trying to do and would rather have you sit on a red hot pole while they kill your dog and piss in your gas tank.

But anyways...some funny stories have already began to pop out of my mind about this. We'll see where my annoying muse takes me.

I am now going to go relax and try to get the screaming masses out of my mind. Talk to you all later :)
December 10, 2005 at 12:30am
December 10, 2005 at 12:30am
So I have now officially finished my training to be a Debt Collection Phone Specialist for MSA Solutions working under Homecoming Financial.

Basically that means that I will be calling bitches for my money. Granted, I can't say those exact words to the person, but I will be thinking it.

If ever you hear,

"Hi, may I speak to John Smith?"
- "This is John Smith."

"John Smith?"
- "Yes."

"Hi, my name is Shawn and I'm calling from Homecomings Financial, your mortgage company.

"First, I must inform you that this call may be recorded for training and quality purposes.

"This is just a courtesy call in regards to your December 1st Payment in the order of 1000.00 dollars. Have you already made plans for that payment?"

Yeah. If you hear that, know I'm secretly thinking, "Bitch, where my money at?"

Not really...but kind of.

The most important thing I've learned thus far from my days on the job? Treat the collectors with a bit of respect.

On calls I've made where the person isn't even delinquent(16 days or more over payment due) it is more likely than not to have them simply say, "What the fuck are you people calling for? You guys are always fucking calling, I'll pay my god damn payment whenever I fucking get around to it. Fuck, fuck, fuckity fuck fuck fuck."

Granted, I've added in the last sentence of fucks but this is what I tend to expect from the people I'm calling.

Let me simply put it this way: I get paid up to put up with that, but don't think God isn't listening. That's right. The 'J' man's got my back. Maybe. I mean, shit, if he has the Priest's back, right?

Anyways...haven't blogged in a while.

So...depending on my paycheck, how soon I will be moving out(still a bit shakey as to when), there is a good chance I might not be keeping on Writing.com as a paying member. As of the 15th of December I will be done with my current cycle, and so I might be just doing the simple plan until a later time in which I can find some hobo in a dark alley to steal money from.

~Polishes his hobo knife~

So anyways...

It's 10:19 and because I've been going to bed so early all this week my body is saying, "Time for bed." My mind on the other hand is smacking my body across the face and saying, "Bitch I'll cut you."

For those of you at counting at home:
//Number of 'F' bombs: 10//
//Number of Bitches: 3//
//Number of Hobos: 2//

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