Bugs are evil nasty critters that get into the site and break it; Help us exterminate! |
Greets, It seems like these things are newly happening for your account only. But it seems to me, the site is providing you error messages detailing the problems that need to be fixed. Are you reading the error messages the site provides? For example, tonight you tried to send a badge and the system gave you the follow error message: Badge text must be between 5 and 500 characters. Yours was: 0 All badges must have text with them. You can't just send a badge with no text. So... Did you fix the error by entering text for the badge and try again? I don't show any record of follow up attempts to fix the error. When you tried to create a scrolling game, the error the system gave you was: GP Prize not large enough; minimum size = 500 GPs. You entered a gift size of 0 originally. Did you fix this and try again... what happened when you did? It's important to READ and understand the errors the site gives you when something doesn't work. There is usually a reason. If you did try again after the errors and didn't succeed, at this time, it would seem to be a problem on your device. If I see other reports that lead me to believe this is a problem with Writing.Com itself, I'll be able to do more to help. If you can access a different device or computer to try it out, that would help you determine if there was something unique to your account or if indeed, as I believe, it's a problem with the current device you are using to access the site. It looks like you're using a Google Pixel 2XL ... which is no longer supported by Google and may be a cause for concern both from the standpoint that they won't be providing you with any security updates ... or functionality updates: Best wishes, ~~SM