Bugs are evil nasty critters that get into the site and break it; Help us exterminate! |
Yeah, I can't remember. I thought when I got the Tagged notifications in Notifications and clicked the link to where we were tagged, that that popped up, but it's not. Those take me directly to the link...which I swear they used to not, but whatever. I guess I'm remembering wrong. I agree that it works in the email and IM. I've got a popup pulled up from previously that I'd meant to review again, but I can't seem to screenshot it for some reason (totally user error, I know ). Okay, I snipped a picture of it or whatever. No idea how I got this popup box, but it happens regularly. Again, I thought I got it when Ruwth tagged me and I clicked on the tagged link in the Notifications popup on the left side, but when I'm doing that now, it takes me to the link instead of creating a popup box like this, so apparently I'm remembering wrong how I got this popup box? Anyway, I think this message is actually deleted, if I recall, but this is an example of what popup type of thing I'm talking about. No, I can't post here because it's gone, but when it wasn't gone, I still couldn't get the ML code to populate. And on other popup boxes as well, not just this one. It happens probably a few times a week since the beginning-ish of September. |