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It's a catch 22 -- there are no other ads. We've got the best we're going to get. We could do what a lot of other sites do and that's to simply disallow the content that we can't find "good" ads for -- but we've never considered that the right way to go and we try to maintain a free-speech oriented environment here. So, instead, we're left with these basic options... -- Deal with the ads -- Support WDC and get an ad-free paid membership -- Don't use the site to look at stories with higher content ratings. There is no illusive, utopian "4th" option of "great and family friendly ads". Simply put: You can't have family friendly ads on content that is not rated as family friendly. These are not rules that we make for advertisers. They are rules they hand down to us in order to allow us to have their advertising dollars. We have no control over this. Best, ~~SM A Few Helpful Tips... If your problem is with an item, please include its Item ID! New member? Start here! "Getting Started: Table of Contents" Find answers in our FAQ... Need Non-Technical Support? "Non-Technical Support Forum" |